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View Full Version : 6 Doctors, 4 Speech Writers, and 12 Teleprompters

red states rule
07-10-2010, 06:59 AM
I agree with the Doctors, Obama will make people sick when he talks, and talks, and talks.

The only thing missing is the Greek columns

The heads of government in London for the G-20 summit are discussing serious and weighty issues, which in time will be duly reported on, but right now the British press is entranced by the sheer size of President Obama's traveling entourage. And no wonder.

Obama arrived with 500 staff in tow, including 200 Secret Service agents, a team of six doctors, the White House chef and kitchen staff with the president's own food and water.

And, according to the Evening Standard, he also came with "35 vehicles in all, four speech writers and 12 teleprompters." For sure, our president is not going to be at a loss for words.

The press duly reported on Air Force One and all its bells and whistles but also on the presence of the presidential helicopter, Marine One, and a fleet of identical decoys to ferry him from Stansted airport to central London.
Among all those vehicles is the presidential limousine, which one local paper mistakenly called Cadillac One, but is universally referred to as the Beast. The limo, reinforced with ceramic and titanium armor, carries tear gas cannon, night vision devices, its own oxygen and is resistant to chemical and radiation attack. It is, marveled one reporter, a sort of mobile panic room. The Guardian called it "the ultimate in heavily armored transport."

The president is entitled to all the security, communications and support he feels necessary to do his job but surely, when we're trying to project a more restrained, humble image to the world, the president's huge retinue could be scaled back to something less than the triumphal march from "Aida."


Abbey Marie
07-10-2010, 10:38 AM

red states rule
07-10-2010, 02:19 PM
Obama is used to being a lecturer, and reading prepared material. We have seent eh Chosen One when he is responding to a question off the cuff without a prepared reply.

He is an empty suite, a manchild President, and in way over his rookie head.

It is all style over substance with this administration - and it is amazing about 45% of voters still think Obama is doing a good job

07-12-2010, 11:51 AM
Obama is used to being a lecturer, and reading prepared material. We have seent eh Chosen One when he is responding to a question off the cuff without a prepared reply.

He is an empty suite, a manchild President, and in way over his rookie head.

It is all style over substance with this administration - and it is amazing about 45% of voters still think Obama is doing a good job

Two obamas' voters are my neighbors, and they have seen the light. They are still dems though, so I still have work to do.

07-12-2010, 12:18 PM
Obama is used to being a lecturer, and reading prepared material. We have seent eh Chosen One when he is responding to a question off the cuff without a prepared reply.

He is an empty suite, a manchild President, and in way over his rookie head.

It is all style over substance with this administration - and it is amazing about 45% of voters still think Obama is doing a good job

This just says there are 45% of voters are hardcore stupid.

07-12-2010, 03:06 PM


07-12-2010, 03:09 PM
Obama is used to being a lecturer, and reading prepared material. We have seent eh Chosen One when he is responding to a question off the cuff without a prepared reply.

He is an empty suite, a manchild President, and in way over his rookie head.

It is all style over substance with this administration - and it is amazing about 45% of voters still think Obama is doing a good job

What is amazing is the audacity this administration has to suck up that much tax payers money on frivolities such as this. What makes him so special that he thinks he needs to have that many people trailing behind him or around him? And why can't he eat what that of his hosts are eating? Talk about self indulgence. It's just sickening....:eek:

07-12-2010, 03:16 PM
Two obamas' voters are my neighbors, and they have seen the light. They are still dems though, so I still have work to do.

As soon as I get my lazy butt into action, I am switching my voting statis to indep. I've had enough of both parties. They have finally, over the decades, gotten thru to my brain that they are incompetent, greedy, self serving assholes that are out to dismantal America and show Americans a thing or two. They both strive to put us in our place.

Well, they will do it without my help. I'm no longer voting for either party. My vote is worth more than they deserve.....An indep. may not win, but at least I'll know I had no part in putting another demopub in office to shaft the rest of us.....

