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View Full Version : Now this is just messed up

05-24-2010, 07:34 PM










Mr. P
05-24-2010, 08:06 PM
So are ya gonna get out there and do what you can do TUba, or are you gonna do the N.O. whine "help me, help me" thingy?

05-24-2010, 08:17 PM
Yeah, what are you doing Tuba?

05-24-2010, 08:57 PM
Yeah, what are you doing Tuba?


05-24-2010, 08:57 PM
So are ya gonna get out there and do what you can do TUba, or are you gonna do the N.O. whine "help me, help me" thingy?

Dude shut the fuck up.

05-24-2010, 09:00 PM
So are ya gonna get out there and do what you can do TUba, or are you gonna do the N.O. whine "help me, help me" thingy?

Dude shut the fuck up.

Take note that he is not blaming B.O. for his inaction. A liberal would never do that to their messiah.

05-24-2010, 09:00 PM
Take note that he is not blaming B.O. for his inaction. A liberal would never do that to their messiah.

More useless drivel.

05-24-2010, 09:29 PM

In other words, you aren't doing a darn think to help clean up a problem you find so horrible.

You know, if I was upset about something as much as you claim to be, Id be out there volunteering to do what I can to fix the problem. I wouldn't be sitting online whining about it.

Mr. P
05-24-2010, 09:29 PM
So are ya gonna get out there and do what you can do TUba, or are you gonna do the N.O. whine "help me, help me" thingy?

Dude shut the fuck up.

If I stfu you may think I condone yer whining. Then you may NEVER get off yer ass an do something about that you wanna bitch about. The truth hurts..I know.

Now I know that "Work" is a four letter word for libs, but sometimes ya just gotta do what ya gotta do...So get them gloves an head for the swamp, there's work to do. The good news is it's voluntary..right up yer liberal do good ass. SO...send pics when ya actually DO something instead of just bitchin.

05-24-2010, 09:29 PM
So are ya gonna get out there and do what you can do TUba, or are you gonna do the N.O. whine "help me, help me" thingy?

Looks like he answered with the latter.

05-25-2010, 02:37 AM
In other words, you aren't doing a darn think to help clean up a problem you find so horrible.

I fucking shaved my head asshole.

You know, if I was upset about something as much as you claim to be, Id be out there volunteering to do what I can to fix the problem. I wouldn't be sitting online whining about it.

No you wouldn't. They aren't taking volunteers without specialized experience right now, shit head.

05-25-2010, 02:37 AM
If I stfu you may think I condone yer whining. Then you may NEVER get off yer ass an do something about that you wanna bitch about. The truth hurts..I know.

Now I know that "Work" is a four letter word for libs, but sometimes ya just gotta do what ya gotta do...So get them gloves an head for the swamp, there's work to do. The good news is it's voluntary..right up yer liberal do good ass. SO...send pics when ya actually DO something instead of just bitchin.

Please, Oh Great One, what exactly should I be doing? You're not exactly being helpful. In fact all you're doing is lobbing criticism. And that's all you've got - is judgment of others. You actually have zero information that would be helpful to anyone.

See on this page :


It says "Volunteers are not yet needed, but if you would like to be updated as needs arise, please register here."

So, what? Put on gloves and head to the swamp? My OHSA certification expired about 8 years ago, and I don't handle hazardous chemicals without training and equipment, because I'm not a moron like you. I don't have a boat either. You kind of need one of those to get around the swamp, but I guess you didn't think of that, because everything is oh just so fucking simple and easy for almighty you. If only you were here, you could use your magical conservative superpowers to clean off ten pelicans in one breath of your divine air, oh how we wish oh supreme You would Grace us with your Almighty Fucking Presence

red states rule
05-25-2010, 04:02 AM
More useless drivel.

I agree

However, posting useless drivel is not against the rules. So I have no choice but to allow you to keep posting

05-25-2010, 06:24 AM
f u bp.

05-25-2010, 09:11 AM
I agree

However, posting useless drivel is not against the rules. So I have no choice but to allow you to keep posting

I've got a chipmunk trying to pop his head out my ass right now, reminds me of you.

05-25-2010, 09:33 AM
despite the fact that I really DON'T see eye-to-eye with you I will agree that the handling of this catastrophe is horendous and needs to be sped up to keep the damage down.

I think we would have seen a diffrent picture and a lot more action being taken if this happend off the coast of Florida or Heaven forbid Martha's Vineyard.....

Just saying, it's all about who you know and how much you scream........

To the rest of you guys who are bashing ST because of who he is, I would remind you that this is a complete cluster f*** and needs to be taken care of.

05-25-2010, 11:10 AM
despite the fact that I really DON'T see eye-to-eye with you I will agree that the handling of this catastrophe is horendous and needs to be sped up to keep the damage down.

I think we would have seen a diffrent picture and a lot more action being taken if this happend off the coast of Florida or Heaven forbid Martha's Vineyard.....

Just saying, it's all about who you know and how much you scream........

To the rest of you guys who are bashing ST because of who he is, I would remind you that this is a complete cluster f*** and needs to be taken care of.

It will be happening off the coast of Florida, not too long from now.

BP has net assets of 90 billion. Not sure how many of those are in the U.S. - I think Obama should freeze them by executive order and take all of BP's U.S. derived profit until the spill is stopped and cleaned up. Time to use Article I, this is an emergency and an assault on our shores.

Obama starting to piss me off. Not sure how much of that is just media frenzy, only time will tell. Jindal on the other hand has nutted up and we're going to build barrier islands with or without the Army Corps approval

red states rule
05-25-2010, 06:42 PM
It will be happening off the coast of Florida, not too long from now.

BP has net assets of 90 billion. Not sure how many of those are in the U.S. - I think Obama should freeze them by executive order and take all of BP's U.S. derived profit until the spill is stopped and cleaned up. Time to use Article I, this is an emergency and an assault on our shores.

Obama starting to piss me off. Not sure how much of that is just media frenzy, only time will tell. Jindal on the other hand has nutted up and we're going to build barrier islands with or without the Army Corps approval

So "take all their profit"? Don't you think the government gets enough in taxes? BP is losing billions by the lost oil and the cleanup costs

I understand libs want to use this to bash an oil company, demand to stop off shore drilling, and start sprewing the usual crap that taxes need to be raised

You are right about one things, Obama is pissing off alot people - look at his poll numbers

05-25-2010, 08:47 PM
So "take all their profit"?

yes. Why should they be allowed to profit while shitting on us?

Don't you think the government gets enough in taxes?

From BP? No.

BP is losing billions by the lost oil and the cleanup costs
Sucks for them, don't see why that should be our problem.

I understand libs want to use this to bash an oil company, demand to stop off shore drilling, and start sprewing the usual crap that taxes need to be raised

No, that's not what this is about, nice dodge though.

05-25-2010, 08:54 PM
Well,as far as the pics go.....very sad. It would be nice if someone would do something that worked. Those pics are just heartbreaking,and I don't see how boycotting and all this other stuff is going to help. Being an animal lover,I feel sorry for the real victims in all this.

red states rule
05-26-2010, 04:37 AM
yes. Why should they be allowed to profit while shitting on us?

