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06-17-2010, 06:35 PM
Very interesting read with a ton of links.

Report: Obama said 'I Am a Muslim'

"The American President told me in confidence that he is a Muslim."

That was the claim of Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit, as reported in the May 2010 issue of Israel Today. According to journalist Avi Lipkin, Gheit appeared on Nile TV's "Round Table Show" in January, on which he said that "he had had a one-on-one meeting with Obama who swore to him that he was a Moslem, the son of a Moslem father and step-son of Moslem step-father, that his half-brothers in Kenya were Moslems, and that he was loyal to the Moslem agenda."

Obama allegedly said this in the context of reassuring Gheit that he would soon deal with Israel:

He asked that the Moslem world show patience. Obama promised that once he overcame some domestic American problems (Healthcare) [sic], that he would show the Moslem world what he would do with Israel.

Could this be true? Even if Gheit's claim isn't true, or was misreported, every country in the free world must be cognizant of the catastrophic sea change that has taken place in the leadership of the free world -- as witnessed by events over the past year. Barack Obama took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, and yet whether he is a Muslim or not, he has undeniably gone around the world promoting Islam and Sharia (Islamic law).

And now, if what Gheit says is true, we know why.


Check out the time line at the site.

06-17-2010, 06:48 PM
I believe that Barack Hussein Obama looks upon the United States, Israel, jews and the white race as enemies and identifies with the muslim faith more than any other.

06-17-2010, 06:56 PM
I believe that Barack Hussein Obama looks upon the United States, Israel, jews and the white race as enemies and identifies with the muslim faith more than any other.

Me too. And he's going to be hard to bring down. There needs to be some serious investigations done and impeachment started soon.

06-17-2010, 07:35 PM
I believe Obama is an opportunist who looks upon the nation of Islam more as an allie than he does himself as a headbumping member of their religion, although he will claim anything to secure their support and deny anything to be POTUS.

06-17-2010, 07:45 PM
I believe Obama is an opportunist who looks upon the nation of Islam more as an allie than he does himself as a headbumping member of their religion, although he will claim anything to secure their support and deny anything to be POTUS.

I think his eye is on a much grander position than POTUS. And he will use anybody to achieve his goals. And his knowledge of islam is a big help there.

06-17-2010, 09:40 PM
As far as I'm concerned Jeremiah Wright's Church is not a Christian Church. For crying out loud Louis Farrakhan supports it and he's a strong Muslim. Every day that goes by, the more damage Obama does. November cannot come fast enough for me, if it's not too late by then!

06-17-2010, 09:45 PM
Every day that goes by, the more damage he does. November cannot come fast enough for me, if it's not too late by then!

That's what concerns me. He can do a lot of damage by Nov. Not to mention all the voter fraud that's bound to go on as the dems try to hold on to their seats. Only a strong conservative congress will be able to somewhat reign him in. If he loses congress he'll start ruling by executive order.

06-17-2010, 10:01 PM
That's what concerns me. He can do a lot of damage by Nov. Not to mention all the voter fraud that's bound to go on as the dems try to hold on to their seats. Only a strong conservative congress will be able to somewhat reign him in. If he loses congress he'll start ruling by executive order.

It makes me want to kick the kool-aid drinking lemmings in the A$$ for voting this nightmare into office. They were too busy listening to the hope and change sound bites instead of inquiring into this man's past and apprehending what he really believes.

06-18-2010, 03:35 AM
No, we can't wait .... we need to talk, and start talking louder than the progressives.

One of the scary things happening right now is the "kill switch" congress is just about to give him.....the power to shut down the internet.....

I can't believe how many people used to get their news from their local tv stations, local radio station and local newspapers....imagine if that was the only way we could gather news ..... without subscribing to hundreds of different news sources. The net is already headed in that direction .... imagine only having "free" access to what the government wants us to have access to?

But .... I don't blame just Obama .... no more incumbents

06-18-2010, 08:55 AM
No, we can't wait .... we need to talk, and start talking louder than the progressives.

