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View Full Version : D.C. to begin using more-expensive Trojan condoms

05-23-2010, 10:20 AM
High school students and college-age adults have been complaining to District officials that the free condoms the city has been offering are not of good enough quality and are too small and that getting them from school nurses is "just like asking grandma or auntie."
"If people get what they don't want, they are just going to trash them," said T. Squalls, 30, who attends the University of the District of Columbia. "So why not spend a few extra dollars and get what people want?"

So why not spend a few extra dollars?
Cause its MY MONEY, you fool....
Why not buy your own you stupid greedy rat bastard....frees not good enough?
This is what happens where asshole liberals just give the parasites more and more of whatever they want....no matter what the commodity..the parasites want more and get the idea "we" owe them, they deserve whatever it is, and its their "right" to get the best....well, fuck them.

The money would be better spent for sterilizing them pukes...

05-23-2010, 12:11 PM
High school students and college-age adults have been complaining to District officials that the free condoms the city has been offering are not of good enough quality and are too small and that getting them from school nurses is "just like asking grandma or auntie."
"If people get what they don't want, they are just going to trash them," said T. Squalls, 30, who attends the University of the District of Columbia. "So why not spend a few extra dollars and get what people want?"

So why not spend a few extra dollars?
Cause its MY MONEY, you fool....
Why not buy your own you stupid greedy rat bastard....frees not good enough?
This is what happens where asshole liberals just give the parasites more and more of whatever they want....no matter what the commodity..the parasites want more and get the idea "we" owe them, they deserve whatever it is, and its their "right" to get the best....well, fuck them.

The money would be better spent for sterilizing them pukes...

let them buy their condoms from gas station bathroom vending machines, just like everyone else.....

05-23-2010, 12:30 PM
Here's a thought...............let them buy their own and see how costly it is over time...The more they play the game the more it'll cost 'em.... (and in more ways than one). Buying condoms for them only encourages them to continue on with their behaviors.

05-23-2010, 12:44 PM
I think those who promote these give-aways are thinking it's cheaper than abortions or welfare.....because they are not going to stop having sex just because they can't afford condoms, or get the quality they want.

This country needs to get back on track with higher morals being taught to our children .... and unfortunately, parents are fighting an uphill battle when they have to compete with the type of media our kids are exposed to. From tv, movies, video games, books, magazines, school culture, etc. The best birth control I had was my mom telling me that she would beat the life out of me if I ever let a boy in my pants.....and trust me, she would have.

05-23-2010, 12:48 PM
let them buy their condoms from gas station bathroom vending machines, just like everyone else.....

Is that how you do it? :poke: <--poking with an unprotected stick.

05-23-2010, 01:02 PM
I think those who promote these give-aways are thinking it's cheaper than abortions or welfare.....because they are not going to stop having sex just because they can't afford condoms, or get the quality they want.

This country needs to get back on track with higher morals being taught to our children .... and unfortunately, parents are fighting an uphill battle when they have to compete with the type of media our kids are exposed to. From tv, movies, video games, books, magazines, school culture, etc. The best birth control I had was my mom telling me that she would beat the life out of me if I ever let a boy in my pants.....and trust me, she would have.

It's a sure thing that the morals of this country have deterioriated to new lows. Morals? What the heck are those? Not only are the media to blame but millions of parents as well for not keeping better track of what their child is up to. When you have parents, especially moms that let their daughters dress with the shortest skirts they can find, or tops with their boobs all hanging out, it's no wonder the sexual drive has gotten out of control. If I had ever tried sneaking out dressed as that my mom would've put her foot in the center of my ass. And the imprint would've remained there for days..... There just isn't the discipline there once was. Millions of kids are disrespectful and are adamant that they will do whatever they wish to do regardless of what anyone says.... Look at the role models they see all around them. T and A all over the place. Sex this. Sex that. And the way they talk about it, esp. boys/men, is just downright disgusting. There is not much respect for girls and women anymore. But then, if you dress and talk like tramps, why should anyone give you respect?