From BP? No.

Sucks for them, don't see why that should be our problem.

No, that's not what this is about, nice dodge though.

So you support Obama taking over the oil companies, bash capitalism, and even talk about the death penalty for the BP executives like others on your side are doing

<object width="518" height="419"><param name="movie" value="http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/eyeblast.swf?v=XdqGnz4zpr" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/eyeblast.swf?v=XdqGnz4zpr" allowfullscreen="true" width="518" height="419" /></object>

and it is time to USE this spill for political gain

The Battle's Lost. The War's Begun.

There is only one possible redemption in this horror, and even that is a slim chance. If the enormity of what has happened in the Gulf can hold the country's atrophied attention long enough, and if we can mobilize fast enough, we might, just might, be able to bring about a positive change from this:

Real and comprehensive energy and climate legislation.

We must act now to force our legislators to write law with teeth and real effect, law that requires consumers pay the true price of the carbon they burn, law that requires business to pay the true price of the carbon they spew, law that includes the costs of things "no one could have anticipated" into the price of doing business.

We are going to have to fight harder for this than for health care or finance reform or DADT repeal. We are going to have to find Republicans to turn. (You really don't think Mary Landrieu is going to oppose her owners on this, do you?) And we are going to have to do it now, this summer.

Because, despite their never getting another decent shrimp, despite their condo in Destin halving in value, despite all the pictures of ugly, oily critters, America is going to forget this, the largest kill-off the environment will likely see in our lifetimes.

A new crisis will erupt, a new tragedy will befall an innocent, a celebrity will fuck someone they shouldn't. Americans will drool by their TVs, remark, "Ain't that somethin'?" and then hop in their vehicles to work and shop and play. More holes will be dug.

And all of this will have meant nothing.

Unless we use this moment, use the deaths of species and the suffering of people who depend on them, in the most cynical, calculated way, as bad as a Republican after 9/11, to make real, lasting change in how we address the costs of our way of life.

You cannot save the Gulf. But you can make its death mean something.


05-26-2010, 09:21 AM
Those pics are just heartbreaking,and I don't see how boycotting and all this other stuff is going to help.

Its quite simple to explain. If we, and by "we" I mean not only the consumer boycotters - but the trial lawyers with their clients, federal and local government regulators and prosecutors, and the media - break the back of BP like the little bitch it is - all the other oil companies will see it and not want to have the crap beaten out of them, and will instead take pro-active measures to ensure something of this magnitude never happens again.

05-26-2010, 09:22 AM
So you support Obama taking over the oil companies, bash capitalism, and even talk about the death penalty for the BP executives like others on your side are doing

<object width="518" height="419"><param name="movie" value="http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/eyeblast.swf?v=XdqGnz4zpr" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/eyeblast.swf?v=XdqGnz4zpr" allowfullscreen="true" width="518" height="419" /></object>

and it is time to USE this spill for political gain

So you support child pornography, gay sex, and wife beating, just like some on your side do?

05-26-2010, 01:15 PM
I've got a chipmunk trying to pop his head out my ass right now, reminds me of you.

so you have the dextarity to look at your ass, so do you also lick it clean when your done doing number 2?

05-26-2010, 01:22 PM
Its quite simple to explain. If we, and by "we" I mean not only the consumer boycotters - but the trial lawyers with their clients, federal and local government regulators and prosecutors, and the media - break the back of BP like the little bitch it is - all the other oil companies will see it and not want to have the crap beaten out of them, and will instead take pro-active measures to ensure something of this magnitude never happens again.

I've always felt credibility is the most important asset one can have in thiese types of debates on debate policy, my sources are incredibly credible, which is why sometimes I've argued their point and got the facts later to back it up, and I was proven right.

That being said, what raises ones credibility is admitting when someone you are basically diametrically opposed to, has made a good point,

And I agree with the above.

Christians get a lot of credibilty when they criticize the "self proclaimed christians" who do violence.

Thats why the general Muslim population and their leaders are guilty of what the terrorists do

Now, if you want to increase your credibility even more, start criticizing Obama as though he were Prez Bush.

05-26-2010, 02:10 PM
If I stfu you may think I condone yer whining. Then you may NEVER get off yer ass an do something about that you wanna bitch about. The truth hurts..I know.

Now I know that "Work" is a four letter word for libs, but sometimes ya just gotta do what ya gotta do...So get them gloves an head for the swamp, there's work to do. The good news is it's voluntary..right up yer liberal do good ass. SO...send pics when ya actually DO something instead of just bitchin.


05-26-2010, 04:28 PM
I've got a chipmunk trying to pop his head out my ass right now, reminds me of you.

Dude, you are doing about as much good with this thread as BP is doing with that oil spill.
I wish both of you could plug your leaks and keep the crap from escaping.

red states rule
05-26-2010, 06:18 PM
So you support child pornography, gay sex, and wife beating, just like some on your side do?

Great dodge there son on how the left is using this mess for their own political gain

red states rule
05-26-2010, 07:04 PM
I guess now Tuba will say James Carville hates America since he is lashing out at Obama

<object width="518" height="419"><param name="movie" value="http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/eyeblast.swf?v=XdqGqG2GaG" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/eyeblast.swf?v=XdqGqG2GaG" allowfullscreen="true" width="518" height="419" /></object>

05-26-2010, 07:15 PM
Now, if you want to increase your credibility even more, start criticizing Obama as though he were Prez Bush.

He's not President Bush.

05-26-2010, 07:15 PM
Great dodge there son on how the left is using this mess for their own political gain

Just shut up.

05-26-2010, 07:16 PM
I guess now Tuba will say James Carville hates America since he is lashing out at Obama

Why would I say that because of that?

red states rule
05-26-2010, 07:18 PM
Why would I say that because of that?

Most of the time that is your reply when anyone dares to speak out against Obama, the liberal regime, and fisagrees with your far left posts

05-26-2010, 07:53 PM
Most of the time that is your reply when anyone dares to speak out against Obama, the liberal regime, and fisagrees with your far left posts

red states rule
05-26-2010, 07:54 PM

Yea your "why do you hate America" posts are lame - but again they are not a violation of the rules so they are allowed to remain

05-26-2010, 09:12 PM
Its quite simple to explain. If we, and by "we" I mean not only the consumer boycotters - but the trial lawyers with their clients, federal and local government regulators and prosecutors, and the media - break the back of BP like the little bitch it is - all the other oil companies will see it and not want to have the crap beaten out of them, and will instead take pro-active measures to ensure something of this magnitude never happens again.

I don't get your thinking .....being mad at BP that is. Things break sometimes. Surely you don't think this was on purpose? I'm sure this a nightmare for them that they never imagined. The blame game won't fix it. As far as the other oil companies go,I'm sure they will do everything i their power to make sure this doesn't happen. They probably always have been....it's not like this is fun for BP.

05-26-2010, 09:16 PM
I fucking shaved my head asshole.

No you wouldn't. They aren't taking volunteers without specialized experience right now, shit head.

So then, you must be checking with local charities that could use the donation money, right? Or some other form of organizing that would be helpful to those in need in this, like towels, blankets, and whatnot that they must be going through at a pretty good clip.