One of the scary things happening right now is the "kill switch" congress is just about to give him.....the power to shut down the internet.....

I can't believe how many people used to get their news from their local tv stations, local radio station and local newspapers....imagine if that was the only way we could gather news ..... without subscribing to hundreds of different news sources. The net is already headed in that direction .... imagine only having "free" access to what the government wants us to have access to?

But .... I don't blame just Obama .... no more incumbents

This is the stuff he's pushing through and more to come. He's got six months to enact everything he can and then reap what he can get from it after that. The kill switch is a Lieberman idea which makes me real disgusted with that man.

06-18-2010, 09:47 AM
Not that the other concerns aren't valid but I personally think the real danger comes into play when lame-duck democrats still have 2-3 months of congressional control. When they have nothing left to lose I think we will see their true colors for the 1st time.

06-18-2010, 09:51 AM
Not that the other concerns aren't valid but I personally think the real danger comes into play when lame-duck democrats still have 2-3 months of congressional control. When they have nothing left to lose I think we will see their true colors for the 1st time.

That will be the most dangerous time. They can give the dark lord anything he asks for then cause they have nothing to lose.

06-19-2010, 10:39 AM
I have been pinning my hopes on a complete turn around in November. Perhaps I need new meds or something, but lately, I don't see it as clear cut as all that.

1. For there to be real change, we need a veto proof majority in both houses of Congress. I am not sure if that will happen, the signs are pointing in the direction of a majority but will it be enough?

2. We say that we only have to wait till 2013 and we'll be rid of the Democrats in the White House. Not so fast. It is always possible that the Dems will tell Obama that he can't run in 2012 and place a more palatable candidate in his place... perhaps Hillary Clinton, or someone else. If that's so, the possibility of 4 more years of Democratic policies is a reality.

3. Even if we win a veto proof majority in both houses of Congress and get a Republican president in the White House, we still do not have the culture.. That is important. I don't see much talk about that here on this board. You must win the culture back to really take back America. Otherwise, the best you can hope for is about 8 years of so-called conservative government followed by decades of administrations and Congresses that will reverse all that was done. This is exactly what happened from 1980-1988 (a so-called conservative government under Reagan) followed by decades of reversing what was done (Bushes I and II, Clinton, and O-dumb-ula). Until we get the culture back... political victories will be only a band-aid fix.

4 Winning back the culture means winning back the school system, winning back the media (if we ever actually had it to begin with), and winning back the hearts and minds of people. That means that people have to start realizing that government is not the answer, but the problem. That means that people have to start thinking in terms of free market solutions to the problems that face us. That means that people have to start thinking that less government is better than big government. That means that people have to start understanding the Constitution. That means that religion will have to become a more potent force in public life than it is. That means that a lot of things that we do as individuals must change... and that part will be painful. I hate to steal HT's thunder, but he is right ... 40 years of "political correctness" has had serious consequences on our society.. and I don't mean in terms of race, I mean in terms of culture.

06-19-2010, 11:40 AM
Karl that is so worth rep and I have to spread it around. Thanks is best I can do.

06-19-2010, 12:20 PM
I have been pinning my hopes on a complete turn around in November. Perhaps I need new meds or something, but lately, I don't see it as clear cut as all that.

1. For there to be real change, we need a veto proof majority in both houses of Congress. I am not sure if that will happen, the signs are pointing in the direction of a majority but will it be enough?

2. We say that we only have to wait till 2013 and we'll be rid of the Democrats in the White House. Not so fast. It is always possible that the Dems will tell Obama that he can't run in 2012 and place a more palatable candidate in his place... perhaps Hillary Clinton, or someone else. If that's so, the possibility of 4 more years of Democratic policies is a reality.

3. Even if we win a veto proof majority in both houses of Congress and get a Republican president in the White House, we still do not have the culture.. That is important. I don't see much talk about that here on this board. You must win the culture back to really take back America. Otherwise, the best you can hope for is about 8 years of so-called conservative government followed by decades of administrations and Congresses that will reverse all that was done. This is exactly what happened from 1980-1988 (a so-called conservative government under Reagan) followed by decades of reversing what was done (Bushes I and II, Clinton, and O-dumb-ula). Until we get the culture back... political victories will be only a band-aid fix.

4 Winning back the culture means winning back the school system, winning back the media (if we ever actually had it to begin with), and winning back the hearts and minds of people. That means that people have to start realizing that government is not the answer, but the problem. That means that people have to start thinking in terms of free market solutions to the problems that face us. That means that people have to start thinking that less government is better than big government. That means that people have to start understanding the Constitution. That means that religion will have to become a more potent force in public life than it is. That means that a lot of things that we do as individuals must change... and that part will be painful. I hate to steal HT's thunder, but he is right ... 40 years of "political correctness" has had serious consequences on our society.. and I don't mean in terms of race, I mean in terms of culture.

ab so lutly

06-19-2010, 02:33 PM
Karl that is so worth rep and I have to spread it around. Thanks is best I can do.

I covered the rep even though I disagree with the part about religion becoming more of a potent force in public. All you need to do is look at the ME to see how detrimental excess religious force is to a society.

06-19-2010, 04:08 PM
I covered the rep even though I disagree with the part about religion becoming more of a potent force in public. All you need to do is look at the ME to see how detrimental excess religious force is to a society.

I do agree with you on that.

cat slave
06-19-2010, 08:55 PM
I think his eye is on a much grander position than POTUS. And he will use anybody to achieve his goals. And his knowledge of islam is a big help there.

You hit the nail on the head!:clap:

cat slave
06-19-2010, 08:58 PM
ab so lutly


06-20-2010, 04:34 PM
Can we afford to wait? probably not. Will we have to? yes.

We need to prepare ourselves as individuals. All hell is going to break lose soon, remember the last two Progress Presidents at Obama's caliber were WW and FDR. And they both ended in World War.

JFK wasnt Progressive. LBJ and Carter were both incompetant. And Clinton is more an opportunist than an idealogue.

Seriously, this is going to get ugly, no matter what happens.

06-20-2010, 10:01 PM
Can we afford to wait? probably not. Will we have to? yes.

We need to prepare ourselves as individuals. All hell is going to break lose soon, remember the last two Progress Presidents at Obama's caliber were WW and FDR. And they both ended in World War.

JFK wasnt Progressive. LBJ and Carter were both incompetant. And Clinton is more an opportunist than an idealogue.

Seriously, this is going to get ugly, no matter what happens.

I think if you look objectively you'll find that all of the presidents since FDR have added a brick or 2 to the wall, by design or by inertia. JFK and Eisenhower, to my knowledge, probably did the least damage. Every Pres has grown the gov't and helped weaken the industrial and farming base, moved the dollar farther away from any base in reality, grown the power of the executive and played loose with different parts of the constitution.

I faithfully voted for "pro-life" republicans, for "Constitution loving" republicans only to find that they always have a ready reason to vote for bigger gov't more, more surveillance, corporate bail outs, small biz regulation and more war. But can never find the time to read the constitution and restore gov't to something closer to it.
We can't keep apologizing for republicans politicians who talk a good game and do another on the presidential or congressional level. The countries to far gone to allow it IMO.

06-20-2010, 10:06 PM
You're right. I shouldn't have excused the Republican Presidents adding to the problem.

06-20-2010, 10:29 PM
That's what concerns me. He can do a lot of damage by Nov. Not to mention all the voter fraud that's bound to go on as the dems try to hold on to their seats. Only a strong conservative congress will be able to somewhat reign him in. If he loses congress he'll start ruling by executive order.To do this he would have to declare Martial Law, and to do so without damn good reason would bring the wrath of America down on his soft head. :blowup:

06-21-2010, 07:40 AM
To do this he would have to declare Martial Law, and to do so without damn good reason would bring the wrath of America down on his soft head. :blowup:

Any ship in a storm will do as long as the media supports his actions. The MSM will all supporthis actions while FOX will play fair and balanced. Martial Law will be accepted as necessary and the war will begin.