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View Full Version : Obama's Approval Hit All Time Low

red states rule
05-25-2010, 06:59 PM
It looks as if the voters are finally coming to their senses, and seeing how they were suckered into voting for this inexperienced rookie

Obama's approval number stands at 42% in the Daily tracking poll



05-25-2010, 07:04 PM
No suprise with the economy in the toilet.

red states rule
05-25-2010, 07:06 PM
No suprise with the economy in the toilet.

Also no surprise given the Dems economic policies. Who would expect the economy to be doing well given what Obama, Reid, and Pelosi are doing?

05-26-2010, 04:46 AM
No suprise with the economy in the toilet.
True. However, Obama and Congress do not help matters when they push the federal debt up to 90% of GDP, either. Instead of a 700 billion dollar stimulus bill whose effectiveness has shown to be lacking, a tax rate cut would have done much more good. It would have increased the flow of money, which is something this economy needs. It also would have had the counter-intuitive effect of increasing revenue to the Federal government.

They also make matters worse when they pass nationalized health care... something that we cannot afford. We are going down the path of the European Union and the result will not be good.

But, of course, the Democrats are wed to the notion of class warfare. They just have to spend to keep a hold of their power and they just have to stick it to the rich. Meanwhile, millions are out of work and the Dow is tanking.

red states rule
05-26-2010, 04:53 AM
True. However, Obama and Congress do not help matters when they push the federal debt up to 90% of GDP, either. Instead of a 700 billion dollar stimulus bill whose effectiveness has shown to be lacking, a tax rate cut would have done much more good. It would have increased the flow of money, which is something this economy needs. It also would have had the counter-intuitive effect of increasing revenue to the Federal government.

They also make matters worse when they pass nationalized health care... something that we cannot afford. We are going down the path of the European Union and the result will not be good.

But, of course, the Democrats are wed to the notion of class warfare. They just have to spend to keep a hold of their power and they just have to stick it to the rich. Meanwhile, millions are out of work and the Dow is tanking.

Lets not forget Dems are ready to pass Cap and Trade, and yet another "jobs" bill

The CBO released a report showing the cost of Obamacare will increase by an additional $115 billion. This report came out after Obamacare was signed into law, proving Nancy Pelosi was correct when she said the bill had to be passed so we could find out what was in it

The total cost of the hope and change we were promised continues to set records, and bust the Federal budget. In March the US Treasury posted a $65 billion deficit, and a $85 billion deficit in the month of April. Yet Pres Obama continues to blame the "reckless spending and deficits" of Pres Bush for our economic woes. Pres Bush looks like Scrooge compared to the current Spender in Chief.

Despite Pres Obama's spending, Obama had the nerve to call the President of Span and lecture him to get his nations spending under control to help heal Spain's economy. Strange, I remember candidate Obama telling us was a wonderful green economy Spain had created. Isn't that what libs want for America as well with Cap and Trade?

When calculated by the average annual percentage of the GDP, Obama is on track to become the biggest-spending president since 1930 and will outspend FDR. Liberals are so generous with other people's money.

Now we have Fannie Mae asking taxpayers for another $8.4 billion, this came a few days after Freddie Mac begged for an additional $10.6 billion to balance its books. If you are keeping score, that would bring the bailout total to about $200 billion.

Now the White House is backing off Obama's promise not to raise taxes on those making less the $250,000 per year. White House Budget Director Peter Orszag dismissed the promise and said not raising taxes on the middle class was a Instead, a “preference”

And Obama supporters (mostly in the liberal media) wonder why his number and the economy are tanking

In most cases they blame Bush or the minirity Republican party

05-26-2010, 07:44 AM
people don't much care about the debt if they have jobs.

05-26-2010, 07:48 AM
people don't much care about the debt if they have jobs.
people that pay attention do.

05-26-2010, 07:56 AM
not the majority of voters so don't matter.

05-26-2010, 09:30 AM
not the majority of voters so don't matter.which is why we are where we are now.

red states rule
05-26-2010, 06:21 PM
people don't much care about the debt if they have jobs.

I am sure you would not care about anything as long as Obama did not put a national sales tax on soda -then you would blow a gasket

The problem is under Obama's economic leadership more and more people do NOT have jobs; people are making less money; and they see what suckers they were for voting for this loser

05-28-2010, 08:21 PM
not the majority of voters so don't matter.

The national debt doesn't matter??????? Just because the majority of voters are dumbasses doesn't make the problem of the national debt less important.

05-29-2010, 01:05 AM
Not surprised at all, but ill be much happier if this happens in November of 2012 and we have a good candidate.

cat slave
05-29-2010, 11:06 AM
True. However, Obama and Congress do not help matters when they push the federal debt up to 90% of GDP, either. Instead of a 700 billion dollar stimulus bill whose effectiveness has shown to be lacking, a tax rate cut would have done much more good. It would have increased the flow of money, which is something this economy needs. It also would have had the counter-intuitive effect of increasing revenue to the Federal government.

They also make matters worse when they pass nationalized health care... something that we cannot afford. We are going down the path of the European Union and the result will not be good.

But, of course, the Democrats are wed to the notion of class warfare. They just have to spend to keep a hold of their power and they just have to stick it to the rich. Meanwhile, millions are out of work and the Dow is tanking.

Again! It requires a really brazen librul to use the Bush card anymore. Can
you believe what hes done in just a year? It is intentional harm to our country and our way of life and capitalism. Geez, this constitutes an enemy.

cat slave
05-29-2010, 11:07 AM
Not surprised at all, but ill be much happier if this happens in November of 2012 and we have a good candidate.

How many days, hours, seconds till November???????????????:coffee:

05-29-2010, 03:12 PM
Not surprised at all, but ill be much happier if this happens in November of 2012 and we have a good candidate.

Hopefully a candidate with more than two years of experience and proves to America he/she wants to take our country back in a positive direction and away from socialism, marxism etc and maintain our freedoms.....

red states rule
05-30-2010, 06:22 AM
I hope the Obama supporters stay away from the polls in November as they have this thread

It will make things so much easier come Jan 2011 :laugh2: