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View Full Version : US turned down Britain’s offer to help clean up BP oil rig spill

red states rule
06-15-2010, 12:55 PM
I wonder how our resident liberals and Obama supporters will spin this? Or will they ignore this thread?

Was Obama waiting for his union thugs to solve the problem, or more worried about the required government paperwork was filled out correctly?

A high-level British offer of help to clean up the Gulf of Mexico oil spill was rebuffed by America shortly after the accident, fuelling fresh fears of political tension between the two countries over the disaster.

A few days after the BP-leased rig sank on April 22, the Cabinet Office made a direct offer to the US State Department to airlift half of Britain’s 1,200-tonne stockpile of chemical dispersants, The Times has learnt.

At the time there was an urgent demand for fresh supplies. The offer to provide the chemicals, at the cost price of £3 million, was made through diplomatic channels and via the Civil Contingency Secretariat, the Government’s emergency planning unit.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Energy and Climate Change, which was also involved in drafting the plan, said that the US had chosen not to accept the offer. Officials said the US claimed that the chemicals held in Britain did not have the correct paperwork but the spokeswoman said: “We are not aware of any problems with licensing. I cannot say why they have not accepted the offer. That is a question for the US State Department.”

One person familiar with the discussions said that the US decision seemed odd, given the severity of the crisis and the fact that the offer had been made in good faith. The Times understands that the rejection of Britain’s offer came after the US had accepted similar offers from other countries, including Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Aramco, the national oil company, sent a large batch of the chemicals to the Gulf shortly after the accident.

News of the rejection of Britain’s offer of help comes amid rising criticism of BP and increasing anti-British rhetoric among some American politicians and media. One prominent US blogger on the spill, Roy Eisner, even proposed a nuclear attack on Britain.


06-15-2010, 01:21 PM
Nuclear attack on Brittain? Seriously, that part makes it into the story? Thats a prominent US Blogger? Sigh...

On the main story, our esteemed government also turned down the Dutch's offer to have 2 skimmers, that are specifically designed to skim oil, collect it into a tanker and can still salvage the oil, come to the gulf to help. More and more this whole thing stinks to the high heavens. If I were a conspiracy theorist, I'd have way more circumstancial evidence that this was an inside job than any 9/11 wacko ever had or ever will have.

red states rule
06-15-2010, 01:26 PM
Nuclear attack on Brittain? Seriously, that part makes it into the story? Thats a prominent US Blogger? Sigh...

On the main story, our esteemed government also turned down the Dutch's offer to have 2 skimmers, that are specifically designed to skim oil, collect it into a tanker and can still salvage the oil, come to the gulf to help. More and more this whole thing stinks to the high heavens. If I were a conspiracy theorist, I'd have way more circumstancial evidence that this was an inside job than any 9/11 wacko ever had or ever will have.

The comment from the blogger has nothing to do with the story. I think the Times of London is showing the anger BP and Britian is on the receiving end of

What stinks (to the left) is even with big government liberals in charge, even they can't show that government can fix anything and solve every problem

The liberal media can spin it anyway they want - Obama is losing more and more support due to bad decisions

06-15-2010, 01:29 PM
I'm just looking at it from this standpoint. They have 4 months to do whatever they want before they could possibly lose the Congress. What better plan to grab government control for energy in this country then to destroy an oil rig, allow a disaster to occur, then compound the disaster by doing nothing for 2 months. By then your government run media could whip up a popular frenzy where any government takeover bill that came along would be favored by the people because of the poor animals that are covered in oil.

It stinks to the high heavens.

red states rule
06-15-2010, 01:34 PM
I'm just looking at it from this standpoint. They have 4 months to do whatever they want before they could possibly lose the Congress. What better plan to grab government control for energy in this country then to destroy an oil rig, allow a disaster to occur, then compound the disaster by doing nothing for 2 months. By then your government run media could whip up a popular frenzy where any government takeover bill that came along would be favored by the people because of the poor animals that are covered in oil.

It stinks to the high heavens.