Nah, only thing you'll do is sit here and bitch about it.

05-26-2010, 09:29 PM
They cut corners and this happened, hope they have to pay to clean it all up and fines on top but taxpayers will prolly get stuck with the bill. We already our with the military who are on this.

05-26-2010, 09:41 PM
Its quite simple to explain. If we, and by "we" I mean not only the consumer boycotters - but the trial lawyers with their clients, federal and local government regulators and prosecutors, and the media - break the back of BP like the little bitch it is - all the other oil companies will see it and not want to have the crap beaten out of them, and will instead take pro-active measures to ensure something of this magnitude never happens again.

Okay, have to agree on point that BP likely did not do this on purpose, and are likely suffering billions of dollars in loss over this. So you're saying that if a doctor has a patient die, even though he did everything he could do to do the operation safely, he should have his medical license yanked, and should be jailed for murder? That is what you seem to be advocating here.

This isn't Captain Planet, BP is not some Saturday morning cartoon villain trying to think of new ways to hurt the environment. This was an accident, a horrible accident to be sure, but an accident none the less.

05-26-2010, 10:09 PM
I don't get your thinking .....being mad at BP that is. Things break sometimes. Surely you don't think this was on purpose? I'm sure this a nightmare for them that they never imagined. The blame game won't fix it. As far as the other oil companies go,I'm sure they will do everything i their power to make sure this doesn't happen. They probably always have been....it's not like this is fun for BP.

Have you not been following the news ... at all? This was an accident like a drunk hitting a bus full of school children is an accident. That you could call this level of gross negligence an "accident" is sure proof you value corporate citizens above all.

05-26-2010, 10:09 PM
So then, you must be checking with local charities that could use the donation money, right? Or some other form of organizing that would be helpful to those in need in this, like towels, blankets, and whatnot that they must be going through at a pretty good clip.

Nah, only thing you'll do is sit here and bitch about it.

Judge judge judge. That's all you can do.

05-26-2010, 10:11 PM
Okay, have to agree on point that BP likely did not do this on purpose, and are likely suffering billions of dollars in loss over this. So you're saying that if a doctor has a patient die, even though he did everything he could do to do the operation safely, he should have his medical license yanked, and should be jailed for murder? That is what you seem to be advocating here.

This isn't Captain Planet, BP is not some Saturday morning cartoon villain trying to think of new ways to hurt the environment. This was an accident, a horrible accident to be sure, but an accident none the less.

BP didn't do everything they could to do the operation safely, seriously man, do you watch the news? Why do you think Transocean employees onboard the rig are telling all but the BP employees are pleading the 5th?

One of BP's company men on the Deepwater Horizon when it exploded, Robert Kaluza, has declined to testify before the investigative panel in Kenner, citing his Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate himself, the Coast Guard said.http://www.nola.com/news/gulf-oil-spill/index.ssf/2010/05/oil_spill_hearings_bp_man_on_d.html

red states rule
05-27-2010, 04:39 AM
Have you not been following the news ... at all? This was an accident like a drunk hitting a bus full of school children is an accident. That you could call this level of gross negligence an "accident" is sure proof you value corporate citizens above all.

and what did the Obama regime do before the accident?

What the federal government will — and should — have to answer for is the lax oversight that helped allow the problem to occur in the first place. BP has partly explained its serial failures to stop the spill by pleading that none of the techniques it's tried have ever been used in water depths of 5,000 ft. (1,500 m) before. So why was drilling permitted to take place so deep before those or other methods were tested and proved?

Enforcing safety rules is the responsibility of the Interior Department's Materials Management Service (MMS). Earlier this month, Salazar announced he was splitting the MMS in two, separating the part that governs well operations from the part that grants leases and collects royalties, thereby eliminating a possible conflict of interest. But even after the moratorium on offshore drilling the President announced in the wake of the April 20 explosion, at least 19 environmental waivers and 17 permits for drilling were issued. The White House has hastened to explain that these were for existing projects, not new ones, but old and new wells alike can leak, and the MMS could hardly have improved its oversight protocols so quickly.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1991713,00.html#ixzz0p7ZWENKR

why is BP drilling so far out and so deep? Enviro wackos, along with the kook left, forced them out there since they banned drilling close to the shore

red states rule
05-27-2010, 04:50 AM
Libs set themselves up for this after they made Katrinia a political issue

A poll released Monday suggests the White House faces some political peril in the Gulf crisis and underscores the reason for keeping the focus on BP.

Fifty-one percent of respondents in the new CNN/Opinion Research survey said they disapprove of the president’s handling of the crisis, with 46 percent approving.

But BP fared much worse: Seventy-six percent said they disapproved of the way the company has responded to the oil spill, which has yet to be contained more than a month after it began.

President Barack Obama spoke Monday with the governors of Louisiana, Alabama, Florida and Mississippi — and the White House circulated a photo of the president on the phone.

“The president reiterated the administration’s sense of urgency for dealing with the oil spill, assured the governors that the federal government is bringing the best science and expertise to the table and underscored his commitment to continuing our strong collaboration with the state and local governments,” White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said in a statement.

The administration backed away from Salazar’s suggestion over the weekend that the administration could “push [BP] out of the way appropriately” if its response is not adequate, conceding Monday that that isn’t really an option.

It’s BP and the oil industry — not the U.S. government — with the tools to attempt the incredibly complex and so far unsuccessful efforts to cap a damaged well some 5,000 feet below the ocean floor.

“They are in an impossible position, because the U.S. government does not have the technical expertise, the personnel or the material to stop the flow. Only the oil industry has that,” said one former environmental official in the Clinton White House.

“Right now they [the White House and BP] are unwilling and unlikely bedfellows, and there is nothing they can do about it,” the former White House aide said.


Libs were happy trashing Pres Bush over the Federal response to Katrina

But now Obama's is in charge, and the personal and political implications are similar; and now he has to take the heat - and answer questions about the Federal response

05-27-2010, 05:13 AM
Judge judge judge. That's all you can do.

Says the person who is calling for the absolute destruction of their business (How many people need to lose their jobs that had nothing to do with this would be fair to you?), and tossing them in jail, while sticking your fingers in your ears the whole time anyone starts pointing that the current admin has accountability for not acting? Or pointing out that the environmentalists poo-pooed every single safer area there was to drill?

Yes, there serial errors, but then, they were forced to drill that deep only because they cannot drill closer to shore where it is safer, and the protocols are in place.

If this had been Bush fucking this up, you'd have been on here slamming him just as hard as you slam the execs. So tell me, since Obama is doing exactly as much to help as Bush did, why are you not calling him out?

05-27-2010, 09:38 AM
and what did the Obama regime do before the accident?

Whatever happened to corporate accountability? Oh that's right, I forget, in rightie land, corporations are only accountable when they do something positive. When they do something bad its 100% the President's fault, if he's a liberal, and if he isn't, is the liberals in Congress fault.

why is BP drilling so far out and so deep? Enviro wackos, along with the kook left, forced them out there since they banned drilling close to the shore

Yeah, they hauled them out there at point of a gun and said "drill here!", that's exactly what happened, they "forced" them to, bwaaahhhhh, what a bunch of fucking whiny babies.

Corporations are "forced" to do bad things by liberals all the time it seems. Funny how it works out that every single time they do anything bad, they were forced by liberals.

05-27-2010, 09:40 AM
Libs set themselves up for this after they made Katrinia a political issue

Libs were happy trashing Pres Bush over the Federal response to Katrina

But now Obama's is in charge, and the personal and political implications are similar; and now he has to take the heat - and answer questions about the Federal response

its good this tragedy is making you so happy.

05-27-2010, 09:42 AM
Yes, there serial errors, but then, they were forced to drill that deep only because they cannot drill closer to shore where it is safer, and the protocols are in place.

Forced by who? What happens if they don't drill deep? Do they turn into a pumpkin?

If this had been Bush fucking this up, you'd have been on here slamming him just as hard as you slam the execs. So tell me, since Obama is doing exactly as much to help as Bush did, why are you not calling him out?

05-27-2010, 11:33 AM
so you have the dextarity to look at your ass, so do you also lick it clean when your done doing number 2?

That's disgusting.:eek:

05-27-2010, 11:39 AM
I guess now Tuba will say James Carville hates America since he is lashing out at Obama

<object width="518" height="419"><param name="movie" value="http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/eyeblast.swf?v=XdqGqG2GaG" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/eyeblast.swf?v=XdqGqG2GaG" allowfullscreen="true" width="518" height="419" /></object>

Like with our southern border, I'll be very surprised if the gov't does a damn thing about it.....

05-27-2010, 12:18 PM
messed up

Damn right it's messed up. Thanks for posting those pictures, Spidey. We all need to be confronted with what we have done.

Hell is us

Mr. P
05-27-2010, 12:26 PM
Damn right it's messed up. Thanks for posting those pictures, Spidey. We all need to be confronted with what we have done.

Hell is us


05-27-2010, 12:29 PM

Beneath contempt.

05-27-2010, 12:39 PM
Why didn't Louisiana place a couple million hay bales along the coast line? Why hasn't the state done anything to prevent the approaching oil from getting to the beaches and marsh lands?

05-27-2010, 12:47 PM
I am starting to think that Spiderman Tuba is a slightly more sober version of Pale Rider. :rolleyes:

Mr. P
05-27-2010, 01:09 PM
I am starting to think that Spiderman Tuba is a slightly more sober version of Pale Rider. :rolleyes:


05-27-2010, 03:00 PM
He's not President Bush.


doesnt alter my point one bit, lets hear the criticism of obama
see new threads in current events

05-27-2010, 03:08 PM
Why would I say that because of that?

ITs hard to figure what you libs will ever say cuz you dont consistently follow any logical trails, you choose the result you want, and build the road to it, regardless if that road is loaded with pitfalls and LIES and DECEPTIONS

05-27-2010, 03:09 PM
That's disgusting.:eek:


HEy, as they say in court, he opened the door

05-27-2010, 04:28 PM
Why didn't Louisiana place a couple million hay bales along the coast line? Why hasn't the state done anything to prevent the approaching oil from getting to the beaches and marsh lands?

Dude, just shut the fuck up you ignorant piece of shit.

Louisiana Guard continues efforts to protect coast from oil spill


05-27-2010, 04:30 PM

doesnt alter my point one bit, lets hear the criticism of obama
see new threads in current events

You don't have a point.

red states rule
05-27-2010, 06:23 PM
I am starting to think that Spiderman Tuba is a slightly more sober version of Pale Rider. :rolleyes:

More like Virgil Lite

red states rule
05-27-2010, 06:30 PM
Mr Tingle Up His Leg even turns on the Chosen One

<iframe src="http://videos.mediaite.com/embed/player/?layout=&playlist_cid=&media_type=video&content=SVM9G92NQQQN77XD&widget_type_cid=svp" width="420" height="421" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>

red states rule
05-27-2010, 06:34 PM
its good this tragedy is making you so happy.

I am not a liberal coming up with ways to exploit the deaths and damage this spill has caused - so I am not happy about it at all

Libs like you really hate to be reminded of what you people did and said for the 8 years of Bush, so I understand your anger toward those who remind you of what "standards" libs set for the President of the US

05-27-2010, 09:02 PM
Have you not been following the news ... at all? This was an accident like a drunk hitting a bus full of school children is an accident. That you could call this level of gross negligence an "accident" is sure proof you value corporate citizens above all.

Oh my gosh...is it your time of the month or something? My point is ,BP didn't mean for this to happen. And what are you talking about that I value corporate citizens above all? Like if the heads of BP mean anything to me? I value the animals lives that are being lost and those poor people not able to work because of it. Boycotting won't help either of them.

05-28-2010, 03:08 AM
I've got a chipmunk trying to pop his head out my ass right now, reminds me of you.

You stick chipmunks up your ass????? What gay web site did you get that idea from..... the Daily KOS? You are one sick dimwit, I hope the next one you do that to has rabies and bites the rim of your asshole!

05-28-2010, 09:32 AM
I am not a liberal coming up with ways to exploit the deaths and damage this spill has caused - so I am not happy about it at all

Good for you, go pat yourself on the back for being so awesome and then shut the fuck up.

05-28-2010, 09:33 AM
Oh my gosh...is it your time of the month or something? My point is ,BP didn't mean for this to happen. And what are you talking about that I value corporate citizens above all? Like if the heads of BP mean anything to me? I value the animals lives that are being lost and those poor people not able to work because of it. Boycotting won't help either of them.

You don't know what a corporate citizen is, do you?

05-28-2010, 09:34 AM
You stick chipmunks up your ass????? What gay web site did you get that idea from..... the Daily KOS? You are one sick dimwit, I hope the next one you do that to has rabies and bites the rim of your asshole!

Its a polite way of saying I have a giant turd peeking out, sorry you didn't get it and instead indulged in your gay fantasy.

05-28-2010, 10:13 AM
Obama's fucked this thing up royally.

05-28-2010, 10:19 AM
Obama's fucked this thing up royally.

The CEO of BP is named Hayward, not Obama.

Oh, that's right, I forget, government is supposed to take responsibility for a business that fails.

Mr. P
05-28-2010, 11:04 AM
The CEO of BP is named Hayward, not Obama.

That's a good thing. At least Mr. Hayward is taking action to solve the problem. If it were up to Bambam it would cost 100 times more than it already has and they'd still be standing around scratching their ass.

05-28-2010, 01:50 PM
The CEO of BP is named Hayward, not Obama.

Oh, that's right, I forget, government is supposed to take responsibility for a business that fails.You liberals axed for the responsibility to regulate, bought clean-up equipment with the fees, then stored it away somewhere where it can't be found. Now you deny having any responsibility. What a fucking surprise, Chimpy. :lol:

05-28-2010, 03:02 PM
That's a good thing. At least Mr. Hayward is taking action to solve the problem.

As little as he can get away with.

05-28-2010, 03:02 PM
You liberals axed for the responsibility to regulate, bought clean-up equipment with the fees, then stored it away somewhere where it can't be found. Now you deny having any responsibility. What a fucking surprise, Chimpy. :lol:

I didn't by shit.

05-28-2010, 03:06 PM
I didn't by shit.

Oh yes you did, Chimpy:

If U.S. officials had followed up on a 1994 response plan for a major Gulf oil spill, it is possible that the spill could have been kept under control and far from land.

The problem: The federal government did not have a single fire boom on hand. http://blog.al.com/live/2010/05/fire_boom_oil_spill_raines.html

05-28-2010, 03:08 PM
Oh yes you did, Chimpy:


I'm not the federal government, in case you hadn't noticed.

red states rule
05-30-2010, 06:11 AM
Good for you, go pat yourself on the back for being so awesome and then shut the fuck up.

More of your brand of tolerance?

BTW, I was correct when I posted oil companies have had to drill in deep water. The enviro wackos has had the Feds put much of our known oil reserves off limits for exploration

U.S. Policies Put Most U.S. Oil Off-Limits to Drilling

(by Pete Winn, CNSNews.com) - Huge basins of untapped oil can be found on federal lands throughout the United States, according to a new report from the federal government. But much of it cannot -- and may never be -- recovered, because it lies under national parks and national monuments, or it is subject to environmental laws and restrictions that make drilling prohibitive.

The report, which was produced at the request of Congress by the U.S. Department of Interior's Bureau of Land Management (BLM), said there are 279 million acres under federal management where oil and gas could potentially could be extracted.

More than half of it is totally off-limits to drillers.

"The total onshore resource is 31 billion barrels," said BLM's lead scientist Richard Watson, who authored the report. "Of that, 19 billion barrels are currently inaccessible or 62 percent. A little over 2 billion barrels, or 8 percent, is accessible under what we call standard lease terms."

If you add in the 85.9 billion barrels of oil that lie offshore, as determined by the Interior Department's Minerals Management Service, there are 117 billion barrels of oil on lands owned or managed by the U.S. government.

But all expansion of offshore oil recovery is currently off-limits.

Adding in what's available on privately held land, the figure rises to 139 billion barrels of oil, according to the government - more than the known oil reserves of Iran, Iraq, Russia, Nigeria or Venezuela, respectively.

The biggest untapped land-based oil deposit in the United States lies within ANWR, the Artic National Wildlife Refuge, which is currently off-limits.

"We estimate there is something on the order of 7.7 billion barrels in that one area alone," Watson told Cybercast News Service.

But setting aside Alaska, there is untapped oil on federal lands all across the United States, the government reported, with oil pockets found in Oregon, Washington state, Montana, Wyoming, Florida -- even in the Appalachian Mountains.

"In the lower 48 states, there are about 12 billion barrels onshore," Watson noted.


red states rule
05-30-2010, 08:11 AM
Obama's fucked this thing up royally.


05-30-2010, 08:38 AM
:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: Good one Red......

05-30-2010, 12:21 PM
BTW, I was correct when I posted oil companies have had to drill in deep water. There's no law requiring they drill anywhere, you're full of shit as usual.

red states rule
05-30-2010, 12:42 PM
There's no law requiring they drill anywhere, you're full of shit as usual.

Let the oil companies drill where the oil has been put off limuts and see what the "law" does

You know, you are a very emotional liberal - you have a lot of anger problems to deal with

Amazing how when liberals get what they want - they can't seal with the results

red states rule
05-30-2010, 05:13 PM
Obama's PR staff, aka the liberal media - are all on the same page when it comes to Obama's "leadership" when it comes to the oil spill

AP Throws Pity Party for Overwhelmed Obama: Oil Spill Just One 'Priority'

On Saturday, the Associated Press informed its readers that President Obama cannot be expected to focus all of his attention on the Gulf Coast oil spill.

The reason? Presidents have to juggle a number of pressing issues at a time, and what with America being in a recession, Obama simply can't afford to give sole focus to this disaster.

Too bad the AP wasn't so understanding in 2005 when President Bush was perceived as being detached from the suffering in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Back then, the wire service was quick to mention vacation plans and peddle accusations of the federal government not caring about the poor.

But what a difference with a Democrat in the White House: as BP's efforts to plug the leak continue to fail, there is increasing danger of Americans putting partial blame on an ineffective government - and we just can't have that.


05-30-2010, 07:27 PM
Let the oil companies drill where the oil has been put off limuts and see what the "law" does

They can drill wherever the law allows so long as they are prepared to accept the consequences of their actions. Its called "responsibility" - you may have heard the term thrown about at the latest right wing pancake breakfast.

Amazing how when liberals get what they want - they can't seal with the resultsI didn't want this.

Amazing how often you just make shit up.

red states rule
05-30-2010, 08:08 PM
They can drill wherever the law allows so long as they are prepared to accept the consequences of their actions. Its called "responsibility" - you may have heard the term thrown about at the latest right wing pancake breakfast.

I didn't want this.

Amazing how often you just make shit up.

Look stupid, they can't drill where the government (led by libs) has put off limits. You libs wanted to save Mother Earth by putting so much land and ocean off limits

So the oil companies had to move further out to sea.

I wonde rif Obama and the libs are telling Cuba, Russia, and other nations not to drill in the Gulf and join the fight to save Mother Earth

red states rule
05-30-2010, 08:14 PM
and with such "experts" on global warming like Ted Turner and Al Gore - no wonder people do not buy what this kooks are selling

Ted Turner: If We Don't Prepare For Global Warming We'll Be Extinct

<object width="518" height="419"><param name="movie" value="http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/eyeblast.swf?v=XdqG2GqG4z" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/eyeblast.swf?v=XdqG2GqG4z" allowfullscreen="true" width="518" height="419" /></object>

05-31-2010, 01:04 AM
and with such "experts" on global warming like Ted Turner and Al Gore -

Neither are experts on global warming nor has either claimed to be an expert.

05-31-2010, 01:06 AM
Look stupid, they can't drill where the government (led by libs) has put off limits.
Great. I don't see your point.

So the oil companies had to move further out to sea.

What law requires them to drill in deep water wrecklessly? Please cite title and section number.

red states rule
05-31-2010, 04:44 AM
What law requires them to drill in deep water wrecklessly? Please cite title and section number.

If I help pass a law that bans liberals from living on the east side of town - your only options left is to live on north, south, or west side of town

Liberal do gooders have forced the oil companies to drill for oil in other areas, since a huge amount of known oil reserves are off limits

Once again liberal do gooders have shown why they should never be put in positions of power

red states rule
05-31-2010, 04:45 AM
Great. I don't see your point.

Look in the mirror and concentrate on the top of your head

red states rule
05-31-2010, 04:49 AM
Neither are experts on global warming nor has either claimed to be an expert.

Al Gore is not an expert? Wow, that is an act of treason in your party. Al is the Grand Poobah and Noibel prize winner on Global Warming, He is making hundreds of millions of global waming and is playing fools like you for suckers

Ted Turner is the guy that has led his liberal network CNN into the basement of the ratings from taking it from a 24 news network to a 24 hour libral ass kissing network

05-31-2010, 08:54 AM
and with such "experts" on global warming like Ted Turner and Al Gore - no wonder people do not buy what this kooks are selling

Ted Turner: If We Don't Prepare For Global Warming We'll Be Extinct

<object width="518" height="419"><param name="movie" value="http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/eyeblast.swf?v=XdqG2GqG4z" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/eyeblast.swf?v=XdqG2GqG4z" allowfullscreen="true" width="518" height="419" /></object>

"If we don't prepare for global warming we'll be extinct and then we'll be sorry." :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: Now that statement struck me as hilarious. Guess it's because once we're extinct we won't be around to be sorry...... I just bet cha he's all greened up in his life with the numerous cars and fancy mansions...Yeah............right........

red states rule
05-31-2010, 08:58 AM
"If we don't prepare for global warming we'll be extinct and then we'll be sorry." :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2: Now that statement struck me as hilarious. Guess it's because once we're extinct we won't be around to be sorry...... I just bet cha he's all greened up in his life with the numerous cars and fancy mansions...Yeah............right........

Well Dr Al Gore said about 5 years ago the Earth had 10 years left due to global wamring

Let the countdown continue


05-31-2010, 01:39 PM
If I help pass a law that bans liberals from living on the east side of town - your only options left is to live on north, south, or west side of town.

And does that mean I'm not responsible for anything I do on the north, south, or west side? Like an insolent little child, I can just crap all over the place and its fine, since you aren't allowing me to live on the east side, right

Very telling that you would equate the right of a corporate entity to extract mineral resources owned by the public with simply living somewhere. Its probably because you place the rights of corporate entities above the rights of actual people.

05-31-2010, 01:42 PM
Al Gore is not an expert? Wow, that is an act of treason in your party.

The only thing it betrays is your simple minded prejudices

Al is the Grand Poobah and Noibel prize winner on Global Warming, He is making hundreds of millions of global waming and is playing fools like you for suckers

Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize, not a prize for science. And he made his millions off of Google.

Ted Turner is the guy that has led his liberal network CNN into the basement of the ratings from taking it from a 24 news network to a 24 hour libral ass kissing network
Who the fuck cares? Relevance? Zero? Ok then. Why the fuck are you so obsessed with famous people?

red states rule
05-31-2010, 01:43 PM
And does that mean I'm not responsible for anything I do on the north, south, or west side? Like an insolent little child, I can just crap all over the place and its fine, since you aren't allowing me to live on the east side, right

Very telling that you would equate the right of a corporate entity to extract mineral resources owned by the public with simply living somewhere. Its probably because you place the rights of corporate entities above the rights of actual people.

I am not crazy about your living habits - but whatever

The point is, and it has ben proven by the psot showing how much known oil has been put off limits - oil companies have been driven further out to sea - thanks to the enviro wackos

While linbs thump their chest and bellow how America needs to get off foreign oil - they do whatever they can for US oil companies NOT to drill for the oil we have here in America

red states rule
05-31-2010, 01:44 PM
The only thing it betrays is your simple minded prejudices

Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize, not a prize for science. And he made his millions off of Google.

Who the fuck cares? Relevance? Zero? Ok then.

As usual you bellow about global warming - but you dismiss the leaders in your party who bellow the loudest

05-31-2010, 01:45 PM
The point is, and it has ben proven by the psot showing how much known oil has been put off limits - oil companies have been driven further out to sea - thanks to the enviro wackos

So what? So they no longer bear responsibility for their actions? Yes or no?

05-31-2010, 01:46 PM
As usual you bellow about global warming - but you dismiss the leaders in your party who bellow the loudest

I'm not a member of a party. I don't really care what politicians have to say about it, it only matters to me what scientists have to say.

red states rule
05-31-2010, 01:47 PM
So what? So they no longer bear responsibility for their actions? Yes or no?

Son, YOU were were sayong the oil companies were not forced further out to sea where the science is not 100%

All I am saying is the enviro wackos are also to blame for this. We have billions of blls of oil we could be tapping but the kook left and elected Dems have said NO!

What is it with the left they love to bash business - the same business that powers their cars, heats and cools their home, and keeps America moving forward

red states rule
05-31-2010, 01:49 PM
I'm not a member of a party. I don't really care what politicians have to say about it, it only matters to me what scientists have to say.

Oh, you are a liberal son.

And I am sure you are voting for those libs - the same libs that are going to ram Cap and Trade (along with massive tax increases) down our throats

05-31-2010, 01:49 PM
Son, YOU were were sayong the oil companies were not forced further out to sea where the science is not 100%

All I am saying is the enviro wackos are also to blame for this. We have billions of blls of oil we could be tapping but the kook left and elected Dems have said NO!

What is it with the left they love to bash business - the same business that powers their cars, heats and cools their home, and keeps America moving forward

So NO, they don't bear the full responsibility for their actions? Is that your answer? If not, please correct me.

What about me? Does that apply to me? Do I not bear the full responsibility for my actions, or does that exception only apply to corporate entities?

05-31-2010, 01:53 PM
Its a polite way of saying I have a giant turd peeking out, sorry you didn't get it and instead indulged in your gay fantasy.

Yea, you're the first thing I think of when someone mentions polite..... I still don't get why you would stick a chipmunk up your ass. That isn't polite at all.:eek:

05-31-2010, 01:54 PM
Yea, you're the first thing I think of when someone mentions polite..... I still don't get why you would stick a chipmunk up your ass. That isn't polite at all.:eek:

Look behind you

05-31-2010, 01:55 PM
Oh, you are a liberal son.

And I am sure you are voting for those libs - the same libs that are going to ram Cap and Trade (along with massive tax increases) down our throats

Much of the left is against cap and trade because its a free market solution. They prefer straight up taxation where all revenues go to the government rather than to private enterprises that earn them in the free market through the production of green energy.

red states rule
05-31-2010, 01:56 PM
So NO, they don't bear the full responsibility for their actions? Is that your answer? If not, please correct me.

What about me? Does that apply to me? Do I not bear the full responsibility for my actions, or does that exception only apply to corporate entities?

Where did I say that stupid? You are like alot of libs who when their utopia polices come back to bite them on the ass they do what they can to duck, dodge and hide

If BP broke any laws they should be charged. Libs like you want them OUT OF BUSINESS. Libs like you are only adding to the problem

Spills like this are rare. When Katrina roared thru the Gulf not one drop of oil was spilled - but libs never talk about that - do they?

red states rule
05-31-2010, 01:57 PM
The left is against cap and trade because its a free market solution.

BS. I have seen every major lib pushing this - along with their aliies in the liberal media

They love it because it will cause the cost of energy to soar - and FORCE people to use less

It will cripple the US economy and drive the financial markets further south

Exactly what the kook left really wants to happen

05-31-2010, 01:58 PM
Where did I say that stupid?

So YES - they do bear full responsibility?
Its quite simply a YES/NO question. This shouldn't take 3 pages for you to answer. Just type YES or NO in your reply to this post, and that's all you gotta do.

When Katrina roared thru the Gulf not one drop of oil was spilled - but libs never talk about that - do they?

