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View Full Version : The Aussie's have it right

04-27-2007, 06:34 AM
Here is a link to a story by the Australia Prime Minister on the recent vote..


04-27-2007, 06:38 AM
Actually no-one cares what he has to say any more. Our involvement in Iraq is deeply unpopular and it's a stinking albatross carcass around Howard's neck. He's seen as Bush's lackey and that is highly distasteful to a country that regards its alliance with the US as its number one alliance in the world but is deeply disturbed by the uncritical stance adopted by the PM towards the Bush Administration.

We have a federal election coming up and the PM and his Party are trailing badly in the polls. While we have a few months to go before the election the polls are continually showing that he would lose government and may even lose his own seat in the parliament.

04-27-2007, 07:14 AM
Most of the people here are proud of Australian lifestyle and culture. But they are sick of being lapdogs of Americans politically. Even puny New Zealand stands independent of America in the region.

04-27-2007, 07:32 AM
It's particularly embarrassing (but somehow heartening) to see our Kiwi cousins standing up for their own interests without licking anyone's boots. I always think a strong alliance is an honest alliance, where each party to the alliance is treated as an equal, regardless of factors such as population, wealth, economic power, military power etc. Howard makes me ashamed to be Australian. He has demeaned us.

04-27-2007, 07:50 AM
I'm not Australian yet, I just live here. But at least Howard told the Muslims if they want to live in Australia they have to accept Australian values. Which is more than Bush did with his "Islam is the religion of love" bullshit. Other than that Howard's not too bright.

04-27-2007, 07:58 AM
I'm not Australian yet, I just live here. But at least Howard told the Muslims if they want to live in Australia they have to accept Australian values. Which is more than Bush did with his "Islam is the religion of love" bullshit. Other than that Howard's not too bright.
That's not what he said. But very few politicians will speak the truth about Islam, and those that do don't survive long.

04-27-2007, 08:14 AM
I I always think a strong alliance is an honest alliance, where each party to the alliance is treated as an equal, regardless of factors such as population, wealth, economic power, military power etc. Howard makes me ashamed to be Australian. He has demeaned us.

Yeah, but obviously the reason he so thoroughly kisses Bush's ass is because of the very fact that Australia lacks "population, wealth, economic power, military power etc." With the worlds biggest Muslim country on her doorstep Australia would need the help of America to fight them off if they invade. It's a strategic alliance.

04-27-2007, 08:16 AM
That's not what he said. But very few politicians will speak the truth about Islam, and those that do don't survive long.

Oh yeah "Religion of peace" not "love". Either way it was an idiotic statement.

04-27-2007, 08:30 AM
Oh yeah "Religion of peace" not "love". Either way it was an idiotic statement.
very few politicians will speak the truth about Islam, and those that do don't survive long.

04-27-2007, 11:15 AM
Yeah, but obviously the reason he so thoroughly kisses Bush's ass is because of the very fact that Australia lacks "population, wealth, economic power, military power etc." With the worlds biggest Muslim country on her doorstep Australia would need the help of America to fight them off if they invade. It's a strategic alliance.

If an alliance isn't strategic then it's a waste of everyone's time. But we have (at the moment - check your watch, things can change quickly) pretty good relations with Indonesia and while they're the world's most populous Muslim nation their government doesn't need Islamic radicals upsetting everything. Hence the good work between the Indonesian national police and the AFP. One hand washes the other.