I doubt if it was done on purpose. It was a tragic accident, and yes, the left is using this (and the deaths of the workers) to push their social aganda

The fact Obama turned down help due to government regulations tells me his first priority is not to stop and contain the spill - but how to use it for political gain

The big push for Cap and Trade starts tonight at 8PM ET

06-15-2010, 01:41 PM
I doubt if it was done on purpose. It was a tragic accident, and yes, the left is using this (and the deaths of the workers) to push their social aganda

The fact Obama turned down help due to government regulations tells me his first priority is not to stop and contain the spill - but how to use it for political gain

The big push for Cap and Trade starts tonight at 8PM ET

Which just leads me more to this being a deliberate act. Obama is about to lower restrictions on drilling in the gulf and then not a week later, boom. Now he has a press conference perfectly timed after 2 months of letting this fester to make the big push for more government takeover. Convienant? It has motive. It has the means. It has the results. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it just might be a duck.

06-15-2010, 02:29 PM
I doubt if it was done on purpose. It was a tragic accident, and yes, the left is using this (and the deaths of the workers) to push their social aganda

The fact Obama turned down help due to government regulations tells me his first priority is not to stop and contain the spill - but how to use it for political gain

The big push for Cap and Trade starts tonight at 8PM ET

LOL! I was just going to post this but you beat me to it. The longer they can delay the clean up, the more they can push cap and trade. They are scrambling for whatever they can get since the people didn't fall for the global warming hoax liked they had hoped. This is the Chicago Climate Exchange's next best thing to global warming. Who are the two biggest stockholders of the Chicago Climate Exchange who will make billions off of cap and trade? Al Gore and Bararck Obama!!

06-15-2010, 03:00 PM
How do you not immediately accept every ounce of help offered when you have a disaster like this? Further, why would you not accept it from Britain, who are to a degree attached to BP, only to accept it from the Saudis?

06-15-2010, 04:02 PM
How do you not immediately accept every ounce of help offered when you have a disaster like this? Further, why would you not accept it from Britain, who are to a degree attached to BP, only to accept it from the Saudis?

It all stinks like nothing Ive ever seen before.

06-15-2010, 04:33 PM
It all stinks like nothing Ive ever seen before.

There's just so much stupid attached to it though, and that's what really gets at my last nerve.

cat slave
06-15-2010, 09:09 PM
Which just leads me more to this being a deliberate act. Obama is about to lower restrictions on drilling in the gulf and then not a week later, boom. Now he has a press conference perfectly timed after 2 months of letting this fester to make the big push for more government takeover. Convienant? It has motive. It has the means. It has the results. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it just might be a duck.

This has been my thoughts on this from day one.
BO did a complete about face on drilling, then this?
How very convenient. Get everyone all riled up with
the tragic pictures of tar coated wildlife...who does
the public turn on? Evil big oil which leads to a take
over by the administration viola, stop the drilling, create
even more of a catastrophe because big oil isnt doing
the right things, like the feds know s from shi......a about
anything but its there to make everything right.....OMG...
help from the gov is a much bigger disaster than the oil
spill....whether accident or deliberate.

red states rule
06-16-2010, 05:47 AM
Looks to ma like the Obama administration did as little as possible to stop the spill from spreading so they could push their Cap and Trade plan

However, the scale of the mess got away from them, and they started to take a hit on their approval ratings

So now it is back to sales pitch mode, and of course, pass the buck to someone else

Thankfully, a majority of voters are seeing thru the scam, and Obama and his supporters are on defense

06-16-2010, 07:42 AM
This could get cleaned up easily but the EPA requires that water discharged from a cleanup operation be treated to 15 parts per million, an impossible task at sea with the quantities involved. Only a high ranking elected official can exempt the permittee from an EPA regulation. Obviously Obama sees a political advantage in not doing so, and will use this crisis to further his agenda to destroy the US economy. What better way then to destroy fisheries in a large area, renew Cap and Trade fervor, and ban offshore drilling entirely?

red states rule
06-16-2010, 06:31 PM
This could get cleaned up easily but the EPA requires that water discharged from a cleanup operation be treated to 15 parts per million, an impossible task at sea with the quantities involved. Only a high ranking elected official can exempt the permittee from an EPA regulation. Obviously Obama sees a political advantage in not doing so, and will use this crisis to further his agenda to destroy the US economy. What better way then to destroy fisheries in a large area, renew Cap and Trade fervor, and ban offshore drilling entirely?

Like when he shived Obamacare down our throats, Obama actualy thinks his poll numbers will go up if he rams Cap and trade thru

Lirtle does he know. a majority of voters are opposing this mega tax bill as they still are Obamacare