I'm well aware of most of the factual information surrounding Katrina, you don't need to lecture me on it, I live here.

red states rule
05-31-2010, 01:59 PM
Much of the left is against cap and trade because its a free market solution. They prefer straight up taxation where all revenues go to the government rather than to private enterprises that earn them in the free market through the production of green energy.

Economics 101 - Corporations do NOT pay taxes. WE the people pay the taxes

red states rule
05-31-2010, 02:01 PM
So YES - they do bear full responsibility?
Its quite simply a YES/NO question. This shouldn't take 3 pages for you to answer. Just type YES or NO in your reply to this post, and that's all you gotta do.

I'm well aware of most of the factual information surrounding Katrina, you don't need to lecture me on it, I live here.

Oh boy another Virgil is with us. When boxed into a corner he demands a yes/no answer which supports his fantasy ideas

You need many lectures son. Economics, History, Business 101, and Capitalism - to name a few

05-31-2010, 02:02 PM
BS. I have seen every major lib pushing this - along with their aliies in the liberal media

OK, whatever, I'm just telling you the left-left is against it and prefers a carbon tax instead.

They love it because it will cause the cost of energy to soar - and FORCE people to use less
The free market forces people to use less all the time, I never hear you bitching about it.

It will cripple the US economy and drive the financial markets further south

I don't hear any global warming solutions coming out of your end. Oh yeah - that's right - its because you don't think the problem even exists. So let me ask you this - why would you think your opinion on a solution to a problem you don't think exists would matter one bit? You're not only not proposing an alternative solution - you don't think the problem exists - so who the fuck cares what you think?

05-31-2010, 02:03 PM
Oh boy another Virgil is with us. When boxed into a corner he demands a yes/no answer which supports his fantasy ideas

You need many lectures son. Economics, History, Business 101, and Capitalism - to name a few

Is that a yes or a no?

red states rule
05-31-2010, 02:05 PM
OK, whatever, I'm just telling you the left-left is against it and prefers a carbon tax instead.

The free market forces people to use less all the time, I never hear you bitching about it.

I don't hear any global warming solutions coming out of your end. Oh yeah - that's right - its because you don't think the problem even exists. So let me ask you this - why would you think your opinion on a solution to a problem you don't think exists would matter one bit? You're not only actively not proposing an alternative solution - you don't think the problem exists - so who the fuck cares what you think?

They are taxing Co2 stupid - and the cost of energy will skyrocket - and millions f jobs wil be lost

Desm even want a $1/gal tax on gas in the bill. Yes, this will do wonders for the economy

What solutuion to global warming - there is no issue with global wamring (or climate change - whatever the hell the wackos are calling it) Like with health care - libs will ram thru their utopia big government "answer" to a problem that does not exist - and it will make the situation much worse while csting the US economy trillions

05-31-2010, 02:06 PM
They are taxing Co2 stupid - and the cost of energy will skyrocket - and millions f jobs wil be lost

Desm even want a $1/gal tax on gas in the bill. Yes, this will do wonders for the economy

What solutuion to global warming - there is no issue with global wamring (or climate change - whatever the hell the wackos are calling it) Like with health care - libs will ram thru their utopia big government "answer" to a problem that does not exist - and it will make the situation much worse while csting the US economy trillions

you don't think the problem exists - so who the fuck cares what you think about the solution?

red states rule
05-31-2010, 02:13 PM
you don't think the problem exists - so who the fuck cares what you think about the solution?

Spoken like a true liberal with his own version of debate. This is why you guys are no longer taken seriously on any issues. All you do is sprew out the most stupid and irrational statements possible

I do not care what you have to say - the only thing I do care about is fools like you vote and support like minded fools who live to take more of the money I earn and piss thru it financing "solutions" to "problems"

05-31-2010, 02:38 PM
Spoken like a true liberal with his own version of debate. This is why you guys are no longer taken seriously on any issues. You're debating the virtues of a solution to a problem you don't think exists - seriously, please explain why anyone should care.

I do not care what you have to say - the only thing I do care about is fools like you vote and support like minded fools who live to take more of the money I earn and piss thru it financing "solutions" to "problems"


You don't like it do us all a favor and move

05-31-2010, 04:52 PM
I'm not the federal government, in case you hadn't noticed. In this conversation I am referring to "you liberals", who insist on all these federal agencies that don't do what they are supposed to do and instead just get in the way. Like you and Chimpy Obama.

05-31-2010, 07:41 PM
And does that mean I'm not responsible for anything I do on the north, south, or west side? Like an insolent little child, I can just crap all over the place and its fine, since you aren't allowing me to live on the east side, right

Very telling that you would equate the right of a corporate entity to extract mineral resources owned by the public with simply living somewhere. Its probably because you place the rights of corporate entities above the rights of actual people.

Well, what if the east side of town that was up to current fire specs? Your house in the north south or west burns down, because well, it's not to code. How about then? Cause that is what happened, the government blocked off every area that was safe for drilling, so no, you guys don't get out of responsibility. And again, BP is taking responsibility, unlike the government for creating an untenable situation in the first place.

As to Al Gore, when you write a serious-minded book titled 'an inconvenient truth" you are stating that you have that truth, and responsibility for that truth is now on him. He chose to pass himself off as a de facto expert on the topic of global warming, and not only that, but then he lied (Book title included the word "truth". Yeah...) to inflate what was occurring to make it seem more dire than the situation really was. He bears fault for that, period.

red states rule
06-01-2010, 05:10 AM
More and more people are seig the truth when it comes to the global warming scam

EDITORIAL: Climate alarmists on the run
Oxford University students lose faith in warming

Former Vice President Al Gore was at his peak when the film "An Inconvenient Truth" made its initial Hollywood splash. Faith in man-made global warming had never been more widespread, with liberal academics and media subjecting to ridicule any who dared question the "settled science." Only a fool could deny that elevated carbon-dioxide levels had melted ice caps and stranded polar bears on rapidly diminishing ice floes.

How the tables have turned in a short time. On May 20, Oxford Union, the prestigious 187-year-old English debating society, formally considered the question of whether it was more important to focus on growing the economy or solving global warming. Climate realism won the day, 135 to 110. It's no wonder, considering how the purportedly scientific arguments advanced in support of the scaremongering conclusions have fallen apart since the Climategate scandal invited verification of the left's previously unexamined claims.

During the debate, Lord Whitty, former environment minister under the Labor government, claimed 95 percent of scientists were in agreement that man was responsible for a coming climatic cataclysm. Lord Monckton, representing climate realists, asked him to provide a reference backing up the claim. The audience jeered Lord Whitty for having none beyond, "Everyone knows it's true."

When the best the warmists can come up with is an appeal to authority, their case is lost for good. That's why, just a few days earlier, climate realists gathered in triumph on this side of the pondat a Heartland Institute climate-change conference in Chicago. Eminent scientists presented a wealth of evidence suggesting nature is, in fact, a much more powerful factor affecting the climate than man. That realism suggests the need for moderation when it comes to political action based on climate data.

"We think we need public policy that's based in facts, rather than facts that are based on a public agenda," Colorado State University professor Scott Denning said.

