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View Full Version : The greatest threat to America in the 21st century is 'Domestic Marxism'.

07-01-2010, 10:03 AM
The United States is a republic with a capitalist economy based on free and private enterprise with a democratic system for electing it's government representatives whose responsibilities are to conduct the business of the nation according to the strict restraints of a Constitution which was framed by our very wise Founding Fathers and approved by the people it was meant to serve in order to create a nation of freedom and security from tyranny.

In 1776, the American colonies declared it's independece from the British Empire which was ruled by the greedy tyrant, King George III...A bloody war was fought with the most powerful nation in the world at the time, and the American colonies won the right to rule themselves and became the sovereign nation of The United States of America, to be forever free of those who would oppress, enslave and deny them the basic human rights that all people are endowed with from birth by their creator.

Whenever our way of life has been threatened and our conviction to be free challenged, we have sent our young to fight and die to preserve what every generation before us has sweated and bled to pass down to us...We have created something so important that we make warriors of our sons and daugters and send them into harms way to protect an idealology that provides us a unique way of life that ensures freedom, equality and opportunity for all who are lucky enough to call themselves an American.

How important this American way of life must be that so many have sacrificed so much to create and preserve it for the last 234 years...Is there anything that we wouldn't do to protect it?...If there were people here in America who wanted to destroy what we have, would we be willing to take action against them?...Would we be willing to prosecute political dissidents for subversion or treason who promote marxism or socialist policies or attempts to undermine our constitution or economic system?


08-15-2010, 02:31 PM
I'll debate you on this topic.

08-15-2010, 05:44 PM
It's about time, hog's been waiting a month and a half for you.


08-15-2010, 05:53 PM
It's about time, hog's been waiting a month and a half for you.


I don't expect HT to accept, if he does, Agna, one of the most ridiculed posters amongst a myriad of boards, will annihilate him. Won't speak well of Agna, but will put HT further into the hole he deserves, logically.

08-15-2010, 05:55 PM
I don't expect HT to accept, if he does, Agna, one of the most ridiculed posters amongst a myriad of boards, will annihilate him. Won't speak well of Agna, but will put HT further into the hole he deserves, logically.

How so? Would you elaborate?

08-15-2010, 06:02 PM
How so? Would you elaborate?

Nope, that would be 'after the debate.'

08-16-2010, 04:41 PM
I'll debate you on this topic.In a nutshell; I can actually understand the promise of equality and the gauranteed neccessities of life that attracts some people, mostly the disillusioned and the young, to communism.

It's loyal believers never give up, no matter how many times it takes root but never flourishes and regardless of the oppression, suffering and loss of life that has accompanied it's every attempt.

It is a cold, ruthless, mechanical, bureaucracy that destroys creativity, freedom, economies and eventually the lives of those it promised a Utopia on earth if they would only support it's rise to power.

History has shown that communism comes to power from within, either by coup in weaker nations or by slow methodical conversion in the case of the United States by marxist who call themselves liberals and progressives.

But let's suppose that against all odds we did manage to create the Perfect Marxist Utopia...Would anybody besides me be dissatisfied knowing that you could never rise above the status assigned to you by The Party?

Where did I go wrong Aggy?.....Thrill me with your wisdom?

08-16-2010, 05:52 PM
I don't expect HT to accept, if he does, Agna, one of the most ridiculed posters amongst a myriad of boards, will annihilate him. Won't speak well of Agna, but will put HT further into the hole he deserves, logically.
Kathianne is hitting below the belt...Disrespect of this magnitude usually indicates someone has taken 'opposing views' to a personal level.

Aggy, you do realize that because Kathianne now has a personal stake in this, she will crown you 'King Debater' no matter what?

You beating anybody at anything is rediculous, so don't get the big head Pocahontas.

08-16-2010, 06:05 PM
In a nutshell; I can actually understand the promise of equality and the gauranteed neccessities of life that attracts some people, mostly the disillusioned and the young, to communism.

It's loyal believers never give up, no matter how many times it takes root but never flourishes and regardless of the oppression, suffering and loss of life that has accompanied it's every attempt.

It is a cold, ruthless, mechanical, bureaucracy that destroys creativity, freedom, economies and eventually the lives of those it promised a Utopia on earth if they would only support it's rise to power.

History has shown that communism comes to power from within, either by coup in weaker nations or by slow methodical conversion in the case of the United States by marxist who call themselves liberals and progressives.

But let's suppose that against all odds we did manage to create the Perfect Marxist Utopia...Would anybody besides me be dissatisfied knowing that you could never rise above the status assigned to you by The Party?

Where did I go wrong Aggy?.....Thrill me with your wisdom?

You make a good point, hog. That niche of people like Agna are likely to have never visited a communist or marxist region like Central America, Cuba or the eastern bloc nations. They probably aren't even old enough to have lived through the Gulf war, let alone WWI and/or WWII. Plus they probably spend a lot of time indoors, on computers, feeding on the propaganda, marching to the beat. I doubt they've lived life to any extent.

Of course they'll deny all of this, but I'm probably closer to the truth.

08-16-2010, 06:16 PM
You make a good point, hog. That niche of people like Agna are likely to have never visited a communist or marxist region like Central America, Cuba or the eastern bloc nations. They probably aren't even old enough to have lived through the Gulf war, let alone WWI and/or WWII. Plus they probably spend a lot of time indoors, on computers, feeding on the propaganda, marching to the beat. I doubt they've lived life to any extent.

Of course they'll deny all of this, but I'm probably closer to the truth.

I'll agree that communism hasn't worked anywhere. I'm assuming that Agna will go philosophical, while HT will resort to PC. We'll see.

08-16-2010, 06:26 PM
I'll agree that communism hasn't worked anywhere. I'm assuming that Agna will go philosophical, while HT will resort to PC. We'll see.

Clash of the rhetorical giants, eh?


That's my point with philosophicals - they don't know shit about shit other than what they've read in a book. Agna clearly is cut from this cloth. All that bullshit she (or he, not sure) comes from something someone else wrote and not by first hand experience.

08-16-2010, 06:27 PM
Clash of the rhetorical giants, eh?


That's my point with philosophicals - they don't know shit about shit other than what they've read in a book. Agna clearly is cut from this cloth. All that bullshit she (or he, not sure) comes from something someone else wrote and not by first hand experience.

there is no debate on Communism, unless one waxes philosophical. It's never worked. Anywhere. Thus, HT hasn't a reason to fear Marxism here.

08-16-2010, 06:57 PM
there is no debate on Communism, unless one waxes philosophical. It's never worked. Anywhere. Thus, HT hasn't a reason to fear Marxism here.

And I don't disagree with you.

All this marxist and socialist "the sky is falling" bullshit is just that, bullshit. Just something to get the bucket carrying monkeys all whipped up into a faux news froth over.

The issue with BO is his tilt toward socialist ideology - not his wanting to turn this country into Venezuela, not that he could even if he wanted to.

The whacks who really support communist ideology like Agna can be entertaining for a couple seconds, then they usually drift off into some textbook bullshit that they know nothing about which gets old after a couple of minutes.

08-16-2010, 07:04 PM
there is no debate on Communism, unless one waxes philosophical. It's never worked. Anywhere. Thus, HT hasn't a reason to fear Marxism here.The fact that communism has "never worked" has not deminished it's threat one iota.

Most of the damage is done long before it's failure is realized, but that never seems to deter it.

We have been in the process of conversion to socialism since FDR set the SS ball in motion.

As Karl Marx predicted...'Socialism is simply the stepping stone from capitalism to communism'.

08-16-2010, 07:14 PM
The fact that communism has "never worked" has not deminished it's threat one iota.

Most of the damage is done long before it's failure is realized, but that never seems to deter it.

We have been in the process of conversion to socialism since FDR set the SS ball in motion.

As Karl Marx predicted...'Socialism is simply the stepping stone from capitalism to communism'.

Then explain why there are purely (or distilled) socialist countries? Why haven't they taken the communistic plunge?

08-16-2010, 08:09 PM
You make a good point, hog. That niche of people like Agna are likely to have never visited a communist or marxist region like Central America, Cuba or the eastern bloc nations. They probably aren't even old enough to have lived through the Gulf war, let alone WWI and/or WWII. Plus they probably spend a lot of time indoors, on computers, feeding on the propaganda, marching to the beat. I doubt they've lived life to any extent.

Of course they'll deny all of this, but I'm probably closer to the truth.I think Aggy is about 20 years old, or so I have heard...I would imagine he has been marxist indoctrinated in some gold coast university by one or more pinko commie professors.

He does appear to be educated but not very experienced, so I suspect he has very little first hand knowledge of the world, but I doubt you would get him to admit it.

He has this strange fantasy about some magical form of Libertarian Communism...Now that's about as out of touch with reality as anybody can get.

08-16-2010, 08:40 PM
I'll agree that communism hasn't worked anywhere. I'm assuming that Agna will go philosophical, while HT will resort to PC. We'll see.Now that's funny Kathianne! :lol: Aggy doesn't give a damn who he offends. :laugh:

He is one of the few posters I have never known to practice political correctness. :laugh2:

But, Aggy has a good excuse...Being a minority, he isn't required to practice political correctness. :lmao:

08-16-2010, 08:45 PM
I think Aggy is about 20 years old, or so I have heard...I would imagine he has been marxist indoctrinated in some gold coast university by one or more pinko commie professors.

He does appear to be educated but not very experienced, so I suspect he has very little first hand knowledge of the world, but I doubt you would get him to admit it.

He has this strange fantasy about some magical form of Libertarian Communism...Now that's about as out of touch with reality as anybody can get.

Sort of like being an atheistic Christian

08-17-2010, 10:16 AM
Then explain why there are purely (or distilled) socialist countries? Why haven't they taken the communistic plunge?The architects of globalism are well aware that the transition must be a slow drawn out process.

