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View Full Version : Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer thinks he's on a mission from God to protect Israel

06-20-2010, 02:21 PM
Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer thinks he's on a mission from God to protect Israel

May 1, 11:05 PMhttp://image.examiner.com/img/greydot.gifTampa Deism Examiner (http://www.debatepolicy.com/x-23325-Tampa-Deism-Examiner)http://image.examiner.com/img/greydot.gifBob Johnson

Contrary to what many people may believe, that a U.S. Senator's job is to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution and America, it seems New York's Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer believes he has his Senate seat to protect the Jewish state of Israel. Schumer was a guest on a Jewish radio program in New York and said (http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2010/04/schumer.html), "You know, my name .... comes from the word shomer, guardian, watcher. My ancestors were guardians of the ghetto wall in Chortkov. And I believe Hashem (God) actually gave me that name. One of my roles, very important in the United States senate, is to be a shomer — to be a or the shomer Yisrael. And I will continue to be that with every bone in my body ... " His role as guardian of Israel must have been given to him, in his mind, by God since there is not official Senate role with that title and job description. And most Americans would disagree with Chuck. At least 11 in St. Petersburg, Florida do. When asked if a U.S. Senator or Representative should be a guardian for Israel, all 11 people said no. If Chuck wants to be a guardian for Israel he should leave the UNITED STATES Senate and get elected to the Israeli Knesset.

Schumer was holding himself up to be Israel's guardian after Obama said he did not like it that Israel was continuing to take Palestinian land, including Palestinian land in East Jerusalem. This upset the Israel lobby and Israel firsters like Chuck Schumer even though all Obama has done is to talk. And Schumer attacks Obama even though Obama has done nothing to follow up on his words. Actually, Obama hasn't even threatened to take action against the expansion of Israel into Palestinian land which is an Israeli produced road block to peace. He's still freely giving Israel over 3 BILLION dollars every year which he and other politicians take from American tax payers. His Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has just warned (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/apr/30/hillary-clinton-israel-commitment) Iran and Syria with consequences from America if they threaten Israel. She also said "America's commitment to Israel's security was unshakable". It apparently is since Israel went against the wishes of President Kennedy and went ahead building nuclear WMD without any consequences, Israel attacked the USS Liberty (http://www.deism.com/terrorism.htm) killing over 30 U.S. military members without any consequences and it continues to illegally expand its borders into Palestinian land in violation of multiple UN resolutions without any consequences from the United States. It's obvious by Obama's lack of action that the Israel first status quo is safe.

Not only is Schumer hurting America by putting Israel's interests over America's, he is violating the Constitutional principle of separation of church/temple and state. Saying he believes God gave him his name so he can be a protector of the Jewish state in the U.S. Senate raises some serious religion/government issues as well as mental health issues for Chuck. His belief that God chose him for this job can probably be traced to the false teaching the ancient Hebrews put into the Torah at Deuteronomy 7:6 (http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/dt/7.html) which claims God chose them "above all people that are upon the face of the earth."

Israel, Schumer and the Israel lobby should keep these words (http://www.deism.com/einstein.htm) from Albert Einstein constantly in mind: "Should we be unable to find a way to honest cooperation and honest pacts with the Arabs, then we have learned absolutely nothing during our 2,000 years of suffering and deserve all that will come to us."


Additional Subject:
Schumer: Obama's 'counter-productive' Israel policy 'has to stop' (http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/0410/Schumer_Obamas_Counterproductive_Israel_policy_has _to_stop.html#)

06-20-2010, 05:22 PM
since you wanna go back, ok how about the

#1 romans creating palestine

#2 jews banished by romans

#3 jews come back

#4 arabs riot, that oh my god, jews are here :laugh2: icky eww 1929

#5 arabs kick out jews from arab lands, atleast 800,000 in 1948

#6 Jews were in the middle east before islam was even created

#7 arabs reject peace plan/partition in 1948, try to destroy/2nd holocaust jews

#8 same hate as hitler had taught still taught all over arab world

#9 arab world, treats gays women, and its own citizens like shit

#10 arabs need to clean up their own mess, before they criticize others

#11 arab citizens need a lobotomy, hooked on phonics, and leap frog, so they can stop blaming israel every time they get a pimple

06-20-2010, 05:52 PM
Wow 11 people in florida think Schummer should not be a guardian of Israel. That really represents the American people alright. This is a hit piece article from a Jew hater. Schummar is a democrat so I'm against him for that alone. But he appears to not be a dark lord flunky so maybe there's some hope.

abso does hizbollah supply your internet service? You know, a months worth of service for each hit piece posted. You seem to be working hard at this and not discussing anything.