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View Full Version : Beck: Leave the children alone (or perhaps not)

06-01-2010, 12:28 AM
Hypocrisy anyone? How about this one? I eagerly await your defense of Glen Beck's latest idiocy. Step right up.

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06-01-2010, 12:45 AM
He was wrong, he realized it, he apologized.

06-01-2010, 01:08 AM
Christ, TM Lite.

He apologized. Get over it. Get current.

06-01-2010, 06:26 AM
Yeah man, the lefties can use Sarah Palins children all they want.

In fact we could go through here and find that the little one (Gabby) did just that on many occasions.

But whatever you do, LEAVE THE OBAMA ALONE. waaaaaa

06-01-2010, 06:56 AM
To me it was quite obvious that Beck was doggin on Obama for using his children to garner sympathy for his failures as president.

06-01-2010, 08:29 AM
Beck was repeating what the Obama himself said about his own child, yet we are now not even suppose to "repeat" what the Dear Leader says without being attacked..

Remember folks, Liberalism is a mental disorder.

06-01-2010, 10:29 AM
saying "Daddy" is sexualizing the issue?.......

06-01-2010, 12:29 PM
First, he didn't attack her, he criticized Obama for using her as a cheap political stunt in a way that made her look unintelligent.

Second, He apologized almost immediately afterwords because he felt he went over his own line.

Hypocrite? hardly. Hypocrites don't admit mistakes. They pretend to be perfect in spite of them.

06-01-2010, 12:50 PM
First, he didn't attack her, he criticized Obama for using her as a cheap political stunt in a way that made her look unintelligent.



gabo-This is really stretching. I strongly agree that politicians children should be left out of the spotlight and the media,but this is nothing compared to what Sara Palins kids have endured. It was so general.

And what are the dimwits talking about when they say the daughters voice was sexy?!:laugh2: I think their minds are in the gutter. Didnt sound like that to me AT ALL.

I wonder if Palin has recieved any apologies for all the rumors that the father of her daughters child was also her daughters father. Or that Trig was really her daughters baby. Or how bout the jokes about her daughter on Letterman.?

Get a grip,at least Beck apologized....it really wasn't all that.

06-01-2010, 09:11 PM
A lot of the jokes and barbs about Bristol and Willow have turned out to be not far from the truth. It's the talk of Alaska. Doubt you will hear about it on Fox News though.


06-01-2010, 09:23 PM
I see.

It's o.k. when it's Sarah Palins kids. Liberals should be ashamed of themselves. Those kids lives are no ones business but their own. Pitiful.:cuckoo:

06-01-2010, 09:24 PM
A lot of the jokes and barbs about Bristol and Willow have turned out to be not far from the truth. It's the talk of Alaska. Doubt you will hear about it on Fox News though.


And there you have it...and it didn't take long at all....

You bitchin' about Beck is about as valid as Jesse Jackson calling Al Sharpton a nigger....Pot...meet Kettle....:laugh::fu::laugh:

06-01-2010, 09:28 PM
Surprised it took 8 1/2 hours for ya to invalidate your own thread, Gabby

06-01-2010, 09:33 PM
Surprised it took 8 1/2 hours for ya to invalidate your own thread, Gabby

For real!:laugh2:

06-01-2010, 10:27 PM
You have to feel sorry for the Obamabot, liberals, lefties, commies and Progressives. They have nothing else as they see their Dear Leader and his comrades in arms administration falling off the cliff, so all they can do is attack talk show host.

pretty pathetic, but funny still.:dance:

06-01-2010, 11:04 PM
A lot of the jokes and barbs about Bristol and Willow have turned out to be not far from the truth. It's the talk of Alaska. Doubt you will hear about it on Fox News though.


And if you were in Palin's position, would you want people to say all those things about your daughter?

I would think as a parent, you'd have some empathy

06-02-2010, 05:58 AM
A lot of the jokes and barbs about Bristol and Willow have turned out to be not far from the truth. It's the talk of Alaska. Doubt you will hear about it on Fox News though.


well, now that gabs has opened the door, anyone got any info on Obama's little ones?

I find it amusing that you can start a thread complaining about hypocrisy and yet remain such a hypocrite.....then again, since you're a liberal, I guess it doesn't surprise me THAT much.....

06-02-2010, 12:49 PM
You people sure hate it when the tables are turned on you.
I didn't have to look far to find information on Palin. It's everywhere, from blogs to mainstream media. The point is: How can someone expect to lead a country when they can't even do a decent job as a parent?

