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View Full Version : What would you do if...??? - The Scenerio Thread.

05-26-2010, 06:59 AM
I would like to present the Debate Policy Posters with possible scenerios of unlikely or maybe even likely events.

I have several scenerios that I am interested to know how everyone would react to if such an event became reality.

I will only post one scenerio at a time to allow everyone an opportunity to weigh in and comment on others responses.

I would appreciate everyone's participation and I'm sure everyone is interested in what everyone elses reaction would be.

I posted this under the Legal Discussion forum for the reason that many of the scenerios may deal with civil disobedience.

Consider your responses thoroughly and honestly, and take into account the consequencies of your decision as if it were real.

Thankyou; Hog

05-26-2010, 07:32 AM
Whether you will admit it or not, the Democrat Party represents the gun control advocates, many of which are downright anti-Second Ammendment activists.

Obama has a history of promoting gun legislation as an Illinois Senator and as a community activist in the city of Chicago...He has made no secret of his position.

It is a well known historical fact that all gun confiscation begins with gun registration laws for the simple reason that governments can't confiscate what they can't find.

Scenerio: - If Congressional legislation was enacted that ordered the states to require all law-abiding gun owners to immediate mandatory gun registration,

and anyone caught in possession of an unregistered firearm would be guilty of a felony, punishable by a fine and mandatory prison term, would you comply?


05-27-2010, 07:03 AM
Or did everyone simply miss this?...I'll bump it up just in case it slipped under your radar. :salute:

I'm aware that this gun registration issue has already been extensively discussed, but it is only an entry point to the complex progressive doctrine that is presently being incorporated into American politics and our daily lives.

I have ideas for other scenerios that are indicative to our present situation...Don't be afraid of the dynamics of this method of political discussion...We can learn alot about America's fears and sentiments by examining our own.

05-27-2010, 07:07 AM
Why would I have to register a gun???

Do I have to register my machete, baseball bat, kitchen knives... they are all just tools and that is it

so to answer your question bluntly NO I would not of course I dont "own" any guns!!!!!! :coffee:

05-27-2010, 09:59 AM
Why would I have to register a gun???

Do I have to register my machete, baseball bat, kitchen knives... they are all just tools and that is it

so to answer your question bluntly NO I would not of course I dont "own" any guns!!!!!! :coffee:"Why would I have to register a gun???"...Your question is the key to this progressive obsession for gun registration.

Ask yourself; 'Who does the anti-Second Amendment progressives believe are in danger from honest law-abiding American gunowners?'

The obvious reason for registration is for the sole purpose of the inevitable confiscation of all firearms to disarm the dissidents of future revolutions.

Like the nazis and communist nations before them, Progressives are 100% aware that to sustain a future totalitarian police state, the tools to resist must be eliminated.

05-27-2010, 10:36 AM
my instinct tells me to immediately go out and buy a gun (though I've never had any inclination to have one before).....I would then secrete it somewhere in my basement for the eventuality of protecting myself from the government......

05-27-2010, 10:37 AM
I think the problem with a thread like this is that since nothing on the internet is protected, people are not going to paint bullseyes on themselves with their responses.

Like the gun forum that I am on, the owners remind people that the DOJ is watching their posts for firearm violations.

05-27-2010, 11:02 AM
I think the problem with a thread like this is that since nothing on the internet is protected, people are not going to paint bullseyes on themselves with their responses.

Like the gun forum that I am on, the owners remind people that the DOJ is watching their posts for firearm violations.This tells me that you believe the government has a serious mistrust of the American people which has in turn given you a serious mistrust in government.

I wonder what percentage of Americans feel the same way?...Isn't it odd that we mistrust those that we have chosen in democratic elections to govern us?

Something is seriously wrong here?...The American political system gives us the ability to change things and the opportunity to do so every two years, yet we don't?!

I know the reason.....Has anyone else figured it out yet?

05-27-2010, 11:16 AM
my instinct tells me to immediately go out and buy a gun (though I've never had any inclination to have one before).....I would then secrete it somewhere in my basement for the eventuality of protecting myself from the government......Your instincts are the result of fear.

Irrational fear is paranoia.

Rational fear is a survival tool.

05-27-2010, 05:07 PM
Your instincts are the result of fear.

Irrational fear is paranoia.

