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06-17-2010, 10:08 PM
Here is a Texas House member who rakes in millions of dollars per year in donations from oil companies apologizing to the head of British Petroleum. Says it's not really BP's fault and they shouldn't have to pay for the clean up or reimburse local residents for their losses.
Another reason why term limits are a good idea.


06-17-2010, 10:22 PM
Here is a Texas House member who rakes in millions of dollars per year in donations from oil companies apologizing to the head of British Petroleum. Says it's not really BP's fault and they shouldn't have to pay for the clean up or reimburse local residents for their losses.
Another reason why term limits are a good idea.


06-17-2010, 10:25 PM
Here is a Texas House member who rakes in millions of dollars per year in donations from oil companies apologizing to the head of British Petroleum. Says it's not really BP's fault and they shouldn't have to pay for the clean up or reimburse local residents for their losses.
Another reason why term limits are a good idea.


06-17-2010, 11:09 PM
Here is a Texas House member who rakes in millions of dollars per year in donations from oil companies apologizing to the head of British Petroleum. Says it's not really BP's fault and they shouldn't have to pay for the clean up or reimburse local residents for their losses.
Another reason why term limits are a good idea.


That's not what he said.

He got his ass handed to him by the rest of the GOP. They told him to resign his seat on the committee or make another statement essentially taking back his first. He ate crow.

He is a moron.

You're turning into a hack.

06-18-2010, 06:50 AM
He was right. The BP fiasco is now compounded by the Whitehouse involvement

06-18-2010, 10:15 AM
Here is a Texas House member who rakes in millions of dollars per year in donations from oil companies apologizing to the head of British Petroleum. Says it's not really BP's fault and they shouldn't have to pay for the clean up or reimburse local residents for their losses.
Another reason why term limits are a good idea.


Gabby stop LYING. that isn't what he said at ALL.

06-18-2010, 04:59 PM
Here is a Texas House member who rakes in millions of dollars per year in donations from oil companies apologizing to the head of British Petroleum. Says it's not really BP's fault and they shouldn't have to pay for the clean up or reimburse local residents for their losses.
Another reason why term limits are a good idea.


Unless I read it wrong that isn't the way I understood it. He said they were responsible for the accident and should be held accountable in every way.....

06-18-2010, 08:01 PM
Here is a Texas House member who rakes in millions of dollars per year in donations from oil companies apologizing to the head of British Petroleum. Says it's not really BP's fault and they shouldn't have to pay for the clean up or reimburse local residents for their losses.
Another reason why term limits are a good idea.


Alright, gabs, so what about all the ways in which the government has made it worse? Shouldn't Obama & Co. be held accountable for the multiple points where they have refused help from allies (Britain, who offered chemical dispersants from their own stock, and the Dutch, who offered up oil skimming boats, ie), halted the states most effected from helping with the spill, or otherwise lengthening out this whole process, leading to greater destruction than would have happened?

Before you try to throw a Bush slam in, I'll cut you off at the pass: He was to blame in Katrina for fucking it into the ground, he should have been held responsible for making a bad situation worse in many ways, period. I'm not fighting a liberal/conservative fight here, this is about culpability. Obama did nothing, not one word for two months, except after said period saying he'd been on top of it 'the whole time'. If you wouldn't accept those same words off of Bush, then Obama gets no saves on them either, especially since the government didn't involve itself in any noticeable during that same period.

06-18-2010, 11:25 PM
Here is a Texas House member who rakes in millions of dollars per year in donations from oil companies apologizing to the head of British Petroleum. Says it's not really BP's fault and they shouldn't have to pay for the clean up or reimburse local residents for their losses.
Another reason why term limits are a good idea.

Agree with you about term limits....but surely you can come up with some liberals that make you shudder and want term limits.

How about this one?

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/GqjFBiPMmBE&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xd0d0d0&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/GqjFBiPMmBE&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xd0d0d0&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

06-19-2010, 07:39 AM
That guy should not have apologized. He is right-on the money. This Administration is doing everything it can to try to look like the hero.

cat slave
06-19-2010, 12:30 PM
He was right. The BP fiasco is now compounded by the Whitehouse involvement

IMO, the government getting "involved" is far more damaging
than the oil. The oil sooner or later gets cleaned up, the
government never does...it just gets worse and worse.

cat slave
06-19-2010, 12:35 PM
Here is a Texas House member who rakes in millions of dollars per year in donations from oil companies apologizing to the head of British Petroleum. Says it's not really BP's fault and they shouldn't have to pay for the clean up or reimburse local residents for their losses.
Another reason why term limits are a good idea.


Of course, term limits would only a apply to Pubs..for their
own good of course.

So, let me get this straight.....Pubs bad, evil.....took money
from BP and others while Dems good and void of all corruption and never did nor ever will accept money from
BP or any other evil corporate giant.

Got that right gabby????

06-20-2010, 04:27 PM
They should all apologize to BP for using them for grandstanding rather than assisting them in fixing the problem like they should.

06-21-2010, 12:39 AM
That guy should not have apologized. He is right-on the money.

Wait a sec. Why is BP owed an apology? Is it because we put our coast in the way of their spilled oil?

06-21-2010, 04:01 AM
Wait a sec. Why is BP owed an apology? Is it because we put our coast in the way of their spilled oil?

