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04-27-2007, 02:24 PM
Anybody else happen to catch this last night? What a Anti-Bush, Marxist-Love fest it was. Good Lord listening to Edwards is just downright scary, tax tax tax, spend spend spend. Bill Richardson seemed like the only one with half a brain. Was pretty funny to see them all defend Roe v Wade while pretending to be respectful of the oposition, lol.

Interesting poll results afterwards:


04-27-2007, 02:36 PM
Oh yea and another gem was watching all of them blast the USSC for upholding the ban on partial-birth abortion. Hussien Obama's answer was that since its less than 1% of all abortions, there shouldn't be a law for it. Umm yea, so just because its rare, it isn't wrong. Great logic dipshit.

04-27-2007, 04:21 PM
Who the heck is Mike Gravel and why are all the Dems at that website so impressed with him?

Abbey Marie
04-27-2007, 05:20 PM
Oh yea and another gem was watching all of them blast the USSC for upholding the ban on partial-birth abortion. Hussien Obama's answer was that since its less than 1% of all abortions, there shouldn't be a law for it. Umm yea, so just because its rare, it isn't wrong. Great logic dipshit.

So if less than 1% of all cotton field workers are black slaves, should we not ban the practice? If that's an example of Hussein's lack of logic, we may have a new worst Dem candidate.

Oh- and debating this early before the primaries seems silly. By the time we are ready for timely debates, most people's interest will have moved on to other news.

04-27-2007, 06:27 PM
Who the heck is Mike Gravel and why are all the Dems at that website so impressed with him?

He's the far left's wet dream. I hope he runs as an independent ala John Anderson and siphon's off 4-6% of the vote.

04-29-2007, 11:05 PM
I thought it was GREAT!!!!!!

Anybody else happen to catch this last night? What a Anti-Bush, Marxist-Love fest it was. Good Lord listening to Edwards is just downright scary, tax tax tax, spend spend spend. Bill Richardson seemed like the only one with half a brain. Was pretty funny to see them all defend Roe v Wade while pretending to be respectful of the oposition, lol.

Interesting poll results afterwards:


Just where did you see any anti-Bush or Marxist ideologies expressed? I thought all of the candidates expressed purely American sentiments. I don't believe I ever even heard an obfuscation of the current CIC (Criminal In Chief) name mentioned or alluded to.

WTF are you smokin', hawk?

Baron Von Esslingen
04-30-2007, 01:29 AM
Hey, Psycho, don't you remember what they taught you in GOP 101? If it isn't marching in lockstep with what the RNC tells you, then blast it as Marxist, or Communist, or Moonbatist, or something until whatever shit they are throwing sticks. That's all Hawk is doing. Throwing shit.

What he fails to realize is that one of the people on that stage is going to be his next president. Watch how the shit flies once THAT happens. Buy stock in Depends before November 2008, man, because there are going to be a bunch of righties crapping their pants once we take over the WH and begin fixing the gawd-awful mess that Chimpy left us.

04-30-2007, 01:40 AM
Oh yea and another gem was watching all of them blast the USSC for upholding the ban on partial-birth abortion. Hussien Obama's answer was that since its less than 1% of all abortions, there shouldn't be a law for it. Umm yea, so just because its rare, it isn't wrong. Great logic dipshit.
Since you claim you watched it, at least be honest about what Barack Obama said. It's 1% of abortions, and now the woman's life cannot be saved legally with one of these 1% of all abortions. He said he would promote ways to prevent abortion.

Unlike Bush, who cut Planned Parenthoods funding to prevent them from promoting birth controls.

04-30-2007, 01:41 AM
I've got a couple thou in Kimberly Clark already, BVE.

Hey, Psycho, don't you remember what they taught you in GOP 101? If it isn't marching in lockstep with what the RNC tells you, then blast it as Marxist, or Communist, or Moonbatist, or something until whatever shit they are throwing sticks. That's all Hawk is doing. Throwing shit.

What he fails to realize is that one of the people on that stage is going to be his next president. Watch how the shit flies once THAT happens. Buy stock in Depends before November 2008, man, because there are going to be a bunch of righties crapping their pants once we take over the WH and begin fixing the gawd-awful mess that Chimpy left us.

But something tells me that the real money is in home health care. These jerks won't be able to change their own diapers and the family inheritance will be spent on someone else cleaning up those stupid nasty asses.

04-30-2007, 11:25 PM
Oh yea and another gem was watching all of them blast the USSC for upholding the ban on partial-birth abortion. Hussien Obama's answer was that since its less than 1% of all abortions, there shouldn't be a law for it. Umm yea, so just because its rare, it isn't wrong. Great logic dipshit.

So I guess if [it] is a minority, it does not deserve the protection of law....

05-03-2007, 11:21 PM
Sometimes even picture books aren't enough to educate some idiots, Sammi!!!!

Since you claim you watched it, at least be honest about what Barack Obama said. It's 1% of abortions, and now the woman's life cannot be saved legally with one of these 1% of all abortions. He said he would promote ways to prevent abortion.

Unlike Bush, who cut Planned Parenthoods funding to prevent them from promoting birth controls.

They don't think. They just point and shoot. I wonder who is directing their shots? They are certainly not capable of thinking or shooting on their own.