05-23-2010, 01:04 PM
let them buy their condoms from gas station bathroom vending machines, just like everyone else.....

Because they'd have to pay for them. The other way, the taxpayer is....

05-23-2010, 03:13 PM
Good program for preventing pregnancy.

05-23-2010, 03:31 PM
Good program for preventing pregnancy.

So is abstinence and swallowing. They don't cost me a penny.

05-23-2010, 03:37 PM
Is that how you do it? :poke: <--poking with an unprotected stick.

if you aren't smart enough to figure out how to buy protection then you aren't smart enough to find a woman willing to let you use it......I expect you think we ought to provide them with the ones with frilly ribs and lotions to intensify the result.....

05-23-2010, 03:45 PM
if you aren't smart enough to figure out how to buy protection then you aren't smart enough to find a woman willing to let you use it......I expect you think we ought to provide them with the ones with frilly ribs and lotions to intensify the result.....

Unlike you, I do not believe in State sponsored welfare.

05-23-2010, 05:37 PM
Unlike you, I do not believe in State sponsored welfare.

are you nuts?...where did you come up with that upside down conclusion.....have you ever read any of my posts?....you spin brained liberals are all alike.....

05-23-2010, 06:37 PM
are you nuts?...where did you come up with that upside down conclusion.....have you ever read any of my posts?....you spin brained liberals are all alike.....

You want to give illegal aliens a "living wage" and healthcare. That is State sponsored welfare. Something you apparently condone and believe in.

05-24-2010, 07:56 AM
they don't fit ????


05-24-2010, 09:44 AM
So is abstinence and swallowing. They don't cost me a penny.

it will cost you more if they get pregnant and are now on welfare and wic and foodstamps and free daycare. Condoms are much cheaper.

05-24-2010, 09:49 AM
You want to give illegal aliens a "living wage" and healthcare. That is State sponsored welfare. Something you apparently condone and believe in.
dumbfuck....I said we should require their employers pay them a living wage before we let them into the country so we wouldn't HAVE to provide them with welfare and healthcare.....have you always been an idiot or did it only start when you began posting here.....I suspect, like most liberals, you fried your brain on drugs at an early age....

Abbey Marie
05-24-2010, 10:44 AM
it will cost you more if they get pregnant and are now on welfare and wic and foodstamps and free daycare. Condoms are much cheaper.

How's about we reintroduce the concept of working for a living? That's even cheaper.

05-24-2010, 11:23 AM
Try getting a job with 12% unemployment as an 17 yo unwed mother. Even if she did it wouldn't be a living wage.

05-24-2010, 12:35 PM
Try getting a job with 12% unemployment as an 17 yo unwed mother. Even if she did it wouldn't be a living wage.

It's too bad she didn't realize how hard it would be to get a job to support herself and her child BEFORE she decided to get pregnant and become a 17 yo unwed mother who can't find a job.

05-24-2010, 01:36 PM
Too darn bad the men/boys don't lock up their pps and the girls/women aren't smart enough to clamp their legs shut........ At some point, we'll be as over populated as some third world countries.

05-24-2010, 02:07 PM
All of our population growth is immigration. Most first world countries have declining pops with birth rates that don't equal death.

05-24-2010, 02:17 PM
All of our population growth is immigration. Most first world countries have declining pops with birth rates that don't equal death.

legal immigration is a good thing.....

Abbey Marie
05-24-2010, 02:23 PM
It's too bad she didn't realize how hard it would be to get a job to support herself and her child BEFORE she decided to get pregnant and become a 17 yo unwed mother who can't find a job.

You said it.

And I maintain that the lack of shame over being an "unwed mom" (how's that for a quaint old-fashioned term?) coupled with the assurance that the good old gov't (via us taxpayers) will be there to hand out the aid, is exactly why it keeps happening more and more and more. LN put the legs-wide-open cart before the lack of personal responsibility horse.

05-24-2010, 03:14 PM
Why don't we simply revive the pre-1960's value system by once again teaching our children that premarital sex is unacceptable and that it is not the reponsibility of the American taxpayers to finance the consequencies of their irresponsible behavior.

