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View Full Version : Mr. President, You're Stuck on Stupid

red states rule
06-15-2010, 06:36 AM
Great op-ed that hits the nail on the head

It is true that liberalism is cruel, corrupt, wasteful, and unjust. But one should never forget its delusion. The delusion is a simple one. It is a belief that government can be made rational and efficient. This delusion leads our liberal friends into disaster after disaster.

Liberals were shocked that President Bush failed to get everyone tucked up in bed in a couple of days after Hurricane Katrina. They knew that a rational and efficient government, run by people like them who believed in government, could do better.

Now President Obama is busy proving them wrong.

Unfortunately, conservatives aren't helping. In pointing out the serious lapses in the president's leadership qualities, we conservatives are missing the point. We are encouraging liberals in their delusion. Instead, we should remind everyone that of course a bunch of corporate bureaucrats, combined with a bunch of government bureaucrats, are going to be a bit off the mark.

A bit of presidential leadership might have made a difference, we could have said, but not much. The president brings the talents and experience of twenty years in left-wing organizing to the presidency. In that school, the attitude, the gesture, is all-important. So obviously he's not going to be much help in a crisis.

But leader or no leader, it takes time to plug a hole -- especially a hole under five thousand feet of water.

The big problem for the president is that the Gulf oil spill is his fourth major presidential mistake. The first big mistake was the $787-billion stimulus package. The second was the appeasement of thug dictators, Islamist and leftist. The third mistake was ObamaCare. The fourth is the Gulf.


06-15-2010, 06:57 AM
Great article. With Obama comparing the oil leak to 9/11, he's opening the door to oppressive legislation restricting oil and related fields. The Patriot Act written for energy. Good Lord! I mean what could go wrong?

Obama was in bed with BP, thus no action for a couple weeks. The public, then the media began to rebel. Thus, like Grandma and Rev. Wright, 'throw 'em under the bus.'

Now comes the bounty off the crisis-more government intrusion into the private sector.

Meanwhile, they've ignored offers of help from foreign governments. Prevent private citizens from helping with wildlife clean up. The original disaster was an accident, whether from negligence or not. What's worse is the coming disaster.

red states rule
06-15-2010, 07:04 AM
Great article. With Obama comparing the oil leak to 9/11, he's opening the door to oppressive legislation restricting oil and related fields. The Patriot Act written for energy. Good Lord! I mean what could go wrong?

Obama was in bed with BP, thus no action for a couple weeks. The public, then the media began to rebel. Thus, like Grandma and Rev. Wright, 'throw 'em under the bus.'

Now comes the bounty off the crisis-more government intrusion into the private sector.

Meanwhile, they've ignored offers of help from foreign governments. Prevent private citizens from helping with wildlife clean up. The original disaster was an accident, whether from negligence or not. What's worse is the coming disaster.

Obama could have picked up the phone and asked BP what they needed, and could have signed Executive Orders giving them what they needed -thus cutting thru the government red tape

It shows his lack of leadership and lack of experience to do the job

red states rule
06-15-2010, 10:59 AM
If Obama really wanted to make progress on this, he should be talking to the next President of the US. SHE has EXPERIENCE in matters regarding oil drilling, oil companies, and solving problems in Alaska

cat slave
06-15-2010, 11:27 AM
Right on....LOVE IT!!:clap:

I disagree that BO is in bed with BP. They all get huge contributions to get
elected but this is an accident(?), or is it, that will usher in cap n tax, more
control by WA. The carpet is rolled out for him and his minions to take over
more and more of every facet of American life and government.

"Oh WA, do something, do something".....it sure will.

Someone needs to put that crooked prez and his mammoth carbon foot prints
on hold permanently. I dont care if people fly, just that he stays constantly
in the air from one photo op to another at our expense and has the almighty
unmitigated gall to talk about saving energy.

"Save yours asshole", we cant afford to support you and yours anymore.

140 days to countdown for launch.

red states rule
06-15-2010, 12:39 PM
Like with Obamacare, Obama said taxing the health insurance industry will lower the cost of healthcare - Obama will tell us tonight that taxing our sources of energy will lower the cost of the energy we use

06-15-2010, 10:21 PM
How true...Americns and their elected representatives, regardless of party affiliation, need to learn that government is not the solution to every problem.

red states rule
06-16-2010, 05:16 AM
How true...Americns and their elected representatives, regardless of party affiliation, need to learn that government is not the solution to every problem.

Much to their dismay, many liberals are learning that lesson right now as they watch Obama stumble around like a drunk on the street

Libs blasted Pres Bush over the governments response to Katrina. They are shocked to see the governments lack of response and many mistakes the government has made in response to the Gulf

Of course, they say only more taxes and government regulations will "solve" the problem

06-16-2010, 10:33 AM
Great article. With Obama comparing the oil leak to 9/11, he's opening the door to oppressive legislation restricting oil and related fields. The Patriot Act written for energy. Good Lord! I mean what could go wrong?

I think he reinforced that last night.....he began his war on terror (oil pollution).....enemy off our shores?....

red states rule
06-16-2010, 07:10 PM
Obama is still a community agitator. Old habts are hard to break

06-17-2010, 01:02 AM
using the Saul Alinksy method of creating multiple crises to overwhelm and push as much through as possible while people are still reeling from each one.

Even when 9/11 happened I didn't feel that everything was collapsing around us....with this president I'm in a constant state of apprehension about what he's going to ram through next.

red states rule
06-17-2010, 04:31 AM
using the Saul Alinksy method of creating multiple crises to overwhelm and push as much through as possible while people are still reeling from each one.

Even when 9/11 happened I didn't feel that everything was collapsing around us....with this president I'm in a constant state of apprehension about what he's going to ram through next.

When some of us spoke out before the election on what Obama would do, and how things would turn out - he were called racists

As Obama proved us right on the economy and did focus on social issues - we were called racists

Now as Obama's polices are failing, as more people lose their jobs, as the debt and deficit soars, and as Obama continues to focus on social issues and not the economy - we are called racists

Not only is Obama stuck on stupid - his supporters are as well. Both are one trick ponies and have only one card left in their deck of cards to play