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View Full Version : The Bad News About ObamaCare Keeps Piling Up

red states rule
06-17-2010, 06:46 PM
Is anyone really surprised by this? Many people spoke up and said this would happen, and protests across the country saw people turn out and say how they did not want Obamacare

Well we got it - and people are losing their coverage

That hope and change is something else

In his brilliant exposition of why sweeping policy changes often have unintended consequences, the late sociologist Robert K. Merton wrote that leaders get things wrong when their "paramount concern with the foreseen immediate consequences excludes the consideration of further or other consequences" of their proposals. This leads policy makers to assert things that are false, wishing them to be true.

Which brings us to President Obama's many claims about his health-care reform. Take his oft-expressed statement that if you like the coverage you have, you can keep it. That sounds good—but perverse incentives in his new law will cause most Americans to lose their existing insurance.

This was brought home to me when I asked the CEO of a major restaurant chain about health reform's effect on his company, which now spends $25 million a year on employee health insurance. That will jump to at least $90 million a year once the new law is phased in. It will be cheaper, he told me, for the company to dump its coverage and pay a fine—$2,000 for each full-time worker—and make sure that no part-time employee accidentally worked 31 hours and thereby incurred the fine.

This reality is settling in at businesses across America. A Midwestern contractor told me he pays $588,000 for health insurance for 70 employees, contributing up to $8,400 a year for a family's coverage. If he stops providing health insurance, he'll pay $2,000 per employee in fines, and the first 40 employees are exempt from fines altogether.

It's also dawning on employees that they will lose their coverage. Some will blame management; many more will blame those who wrote this terrible legislation.

Employees who lose coverage get to select a policy from a government-sponsored insurance marketplace called the "exchange." This will be subsidized by taxpayers. Depending on his income, a worker will have to pay between 8% and 9.8% of the cost.

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704198004575310773636609374.html?m od=WSJ_Opinion_BelowLEFTSecond

red states rule
06-18-2010, 04:44 AM
I do not understand why anyone would be surprised by this, and all the other news about what really is in - and the results of Obamacre.

People were told what would happen - they choose to ignore it so Obama could score a "political" victory

Now people will be lsing their coverage or paying alot more for it. Business will be cutting expenses and/or raising prices to cover the additional cost.

It is all part of the hope and change you were promised

06-18-2010, 01:46 PM
I do not understand why anyone would be surprised by this, and all the other news about what really is in - and the results of Obamacre.

People were told what would happen - they choose to ignore it so Obama could score a "political" victory

Now people will be lsing their coverage or paying alot more for it. Business will be cutting expenses and/or raising prices to cover the additional cost.

It is all part of the hope and change you were promised

This is EXACTLY what we said would happen. The guise of choice would still be there but private insurance would be made too expensive to keep for businesses. I argued this with my Sister in law till we were blue in the face. She said that none of that would happen and that only thing that would happen is people that needed healthcare would get it. So now it happens and you know what? She still doesn't care because her husband is a union employee and is in a cadillac plan that is exempty from Obamacare.

red states rule
06-18-2010, 07:01 PM
This is EXACTLY what we said would happen. The guise of choice would still be there but private insurance would be made too expensive to keep for businesses. I argued this with my Sister in law till we were blue in the face. She said that none of that would happen and that only thing that would happen is people that needed healthcare would get it. So now it happens and you know what? She still doesn't care because her husband is a union employee and is in a cadillac plan that is exempty from Obamacare.

That is the entitlement mentality that libs like Obama are playing on. As long as they get their handout, they do not care about the people who hae to pay for it - or those that lose their job so companies can cover the increased cost of doing business

However, if your brotherr was the one who lost his coverage or his job - would she blame Obama, Bush, or the company that let her husband go?

red states rule
06-18-2010, 07:15 PM
Obama is his own worst enemy - and coming across as an enemy of business. When NBC is pointing this out you know damn well it is getting very bad for Obama

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06-19-2010, 01:11 PM
That is the entitlement mentality that libs like Obama are playing on. As long as they get their handout, they do not care about the people who hae to pay for it - or those that lose their job so companies can cover the increased cost of doing business

However, if your brotherr was the one who lost his coverage or his job - would she blame Obama, Bush, or the company that let her husband go?

Its actually my Wife's sister. But yes.