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View Full Version : Boxer: Carbon Dioxide Is The Greatest Threat To America's National Security

red states rule
06-11-2010, 04:46 AM
So America's biggest threat is not Iran, North Korea, or radical Islam. No it is Co2

So says that intellectual heavyweight Barbata Boxer

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06-11-2010, 03:17 PM
Soooo... are we all terrorists then? I can't really stop breathing.

06-11-2010, 05:55 PM
Soooo... are we all terrorists then? I can't really stop breathing.

It would really help if she would stop breathing though.

06-11-2010, 06:02 PM
play it again sam. did she the biggest threat to our troops????

06-11-2010, 06:02 PM
Soooo... are we all terrorists then? I can't really stop breathing.

Perhaps this is part of the Overton Window effect ... get people to believing that there are just toooooooooo many people on this earth and if abortion was advocated more there would be less people existing to be breathing?

red states rule
06-11-2010, 06:39 PM
Once again the liberal media waves the pom poms for Obama and his Cap and Trade bill

MSNBC's Mitchell: Oil Spill An 'Opportunity' for Obama to Push Energy Bill

Speaking to New York Magazine columnist John Heilemann on MSNBC Friday, anchor Andrea Mitchell wondered if the Gulf oil spill could be a political opportunity for President Obama: "Is there an opportunity now to do something real on energy?"Heilemann proclaimed the disaster was "a triggering action for us to try and get toward a greener future...break our addiction to oil..."

The discussion occurred during the 1PM ET hour on Andrea Mitchell Reports with Mitchell noting how the President was "trying to contain the political damage" from the spill. After she spun the crisis as an "opportunity," Heilemann argued: "I think this is one of these real moments for any president...what better moment is there than this?" Both Mitchell and Heilemann seem to share the philosophy of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel that "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste."

Heilemann actually worried that the White House would not exploit the situation enough: "I think that for the White House to do that and not end up with a piecemeal, some kind of small bill – small ball bill – he's got to go really big and turn this into a crusade." He described the "fear" on the Left that the administration was "going to end up settling for a small solution rather than the big one that really changes, fundamentally, our relationship to energy and the – and our climate."
