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06-12-2010, 11:55 AM

NEW ORLEANS – A federal grand jury charged two former and three current New Orleans police officers in the death of Henry Glover whose charred remains were found in Algiers inside a burned out car days after Hurricane Katrina, according to U.S. Attorney Jim Letten.

(Read the indictment.) (http://images.bimedia.net/documents/glover.pdf)

A federal grand jury returned an 11-count indictment against David Warren, Travis McCabe, Dwayne Scheuermann, Greg McRae and Robert Italiano, said Letten outside the federal courthouse.

06-12-2010, 02:09 PM
Were they found guilty? Because if they are only charged, that doesn't mean they are guilty.

06-12-2010, 04:47 PM
Were they found guilty? Because if they are only charged, that doesn't mean they are guilty.

Maybe you should contribute to their defense fund since you like them so much.

Abbey Marie
06-12-2010, 06:26 PM
Maybe you should contribute to their defense fund since you like them so much.

I just read Avatar's post, and it seems you are having trouble with reading comprehension. :no:

06-12-2010, 06:42 PM
Maybe you should contribute to their defense fund since you like them so much.

Ah, right, the guilty until proven guilty approach. Even if they were exonerated, if the evidence did not bear the charges makes no difference to you. You have already decided their guilt, because obviously you were there, or otherwise pose some degree omnipotence. Otherwise, you're just being a presumptuous jackass.

06-14-2010, 01:32 AM
Maybe you should contribute to their defense fund since you like them so much.

I'd be more than happy to defend them myself if they wanted. Everyone deserves a good defense and they have a presumption of innocence until they are proven guilty.

Of course, you seem to disagree. What is it about allowing the Courts decide bothers you?

06-14-2010, 05:44 AM
Maybe you should contribute to their defense fund since you like them so much.

He was asking a question to root out more evidence and not because he was giving his opinion one way or the other. But he was correct. Just charging someone doesn't mean that person is actually guilty. Innocent people have been sent up the river before just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time..

06-15-2010, 12:16 AM
Ah, right, the guilty until proven guilty approach. Even if they were exonerated, if the evidence did not bear the charges makes no difference to you. You have already decided their guilt, because obviously you were there, or otherwise pose some degree omnipotence. Otherwise, you're just being a presumptuous jackass.

Put your money where you mouth is and send them a lawyer.

I'd be more than happy to defend them myself if they wanted.


Everyone deserves a good defense

Really? Did you just come to this realization? LOOKS LIKE YOU'VE GOT A NEW MISSION IN LIFE


Funny how underfunded public criminal defense funds only became an issue to you after 5 white men in uniform gunned down a black man.

and they have a presumption of innocence until they are proven guilty.
The COURTS presume them innocent until proven guilty, NOT ME.

He was asking a question to root out more evidence and not because he was giving his opinion one way or the other. But he was correct. Just charging someone doesn't mean that person is actually guilty. Innocent people have been sent up the river before just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time..

Yeah, right, cops get framed all the time, sure.

06-15-2010, 12:51 AM
Put your money where you mouth is and send them a lawyer.

Um, wow, decided to where your big boys pants, did we? You aren't even debating, you are a step shy of forming your own lynch mob, so there's no use having any form of rational debate with you on this. You have decided they are guilty, period, that was my entire point, and you just proved it for me. It isn't about guilt or innocence, it's about vengeance, right or wrong, and they need to burn for you to be happy.

06-15-2010, 11:34 AM
you are a step shy of forming your own lynch mob
Right. Merely thinking someone with overwhelming evidence against them is guilt of a crime is so very nearly the same as getting together with all my white friends and hunting down and killing a black person and then setting his body on fire in a stolen car.

, so there's no use having any form of rational debate with you on this. You have decided they are guilty, period, that was my entire point, and you just proved it for me. It isn't about guilt or innocence, it's about vengeance, right or wrong, and they need to burn for you to be happy.
So do you believe that OJ did not kill Nicole?

06-15-2010, 12:15 PM
Were they found guilty? Because if they are only charged, that doesn't mean they are guilty.

Unless they are George W. Bush, Sarah Palin, or any employee of Halliburton. :poke:

06-15-2010, 01:04 PM
If there's any evidence that someone other than these cops shot the victim and burned his body in his own vehicle - I'm all ears.

06-15-2010, 01:12 PM
If there's any evidence that someone other than these cops shot the victim and burned his body in his own vehicle - I'm all ears.What actions do you propose we take?...Please be specific?

06-15-2010, 01:25 PM

Really? Did you just come to this realization? LOOKS LIKE YOU'VE GOT A NEW MISSION IN LIFE


Funny how underfunded public criminal defense funds only became an issue to you after 5 white men in uniform gunned down a black man.

The COURTS presume them innocent until proven guilty, NOT ME.

Yes, you clearly don't need proof to reach your conclusions.

And no, I've had the opinion that public defenders are underfunded for years. Politicians don't seem to like funding us because they are Constitutionally mandated to but it doesnt benefit them politically. That's why we have worthless pieces of junk for computers and archaic filing systems. It's quite sad actually.

06-15-2010, 01:27 PM
If there's any evidence that someone other than these cops shot the victim and burned his body in his own vehicle - I'm all ears.

So you don't even know what evidence there is and you have convicted these men.

They may very well be guilty, but I'd be rather embarassed to make ridiculous assumptions myself.

06-15-2010, 02:58 PM
Right. Merely thinking someone with overwhelming evidence against them is guilt of a crime is so very nearly the same as getting together with all my white friends and hunting down and killing a black person and then setting his body on fire in a stolen car.

So do you believe that OJ did not kill Nicole?

Please, continue making my point for me, it really helps make you look like an insane person. See, but there you go again, guilty until proven guilty. How long have you harbored this absolute hatred of the American Judicial System, as well as the police force? Our courts over here believe that a person is innocent until they are proven guilty by a court of law. Alls that you slapped up was the indictment, not a court proceeding, you have presented no evidence, you've just decided they're guilty. And not only that, but you are working to inflame others with this bullshit hate speech of yours. that's how lynch mobs form. Learn some damn history before you post.

By the way you talk, every person accused of a crime is automatically guilty, as long as you don't like them. It isn't up to us to prove they didn't do, that's the job of the defense attorneys, just like it isn't our job to prove they did do it, that's the job of the prosecution. You're being an arrogant prick, deciding who's innocent and who's guilty before even a judge or jury could. What, you're just that much smarter than them?

06-15-2010, 05:01 PM
What actions do you propose we take?...Please be specific?

The actions undertaken by the U.S. Attorney sound good to me.

So you don't even know what evidence there is and you have convicted these men.


Please, continue making my point for me, it really helps make you look like an insane person. See, but there you go again, guilty until proven guilty. How long have you harbored this absolute hatred of the American Judicial System, as well as the police force? Our courts over here believe that a person is innocent until they are proven guilty by a court of law. Alls that you slapped up was the indictment, not a court proceeding, you have presented no evidence, you've just decided they're guilty. And not only that, but you are working to inflame others with this bullshit hate speech of yours. that's how lynch mobs form. Learn some damn history before you post.

By the way you talk, every person accused of a crime is automatically guilty, as long as you don't like them. It isn't up to us to prove they didn't do, that's the job of the defense attorneys, just like it isn't our job to prove they did do it, that's the job of the prosecution. You're being an arrogant prick, deciding who's innocent and who's guilty before even a judge or jury could. What, you're just that much smarter than them?

I believe I'm entitled to my opinion.

After these pigs get convicted I'll have to come back here and gloat.

06-15-2010, 05:17 PM

Really? Did you just come to this realization? LOOKS LIKE YOU'VE GOT A NEW MISSION IN LIFE


Funny how underfunded public criminal defense funds only became an issue to you after 5 white men in uniform gunned down a black man.

The COURTS presume them innocent until proven guilty, NOT ME.

So you believe someone is automatically guilty because of the color of their skin? I hope to God you are never called for jury duty!!:eek:

06-15-2010, 06:12 PM
I believe I'm entitled to my opinion.

After these pigs get convicted I'll have to come back here and gloat.

Gloat over your arrogance? Go right ahead. If they are guilty, then fine, they get what's coming to them. It's not them I'm talking about, it's you, and I can't believe you're so slow on the uptake that I have to flat out say it to you. I mean, do you even look at what you write? you've decided they're guilty, period, and you won't have the spine to be back on here admitting wrong if they are proven innocent. No, you'll scream like a child that it's not fair, that they're really still guilty.

Yeah, you'll swing back in for idiotic gloating over a tragedy, but yet, you will not listen to the people telling that we are not arguing the charges against them, we are arguing that you are not omniscient, you do not know if they're guilty or innocent, and what's even more sad? You still won't get it even after reading this post.

06-16-2010, 01:46 AM
So you believe someone is automatically guilty because of the color of their skin?

If that's seriously what you got out of it you may as well kill yourself.

If they are guilty, then fine, they get what's coming to them.

What do you mean "IF" they are guilty? You just said they aren't guilty! Make up your mind!

you've decided they're guilty, period, and you won't have the spine to be back on here admitting wrong if they are proven innocent.

Proven innocent? Sorry, but juries don't determine innocence, they determine guilt. Its guilty or not guilty, not guilty or innocent. Acquittal does not prove innocence.