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View Full Version : South korea to officially blame north korea for march torpedo attack on warship

05-19-2010, 12:28 PM
SOUTH KOREA TO OFFICIALLY BLAME NORTH KOREA FOR MARCH TORPEDO ATTACK ON WARSHIP: South Korea will formally blame North Korea on Thursday for launching a torpedo at one of its warships in March, causing an explosion that killed 46 sailors and heightened tensions in one of the world's most perilous regions, U.S. and East Asian officials said. South Korea concluded that North Korea was responsible for the attack after investigators from Australia, Britain, Sweden and the United States pieced together portions of the ship at the port of Pyeongtaek, 40 miles southwest of Seoul. The Cheonan sank on March 26 after an explosion rocked the 1,200-ton vessel as it sailed on the Yellow Sea off South Korea's west coast.

remainder of story at


05-19-2010, 03:50 PM
so what, they ain't going to do nothin about it.

05-20-2010, 09:18 AM
so what, they ain't going to do nothin about it.

So they will be doing something then. Thank you for that, LN.

05-20-2010, 09:38 AM

so the north is threatening all out war if the south retaliates, more saber rattaling it seems. We would crush them but no one wants war.

05-20-2010, 09:43 AM
so what, they ain't going to do nothin about it.

South Korea is an ally of the United States. Should the United States allow an ally to be attacked in this way and do nothing about it? Or should the United States do something? At some point in time the Obama administration is going to have to address the issue. And the world, especially our adversaries, will be watching how they respond.

05-20-2010, 09:47 AM
Not our war and I have no desire to deploy and get nuked by crazy kim. Balls in SKorea's court and they don't want war. Let them blow up our ship and kill Americans, then war is justified.

05-20-2010, 09:55 AM
Of course South Korea does not want war, they also don't want their ships attacked and sunk by North Korea.

"not our war", hmmm well why then does the US have 28,000 troops stationed there?

05-20-2010, 09:57 AM
History does not make a new war our fight although I'm sure we would be involved. The Sk don't even want us there, at least they didn't before this, prolly still don't.

05-20-2010, 12:18 PM
The US Navy should locate, track and simultaneously destroy all NK submarines at sea.

This should be done covertly with stealth technology and deny-deny-deny all involvement.

Everyone would know, but that's a good thing...A threat would be eliminated and a messege sent.

05-20-2010, 03:03 PM
South Korea is an ally of the United States. Should the United States allow an ally to be attacked in this way and do nothing about it? Or should the United States do something? At some point in time the Obama administration is going to have to address the issue. And the world, especially our adversaries, will be watching how they respond.

You know, lots of people like to refer to the Vietnam war at times, but very, very few know what actually went on.

Fact of the matter is, we won the Vietnam war (skirmish or whatever, Im not going to get into semantics.)

But, the democrats started it, and escalated it, and while trying to micromanage it, created a blithering disaster, as well as the bay of pigs.

Kennedy started it, Johnson escelated it and made it a disater along with Macnamara and RFK, and then Nixon won it and ended it.

The Dems also (as usual, they get things entirely backwards) like reducing govt in the one area it shouldnt be, MILITARY. They do it merely to look good and keep certain voter blocks.

I think the Dems are so inept at running the military and a war, and they seem to instinctively know it at this point in time, that they do not welcome any conflicts at all,

which is probably also why so little reporting is coming out of Affghanastan, since the liberal media will hide all the bad news it can

05-20-2010, 08:54 PM
You know, lots of people like to refer to the Vietnam war at times, but very, very few know what actually went on.

Fact of the matter is, we won the Vietnam war (skirmish or whatever, Im not going to get into semantics.)

But, the democrats started it, and escalated it, and while trying to micromanage it, created a blithering disaster, as well as the bay of pigs.

Kennedy started it, Johnson escelated it and made it a disater along with Macnamara and RFK, and then Nixon won it and ended it.

The Dems also (as usual, they get things entirely backwards) like reducing govt in the one area it shouldnt be, MILITARY. They do it merely to look good and keep certain voter blocks.

I think the Dems are so inept at running the military and a war, and they seem to instinctively know it at this point in time, that they do not welcome any conflicts at all,

which is probably also why so little reporting is coming out of Affghanastan, since the liberal media will hide all the bad news it canThe way it should be:

War is an acceptable option only in matters of self defense.

It is the responsibility of Congress to decide whether or not we should go to war.

The moment Congress decides to go to war, total responsibility should be transfered to the military.

The way it actually is:

Wars are now commanded by people wearing thousand dollar suits instead of uniforms, and have more casualties, last longer and disastrous outcomes.

All wars are now about politics and economics and are therefore controlled by the politicians and bankers, who are the only winners.

They become wealthier and more powerful while we finance it all with our money, blood and lives...This is unacceptable.

05-20-2010, 08:58 PM
Not our war and I have no desire to deploy and get nuked by crazy kim. Balls in SKorea's court and they don't want war. Let them blow up our ship and kill Americans, then war is justified.

You actually need to be a service member if you are going to deploy.

05-20-2010, 09:20 PM
We should not nuke North Korea into the Stone Age...

they might consider it an improvement over what they have now.

05-20-2010, 09:56 PM
You actually need to be a service member if you are going to deploy.

I just joined, basic Aug 24 at Ft. Jackson. I'll be a soldier soon. First drill and paycheck this weekend.

05-21-2010, 09:36 AM
South Korea is an ally of the United States. Should the United States allow an ally to be attacked in this way and do nothing about it? Or should the United States do something? At some point in time the Obama administration is going to have to address the issue. And the world, especially our adversaries, will be watching how they respond.

We might have to wait awhile. Obama is too busy bowing to Calderon right now!

05-21-2010, 09:56 AM
Osama's already run to the UN over this. which was to busy counting its profits. so Osama is sitting this one out. pass on to the next admin

05-21-2010, 12:13 PM
An August 2002 poll by the Pew Research Center revealed that South Korea ranked eighth among the 44 countries surveyed in terms of unfavorable attitudes toward the U.S, with higher rates of disapproval than Indonesia and India. Only 53% of South Koreans had a favorable view of the US, while 44% were unfavorably inclined.


you really want to fight for me people who hate us.

Mr. P
05-21-2010, 01:24 PM
An August 2002 poll by the Pew Research Center revealed that South Korea ranked eighth among the 44 countries surveyed in terms of unfavorable attitudes toward the U.S, with higher rates of disapproval than Indonesia and India. Only 53% of South Koreans had a favorable view of the US, while 44% were unfavorably inclined.


you really want to fight for me people who hate us.

What part of your Oath of Enlistment said anything about fighting for any "people"? Just a quick reminder.

I, LiberalNation, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the State of Kentucky against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the Governor of Kentucky and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to law and regulations. So help me God.

05-21-2010, 03:25 PM
Go when called, it wont be to Korea.

05-21-2010, 03:49 PM
unless China and them get into with them not like it would be much of a fight. But they would probably support them quietly and it would get drug out

05-21-2010, 05:51 PM
unless China and them get into with them not like it would be much of a fight. But they would probably support them quietly and it would get drug out

Yep, the reason north korea exists today is because china got into it in 1952. They don't want to lose NK its their best source of slave labor.