Rational fear is a survival tool.
well there you have it.....nothing about me is irrational....:dance:

05-27-2010, 07:55 PM
This tells me that you believe the government has a serious mistrust of the American people which has in turn given you a serious mistrust in government.

I wonder what percentage of Americans feel the same way?...Isn't it odd that we mistrust those that we have chosen in democratic elections to govern us?

Something is seriously wrong here?...The American political system gives us the ability to change things and the opportunity to do so every two years, yet we don't?!

I know the reason.....Has anyone else figured it out yet?

You're absolutely correct that I don't trust our government.

They have no respect for our Constitution or our God given rights protected there by. Our Constitution is supposed to protect our rights, it does not give us our rights.

05-28-2010, 01:41 PM
You're absolutely correct that I don't trust our government.

They have no respect for our Constitution or our God given rights protected there by. Our Constitution is supposed to protect our rights, it does not give us our rights.True, the Constitution does not grant us anything, it only acknowledges that people are "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights".

And it is the job of those we elect to protect and defend those God-given rights against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

And it is our responsibility as American citizens to be well informed voters and vigilant guardians of those we elect.

05-28-2010, 01:59 PM
Although I see the inevitability in your logic, I don't see how the 2nd Amendment specifically prevents registration, so I probably would register mine.

05-28-2010, 04:59 PM
Although I see the inevitability in your logic, I don't see how the 2nd Amendment specifically prevents registration, so I probably would register mine.The Second Amendment does not prevent registration, but the history of registration warns us of it's consequencies.

Do not question whether or not government has the right to demand registration, ask instead why they would want to.

05-28-2010, 09:30 PM
Don't see anything wrong with registration. Only paranoid weirdos do. Be it that you register and they come to take it, or they just start searching houses to take them, not like the reaction from the people would be different in each scenario.

05-29-2010, 08:26 AM
Don't see anything wrong with registration. Only paranoid weirdos do. Be it that you register and they come to take it, or they just start searching houses to take them, not like the reaction from the people would be different in each scenario."paranoid weirdos"?...You sound like another poorly informed, delusional liberal.

You should research the historical consequencies of gun registration from around the world.

There is much more truth in history than in the propaganda the government and their lapdog press has been feeding you.

05-29-2010, 08:37 AM
Next scenario?:cool:

05-29-2010, 08:39 AM
I'd register, it's the law and wouldn't want to be kicked out of the military for it. Don't care who knows and don't own firearms anyway.

05-29-2010, 09:20 AM
Scenerio: - If Congressional legislation was enacted that ordered the states to require all law-abiding gun owners to immediate mandatory gun registration,

and anyone caught in possession of an unregistered firearm would be guilty of a felony, punishable by a fine and mandatory prison term, would you comply?


I'm confused and forgive me if this is answered already, but I'm trying to give a stab at this before reading others responses...

I normally distrust the government on all levels, but they already track our driving record, vehicles, homes, income... I don't take issue much on them wanting to inventory another possession. This is under the belief that they are of the hope that this will help keep guns in the hands of lawful people and not the criminals (but I doubt that will ever work). Nonetheless, I don't mind them knowing I would like my right to protect myself - they can consider it a warning. :)

As for ever confiscating them in ANY fashion - "out of my cold dead hands".

05-29-2010, 09:39 AM
The economy has deteriorated into a serious depression.

The stock market has crashed and unemployment is at 20% and climbing.

Energy costs are skyrocketing and Americans are losing their jobs, homes and savings.

People are struggling to pay their bills and feed their children and crime is the only thing booming.

People are scared and angry and demonstrating in the streets and government declares Martial Law and strict curfews.

They tell people to remain in their homes and that public gatherings are no longer permitted and protesters will be arrested.

The word is spread and protest marches are planned in every town and city in America to protest Martial Law and government policies.

Will you obey the government or join others in the protest?


05-29-2010, 09:45 AM
The economy has deteriorated into a serious depression.

The stock market has crashed and unemployment is at 20% and climbing.

Energy costs are skyrocketing and Americans are losing their jobs, homes and savings.

People are struggling to pay their bills and feed their children and crime is the only thing booming.

People are scared and angry and demonstrating in the streets and government declares Martial Law and strict curfews.

They tell people to remain in their homes and that public gatherings are no longer permitted and protesters will be arrested.

The word is spread and protest marches are planned in every town and city in America to protest Martial Law and government policies.

Will you obey the government or join others in the protest?


Not only would I not obey the government I would be taking up arms against them. It would be time for an organized rebellion.

05-29-2010, 10:05 AM
Not only would I not obey the government I would be taking up arms against them. It would be time for an organized rebellion.I suspect there would be alot of that going around my friend.

Government has become mistrusting of the people and in turn the people have become mistrusting of government.

Many Americans not only view government as the problem, but also as the enemy...The governed and the government have become adversaries.

Mr. P
05-29-2010, 10:38 AM
The economy has deteriorated into a serious depression.

The stock market has crashed and unemployment is at 20% and climbing.

Energy costs are skyrocketing and Americans are losing their jobs, homes and savings.

People are struggling to pay their bills and feed their children and crime is the only thing booming.

People are scared and angry and demonstrating in the streets and government declares Martial Law and strict curfews.

They tell people to remain in their homes and that public gatherings are no longer permitted and protesters will be arrested.

The word is spread and protest marches are planned in every town and city in America to protest Martial Law and government policies.

Will you obey the government or join others in the protest?


I'd be forming or joining the resistance which would be much more serious than just protesting. :salute:

05-29-2010, 10:46 AM
True, the Constitution does not grant us anything, it only acknowledges that people are "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights".

And it is the job of those we elect to protect and defend those God-given rights against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

And it is our responsibility as American citizens to be well informed voters and vigilant guardians of those we elect.

Therein lies the problem. We as a country have become fat and lazy. People have had it so good for so long that they have quit striving to protect liberty. Liberty is taken for granted and has been left out in the cold to fend for itself.

Whether its true or not the old adage about throwing a frog in boiling water it will jump out but it will sit slow simmer if it is comfortable, rings true in America. People don't think that we can ever possibly lose our freedom.

Don't see anything wrong with registration. Only paranoid weirdos do. Be it that you register and they come to take it, or they just start searching houses to take them, not like the reaction from the people would be different in each scenario.

You can count me as a paranoid weirdo then. I have no problem with instant background checks before a firearm purchase however there should be no registration following that check if the person is approved.

05-29-2010, 03:40 PM
Your instincts are the result of fear.

Irrational fear is paranoia.

Rational fear is a survival tool.

Isn't that what Alex Jones has said in one of his videos? Sounds awfully familiar.....

05-30-2010, 01:42 PM
Isn't that what Alex Jones has said in one of his videos? Sounds awfully familiar.....I'm sure you have seen me post this several times here and at DCJ...As far as I know, it's a Hog original.

If you find it somewhere prior to 3 years ago, I will credit the source and apologize for my plagiary. :salute:

05-30-2010, 11:50 PM
"paranoid weirdos"?...You sound like another poorly informed, delusional liberal.

You should research the historical consequencies of gun registration from around the world.

There is much more truth in history than in the propaganda the government and their lapdog press has been feeding you.hahaha that the only thing you have to say? That I sound like an poorly informed liberal? nice. Just because I don't join in the chorus of chanting against it... you try to label me. nice argument... i think that I was completely put down. Sheesh.

maybe you should cite some examples since it seems to be so prominent.

What propaganda are you talking about? who has posted anything that the MSM or gov has said?

Do i want registration? No. BUt if it happened, it happened. Even if it was stopped you think that they wouldn't have a way of tracking or at least a system to 'figure' out who has them? YOu got a hunting licenses one year... check you out. You get the background check for a gun... check you out. You are registered to carry... check you out. When it comes to the point of taking the guns... that is where things change. And when it comes to that point, be it that the guns are registered or not, it won't matter, our response will be the same if they try to take them. HELL NO!

05-31-2010, 02:51 PM
I'm a little confused .... will they send my husband, a soldier, to confiscate our registered guns, or will we be allowed to keep them because he's in the military?

How would that work HT?

05-31-2010, 04:57 PM
The Second Amendment does not prevent registration, but the history of registration warns us of it's consequencies.

Do not question whether or not government has the right to demand registration, ask instead why they would want to. I am very aware of the history of registration, and would thus oppose it politically. I'd save more drastic measures for if they came to confiscate my guns though.

06-25-2010, 08:33 AM
I'm really neither here nor there with gun registration, but I support background checks before purchasing guns.

And if someone can figure out a way to keep these end-of-days crackpots who stockpile guns and ammo in every room of their wire-trapped mobile home, I'm all for it.