06-02-2010, 01:07 PM
You people sure hate it when the tables are turned on you.
I didn't have to look far to find information on Palin. It's everywhere, from blogs to mainstream media. The point is: How can someone expect to lead a country when they can't even do a decent job as a parent?

wow Gabby, that is friggen cold.

I'll never understand you liberal women vicious hate for another woman who has not done one damn thing to you, except express her political views.

I never thought I'd see this from you, you being a parent NOW and someone who works in a school.
I'd be glad you don't work with my children, that's for sure.


06-02-2010, 01:12 PM
You people sure hate it when the tables are turned on you.
I didn't have to look far to find information on Palin. It's everywhere, from blogs to mainstream media. The point is: How can someone expect to lead a country when they can't even do a decent job as a parent?

And that right there is the hypocrisy that EVERYONE speaks of. YOU can find a NUMBER of articles regarding Palin's daughter yet we are to "leave Obama's alone".

If everyone followed proper etiquet than NO ONE's CHILDREN would be in the news. They didn't choose the public life for their parents, their parents chose it for themselves.

Do you really NOT see the hypocrisy of your actions in this thread???:poke:

06-02-2010, 02:47 PM
You people sure hate it when the tables are turned on you.
I didn't have to look far to find information on Palin. It's everywhere, from blogs to mainstream media. The point is: How can someone expect to lead a country when they can't even do a decent job as a parent?

Are you serious? Do you know how many good parents have kids that get into trouble? You don't know much about being a parent....do you? And again,why is it o.k. for some useless jackass to sit around digging stuff up on Palin's kids? Do you realise how ignorant this is?

I wonder if he can find any good dirt on the baby....maybe shoplifting,or trespassing :eek:

06-02-2010, 03:05 PM
Dear people, no one has to "dig things up" on the Palins. It's all over the news.
If my daughter ever gets in trouble (inevitable, I am sure), I can guarantee that I will make no attempts to sweep things under the rug. I will not be calling in favors to get my kid out of trouble. I will not be turning a blind eye to any trouble she is getting into.
If you are the offspring of one of the most famous public figures in the country, you are walking a thin line. If your mom preaches abstinence and opposes sex ed, and you get knocked up in high school, it is going to be in the news. If your mom preaches law and order, and keeping your nose out of government, and yet she pulls strings to get you out of trouble while hanging your friends out to dry, it's going to be in the news.

Yes, I work in a school. I see parents trying to blame anyone and everyone except their kid almost every day. I know who does a good job as a parent. Perhaps you don't.

06-02-2010, 03:18 PM
Hypocrisy anyone? Talk about hypocrisy. You attacked my kids on this very forum. Biatch.

06-02-2010, 03:22 PM
yet don't you all forget, the Palin children ARE there for all to use, abuse, dump on, etc, etc.

But whateva you do. when the Obama himself "uses" his children. Leave the Obama kids alone.

two faced hypocrites are the WORST.

06-02-2010, 03:27 PM
I have a son who is older than Gabby and is a fine upstanding guy.

I just love being lectured on how people are "suppose" to be a PARENT, by some young wet behind the ears kid.:laugh2:

06-02-2010, 04:13 PM
Dear people, no one has to "dig things up" on the Palins. It's all over the news.
If my daughter ever gets in trouble (inevitable, I am sure), I can guarantee that I will make no attempts to sweep things under the rug. I will not be calling in favors to get my kid out of trouble. I will not be turning a blind eye to any trouble she is getting into.
If you are the offspring of one of the most famous public figures in the country, you are walking a thin line. If your mom preaches abstinence and opposes sex ed, and you get knocked up in high school, it is going to be in the news. If your mom preaches law and order, and keeping your nose out of government, and yet she pulls strings to get you out of trouble while hanging your friends out to dry, it's going to be in the news.

Yes, I work in a school. I see parents trying to blame anyone and everyone except their kid almost every day. I know who does a good job as a parent. Perhaps you don't.

First,we don't know if this story is true.

Second,if it is,maybe she wouldn't feel the need to sweep it under the rug if the nutcase insane media wasn't so intent on destroying her family because they make the same mistakes that hundreds of kids (teens) make each year. My neighbors kids is a great girl. She got suckered into keying a car one day and got caught. I don't think any less of them as parents because of it.

The point is....children SHOULD be left out of this....therefore what her kids do SHOULD NOT be all over the news,period.