In other words; if you make a baby and are unable to provide for it, you must either go to a local church and beg for assistance or adopt your baby out to a family who will love and care for it and stop demanding that your neighbors pay for your mistakes.

Look at the consequencies of the sexual revolution that taught the young that free love is cool and the feminist movement that told us a father is not necessary to the developement of normal well adjusted children in the new industrialized 20th century.

The result has been a class of government dependent Americans unable to care for themselves, whose children are raised in a culture of poverty and crime and drop out of school only to end up in our prison system to be further burdens on the taxpayers.

The liberals will tell that capitalist greed is the cause of their suffering and that we should give these poor people even more money to lift them out of their poverty but what they don't tell you is that it is their policies that got them into this mess to begin with.

Why would anyone listen to a liberal?...Their policies have destroyed millions of lives and their political correctness is destroying a nation...ie, everything they touch turns to shit.

05-24-2010, 04:53 PM
Good to see so many advocates of teen pregnancy.

05-24-2010, 08:12 PM
dumbfuck....I said we should require their employers pay them a living wage before we let them into the country so we wouldn't HAVE to provide them with welfare and healthcare.....have you always been an idiot or did it only start when you began posting here.....I suspect, like most liberals, you fried your brain on drugs at an early age....

Dumbfuck? Liberal moron? What's wrong PimP daddy? Panties in a bunch? Requiring employers means the government is involved through regulations. Forcing an employer to provide healthcare makes the government the PimP and the employer the prostitute. Entry level jobs are just that, entry level. They are not meant to be a career. If you force an employer to provide a living wage and healthcare, you have just removed all incentive for the employee to improve himself. See, you are why this country has gone stagnant and is being surpassed by other nations. There is no need to be better or improve yourself when the government dictates how much you are paid and what kind of healthcare you have. Make sense?

05-24-2010, 09:35 PM
Dumbfuck? Liberal moron? What's wrong PimP daddy? Panties in a bunch? Requiring employers means the government is involved through regulations. Forcing an employer to provide healthcare makes the government the PimP and the employer the prostitute. Entry level jobs are just that, entry level. They are not meant to be a career. If you force an employer to provide a living wage and healthcare, you have just removed all incentive for the employee to improve himself. See, you are why this country has gone stagnant and is being surpassed by other nations. There is no need to be better or improve yourself when the government dictates how much you are paid and what kind of healthcare you have. Make sense?

nothing you say makes sense, moron....we were talking about immigration....I suggested allowing an increase in legal immigration IF a person was willing to work and an employer was willing to hire them and IF the employer was willing to pay them enough money that they wouldn't become a burden on society.......you haven't got a fucking clue what you're talking about.....why are you going on about "entry level jobs"......you think it's amusing to change what I said into something completely different?.....get your head on straight and stop acting like an ass......you wouldn't make a pimple on a true conservative's ass.....

05-25-2010, 12:36 AM
nothing you say makes sense, moron....we were talking about immigration....I suggested allowing an increase in legal immigration IF a person was willing to work and an employer was willing to hire them and IF the employer was willing to pay them enough money that they wouldn't become a burden on society.......you haven't got a fucking clue what you're talking about.....why are you going on about "entry level jobs"......you think it's amusing to change what I said into something completely different?.....get your head on straight and stop acting like an ass......you wouldn't make a pimple on a true conservative's ass.....

Negative rep and called me an asshole. I must really be getting under your skin.

I'll take that as a sign that I've won this argument. :slap:

05-25-2010, 06:42 AM
Good to see so many advocates of teen pregnancy.Excuse me Gabby, but are you not aware that we already have a teen pregnacy problem and that it is your liberal policies that caused it?

The only solution is to return to the christian/conservative policies that were in place back when we did not have a teen pregnacy problem.

You do know what christian/conservative policies are, right?...That's when we teach our children morality, self-reliance and good citizenship.

Oh My! :eek: Those are bad words to the lowly liberals. :laugh2:

05-25-2010, 06:44 AM
Negative rep and called me an asshole. I must really be getting under your skin.

I'll take that as a sign that I've won this argument. :slap:

uhh, in order to win an argument you generally have to raise one.....all you've done is raise an irrelevant point, insult me, lie about what I've posted here and in general make yourself look like a fool....so yeah, I'll admit it, people who outright lie about what I've said get under my skin....apparently you have developed some sort of disorder that prevents you from reading my posts.....instead, you'd prefer to make up derogatory things and pretend I've said them, then insult me for it ...I'm not sure if your problem is congenital or if it was chemically induced, but I recommend you seek treatment.....meanwhile I will consider your posts to be on a par with bullypulpits......

05-25-2010, 08:03 AM
uhh, in order to win an argument you generally have to raise one.....all you've done is raise an irrelevant point, insult me, lie about what I've posted here and in general make yourself look like a fool....so yeah, I'll admit it, people who outright lie about what I've said get under my skin....apparently you have developed some sort of disorder that prevents you from reading my posts.....instead, you'd prefer to make up derogatory things and pretend I've said them, then insult me for it ...I'm not sure if your problem is congenital or if it was chemically induced, but I recommend you seek treatment.....meanwhile I will consider your posts to be on a par with bullypulpits......

Personal Attacks.... how cute. Face it PimPy, you favor State sponsored welfare. No matter how you spin it, if you want the government to dictate how much an employer pays his employees, it is called welfare. Call me names, say I'm distorting the truth, do what you want. There is no lie to what I've said. You want to legalize the illegals, force employers to give them a living wage and healthcare, which is a backdoor to state sponsored welfare.

Maybe we should give them condoms so they stop producing anchor babies.

Your turn.....

05-25-2010, 09:20 AM
There is no lie to what I've said. You want to legalize the illegals, force employers to give them a living wage and healthcare, which is a backdoor to state sponsored welfare.

Maybe we should give them condoms so they stop producing anchor babies.

Your turn.....

of course what you say is a lie.....I have stated I want to create a rational program of legal immigration....unlike you I have no intention of letting people into the country if they don't have a job that keeps them off the public welfare system.....you on the other hand want cheap labor that feeds off the public trough to survive.....THAT is backdoor welfare and all so you can get your lawn mowed cheaply......

and by the way, YOU were the one who objected when I said people should buy their own condoms, so apparently you're the one who wants to distribute them free, neh?.....

05-25-2010, 08:26 PM
of course what you say is a lie.....I have stated I want to create a rational program of legal immigration....unlike you I have no intention of letting people into the country if they don't have a job that keeps them off the public welfare system.....you on the other hand want cheap labor that feeds off the public trough to survive.....THAT is backdoor welfare and all so you can get your lawn mowed cheaply......

and by the way, YOU were the one who objected when I said people should buy their own condoms, so apparently you're the one who wants to distribute them free, neh?.....

You spin better than a top. "Rational Program" is doublespeak for legalizing illegals. Forcing employers to give them a 'living wage' is government forced welfare. There is no way around it and calling me names and giving me negative rep doesn't change it.

Mr. P
05-25-2010, 09:25 PM
...I have stated I want to create a rational program of legal immigration....

We have that.

05-25-2010, 10:29 PM
We have that.

really?.....limited to only 20k immigrants per country per year?.....

05-25-2010, 10:31 PM
You spin better than a top. "Rational Program" is doublespeak for legalizing illegals.

your nothing more than an idiot.....everything you post is just doublespeak for "I don't know what I'm saying"......a rational program for legal immigration is just what it sounds like, a rational program for legal immigration.....why don't you argue with what I say instead of pretending I've said something you don't like and arguing with what you've pretended I've said.....

Mr. P
05-25-2010, 10:41 PM
really?.....limited to only 20k immigrants per country per year?.....

Yes really. Immigration is about limits.

05-25-2010, 11:34 PM
your nothing more than an idiot.....everything you post is just doublespeak for "I don't know what I'm saying"......a rational program for legal immigration is just what it sounds like, a rational program for legal immigration.....why don't you argue with what I say instead of pretending I've said something you don't like and arguing with what you've pretended I've said.....

