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View Full Version : VP Biden - Stimulus Bill Was About New Ideas Not Creating Jobs

red states rule
06-01-2010, 04:32 AM
Who would have thought the "stimulus" bill was about new ways to send taxpayer money and not "creating" jobs?


Heading up a Middle Class Task Force roundtable discussion on Wednesday, Vice President Joe Biden said that one of the benefits of the $787 billion stimulus package signed into law in February is that it has generated new ideas for dealing with economic problems, including unemployment.

Biden said he and Melody Barnes, White House Domestic Policy Council director, have talked at length about ways to “generate new ideas about how to deal with future employment needs,” Biden said. “We have new ideas about how to spend government money wisely.”

He said that there was “virtually no fraud” associated with the spending so far of the billions allocated for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The government, according to recovery.gov, has distributed just over one half of the $787 billion.

“I might add, I’m very proud to say, that’s there’s been virtually no – knock on wood – virtually no fraud associated with the $787 billion program overall,” Biden said as he banged his fist on the table and against his head


06-01-2010, 04:46 AM
Who would have thought the "stimulus" bill was about new ways to send taxpayer money and not "creating" jobs?

Progressive liberals. Don't you know that they love to spend money on "ideas" .... like "why did the chicken cross the road"? The amount of money spent on stupid research projects baffles me. Now, they are spending millions on creating new ideas about how to deal with economic problems. It's a no brainer --- give businesses incentives to create jobs!!! That would certainly take care of the unemployment issue! :slap:

red states rule
06-01-2010, 04:51 AM
Progressive liberals. Don't you know that they love to spend money on "ideas" .... like "why did the chicken cross the road"? The amount of money spent on stupid research projects baffles me. Now, they are spending millions on creating new ideas about how to deal with economic problems. It's a no brainer --- give businesses incentives to create jobs!!! That would certainly take care of the unemployment issue! :slap:

Remember these promises?

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<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/AaDtkG6afBc&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/AaDtkG6afBc&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

And what was in the bill?

We've looked it over, and even we can't quite believe it. There's $1 billion for Amtrak, the federal railroad that hasn't turned a profit in 40 years; $2 billion for child-care subsidies; $50 million for that great engine of job creation, the National Endowment for the Arts; $400 million for global-warming research and another $2.4 billion for carbon-capture demonstration projects. There's even $650 million on top of the billions already doled out to pay for digital TV conversion coupons.

In selling the plan, President Obama has said this bill will make "dramatic investments to revive our flagging economy." Well, you be the judge. Some $30 billion, or less than 5% of the spending in the bill, is for fixing bridges or other highway projects. There's another $40 billion for broadband and electric grid development, airports and clean water projects that are arguably worthwhile priorities.

Here's another lu-lu: Congress wants to spend $600 million more for the federal government to buy new cars. Uncle Sam already spends $3 billion a year on its fleet of 600,000 vehicles. Congress also wants to spend $7 billion for modernizing federal buildings and facilities. The Smithsonian is targeted to receive $150 million; we love the Smithsonian, too, but this is a job creator?

Another "stimulus" secret is that some $252 billion is for income-transfer payments -- that is, not investments that arguably help everyone, but cash or benefits to individuals for doing nothing at all. There's $81 billion for Medicaid, $36 billion for expanded unemployment benefits, $20 billion for food stamps, and $83 billion for the earned income credit for people who don't pay income tax. While some of that may be justified to help poorer Americans ride out the recession, they aren't job creators.


06-01-2010, 08:57 AM
Progressive liberals. Don't you know that they love to spend money on "ideas" .... like "why did the chicken cross the road"? The amount of money spent on stupid research projects baffles me. Now, they are spending millions on creating new ideas about how to deal with economic problems. It's a no brainer --- give businesses incentives to create jobs!!! That would certainly take care of the unemployment issue! :slap:

They lack common sense and genuine compassion so they have to spend our money on, "research projects" to try and understand what the real world is like. That's not to mention it also creates another voting block that won't want to bite the hand that feeds them.

All they have to do is stop all foreign aid to countries who aren't clearly on our side and quit trying to redistribute the wealth of the country through taxes and regulations. Let business owners keep their money and businesses will go, which means jobs for the masses.

06-01-2010, 11:14 AM
VP Biden - Stimulus Bill Was About New Ideas Not Creating Jobs

Now we are not at war with Eurasia. We are at war with Eastasia. We have always been at war with Eastasia. The highest officials in our government are telling us so.


Orwell missed by 26 years. But he didn't miss much.

06-01-2010, 03:16 PM
I bet bambam wishes he had a muzzle for Biden:laugh2:

red states rule
06-01-2010, 06:43 PM
They lack common sense and genuine compassion so they have to spend our money on, "research projects" to try and understand what the real world is like. That's not to mention it also creates another voting block that won't want to bite the hand that feeds them.

All they have to do is stop all foreign aid to countries who aren't clearly on our side and quit trying to redistribute the wealth of the country through taxes and regulations. Let business owners keep their money and businesses will go, which means jobs for the masses.

More on how stimulus money was spent

The 102 worst ways the government is spending your tax dollars:

102: Protecting a Michigan insect collection from other insects ($187,632)

101: Highway beautified by fish art in Washington ($10,000)

100: University studying hookup behavior of female college coeds in New York ($219,000)

99: Police department getting 92 blackberries for supervisors in Rhode Island ($95,000)

98: Upgrades to seldom-used river cruise boat in Oklahoma ($1.8 million)

97: Precast concrete toilet buildings for Mark Twain National Forest in Montana ($462,000)

96: University studying whether mice become disoriented when they consume alcohol in Florida ($8,408)

95: Foreign bus wheel polishers for California ($259,000)

94: Recovering crab pots lost at sea in Oregon ($700,000)

93: Developing a program to develop "machine-generated humor" in Illinois ($712,883)

92: Colorado museum where stimulus was signed (and already has $90 million in the bank) gets geothermal stimulus grant ($2.6 million)

91: Grant to the Maine Indian Basketmakers Alliance to support the traditional arts apprenticeship program, gathering and festival ($30,000)

90: Studying methamphetamines and the female rat sex drive in Maryland ($30,000)

89: Studying mating decisions of cactus bugs in Florida ($325,394)

88: Studying why deleting a gene can create sex reversal in people, but not in mice in Minnesota ($190,000)

87: College hires director for a project on genetic control of sensory hair cell membrane channels in zebrafish in California ($327,337)

86: New jumbo recycling bins with microchips embedded inside to track participation in Ohio ($500,000)

85: Oregon Federal Building's "green" renovation at nearly the price of a brand new building ($133 million)

for the rest of the list
