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View Full Version : A BP moment.....

06-24-2010, 03:32 PM
Since the BP station is the closet gas station to where I live, I stopped in for some much need petrol. I then noticed it was customer appreciation day. They were giving away free hot dogs and pop. Since this is the very first time I've seen them do this, and they've been in the area about 10 years now, I had to wonder why............. And then it hit me..........duh......they've been getting blasted with a lot of negativity of late and are trying to bolster their image.........Hmmmmmmmm......interestingly enough, I am not convinced that they will be able to STOP THAT DARN LEAK BEFORE THE NEW YEAR BEGINS. I shall remain skeptible......until I actually learn for myself that it isn't going to do anymore damage to the country and ocean....

And a hotdog and pop does not make me forget what's been going on. Nor does it afford me the pleasure of not remembering that my own gov't has assisted in screwing things up once again......I'm not getting a warm and fuzzy feeling thinking about a hotdog and pop giveaway.......

06-24-2010, 04:02 PM
yeah, but I mean, they're trying to gain whatever points they can, I think. Also, as far as getting it cleaned quickly, it woud likely help if our government would stop stepping on their nuts every ten minutes, and advise the people not to run boycotts at least until they determined whether or not BP the company was at fault, or if it was more individual human error (jury's still out on that.).

However, that would take actual leadership, and real bi-partisanship.

06-24-2010, 04:59 PM
yeah, but I mean, they're trying to gain whatever points they can, I think. Also, as far as getting it cleaned quickly, it woud likely help if our government would stop stepping on their nuts every ten minutes, and advise the people not to run boycotts at least until they determined whether or not BP the company was at fault, or if it was more individual human error (jury's still out on that.).

However, that would take actual leadership, and real bi-partisanship.

As their initials say, "BP", they are grabbing any Brownie Point they can get. And it seems all our gov't knows how to do is stand around floundering getting in the way and creating more obsticals.....

Anyway, it's a darn shame they can't even begin to worry about cleaning up the aftermath, until they can find a way to plug the darn hole.....And that could take until the new year. Or maybe never. I am beginning to have visions of that oil mass growing large enough it covers the earth.....Unless the oil runs out.....Right now, that would be a blessing......