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View Full Version : Favorite blogs

04-28-2007, 09:33 AM
What are your favorite blogs? Those you read daily and give high marks for quality. Here's a few I go to:

Steelers Blog - http://steelers.aolsportsblog.com/
Daily Kos - http://www.dailykos.com/
Funny Pictures - http://todaypictures.blogspot.com/

04-28-2007, 10:51 AM
Patterico's Pontifications http://patterico.com/
A Deputy District Attorney for Los Angeles County with excellent insight into legal workings

JustOneMinute http://justoneminute.typepad.com/main/
They watched the Plame kerfluffle like a hungry pitbull eyeing the neighbors chihuahua....

Austin Bay http://austinbay.net/blog/
Well written, common sense commentary on current political issues.

Iraq the Model http://iraqthemodel.blogspot.com/
Why not get some insight on Iraq from a couple of Iraqi brothers - in Iraq nonetheless!

04-28-2007, 04:21 PM
Patterico's Pontifications http://patterico.com/
A Deputy District Attorney for Los Angeles County with excellent insight into legal workings

JustOneMinute http://justoneminute.typepad.com/main/
They watched the Plame kerfluffle like a hungry pitbull eyeing the neighbors chihuahua....

Austin Bay http://austinbay.net/blog/
Well written, common sense commentary on current political issues.

Iraq the Model http://iraqthemodel.blogspot.com/
Why not get some insight on Iraq from a couple of Iraqi brothers - in Iraq nonetheless!
I agree that all of the above are worth checking out several times per week. My dailies:

instapunit More like a news/book review/legal/photography/tech products aggregate, but extremely reliable with his commentary:


little green footballs It's difficult to get signed up here, as registration is open only sporadically, mostly on weekends. Excellent site for what's going on around the world concerning jihad, especially Israel:


powerline Very diverse group blog. Everything from news/law/sports:


michelle malkin Neocon and very good rants. The links with Hotair are the best, allah rocks:


cap'n ed Moderate conservative, lots of audio links. Good references to political machinations. Besides the daily Chris Muir cartoons are a 'no miss.':


vodka pundit Steve has been quite ill, so posting is very sporadic, but when he's hot, it's great:


There are others, but a girl's got to keep some secrets. :coffee:

04-28-2007, 06:35 PM
I used to check Glen Reynolds out every day, but lately I've only gone there like twice a week at best.

The rest of your list, Kathianne, have been on my Favorites for a while.