Alright, but what about the multiple articles posted on this site now that show the government has been just as much at fault for backing up the whole process, by denying aid from Britain, who offered use 600 tons of chemical (gee, can't imagine what that would be used for with our gigantic chemical spill), and the dutch offering up oil-skimming boats that. As well, they've stopped individual state initiatives to send out oil-sucking ships. Combine that with the 2 month silence from the US government.

Also at point here is another article on this forum, wherein it was shown that the media gives Obama a free pass on playing golf during a national crisis (Hm, who else did that one... oh right, that would be Bush.), but yet blasted the BP CEO for entering a charity yacht race on the exact same day.

You want to lambaste BP? Fine, but removing the government's blame is no better than removing BP's blame in this.

06-21-2010, 07:52 AM
Wait a sec. Why is BP owed an apology? Is it because we put our coast in the way of their spilled oil?

This is why:

They should all apologize to BP for using them for grandstanding rather than assisting them in fixing the problem like they should.

06-21-2010, 09:26 AM
You want to lambaste BP? Fine, but removing the government's blame is no better than removing BP's blame in this.

Right, the only real difference is that in the U.S., privately owned companies are responsible for their actions, not the government. Other than that subtle difference, the blame is equal.

06-21-2010, 09:27 AM
view post
they should all apologize to bp for using them for grandstanding rather than assisting them in fixing the problem like they should.

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

poor widdle baby bp Big mean government is making it pay for what it did and using them to "grandstand" because FOX News says so!

06-21-2010, 11:59 AM
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

poor widdle baby bp Big mean government is making it pay for what it did and using them to "grandstand" because FOX News says so!

actually - the government isn't "making BP" pay for anything. BP has never resisted cleaning up the spill. The second tragedy is the Government grandstanding - using this disaster for political gain. You seem like one of the sheeple who'll buy into whatever the Govt says, as long as they agree with your predisposition.

06-21-2010, 01:08 PM
BP has never resisted cleaning up the spill.



He said more than 40 boats were sitting idle while he watched the oil rush into the passes.


In their letter to Allen, AEHR, which has been working to help fishers, shrimpers, oyster farmers and others put out of work by the BP oil spill navigate the claims process, noted that "the 'Recovery Services Fact Sheet' on the ESIS website, states that the goal of its services is 'reducing our client's loss dollar pay-outs.'"

First Obama does too little, then he does too much, its never good enough for the I Hate OBama crowd.

06-21-2010, 03:10 PM
BP never resisted cleaning up their mess - that link you provided is worthless in terms of convincing any reasonable person of your point of view.

Obama hasn't done shit. That's the problem - he's grandstanding and preaching and doing whatever he can to ensure HE doesn't take ANY blame for ANYTHING.

06-21-2010, 04:55 PM
Right, the only real difference is that in the U.S., privately owned companies are responsible for their actions, not the government. Other than that subtle difference, the blame is equal.

Ah, so if you started a fire (BP), and I (government) came over and threw gasoline on it, while simultaneously delaying people from getting firefighting equipment, I would bear absolutely no responsibility for the spreading of the fire?

Actually, the US government is not exempt from the laws of the US, they don't get called on it cause Americans tend to have gotten lazy about that, but actually, government does bear legal responsibility, as well as moral responsibility for their actions.

06-21-2010, 04:57 PM
BP never resisted cleaning up their mess - that link you provided is worthless in terms of convincing any reasonable person of your point of view.

Obama hasn't done shit. That's the problem - he's grandstanding and preaching and doing whatever he can to ensure HE doesn't take ANY blame for ANYTHING.

That is completely unfair to Obama, dmp. he's refused aid with the spill, halted the states from saving their own shores, and pinned everything single bit of the delays on BP. He's been very busy during this time.

06-21-2010, 05:10 PM



First Obama does too little, then he does too much, its never good enough for the I Hate OBama crowd.

Yes, actually, both can exist, with a person going from having no involvement to being up people's asses, and doing it in a shitty manner. It's not that hard a concept ST.

I also agree that these articles are not in any way proof of BP trying to not clean up the spill. As far as limiting payouts, to what amount? There are going to be a rather large number of payouts, and BP likely does not want to go bankrupt, You know, thousands of people out of work with no jobs to replace the bp jobs? I know, the oil covered animals are bad, but I think people losing their homes, families, and livelihoods is also right up there. Yes, jobs have already been lost in the Gulf, but honestly, did the guys at your local BP station really do anything to cause this, cause it's them you'll see fired. Single mothers, single fathers, people that are just barely managing to eke it out will be out of work if BP fails, so how many of the innocent have to pay for this?

You talk about "Hate" but what do you have but hate for BP? You consider no opinion that in any way paints BP as being anything other than a cross between Hitler and Satan, and you go on at length about their "evils". You have no actual evidence to back up your stance, and yet I watch member after member on this site put up evidence that it is not wholly BPs fault for how bad it has gotten. And again, the proof on what caused the explosion has still not been found. It may not have been anything BP did wrong, it could have been on-site human error, but you're so ready to utterly hate them that you won't listen to anyone trying to get you to slow down and take a moment. And unless you have articles proving that not one single worker on that platform was 100% safety conscious at all times, then you can't say that's not what happened.