Once outcasts on the fringe of the scientific community, these individuals braved the ridicule of the self-appointed "enlightened" members of society to dismantle systematically the hockey sticks and other frauds crafted by leftists over the years.


06-01-2010, 09:02 AM
In this conversation I am referring to "you liberals",
Then maybe you should be having it with "you liberals" instead of me.

06-01-2010, 09:04 AM
Well, what if the east side of town that was up to current fire specs? Your house in the north south or west burns down, because well, it's not to code. How about then? Cause that is what happened, the government blocked off every area that was safe for drilling, so no, you guys don't get out of responsibility. And again, BP is taking responsibility, unlike the government for creating an untenable situation in the first place.

So the Gulf of Mexico where BP was drilling was not "up to code" ? What are the relevant codes for a Gulf? I'd like to see those.

As to Al Gore, when you write a serious-minded book titled 'an inconvenient truth" you are stating that you have that truth, and responsibility for that truth is now on him.

I'm not going to have a conversation with you about a book neither of us has read, sorry, I'd like to think both of us have better things to do with our time.

He chose to pass himself off as a de facto expert on the topic of global warming, and not only that, but then he lied (Book title included the word "truth". Yeah...) to inflate what was occurring to make it seem more dire than the situation really was. He bears fault for that, period.

Guess what? I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR OBSESSION WITH AL GORE. Take it to a head shrink.

06-01-2010, 09:06 AM
More and more people are seig the truth when it comes to the global warming scam

EDITORIALDon't care.

06-01-2010, 10:44 AM
LOL!...That ain't nothin SpiderTub...You wanna see messed up?

red states rule
06-01-2010, 06:38 PM
Don't care.

Why would YOU care about facts. To left wing nuts like you, truth is an enemy, and facts are a menace

06-01-2010, 10:05 PM
Why would YOU care about facts. To left wing nuts like you, truth is an enemy, and facts are a menace


Do you know what that word means?

red states rule
06-02-2010, 04:06 AM
Now a lib pubicly calls for the government to take over BP. As if the government can do a better job

<object width="518" height="419"><param name="movie" value="http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/eyeblast.swf?v=XdqGZukUpr" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/eyeblast.swf?v=XdqGZukUpr" allowfullscreen="true" width="518" height="419" /></object>

06-02-2010, 09:51 AM
Then maybe you should be having it with "you liberals" instead of me.

In this conversation I am referring to "you liberals", who insist on all these federal agencies that don't do what they are supposed to do and instead just get in the way. Like you and Chimpy Obama.

Whats a matta, Chimpy?

06-02-2010, 10:37 AM
Now a lib pubicly calls for the government to take over BP.

They should. All their US assets should be seized and not returned until they stop the spill and clean every drop of it and pay all the damages.

red states rule
06-03-2010, 04:17 AM
They should. All their US assets should be seized and not returned until they stop the spill and clean every drop of it and pay all the damages.

Spoken like a true Obama drone. This is taken out of the book of Hugo Chavez - a man Obama has learned alot from

06-03-2010, 12:10 PM
So the Gulf of Mexico where BP was drilling was not "up to code" ? What are the relevant codes for a Gulf? I'd like to see those.

Learn what an analogy is, one. two, due to the regulations barring BP, or any other oil company, for that matter, from drilling in safer waters, yes, they did force them into drilling dangerous waters. You can't have it both ways, ST, either you allow oil companies to drill in at least some of the safe locations to drill, or you don't get to completely lambaste the companies for drilling in the only places they can.

I'm not going to have a conversation with you about a book neither of us has read, sorry, I'd like to think both of us have better things to do with our time.

Guess what? I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR OBSESSION WITH AL GORE. Take it to a head shrink.

Here's a general rule ST: You want to bring up a subject, you have no right to respond in all caps like a child when you get slapped in the face with it. You brought Al up. btw, only one of the two of us hasn't read that book, apparently.

Actually, the child crack was a bit unfair, because my 6 year old already knows not to do that.

06-03-2010, 12:13 PM
They should. All their US assets should be seized and not returned until they stop the spill and clean every drop of it and pay all the damages.

Um, if you seize all their assets, they won't have the assets to clean every drop of it, or pay anybody anything (boats, submarines like the one they're using to plug the leak right now, and money are assets).

Do you actually read your own posts before you send them, or do you enjoy people having to point out the obvious to you?

06-05-2010, 11:57 PM
Spoken like a true Obama drone. This is taken out of the book of Hugo Chavez - a man Obama has learned alot from

Link please.

06-05-2010, 11:59 PM
Here's a general rule ST: You want to bring up a subject, you have no right to respond in all caps like a child when you get slapped in the face with it. You brought Al up. btw, only one of the two of us hasn't read that book, apparently.

Actually red states rule is the one who first brought up Gore in this conversation. But don't let a little thing like facts get in the way of your hate filled rampage.

06-06-2010, 12:01 AM
Um, if you seize all their assets, they won't have the assets to clean every drop of it, or pay anybody anything (boats, submarines like the one they're using to plug the leak right now, and money are assets).

I meant freeze their assets and seize any dividends they pay.

red states rule
06-10-2010, 05:12 AM
I meant freeze their assets and seize any dividends they pay.

You are now pulling a Bill Clinton. I guess it depends on the meaning of "seize"

red states rule
06-10-2010, 05:12 AM
Actually red states rule is the one who first brought up Gore in this conversation. But don't let a little thing like facts get in the way of your hate filled rampage.

Al not only invented the internet, but he also invented global wamring

06-10-2010, 02:16 PM
Al not only invented the internet, but he also invented global wamring

Actually, you're wrong. The worldwide global warming conspiracy was hatched over 100 years ago in 1896 by Arrhenius.

red states rule
06-11-2010, 03:44 AM
Actually, you're wrong. The worldwide global warming conspiracy was hatched over 100 years ago in 1896 by Arrhenius.

Actually longer then that. Read all about global warming and global cooling in the NY Times

Were SUV's screwing over the climate back in in 1855?

150 Years of Global Warming and Cooling at the New York Times


January 5, 1855, Wednesday

Page 4, 863 words

DISPLAYING FIRST PARAGRAPH - As the climate of every country has an inseparable relation with the physical character of its inhabitants, the attention of the Government was directed, some few years since, to the collection of correct meteorological statistics throughout the whole of the United States.


Climate Perculiarities of New-York.

January 2, 1870, Wednesday

Page 4, 500 words

DISPLAYING FIRST PARAGRAPH - The climate of New-York and the contigu ons Atlantic seaboard has long been a study of great interest. We have just experienced a remarkable instance of its peculiarity The Hudson River, by a singular freak of temperature, has thrown off its icy mantle and opened its waters to navigation.


March 25, 1888, Wednesday

Page 13, 440 words

DISPLAYING FIRST PARAGRAPH - Formerly wine was made in England, the change of climate might be the principal reason that this manufacture does not now flourish. There are, however, many reasons why British wine ...

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/node/11640#ixzz0qX3eXzod

08-27-2010, 10:03 PM
Actually longer then that. Read all about global warming and global cooling in the NY Times

Were SUV's screwing over the climate back in in 1855?

Where does it say anything about AGW?