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View Full Version : Fiorina Leads Boxer for First Time in California Senate Race

red states rule
07-14-2010, 04:30 AM
I remember when Boxer lectured a US General how he will address her as Sen Boxer - she has earned it

Looks like perhaps we will soon address her as Ex Sen Boxer - she has definitely earned it

Fiorina Leads Boxer for First Time in California Senate Race

California Democratic senator Barbara boxer is trailing Republican challenger Carly Fiorina by 2 points--47% to 45%--in a new SurveyUSA poll of likely voters released this evening. Fiorina has been closing in on Boxer--cutting the Democrat's lead from six, to five, to four, to three points in the last four polls--but this is the first public poll showing Fiorina in the lead.

The same SurveyUSA poll shows Republican Meg Whitman leading Democrat Jerry Brown 46% to 39% in the California gubernatorial race.


07-14-2010, 10:51 AM
Could this be an indication that Californians are finally awakening to the destructive liberal policies that have been eating away at their states economy, and if so what in the world took them so damn long?

I theorize that the marxist ideology that dominates Hollywood culture took root in the early 20th century and spread throughout California and began influencing the states politics long before the rest of the nation.

Therefore, their economy which has been based on big government, high taxes and socialist policies has driven the nation to financial ruin ahead of the rest of the states, whose liberal policies came about later.

What we're seeing in California is a testiment to the failed policies of socialism and where the rest of the nation is heading if we don't learn from the economical catastrophe we are witnessing in the not so Golden State.

Capitalism made America the freeist, most prosperous and powerful nation in the history of the world, while the marxist/socialist regimes failed as their people suffered in totalitarian police states of poverty and oppression.

Reject the failed policies of socialism and embrace the tried and true policies of capitalism that made America the greatest nation on earth. :clap: