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View Full Version : Democrat Congressman Goes Nuts When Asked if He Supports the “Obama Agenda”; Attacks

06-14-2010, 07:42 AM
spread it around folks, we have to get rid of these people.

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/v60oNUoHBYM&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xd0d0d0&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/v60oNUoHBYM&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xd0d0d0&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

Here is shocking video of North Carolina Democrat Rep. Bob Etheridge being asked by some students on a public sidewalk in Washington, D.C. if he supports the “Obama Agenda.” Once he realized the students were asking him that question, he went bonkers. Etheridge hit their camera and then grabbed one of the students by the arm as he repeated over and over “Who are you, Who are you? Tell me who you are?” The students identified themselves as such, but Etheridge persisted. At one point he then grabbed the student whose arm he had been holding onto and pulled himself up beside himself with his arm wrapped around the student. The student repeatedly asked the Congressman to “let go of my arm.”

There is no scenario under which this kind of behavior is acceptable. Etheridge represents the 2nd District in North Carolina, and faces a tough re-election battle. This video ought to seal his defeat. It’s time for voters to say to Etheridge, “Who are you” to treat people like this?

Mike Flynn at Big Government has more.


06-14-2010, 10:13 AM
That's called assault and battery. He should be charged accordingly.

06-14-2010, 10:51 AM
Libtards routinely resort to violence when faced with a truthful debate. Here's another example:


06-14-2010, 10:52 AM
I can't believe the arrogance of many of these elected officials any more.

It's as if they are positive they will be re-elected no matter what they say or do.

How did we ever get fooled by such obviously bad people?...Let's use the ballot box to send them packing.

06-14-2010, 01:53 PM
I can't believe people are actually defending his actions.


06-14-2010, 02:22 PM
I can't believe people are actually defending his actions.


I can.

Dems are in freefall, and will grasp at anything, repeat anything, to try to halt the coming debacle.

Remember that to these people, government is all, government is everything, government is life. Getting them out of government, is a threat worse than death.

When you corner a rat, don't be surprised when he turns on you and attacks.

06-14-2010, 02:34 PM
I can.

Dems are in freefall, and will grasp at anything, repeat anything, to try to halt the coming debacle.

Remember that to these people, government is all, government is everything, government is life. Getting them out of government, is a threat worse than death.

When you corner a rat, don't be surprised when he turns on you and attacks.

I just meant the sheep that are falling all over each other to protect the wolves from being chased off.

06-14-2010, 03:05 PM
I can't believe people are actually defending his actions.

http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/0610/Dems_defed_Etheridge_attack_Breitbart.html?showall Brad Woodhouse even admits that his allegations are nothing more than unsubstantiated theories of possible motives that he has attributed to the students.

He totally ignores the possibility that Bob Etheridge is simply an arrogant asshole who is totally at fault in this matter...Damage control is his game.

06-14-2010, 04:00 PM
took the talking points, and have some answers for them

1. There is always the part of the story that you can’t see in these gotcha style videos — what were these folks doing, how did they approach him, how were the cameraman and/or others off camera acting?

It's pretty obvious on camera that nothing much was going on outside the camera. Even if there were, this is supposed to be one of our "responsible" leaders, so even if they were being jackasses somehow, how does that excuse the assault?

2. Why would any legitimate student doing a project or a journalist shagging a story not identify themselves. Motives matter — what was the motivation here? To incite this very type of reaction?

Probably for the same reason that when somebody tried to rob me a few weeks ago I didn't hand over my money. The second the question was asked, he went to the offensive. I mean, it was a simpe enough question, and could have been answered with a quick, "Not all of it" or a "I'm sorry, but I really don't have time right now".

3. This is clearly the work of the Republican Party and the “interviewer” is clearly a low level staffer or intern. That’s what explains blurring the face of the “interviewer” and refusing to identify the entity this was done for. The Republicans know if they were caught engaging in this type of gotcha tactic it would undermine their own credibility — yet if it was an individual acting on his own there is no reason that person would have blurred themselves out of the video — and if it was the work of a right wing blog they would have their logo on the video and be shouting their involvement from the roof top.

Here's one: You were willing to attack the guy on the open street for asking you a question about your stances, what are you going to do to him if you know who he actually is? How about: We are your constituents, and we have the god damned right to ask you questions about your politics? If you can't discuss your politics, you shouldn't be in politics.

4. This was a purposefully partisan hit job designed to incite a reaction for political reasons — but it is a tactic so low — the parties involved are remaining anonymous.

Anonymous? On youtube? That's like the least anonymous thing you could do, cause you can trace the youtube profile. But okay, let's put aside all the common sense and rationality on that part: So you know they are trying to catch you doing somehting wrong, and so you attack them on camera on a public street, and accost the person?

5. The fact that no one wants to take credit for this should raise real questions in the minds of voters and the press.

Again, I saw what he did to the kid for asking one simple question. Why on earth would that kid let him or anyone else know? Are they dispute the veracity of the video itself? Cause otherwise, regardless of what you want to try and blow up my butt, then that was still an assault.

6. Push hard w/ blogs the lack of credibility inherent to anything Breitbart does/posts, given its role in the debunked ACORN videos:

really not much to say here, since really, that's just another color of trying to kill it

06-14-2010, 04:07 PM
and the site that aired the video fires back to defend the vid:

"If Congressman Etheridge has apologized for his abhorrent behavior then why is the DNC staging a coordinated attack on the people he's apologized to? This is a classic 'kill the messenger' tactic and reinforces why our sources asked for the anonymity we are granting them," said the site's founder, Andrew Breitbart.

DNC communications director Brad Woodhouse speculated that the videographers -- who said on the video that they're students but enraged Etheridge by refusing to say where -- were "trackers" -- Republican campaign aides or interns.

"Honestly, I don't know if they are trackers. (Like the Allen, Macacca videographer) Or students," said Michael Flynn, who first posted the video, in an email. "They sent me the videos anonymously and identified themselves as students. Do I know for sure? I do not. Hell, they could be students working as trackers. That said, I think the video speaks for itself. Etheridge went from 0-60 in like a nano-second. The question which provoked him was 'Do you support Obama's agenda?' That isn't exactly confrontational.

"Even more bizarre to me is the fact that he knew he was being filmed. Who in 2010 doesn't understand that flip camera video can circle the planet in about 3 minutes?" he said.


red states rule
06-14-2010, 06:37 PM
MSNBC is defending the Dem and giving him a pass since he was "ambushed"

<object width="518" height="419"><param name="movie" value="http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/eyeblast.swf?v=XdaG2GnzIr" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/eyeblast.swf?v=XdaG2GnzIr" allowfullscreen="true" width="518" height="419" /></object>

06-14-2010, 07:36 PM
"WHO ARE YOU? WHO ARE YOU?" A little paranoid???

red states rule
06-15-2010, 06:05 AM
I will be surprised if anything happens to Mr Etheridge. You see he has a "D" at the end of his name. So with his floow Dems, and his supporters in the liberal media that provides him with a