Calling me an idiot doesn't make you smarter. Every time I have addressed something you said, you go off on a tangent and call me names. Now you are parroting words I say. Bottom line is you support state sponsored welfare, you believe in forcing employers to pay a wage that is greater than the federal minimum wage. You want to force employers to provide health care and you want to grant amnesty to over 20,000,000 illegal aliens. I know this is true and if I research your previous posts from other threads I can quote you. You tell me I don't know what I'm saying, but I'll take the three positive reps I got for these posts over the one negative rep your sorry ass gave me as proof I know what I am talking about.

Maybe you would make more sense if you used complete sentences instead of incoherent ramblings.

05-26-2010, 12:14 AM
Good to see so many advocates of teen pregnancy.

Gabby .... how did teens keep from getting pregnant before condoms were invented?

05-26-2010, 06:56 AM
Bottom line is you support state sponsored welfare
do you think repeating that lie will make it true.....get a clue, fool....you are twisting what I say into meaningless bullshit of your own manufacture...are you pretending I'm advocating for employer provided healthcare for everyone?...that's a lie, pure and simple.....are you claiming I'm advocating a "living wage" for every employee?....again, that's a lie, pure and simple.....you are a dishonest debater......you've used this tactic on me before and I'm not letting it slide again......you make things up, accuse me of saying things I have not said, then attack your lies instead of dealing with what I have said.....so either deal with what I post or fuck off.......

I know this is true and if I research your previous posts from other threads I can quote you
give it a shot, dumbfuck.....you lied about what I said then, you're lying about it now....I proposed a system of LEGAL immigration.....

. You tell me I don't know what I'm saying, but I'll take the three positive reps I got for these posts over the one negative rep your sorry ass gave me as proof I know what I am talking about.
ah, so there are three people here as ignorant as you are?.....why am I not surprised.....

if you want a review of how off base you are on this thread just revisit your first response to my posts here....you claimed I said the exact opposite of what I said.......can you get any dumber than that?

meanwhile, instead of making up shit and pretending it's what I believe, then attacking it, why do you ignore a thread where we could discuss what I really believe?....

05-26-2010, 07:00 AM
Yes really. Immigration is about limits.

immigration is about limits if your goal is job protection......immigration wasn't about limits when my grandparents came here in the 1800s.....immigration didn't become about limits until the 1920s, when some folks got concerned about the folks immigrating here from Asia and South America.....now immigration seems to be about protecting labor unions......

what is it YOU want to limit?.....

05-26-2010, 10:09 PM
do you think repeating that lie will make it true.....get a clue, fool....you are twisting what I say into meaningless bullshit of your own manufacture...are you pretending I'm advocating for employer provided healthcare for everyone?...that's a lie, pure and simple.....are you claiming I'm advocating a "living wage" for every employee?....again, that's a lie, pure and simple.....you are a dishonest debater......you've used this tactic on me before and I'm not letting it slide again......you make things up, accuse me of saying things I have not said, then attack your lies instead of dealing with what I have said.....so either deal with what I post or fuck off.......

Fuck off? You getting pissed PimPy? So let me ask a question in terms.....you can understand..... Are you only proposing a living wage and healthcare for illegal immigrants? Do you not care about the starving college students that don't have healthcare and work for minimum wage? Do you hate Americans and wish to give our country to Mexico? Sure sounds like it.

give it a shot, dumbfuck.....you lied about what I said then, you're lying about it now....I proposed a system of LEGAL immigration.....

Dumfuck? I guess PimPy doesn't like me. Remember the thread where you called me a racist? All your posts are over there.

ah, so there are three people here as ignorant as you are?.....why am I not surprised.....

if you want a review of how off base you are on this thread just revisit your first response to my posts here....you claimed I said the exact opposite of what I said.......can you get any dumber than that?

meanwhile, instead of making up shit and pretending it's what I believe, then attacking it, why do you ignore a thread where we could discuss what I really believe?....

