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View Full Version : Spending stimulus cash on signs?

red states rule
07-08-2010, 07:29 AM
Another example on why the stimulus bill is not creating private sector jobs and why Dems demanding tax increases is an outrage

Washington, DC – A proposal offered by Congressman Aaron Schock (R-IL) to prevent tens of millions of dollars from being spent on useless stimulus signs is featured this week on the groundbreaking YouCut program.

The Schock proposal would prohibit funding for any additional stimulus signs, would require agencies to report on the amount already spent on signs and would recapture those funds for taxpayers by reducing the agencies administrative expenses by an amount equal to that spent on signs.

“Reports have stated these signs can cost taxpayers up to $10,000 and my home state of Illinois has spent over $650,000 on these signs,” said Schock. “That’s roughly $20 million spent nationwide, without creating one single job. Despite being sold as an infrastructure improvement package, less than 8 percent of these funds went to infrastructure projects, and to add insult to injury, $20 million of that is going to signs. This is outrageous. We don’t need to spend taxpayer money on propaganda.”

“We need to stop this runaway spending in Washington and start cutting,” Schock continued. “Through the YouCut program, taxpayers can say ‘enough is enough’ and vote to cut these wasteful dollars. In fact, over one million citizens already have. It’s time Washington listens to the public and stops future generations from having to shoulder mountains of debt.”


07-08-2010, 08:31 AM
Those signs are more about the never ending campaigning that the current administration is engaged in than anything else.

07-08-2010, 08:37 AM
just plain silly. THye try and Compare this all to the Depression and the bounce back... but are they failing to realize that they aren't really investing it in things that give returns? Or is this just one big slush fund for themselves?

red states rule
07-09-2010, 06:41 AM
Notice how the Obama supporters never comment on threads like these?

THis is all part of the hopey changey stuff and we are paying for it