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View Full Version : I hate to ask this but...

06-17-2010, 10:01 AM
why dont we (americans) value old people?

they are for the most part, wise people who can teach us youngins a thing or two about life and other stuff.

yet, after 25, we dont value anyone. We call them old.

Noticed in my generation, after 25 your thrown away and disregarded like kleenex.

God i hate my generation

Generation Y (y are we retarded, 1979-2000)

06-17-2010, 10:08 AM
Cuz they smell funny...

Abbey Marie
06-17-2010, 10:13 AM
why dont we (americans) value old people?

they are for the most part, wise people who can teach us youngins a thing or two about life and other stuff.

yet, after 25, we dont value anyone. We call them old.

Noticed in my generation, after 25 your thrown away and disregarded like kleenex.

God i hate my generation

Generation Y (y are we retarded, 1979-2000)

Good question, Martin. We surely are a youth-obsessed culture. If that will ever change, it will be as most of the baby boomers become elderly. That's not far off. Already there are many products and institutions arising to meet the boomers' needs. It will be interesting to see what happens.

06-17-2010, 10:21 AM
Its because the family unit has been undermined and degraded to the point that it no longer matters. Inconvenient life has no value in society (read abortion here). When you're taught that its all about you and how you feel, nothing else really matters.

06-17-2010, 10:31 PM
When I first graduated from college and passed my boards, my first job as a nurse was in a nursing home. These people have lived through the depression, some have lived through years of heartache and loneliness. I have never learned to respect the elderly so much as when I worked there. The way the U.S. treats their elderly is shameful. They spend years raising their children and giving up so much. Their children dump them off at a "home" and forget they exist. It's very, very sad.