And I would love to know HOW the Palins could have prevented the pregnancy? They may have taught her abstinence and done everything in their power to prevent this. But,fact is,they can't be with her every second. Should they have people following her? Get real. Most teens will find a way if they want to have sex,unfortunately. Maybe you will hand your daughter a condom when she is a teen and has a boyfriend. Does that mean she will use it? Does it mean your a bad mom when she doesn't use it?

Seriously,you libs are apesh*t over this woman. I don't think anyone has taken the abuse she has.

06-02-2010, 04:30 PM
Yeah man, the lefties can use Sarah Palins children all they want.

In fact we could go through here and find that the little one (Gabby) did just that on many occasions.

But whatever you do, LEAVE THE OBAMA ALONE. waaaaaa

Now I know what that brown spot on the end of so many noses I've been seeing.... Ass kissers. Gotta ride that wave. Funny thing is tho', sooner or later that wave floats away and becomes a ripple.

06-02-2010, 04:32 PM
I have a son who is older than Gabby and is a fine upstanding guy.

I just love being lectured on how people are "suppose" to be a PARENT, by some young wet behind the ears kid.:laugh2:

:laugh2::laugh2: Yeah a 30's something who hasn't paid their dues.....If ya know what I mean.....:laugh2:

06-02-2010, 04:47 PM
And that right there is the hypocrisy that EVERYONE speaks of. YOU can find a NUMBER of articles regarding Palin's daughter yet we are to "leave Obama's alone".

If everyone followed proper etiquet than NO ONE's CHILDREN would be in the news. They didn't choose the public life for their parents, their parents chose it for themselves.

Do you really NOT see the hypocrisy of your actions in this thread???:poke:

I guess the reason the media opened fire on her kids was because they were all jealious of Palin and used any means they could to discredit her in any way, shape or form. It is not only ugly to see and hear negative bullpucky splattered everywhere about your child/children, but it is also very heartbreaking to see them having to deal with that crapola....

People that blast the kids of politicians are not only jealious, but stupid, and have lost their ability to think about the feelings of others. They have hardened their hearts....

06-02-2010, 04:55 PM
A lot of the jokes and barbs about Bristol and Willow have turned out to be not far from the truth. It's the talk of Alaska. Doubt you will hear about it on Fox News though.


And that makes it ok to make fun of the family? People like you, reading that crapola are the reason why this junk stays alive and well..... Doesn't matter whether or not it's far from the truth. What matters is the fact that this is a family. There is a mother, father, and kids involved.

06-02-2010, 05:00 PM
wow Gabby, that is friggen cold.

I'll never understand you liberal women vicious hate for another woman who has not done one damn thing to you, except express her political views.

I never thought I'd see this from you, you being a parent NOW and someone who works in a school.
I'd be glad you don't work with my children, that's for sure.


Oddly enough, I was thinking the same thing. I'm very happy she is not my grandkids teacher. Can you even begin to imagine the crapola she spiels to her students....? :eek:

06-02-2010, 05:08 PM
You people sure hate it when the tables are turned on you.
I didn't have to look far to find information on Palin. It's everywhere, from blogs to mainstream media. The point is: How can someone expect to lead a country when they can't even do a decent job as a parent?

So, Gabby, are you saying that all successful leaders in the world did an exemplary job of raising their children? Which isn't true.

Or, vice versa, all failed leaders raised exemplary children? Which isn't true.

Or are you saying that all parents of exemplary children are qualified to lead the world? Which is a grock of shit.....I am a great kid and it had nothing to do with whether my parents are capable of leading the county. They weren't ... they were alcoholics.

Your arguments are not build upon sound foundations...they are just immature lashing outs because for some reason you can't stand the thought of a strong minded, great looking, successful, down-to-earth conservative woman being so vocal.

06-02-2010, 05:16 PM
Dear people, no one has to "dig things up" on the Palins. It's all over the news.
If my daughter ever gets in trouble (inevitable, I am sure), I can guarantee that I will make no attempts to sweep things under the rug. I will not be calling in favors to get my kid out of trouble. I will not be turning a blind eye to any trouble she is getting into.
If you are the offspring of one of the most famous public figures in the country, you are walking a thin line. If your mom preaches abstinence and opposes sex ed, and you get knocked up in high school, it is going to be in the news. If your mom preaches law and order, and keeping your nose out of government, and yet she pulls strings to get you out of trouble while hanging your friends out to dry, it's going to be in the news.