So some of the top rated posters on this board are ignorant? I'll tell you what PimPy, you don't call me a racist or any other names, debate like an adult, seek counseling about your anger issues and I'll respond to that thread. Deal?

Mr. P
05-26-2010, 10:59 PM
immigration is about limits if your goal is job protection......immigration wasn't about limits when my grandparents came here in the 1800s.....immigration didn't become about limits until the 1920s, when some folks got concerned about the folks immigrating here from Asia and South America.....now immigration seems to be about protecting labor unions......

what is it YOU want to limit?.....

Runaway government.

05-27-2010, 08:49 AM
Are you only proposing a living wage and healthcare for illegal immigrants?

an example of why you're an idiot.....I didn't propose living wage and healthcare for illegal immigrants at all.......you made that up and then you attacked it.....what I actually said was that we should allow people to legally immigrate, but only if they had a job that paid them a living wage and healthcare.....this would insure they would NOT be on public welfare......I'm sure those reading this who aren't as brain damaged as you will notice the difference...

Dumfuck? I guess PimPy doesn't like me. Remember the thread where you called me a racist? All your posts are over there.
of course I remember it.....you were acting like a fool then, you're acting like a fool now....what's your point?

So some of the top rated posters on this board are ignorant? I'll tell you what PimPy, you don't call me a racist or any other names, debate like an adult, seek counseling about your anger issues and I'll respond to that thread. Deal?

if they gave you positive rep for the drivel you've posted on this thread I'm afraid I will have to call them ignorant.....I will however, pledge to not call you a racist in any thread in which you do not act like a racist.....and, so long as you don't lie about what I have said any more I promise to treat you as something close to human.......will that do?......of course, I will expect an apology for your misrepresentation of what I have said on this thread......that's the least you can do.....

05-27-2010, 08:50 AM
Runaway government.

how is freeing up immigration 'runaway government'......is this a topic change?.....

Mr. P
05-27-2010, 12:22 PM
how is freeing up immigration 'runaway government'......is this a topic change?.....

You ax me a question "what is it YOU want to limit?" and I answered.
What is the topic and what does it have to do with immigration?

05-27-2010, 05:05 PM
You ax me a question "what is it YOU want to limit?" and I answered.
What is the topic and what does it have to do with immigration?

first of all, it was Marine that brought up immigration in this thread, second I specifically asked you a question about immigration and you responded with the the "runaway government" answer.....thus, I think it is fair game to ask you what runaway government has to do with immigration....

Mr. P
05-27-2010, 07:23 PM
first of all, it was Marine that brought up immigration in this thread, second I specifically asked you a question about immigration and you responded with the the "runaway government" answer.....thus, I think it is fair game to ask you what runaway government has to do with immigration....

No you didn't.

05-27-2010, 08:18 PM
an example of why you're an idiot.....I didn't propose living wage and healthcare for illegal immigrants at all.......you made that up and then you attacked it.....what I actually said was that we should allow people to legally immigrate, but only if they had a job that paid them a living wage and healthcare.....this would insure they would NOT be on public welfare......I'm sure those reading this who aren't as brain damaged as you will notice the difference...

Fine....legal immigrants.....now what about American citizens?

Also, forcing employers to provide a living wage to legal immigrants is still government forced welfare. If the legal immigrant cannot live on the wages being offered than they should not be allowed to come here.

05-27-2010, 09:14 PM
Also, forcing employers to provide a living wage to legal immigrants is still government forced welfare.

no, it isn't....and that should be obvious....if the taxpayers aren't paying for it, it isn't welfare.....it simply guarantees an employer isn't going to bring someone into the country that IS going to be on welfare

05-27-2010, 09:15 PM
Fine....legal immigrants.....now what about American citizens?
no, I'm not suggesting "living wage" and health care as a requirement for American citizens....there is no reason to set up a system to insure taxpayers don't have to foot the bill for them coming here.....they are already here....

