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View Full Version : Obama Says 'Official' Explanation Coming 'Shortly' on Alleged Sestak Job Offer

red states rule
05-27-2010, 06:42 PM
Why do we have to wait for an "official" explanation? Obaa could have said he did or did not try to bribe Sestak to drop out of the race

I guess the Obama supporters will dismiss the crime (if it turns out the WH did try to bribe him) as "everbody does it" or "that is the way things are done in politics"

President Obama said Thursday that the White House is preparing to issue a formal explanation regarding the allegation that it offered Rep. Joe Sestak a job to drop out of the Democratic primary race against Sen. Arlen Specter.

The president, addressing the matter in public for the first time since the Pennsylvania congressman leveled the claim in February, said the statement should answer questions about the claim and insisted "nothing improper" happened.

"There will be an official response shortly on the Sestak matter," Obama said, when asked about the issue by Fox News at the president's press conference. "I mean shortly -- I don't mean weeks or months. ... I can assure the public that nothing improper took place."

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs has also said nothing improper happened, but refused to elaborate when asked repeatedly about the charge at Thursday's briefing.

Sestak, who did not drop out and won the race against Specter last week, repeated his allegation in an interview on Sunday, but also declined to elaborate.


05-27-2010, 06:55 PM
It takes time to carefully produce a response and prepackage it for their state run media to put into the minds of the masses. If everyone went around saying what was on their minds, why we wouldn't have the people we have in office now.

red states rule
05-27-2010, 06:58 PM
It takes time to carefully produce a response and prepackage it for their state run media to put into the minds of the masses. If everyone went around saying what was on their minds, why we wouldn't have the people we have in office now.

What is wrong with "We didn't do that" right after the question was asked? Or does the WH need more time to get their stories straight?

05-28-2010, 06:27 AM
they're just trying to figure out how it won't point back to him. Or get some patsy to agree not to talking.

05-28-2010, 09:50 AM
Maybe they found their fall guy? But who knows...

Senior White House advisers asked former President Bill Clinton to talk to Joe Sestak about whether he was serious about running for Senate, and to feel out whether he'd be open to other alternatives, according to sources familiar with the situation.

But the White House maintains that the Clinton-Sestak discussions were informal, according to the sources. The White House, under pressure to divulge the specifics of its interactions with Sestak, will release a formal statement later today outlining their version of events, including Clinton's involvement.

According to the sources, White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel asked Clinton and his longtime adviser, lawyer Doug Band, to talk to Sestak about the race. It's unclear right now whether the White House will say that Clinton was asked to suggest specific administration positions for Sestak, whether Clinton floated positions on his own, whether Clinton discussed other options not related to the adminstration, or whether employment even came up at all in the talks


05-28-2010, 10:54 AM
What is wrong with "We didn't do that" right after the question was asked? Or does the WH need more time to get their stories straight?

That's exactly what they needed, and now they've used it. Be sure that Clinton, Sestak, Emmanuel, Axelrod, and Obama are all agreed that that's what happened, yup, yup, right down to the last detail. Nobody's guilty of anything, nothing to see here, move along, folks.

But Trent Lott still deserves to lose his job for wishing Strom Thurmond a Happy Birthday and saying it's too bad he didn't win his run for President.

red states rule
05-30-2010, 06:36 AM
I thought Obama was going to bring about change?

Obama and Bill Clinton had lunch the day before the story about Bill's role in this bribe offer came to light. They had to make sure the had their stories straight and all on the same page

Change eh?

Bill Clinton always tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth

(in a Lewinsky minute)