Yes, I work in a school. I see parents trying to blame anyone and everyone except their kid almost every day. I know who does a good job as a parent. Perhaps you don't.

Hey, Gabby, how do you know that those "leaders" who have kids that haven't gotten into trouble didn't sweep it under the rug.....or perhaps, their child had an abortion so the whole world didn't know they got pregnant? My guess is that you would think counseling your child to have an abortion if the birth control "teachings" they received didn't work will equate to being a successful parent and therefore qualify you to be a leader. :slap:

I raised a great child, who is raising three great kids, but that doesn't mean I am qualified to lead the country. :coffee:

06-02-2010, 05:31 PM
You people sure hate it when the tables are turned on you.
I didn't have to look far to find information on Palin. It's everywhere, from blogs to mainstream media. The point is: How can someone expect to lead a country when they can't even do a decent job as a parent?

let's correct that statement.....you don't need to go very far before you find people sticking their noses in the lives of Palin's family......which actually makes the point.....why are you such a hypocrite?.....

06-02-2010, 06:43 PM
To me it was quite obvious that Beck was doggin on Obama for using his children to garner sympathy for his failures as president.

I believe one of those failures will be coming up very soon since he promised to begin pulling the military out of Iraq within 18months from the day he took over. Well..............that day is arriving and I'm not seeing, readin' or hearin' a single tidbit about whether he is actually doing it.... Me thinks he lied.......

06-02-2010, 07:42 PM
Your arguments are not build upon sound foundations...they are just immature lashing outs because for some reason you can't stand the thought of a strong minded, great looking, successful, down-to-earth conservative woman being so vocal.

This is what it boils down too. She is a threat. She totally erases the msm idea that the right wing opresses women. That they aren't for strong,intelligent women. I would go so far as to say that they are obcessed with her because of this.

06-02-2010, 08:43 PM
A lot of the jokes and barbs about Bristol and Willow have turned out to be not far from the truth. It's the talk of Alaska. Doubt you will hear about it on Fox News though.

Never fear, little girl, the vast majority of us here in Wasilla love Sarah, contrary to what your bizarre commie bloggers with their made up fantasies would have you believe.

She really terrifies the holy hell out of you, doesn't she? Is it because she's a lot prettier than you are? Smarter? Has more money? Is admired? Sexier legs?

06-02-2010, 09:20 PM
Never fear, little girl, the vast majority of us here in Wasilla love Sarah

Do they love the fact that Sarah's kids are immune to the consequences of their misdeeds while others are not? Do they love that Sarah creates her own laws while refusing to follow others? Does everyone there love the Witch Queen of Wasilla?

Stephanie likes to point out I am supposedly some zombie follower of Obama (although she has refused to provide examples), but never acknowledges her own blind allegiance to Sarah Palin. Anything I post about Palin, I can be sure Steph will be on within a half hour or so (because some old ladies have nothing else to do) to defend her.

06-02-2010, 09:24 PM
You people sure hate it when the tables are turned on you.
I didn't have to look far to find information on Palin. It's everywhere, from blogs to mainstream media. The point is: How can someone expect to lead a country when they can't even do a decent job as a parent?

Dear people, no one has to "dig things up" on the Palins. It's all over the news.
If my daughter ever gets in trouble (inevitable, I am sure), I can guarantee that I will make no attempts to sweep things under the rug. I will not be calling in favors to get my kid out of trouble. I will not be turning a blind eye to any trouble she is getting into.
If you are the offspring of one of the most famous public figures in the country, you are walking a thin line. If your mom preaches abstinence and opposes sex ed, and you get knocked up in high school, it is going to be in the news. If your mom preaches law and order, and keeping your nose out of government, and yet she pulls strings to get you out of trouble while hanging your friends out to dry, it's going to be in the news.

Yes, I work in a school. I see parents trying to blame anyone and everyone except their kid almost every day. I know who does a good job as a parent. Perhaps you don't.

I suspect being a mother is unfamiliar to you in reality...

Do you know anyone that is as hateful a bitch as you are ?
Know anyone that is as hypocritical an asshole as you are?
Do you even realize you are a hateful bitch and hypocritical asshole...?
Probably not....well, take it from an unbiased source, you are both....

and the fact that you don't realize it means you're stupid too....
A stupid, hypocritical, hateful bitch....thats sad....

06-02-2010, 09:33 PM
Do they love the fact that Sarah's kids are immune to the consequences of their misdeeds while others are not? Do they love that Sarah creates her own laws while refusing to follow others? Does everyone there love the Witch Queen of Wasilla?