07-12-2010, 03:16 PM
What is amazing is the audacity this administration has to suck up that much tax payers money on frivolities such as this. What makes him so special that he thinks he needs to have that many people trailing behind him or around him? And why can't he eat what that of his hosts are eating? Talk about self indulgence. It's just sickening....:eek:

He doesn't view himself as president, he views himself as the head of state, a king. I'm surprised he doesn't have everyone bowing to him when they enter his presence. I guess that's still to come.

07-12-2010, 03:28 PM
What is amazing is the audacity this administration has to suck up that much tax payers money on frivolities such as this. What makes him so special that he thinks he needs to have that many people trailing behind him or around him? And why can't he eat what that of his hosts are eating? Talk about self indulgence. It's just sickening....:eek:

Surely you jest! He is THE ONE. We are fortunate He has chosen to lead us.He is the one we have been waiting for. We must provide Him with hundred dollar steaks and the finest wines. We must also provide Him with our most sophisticated teleprompters so He may speak without making misstatements and stammering nonsense. We must also provide Him with the best security so that someone will not blow His a** away.

An apology is in order to THE ONE!!!

red states rule
07-12-2010, 06:29 PM
Two obamas' voters are my neighbors, and they have seen the light. They are still dems though, so I still have work to do.

At work, everytime I see a liberal who openly bragged they voted for Obama (or have Obama bumber stickers on their car) I ask them with a smile "How's that hopey changey stuff going for ya today?"

red states rule
07-12-2010, 06:30 PM
What is amazing is the audacity this administration has to suck up that much tax payers money on frivolities such as this. What makes him so special that he thinks he needs to have that many people trailing behind him or around him? And why can't he eat what that of his hosts are eating? Talk about self indulgence. It's just sickening....:eek:

Nothing is too good for the Chosen One - when someone else is paying for it

07-13-2010, 12:53 PM
Two obamas' voters are my neighbors, and they have seen the light. They are still dems though, so I still have work to do.

This reminds me of something I think I posted here a week or so ago. Of mine and my brother's 6 kids, (3 of his, 3 of mine). I know 5 were for Obama. At the family party all of them had changed their minds. Weirdest reason was one that said, "Unfair demonizing of BP and big business in general." Shocking!

red states rule
07-14-2010, 04:11 AM
This reminds me of something I think I posted here a week or so ago. Of mine and my brother's 6 kids, (3 of his, 3 of mine). I know 5 were for Obama. At the family party all of them had changed their minds. Weirdest reason was one that said, "Unfair demonizing of BP and big business in general." Shocking!

They are not alone. Yesterday's Washington Post poll shows how badly Obama is doing with the voters

Confidence in Obama reaches new low, Washington Post-ABC News poll finds

Public confidence in President Obama has hit a new low, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll. Four months before midterm elections that will define the second half of his term, nearly six in 10 voters say they lack faith in the president to make the right decisions for the country, and a clear majority once again disapproves of how he is dealing with the economy.

Regard for Obama is still higher than it is for members of Congress, but the gap has narrowed. About seven in 10 registered voters say they lack confidence in Democratic lawmakers and a similar proportion say so of Republican lawmakers.

Overall, more than a third of voters polled -- 36 percent -- say they have no confidence or only some confidence in the president, congressional Democrats and congressional Republicans. Among independents, this disillusionment is higher still. About two-thirds of all voters say they are dissatisfied with or angry about the way the federal government is working.


red states rule
07-14-2010, 05:49 AM
Here is how DNC TV "reported" the Washington Post poll. Anyone surprised?

NBC Political Director Chuck Todd cherrypicked a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll to dismiss the possibility that Republicans will regain control of Congress in the November election. He did this despite evidence within the same poll that the political landscape in 2010 resembles 1994, when Republicans picked up 54 seats to take control of the House.

On the July 13 "Morning Joe," Todd emphasized the finding that 72 percent of the country has either "just some" or no confidence at all in the ability of congressional Republicans to "make the right decisions for the country's future."

"This wild card about this election cycle which makes it different from '06, which makes it different from '94, is this issue of the public's view of the Republican Party," insisted Todd.
