View Full Version : If gays get married

05-20-2010, 09:47 PM
what do you think will happen, good or bad.

Just give me your two cents straight, and lets hear it


05-20-2010, 10:24 PM
Gays have already gotten married and guess what? America didn't blow up. More harm was done to morality by Bill Clinton than any couple that got married or lived together.

05-20-2010, 11:27 PM
Nothing. I am of the mind that there are bigger things to worry about than who is sleeping with whom.

05-20-2010, 11:36 PM
Good thing, it will be in all 50 state in the next hundred years.

05-21-2010, 02:37 AM
Good thing, it will be in all 50 state in the next hundred years.

Did you mean all 60 states?:laugh2:

http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrsBKGpwi58 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrsBKGpwi58)

05-21-2010, 05:44 AM
Everyone will throw a huge hissy for or against... and then it'll pretty much just move along shortly thereafter.

05-21-2010, 09:33 AM
Bad thing and here's why.

First, individual states are supposed to decide on rights not enumerated in the Constitution. Since the voters of some states will endorse gay marriage while others won't, this will cause problems. One being, for instance, if a gay couple marries in State A, that recognizes gay marriage,and move to State B, that doesn't. The gay couple will then have to pay a higher rate of tax (State, if it exists and federal). Inevitably, a gay couple will sue to get recognition in all states.

So? The inevitable solution to the whole thing will be a constitutional amendment either allowing or disallowing gay marriage.

If a constitutional amendment allowing gay marriage happens, then what?

Gays will be able to marry, and that's it, right? WRONG!

Then Muslims will want to have their 3 or 4 wives recognized by the government. Eventually, someone will want to marry their sister or brother and get legal recognition. This could get to the point of being ridiculous where someone will want to marry their pet (not because of affection but for getting themselves a tax break).

Then, we will have a situation where the institution of marriage has become little more than a mockery. So?

Well, it will have consequences, some of which we can foresee and some of which we can't. One such problem will have to do with the raising of children. Since marriage's purpose is primarily to provide an environment that encourages having children, and one that is beneficial to them, great harm can be done. Eventually, no one will marry because it will be nothing more than a formality. So, you will get a situation where people will go from "spouse" to "spouse" having children along the way (as is being done now, but to a far greater extent). The result will be a society of people who will have no allegiance to any family.....

well, if they have no allegiance to family, why should they bother having an allegiance to a larger entity, e.g. a nation? After all, the family is the building block of society.

And it all started with gays wanting to marry.....

And that is why gays should not be allowed to marry

05-21-2010, 10:14 AM
Queers with their subversive sickness should not be allowed to marry because then they will want their perverse lifestyle taught as normal, good and right to the children of this country. Then the children who's parents disagree will be mocked and ridiculed in the classrooms by the teachers relentlessly, and pressed to abandon their parents views if its even in a covert fashion. The children will be hammered into submission by the teachers and other students who have already bought into the debauchery. This will either cause open division at home or a chameleon characteristic in the children which undermines morality in the child's life. But then subjective or absent morality is the queers goal anyway; come to think of it that's also the Liberals goals as well.

05-21-2010, 06:16 PM
I am not against gays having a civil union that includes all the things that go along with a perminant union such as insurance and inheritance.

Why call it marriage though???? A marriage has always been between a man and woman, why change the definition???

Gays don't want equality, they want special treatment. If all they wanted was equality than a civil union where they get everything a married couple gets would be enough for them. NO they want everyone to accept that being gay is "natural", it isn't.

Nothing against gay people, think it's gross, but they have every right to their lifestyle. Just please stop pushing your agenda on everyone else.

05-21-2010, 06:38 PM
seperate but equal, isn't, that's why.

05-21-2010, 07:46 PM
seperate but equal, isn't, that's why.
Oh please give me a break will you? Separate but equal? Do you realize that you're comparing yourself to the blacks who suffered under segragation? This doesn't even come close.

Do you have to sit in the back of a bus or eat at a separate table, or attend a separate school just because you're gay?

05-21-2010, 07:52 PM
No you just can't join the military openly and are not protected in most states under civil rights laws which equals descrimination at will, or marry your loved one in most states. Gays have suffered but our day is coming.

05-22-2010, 06:58 AM
No you just can't join the military openly and are not protected in most states under civil rights laws which equals descrimination at will, or marry your loved one in most states. Gays have suffered but our day is coming.

B.S. you are protected in both areas. The military has "don't ask, don't tell" policies and is going in the direction of allowing gays to serve openly (to the detriment of morale). Also, one reason that homosexuals were not allowed to serve is that in case they had access to classified information they could become the target of hostile intelligence who would threaten to out them if they did not give them what they wanted... that's not discrimination, that's protecting our nation's defense.

On the discrimination side...

You can't vote because you're gay? (that can't be... gay voters have a lot of political influence)
You can't own property because you're gay? (again, not true, I know of many gays who buy homes together)
You can't hold public office because you?'re gay? (Barney Frank.. ever heard of him?)
You can't get a job because you're gay? (at Lockheed, gays are everywhere, they even have corporate sponsored affinity groups for them)
You can't attend the church of your choice because you're gay? (again, not true, there are many gay friendly churches .. not that I agree with that but, nonetheless, our country guarantees the freedom of such institutions)
You can't attend the school of your choice because you're gay? (My son's college has a "pride" coalition... guess that means that gays attend college, huh?)
You can't hold property or leave it to your loved one because you're gay? (Suzie Ormand, the gay financial advisor, said in an interview that she was leaving her estate to her girlfriend... guess you have the right to do this too)

BTW... if I, a straight man, suddenly decided that I wanted to marry my sister, I would not be able to.... would that be discrimination too? Or if I fell in love with a 10 year old... how about that? Perhaps if I wanted to have 2 wives... is that discrimination?

The problem with gays is that you seem to confuse a right with something you want...

and... as I said before, bestowing the "right" to marry to gays is decided by the voters in your state... would you take away their right to vote just so that you can get married?