I absolutely love how you buy into the bullshit you dredge up 100%.

Okay, then, show me legitimate news reports showing :

1) Sarah's kids being immune to the consequences of their misdeeds while others are not

2) Show me where Sarah creates her own laws and refuses to follow others (wtf?)

As for your 'Queen Witch' statement, yes, I'd estimate 90% or greater love Sarah here in the Valley. She rocks our collective socks!

Please don't dig up some typical gabby bullshit, remember the key word : LEGITIMATE.

06-02-2010, 09:45 PM
Anything I post about Palin, I can be sure Steph will be on within a half hour or so (because some old ladies have nothing else to do) to defend her.

As opposed to you who I have seen more times than I can count...post and run?

I would also like to see proof other than a pathetic blogger with nothing else to do but wait for sources to fill him in on Palins" children's activities.

I thought your whole point about Beck was that he shouldn't have made a joke involving an Obama kid. Please answer me why it is o.k. to bring Palins children into anything?

06-03-2010, 09:35 AM
Do they love the fact that Sarah's kids are immune to the consequences of their misdeeds while others are not? Do they love that Sarah creates her own laws while refusing to follow others? Does everyone there love the Witch Queen of Wasilla?

Stephanie likes to point out I am supposedly some zombie follower of Obama (although she has refused to provide examples), but never acknowledges her own blind allegiance to Sarah Palin. Anything I post about Palin, I can be sure Steph will be on within a half hour or so (because some old ladies have nothing else to do) to defend her.

yes Gabs, I do defend Palin.
what you forget, is she was my Governor and a damn good one for the state of Alaska. She is also a nice human being, as you can see even with all the attacks against her by you lefties, the media, hell even this President you so admire.
what has she done to you for you to hate her so much that you use her children as a weapon of attack. is that your nature? if so it is an ugly one dear.

06-03-2010, 10:10 AM
Anything I post about Palin, I can be sure Steph will be on within a half hour or so (because some old ladies have nothing else to do) to defend her.

as far as this little dig at me little one.
I have been working 50hr. weeks between two jobs since December. that is why you haven't seen me as much around here.

now go sit in a corner and put on the dunce cap. you were a bad girl in class.:laugh2:

06-03-2010, 10:34 AM
I have not been on this forum for long, but it scares me to death to know someone as hateful as this gabby person might be teaching innocent minds. Do you know how many children of good upstanding parents in the community get abortions and people, including the parents, are none the wiser??? I'm a nurse and I can assure you it happens all of the time. OMG, Palin's daughter decided to have a baby instead of abort it. Let's crucify the poor girl. I commend her for not taking the easy way out and just "get rid of" the problem. The Palins now have a special, precious grand-baby to cherish. And for the record, there are parents to try to do everything right, and raise their children to the best of their ability, but some children just have that "wild streak" in their genes and have to learn a few lessons the hard way before they become mature enough to make the right decisions.

06-03-2010, 11:02 AM
A lot of us here have known Gabby for quite awhile.
There are times with the way she comes across on the board, that I pray she is not like that in REAL life.

But it makes you wonder.

06-03-2010, 11:06 AM
I believe one of those failures will be coming up very soon since he promised to begin pulling the military out of Iraq within 18months from the day he took over. Well..............that day is arriving and I'm not seeing, readin' or hearin' a single tidbit about whether he is actually doing it.... Me thinks he lied.......Hmmm?...I wonder if this will be an issue for the left-wing, pro-Obama media?

06-14-2010, 07:32 AM
I have not been on this forum for long, but it scares me to death to know someone as hateful as this gabby person might be teaching innocent minds. Do you know how many children of good upstanding parents in the community get abortions and people, including the parents, are none the wiser??? I'm a nurse and I can assure you it happens all of the time. OMG, Palin's daughter decided to have a baby instead of abort it. Let's crucify the poor girl. I commend her for not taking the easy way out and just "get rid of" the problem. The Palins now have a special, precious grand-baby to cherish. And for the record, there are parents to try to do everything right, and raise their children to the best of their ability, but some children just have that "wild streak" in their genes and have to learn a few lessons the hard way before they become mature enough to make the right decisions.The awesome thing about being a liberal is that you don't have to grow up and assume personal responsibility. Gabby married a Republican who works hard so she doesn't have to. Apparently she had too many abortions when she was younger so her stuff doesn't work anymore, so had to adopt. Soon that poor hubby will have a second brat running around the house.