The powers that be are waiting for the United States to be brought to the socialist stage.

Because America was the #1 adversary of the USSR and Red China in the 20th century, it is more resistant to the marxist ideology.

To advance the presently socialist nations to the next stage prematurely would scare Americans away from incremental socialism.

Regardless, all nations are presently advancing toward the ultimate marxist utopia, one socialist policy at a time.

The younger generations will be told that those who complain are the conspiracy nuts and the old who resist progress and change.

If we continue on our present course, 1984 will be the future, and George Orwell's nightmare will be our childrens reality.

Marxists never give up...They will always be working their evil from the shadows...The only solution to weeds in the garden is total eradication.

08-17-2010, 10:16 PM
Marxists never give up...They will always be working their evil from the shadows...The only solution to weeds in the garden is total eradication.

See, that's the problem, though. It isn't evil. Most of the time, the people supporting socialist have genuinely good intentions. Obama extends unemployment benefits because he doesn't want people to suffer, people champion welfare to help the downtrodden. It all seems well and good, but they just don't see the society they are creating with it all.

I think that in seeing every socialist as an "enemy", you're actually helping them, because they can look at pretty much any one of your posts and dismiss you out of hand because of the way you view them.

08-18-2010, 09:57 AM
See, that's the problem, though. It isn't evil. Most of the time, the people supporting socialist have genuinely good intentions. Obama extends unemployment benefits because he doesn't want people to suffer, people champion welfare to help the downtrodden. It all seems well and good, but they just don't see the society they are creating with it all.The marxists have always promoted their ideology as being the compassionate champion of the poor and the working class and throughout history have fueled the flames of class warfare.

They stand on their soapboxes and tell the masses to hate the rich who feed on their suffering and sweat...It is the #1 tactic that has converted every communist nation.

Socialism is like an unchecked weed...It will not be satisfied untill it has spread to every part of the garden and completely destroys the productivity of the entire crop.

I think that in seeing every socialist as an "enemy", you're actually helping them, because they can look at pretty much any one of your posts and dismiss you out of hand because of the way you view them.Socialism is the stepping stone from capitalism to communism...It is the enemy.

1. a theory or system of social organization advocating placing the ownership and control of capital, land, and means of production in the community as a whole. Cf. utopian socialism.
2. the procedures and practices based upon this theory.
3. Marxist theory. the first stage in the transition from capitalism to communism, marked by imperfect realizations of collectivist principles.


10-01-2010, 03:45 AM
The marxists have always promoted their ideology as being the compassionate champion of the poor and the working class and throughout history have fueled the flames of class warfare.

They stand on their soapboxes and tell the masses to hate the rich who feed on their suffering and sweat...It is the #1 tactic that has converted every communist nation.

Socialism is like an unchecked weed...It will not be satisfied untill it has spread to every part of the garden and completely destroys the productivity of the entire crop.

Socialism is the stepping stone from capitalism to communism...It is the enemy.

YO whatupz Hog,

I knowz yu, Sirmoby is a good friend of mine, he tossed yu into cyber hell. You dont know jackshitz about socialism. Look to Venezsuala fer proof socialism works. Yall better fall in line cuz Hugo Shavez wants to start a nuklear program. Liberals will flock south just before he smoke yall rightwinger asses.

Socialism provides equal pay for equal work, everyone wins no body losses and we git cheepp gas, free food and gov takes care of the sick and elderly. My city does more to save the people and it works. You gotz to look past the negaitves and accenuate the positives of socialism.

Capitalism must die, its is the cancer of evil strckened men who want a free ride on the backs of the middle class and po! Yall owe me a living too so git to work and get ready fer Obama's beautiful act 2 after we whoop some commie ass next month. 2012 is Obama 2.0, then the shitz is gonna rock da houze yall. :dance:

Nice pic, yu look like the last armed thug who robbed da 7/11. Actually da pic is cool, yu look tough like an actor in biker movie.

Glad i run into ya, I'll tell moby i found one of his commie cyber killz. :clap:

10-01-2010, 06:18 AM
Hey anga, I'm still waiting if you'd like to answer my stupid questions...

10-01-2010, 12:09 PM
This is your first post in this thread...

10-01-2010, 09:56 PM
This is your first post in this thread...

It was a thread I made (at your request) several months ago. You spent a few pages refusing to answer the OP, then finally did, but never replied to my reply...just left.

10-01-2010, 10:54 PM
It was a thread I made (at your request) several months ago. You spent a few pages refusing to answer the OP, then finally did, but never replied to my reply...just left.

Um, HogWash wrote this thread, so you might have wanted to revive, you know, your thread. But you might also want to consider that some of us actually have lives and can't be hanging on every post every second of the day. Personally, I have 25 units at two schools at three locations at inconvenient times and a presidency of the economics club at one to manage.

Prince Lemon
08-07-2011, 10:30 PM
America is doomed for sure.I don't deny that she became a Marxist nation,since the 60s.