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View Full Version : Dieting for dollars? More US employees trying it

06-01-2010, 12:17 PM
my moms work likes to do a biggest loser pot every year with everyone pitching in five but nothing from the company itself besides a gym discount.


ATLANTA – How much money would it take to get you to lose some serious weight? $100? $500?

Many employers are betting they can find your price. At least a third of U.S. companies offer financial incentives, or are planning to introduce them, to get their employees to lose weight or get healthier in other ways.

"There's been an explosion of interest in this," said Dr. Kevin Volpp, director of the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Health Incentives.

Take OhioHealth, a hospital chain whose workforce is mostly overweight. The company last year embarked on a program that paid employees to wear pedometers and get paid for walking. The more they walk, the more they win — up to $500 a year.

Anecdotal success stories are everywhere. Half of the 9,000 employees at the chain's five main hospitals signed up, more than $377,000 in rewards have already been paid out, and many workers tell of weight loss and a sudden need for slimmer clothes.

06-01-2010, 12:25 PM
Companies SHOULD reward their employee's who take the initiative to be healthy. I cost my companies insureance almost NOTHING over the course of a year. My Kids are very active as well as my wife yet I pay the same as the 400+ lb person on the same plan. It really isn't fair. Why should I pay the same as someone who doesn't take care of themselves.

My family are all involved with sports and activities that keep us moving, we try to eat decently and don't eat much processed food (almost impossible to not).

Mine does give us a free membership to our health and wellness center (thank God)