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View Full Version : Liberal Do Gooder - Who Cares If The Gulf's Economy Needs Drilling?

red states rule
07-10-2010, 06:47 AM
The best things that can ever happen to you is that you never are on the receiving end of liberal compassion

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07-10-2010, 06:54 AM
Isn't it amazing that those who don't produce anything know what is best for those who do?

red states rule
07-10-2010, 07:01 AM
Isn't it amazing that those who don't produce anything know what is best for those who do?

http://www.instablogsimages.com/images/2009/11/02/liberals20are20wrong20smug20billboard20road20sign_ LDdmF_19672.jpg

07-10-2010, 01:52 PM
Ever notice how they never want to offer up a moderate solution? It's always that they want us to stop drilling, like we'll all just be driving hybrids and electrics within a week of it. They don't see the economic deprivation that would cause for the poor, who often simply can't afford the gas conscious vehicles, and would buy them if they could.

We have the safest drilling practices and standards in the industrialized world, but the way they treat it, it's like all the people in the oil company are the villains from Captain Planet, just trying like hell to wreck as much of the Earth as possible while they laugh maniacally at their own evil genius.

Let me say that I'm an environmentalist. If you believe that God gave dominion over the plants and the animals, but I also believe in this Galileo quote:

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use and by some other means to give us knowledge which we can attain by them."

If you want to get the US off of foreign, and decrease our dependence on oil in the more general sense, then you need to exercise sense in doing so. The government should be offering incentives to start new car companies, taking up the motor plants that have fallen into disuse by the big 3, as well incentives to produce increasing numbers of hybrid and electric cars.

As well, the government needs to repeal the decision that Bush made to strike California's law mandating that the car companies produce a percentage of electrics. It wasn't really the federal's right to do this anyway, and it actually stimulated new growth, with car companies complying with the law, and making it an expanding market that would have changed the way we looked at electrics. Do the same with hybrids and you'll see the shift happen pretty quickly. Just do the same in Illinois and and New York, and bam, you have a severe reduction in the use of fossil fuels.

Further, one of the few things I did agree with Obama on was transferring the federal fleet over to hybrids, leading by example on it by buying up vehicles that will be produced in greater number for the federal government.

Overall, we can just take some basic steps to go in the direction of reducing our dependence on oil. Stopping safe drilling is not the way to do so, nor is it a way to get us off the oil of countries such as Iran and Saudi Arabia. At this point, the better environmental policy is to do as much of the drilling here, where we can watch over and monitor it than in a foreign country where we just have to trust that they're doing it the right way.

red states rule
07-10-2010, 02:09 PM
and at the same time the tree hugging liberals are telling the rest of us how WE need to lower our standard of living, how WE need to consume less energy, how WE need to drive fewer miles, how WE need to stop being the worlds energy pigs - they only seem to drive bigger limos, live in bigger mansions, and fly in bigger private jets

Tell me, does anyone see any solar panels on the roof of Al Gores $8 million villa?


07-10-2010, 02:54 PM
and at the same time the tree hugging liberals are telling the rest of us how WE need to lower our standard of living, how WE need to consume less energy, how WE need to drive fewer miles, how WE need to stop being the worlds energy pigs - they only seem to drive bigger limos, live in bigger mansions, and fly in bigger private jets

Tell me, does anyone see any solar panels on the roof of Al Gores $8 million villa?


In fairness, the solar panels could be located in a secluded area of the land. Aside from that, there are those who are practicing what they preach, such as Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins, who yes, use a limo, but got a hybrid limo.

It doesn't even need to be lowering of standards, though. For instance, New York City a few years ago began rolling all their taxis over to hybrids. This had two effects, increasing the hybrid car demand, as well as actually decreasing costs for the cabbies, who no longer had to get the car repair or gassed up nearly as often, saving more than $10,000 over a period of 5 years.

Everyday it seems like new hybrid types are coming out, and it won't be long before you see hybrid sports cars, and trucks on the road. The key is to improve the demand without putting the screws to the average car buyer.