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View Full Version : A Conservative Kid Tries To Survive In California Schools

06-29-2010, 06:57 AM
Eye-opening...sort of. We all know what's going on. Liberals are destroying free thought all-across the nation.

When I switched schools in 2nd grade, I suddenly found myself surrounded by bleeding-heart liberals. We were taught that minorities were victims and therefore good, and members of the majority were, by inference, bad. Similarly, we learned that America was the big, bad exploiter, and the countries my parents grew up believing were evil were not so bad after all. I asked my father about these issues practically every night, and he taught me the meaning of moral relativism. I thought he was being too kind, and I characterized it, instead, as moral inversion.

It wasn't until the Democratic primaries ended in 2008 that things started getting really bad. Liberals everywhere -- but especially at school -- seemed empowered by the prospect of a black man becoming president, if for no other reason than the color of his skin. One day, during a game of dodgeball, the old assistant P.E. teacher yelled to the other students to "Get the Republican, get the Republican!" meaning me.

Once, when I was reading to avoid listening to a yet another guest lecture about man-made global warming -- in which the lecturer told us we should all reduce our consumption of meat to one meal a week -- the teacher took away my book and said, "Listen, she's smart." But according to what we now know about the hockey stick graph, she wasn't that smart after all. My English teacher was no better. She made it completely obvious that she thought those who didn't like Barack Obama needed to see a doctor. She never had anything good to say about America and always exaggerated Native American achievements over those of European colonists. When I tried to express my conservative views, she would say that we didn't have time for that and we should move on. One day she gave us a lecture on stereotyping. I raised my hand and gave an example of a comedian I heard who stereotyped Texans, and she said, "Oh, well, Texas!" as if to make an exception. The principal, who happened to be in the room at the time, quickly told her, "Shhhh!"


Abbey Marie
06-29-2010, 08:42 AM
Sigh. Calibfornia may be the worst, but it is not alone. A couple of years ago, one of our daughter's teachers asked the kids to move to one side of the room if they considered themselves Democrat, the other of Republican. Three kids, including our daughter, moved to the Republican side. My only surprise was that there were even three of them. We are drowning in libness here on the East coast.

06-29-2010, 10:24 AM
Our children want so very much to fit in, and the marxist have taken advantage of this by taking control of our public schools and universities.

Parents need to prepare their children from birth for what to expect when they begin school by teaching them that liberals are the morans of society.

They need to be told daily that everything the left believes in is a lie.

06-29-2010, 12:01 PM
Our children want so very much to fit in, and the marxist have taken advantage of this by taking control of our public schools and universities.

Parents need to prepare their children from birth for what to expect when they begin school by teaching them that liberals are the morans of society.

They need to be told daily that everything the left believes in is a lie.

I could have sworn "morans" was spelled "morons".

06-29-2010, 12:23 PM
I could have sworn "morans" was spelled "morons".

Even spelled wrong your still one.

06-29-2010, 01:03 PM
I could have sworn "morans" was spelled "morons".The best response you can muster is to criticize a spelling error?

You exhibit all the symtoms of chronic liberalism you "moron".

Thank's for the correction. :thumb:

06-29-2010, 01:33 PM
I have been working in schools for several years and have never had a kid represent themselves as a "liberal" or "conservative." A kid in trouble is a kid in trouble.
People wrote compose pieces for right-wing blogs have to come up with something to say. Their financial well being often depends on it. I don't believe this bit of tripe for a minute.

The best response you can muster is to criticize a spelling error?

You have become rather well know for your spelling errors and your atrocious butchery of the English language. Perhaps you should have paid more attention before you dropped out of school.

06-29-2010, 03:00 PM
I have been working in schools for several years and have never had a kid represent themselves as a "liberal" or "conservative." A kid in trouble is a kid in trouble.
People wrote compose pieces for right-wing blogs have to come up with something to say. Their financial well being often depends on it. I don't believe this bit of tripe for a minute.

You have become rather well know for your spelling errors and your atrocious butchery of the English language. Perhaps you should have paid more attention before you dropped out of school.I'm sure it gives you great comfort to believe this, but unfortunately you've allowed my ruff around the edges demeanor to affect your judgement.

Believe me Gabby, unless your school teacher position is well below your educational qualifications, you are eating my dust in the academic department.

06-29-2010, 05:30 PM
Believe me Gabby, unless your school teacher position is well below your educational qualifications, you are eating my dust in the academic department.

Where did you obtain your master's degree from? I would love to know. :D

07-01-2010, 02:36 PM
The best response you can muster is to criticize a spelling error?

You exhibit all the symtoms of chronic liberalism you "moron".

Thank's for the correction. :thumb:

I criticize spelling errors because I believe you won't understand the simplest of arguments.

Seems as if i'm right (I usually am)

07-01-2010, 02:44 PM
I criticize spelling errors because I believe you won't understand the simplest of arguments.

Seems as if i'm right (I usually am)

No, actually, you're not. You said nothing else in this entire thread, except for the spelling error. It is also, frankly, demeaning to the rest of us who do respond intelligently to your posts.