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View Full Version : World Sees Obama as Incompetent and Amateur

06-18-2010, 02:28 PM
President Obama came into office as the heir to a great foreign policy legacy enjoyed by every recent U.S. president. Why? Because the United States stands on top of the power ladder, not necessarily as the dominant power, but certainly as the leading one. As such we are the sole nation capable of exercising global leadership on a whole range of international issues from security, trade (http://www.usnews.com/articles/opinion/2010/06/18/mort-zuckerman-world-sees-obama-as-incompetent-and-amateur.html#), and climate to counterterrorism. We also benefit from the fact that most countries distrust the United States far less than they distrust one another, so we uniquely have the power to build coalitions. As a result, most of the world still looks to Washington for help in their region and protection against potential regional threats.
<!-- Dbk:xxlA --><SCRIPT type=text/javascript>dblclick('xxlA');</SCRIPT><SCRIPT type=text/javascript src="http://ad.doubleclick.net/adj/usn.opinion/opinionarticles;kw=Zuckerman;kw=MortimerB;rsi=1005 0;rsi=10053;rsi=10001;sz=468x648;tile=3;pos=xxlA;o rd=613787?"></SCRIPT>http://s0.2mdn.net/viewad/817-grey.gif (http://ad.doubleclick.net/click;h=v8/39bd/0/0/%2a/u;44306;0-0;0;18818352;32414-468/648;0/0/0;;~okv=;kw=Zuckerman;kw=MortimerB;rsi=10050;rsi=1 0053;rsi=10001;sz=468x648;tile=3;pos=xxlA;~aopt=2/1/5510/0;~sscs=%3f)
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Yet, the Iraq war lingers; Afghanistan continues to be immersed in an endless cycle of tribalism, corruption, and Islamist resurgence; Guantánamo remains open; Iran sees how North Korea toys with Obama and continues its programs to develop nuclear weapons and missiles; Cuba spurns America's offers of a greater opening; and the Palestinians and Israelis find that it is U.S. policy positions that defer serious negotiations, the direct opposite of what the Obama administration hoped for.

remainder of article at


Gee, ya think? I must be pretty obvious when the rest of the world finally catches on that Barak O'Booby is not fit to lead, it must be pretty bad.

But then, what do you expect? A guy that has no executive experience except for organizing sit ins. A guy that is married to the ideas of income redistribution, a cradle to grave nanny state, who believes that America is the problem, not the solution...

The guy is like the Emperor Nero, who, while Rome burned to the ground (a fire, some say, that he had set himself) played the fiddle (or recited bad poetry at a party). This guy is no better.

It's time to get rid of Barak Hu-you-kidding O-blunder, the worst president at least since ... Ulysses S Grant. The man can't lead us out of a restroom let alone out of the extremely daunting problems that we now face.

And what does he do while the rest of the country is dying? Partying with Paul McCartney, playing golf, sipping on mixed drinks... and swearing on television.

This guy isn't a president, he's a frat-boy that should be impeached, stripped naked, and tar-and-feathered.
http://s0.2mdn.net/viewad/817-grey.gif (http://ad.doubleclick.net/click;h=v8/39bd/0/0/%2a/u;44306;0-0;0;18818352;32414-468/648;0/0/0;;~okv=;kw=Zuckerman;kw=MortimerB;rsi=10050;rsi=1 0053;rsi=10001;sz=468x648;tile=3;pos=xxlA;~aopt=2/1/5510/0;~sscs=%3f)

Abbey Marie
06-19-2010, 04:26 PM
I saw a black comedian saying that we can't expect Obama to bring the troops home so soon- that it takes time. Except he wasn't really joking. After the criticism of Bush for not doing that very thing sooner, this was really just about the most hypocritical thing I've ever heard. But on the bright side, it did indicate that libs are getting worried about Obama's poor performance.

06-19-2010, 05:38 PM
and that was before he was elected


remainder of article at


Gee, ya think? I must be pretty obvious when the rest of the world finally catches on that Barak O'Booby is not fit to lead, it must be pretty bad.

But then, what do you expect? A guy that has no executive experience except for organizing sit ins. A guy that is married to the ideas of income redistribution, a cradle to grave nanny state, who believes that America is the problem, not the solution...

The guy is like the Emperor Nero, who, while Rome burned to the ground (a fire, some say, that he had set himself) played the fiddle (or recited bad poetry at a party). This guy is no better.

It's time to get rid of Barak Hu-you-kidding O-blunder, the worst president at least since ... Ulysses S Grant. The man can't lead us out of a restroom let alone out of the extremely daunting problems that we now face.

And what does he do while the rest of the country is dying? Partying with Paul McCartney, playing golf, sipping on mixed drinks... and swearing on television.

This guy isn't a president, he's a frat-boy that should be impeached, stripped naked, and tar-and-feathered.
http://s0.2mdn.net/viewad/817-grey.gif (http://ad.doubleclick.net/click;h=v8/39bd/0/0/%2a/u;44306;0-0;0;18818352;32414-468/648;0/0/0;;~okv=;kw=Zuckerman;kw=MortimerB;rsi=10050;rsi=1 0053;rsi=10001;sz=468x648;tile=3;pos=xxlA;~aopt=2/1/5510/0;~sscs=%3f)

cat slave
06-20-2010, 01:13 AM
He really is pathetic and has no clue that his incompetency
is showing badly. He still thinks hes a rock star! No!

A subversive ideologue? Yep!