05-27-2010, 10:01 PM
no, it isn't....and that should be obvious....if the taxpayers aren't paying for it, it isn't welfare.....it simply guarantees an employer isn't going to bring someone into the country that IS going to be on welfare

Yes.....it is...... The taxpayers will pay for it in the way of increased costs at the cash register. There is no way an employer is going to pay a government enforced living wage and not pass the difference on to consumers. It is simple economics.

no, I'm not suggesting "living wage" and health care as a requirement for American citizens....there is no reason to set up a system to insure taxpayers don't have to foot the bill for them coming here.....they are already here....

So does that mean it is OK for American citizens to go on welfare and have the taxpayer support them but no the immigrant? Why?

05-27-2010, 11:32 PM
So does that mean it is OK for American citizens to go on welfare and have the taxpayer support them but no the immigrant? Why?

because there is no reason to allow them into the country if they don't have a job that would keep them off taxpayer support......if you had bothered to read my posts so far you would have already had that answer....

05-27-2010, 11:39 PM
Yes.....it is...... The taxpayers will pay for it in the way of increased costs at the cash register. There is no way an employer is going to pay a government enforced living wage and not pass the difference on to consumers. It is simple economics.

so basically, the reason you don't like my plan is that it doesn't allow the employer to pay less than a living wage so you can buy things cheaper?.....that's not simple economics, that's simple-mindedness....

if the employer doesn't want to pay an immigrant a living wage plus healthcare plus the dollar surcharge to finance the immigration system, then he can hire an American to do the job at a lower cost......if he can't get an American to do the job at a lower cost he will either pay more or have nothing to sell, and he goes out of business....if his customers aren't willing to pay more then he won't have sales and he will go out of business.....if his customers ARE willing to pay more, then prices will go up.....now THAT'S simple economics.....

trying to keep prices down by forcing illegals to work for substandard wages is the liberal way.....I can see why you like it.....

05-27-2010, 11:41 PM
because there is no reason to allow them into the country if they don't have a job that would keep them off taxpayer support......if you had bothered to read my posts so far you would have already had that answer....

Then they should not be allowed to enter the country. If you don't do it for Americans, you damn well better not do it for a foreigner. Give the job to an American first.

Got a problem with that? Employ all Americans then fill the jobs with qualified legal immigrants. All others should be sent home, starting with those that entered this country illegally.

05-28-2010, 12:02 AM
Why don't we simply revive the pre-1960's value system by once again teaching our children that premarital sex is unacceptable and that it is not the reponsibility of the American taxpayers to finance the consequencies of their irresponsible behavior.

Unfortunately for your argument, telling kids that pre-marital sex was wrong did not prevent pre-marital sex prior to the 60's.

05-28-2010, 12:41 AM
Gabby .... how did teens keep from getting pregnant before condoms were invented?

Condoms are an older method of birth control than you think!


05-28-2010, 08:01 AM
Then they should not be allowed to enter the country. If you don't do it for Americans, you damn well better not do it for a foreigner. Give the job to an American first.

Got a problem with that? Employ all Americans then fill the jobs with qualified legal immigrants.

Lol....yah, I got a problem with that...... you have no problem with the government telling an employer who he may or may not hire?.....And yet you pretend you're a conservative?......Remarkable.....

All others should be sent home, starting with those that entered this country illegally.
"Starting with"?......who are you planning on sending home when you get done with the ones who entered illegally?......so basically you have a problem with all "foreigners"?.....

05-28-2010, 08:08 AM
No you didn't.

of course I did, go back to post #43, you quoted my question in your answer.....in fact, YOU were the one who said immigration was about limits, I asked you what you wanted to limit...

Mr. P
05-28-2010, 09:10 AM
of course I did, go back to post #43, you quoted my question in your answer.....in fact, YOU were the one who said immigration was about limits, I asked you what you wanted to limit...

Post #34 is your answer. You made an assumption, I guess, that I wanted some new limits.

05-28-2010, 12:44 PM
Post #34 is your answer. You made an assumption, I guess, that I wanted some new limits.

????.....how can #34 be an answer to a question I posed in #41?........