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07-15-2010, 05:44 PM
The messiah has saved us. :clap:

Mr. P
07-15-2010, 06:09 PM
Who woulda guessed a BIG black DICK would plug that hole?

07-15-2010, 06:27 PM
wow hell just froze over

07-15-2010, 06:28 PM
Who woulda guessed a BIG black DICK would plug that hole?

If anyone should know about big black dicks filling manly holes, it's a military aviator.

07-15-2010, 06:40 PM
Not quite, they're not sure this is permanent.

It's plugged "for now".

Having said that, BP better get a fucking fruit basket from the US Citizens. I applaud BP in dealing with this situation considering: a) They wouldn't have had to miles out into the fucking Gulf and another fucking mile down if the environazi's didn't make them, b) not only did they do it with zero fucking help from BO and the regime, but they did it as BO CONTINUED to throw obstacles in their way - like the red tape when skimmers were offered from other countries and purposely stonewalling the states when they tried their own cleanup plans.

The way this mess was handled by BO and Co. was a total fucking joke. Complete fucking joke, they did nothing but hinder cleanup and plugging efforts and point the finger at BP.

Total fucking joke.

Mr. P
07-15-2010, 06:54 PM
If anyone should know about big black dicks filling manly holes, it's a military aviator.

And you know about BIG BLACK DICKS and HOLES...how?
Please tell us.

07-15-2010, 06:57 PM
yeah flabby.tell us all about it

07-15-2010, 07:47 PM
Do you people take pleasure in bashing someone who is seriously disabled by severe liberalism?...Have you no compassion or shame? :(

07-15-2010, 07:49 PM
not one damned bit

07-15-2010, 08:35 PM
To all the Obama voters out there.....

The collective IQ of the lot of you is about that of a mentally retarded amoeba, if that.

You voted for this lamebrain not me

Just admit it, you've been had by the slickest con artist in the land... he promised you the moon with frosting and gumdrops on it and you bought it...

Honest to goodness, you people couldn't find your way out of a paper bag....

Next time it's time to vote, do us all of favor... pull the lever with the "R" after it...I know that "R" is one of those hard letters, after all it's waaaay up there in the alphabet. If that's too hard for you to do... ask your mother to show you how it's done...

better yet... next time it's time to vote, stay home and watch "Sesame Street"

07-15-2010, 08:49 PM
better yet... next time it's time to vote, stay home and watch "Sesame Street"

This sounds like a plan to me:thumb: Hopefully they will watch the day the letter "r" is sponsoring the show

07-15-2010, 08:52 PM
Not quite, they're not sure this is permanent.

It's plugged "for now".

Having said that, BP better get a fucking fruit basket from the US Citizens. I applaud BP in dealing with this situation considering: a) They wouldn't have had to miles out into the fucking Gulf and another fucking mile down if the environazi's didn't make them, b) not only did they do it with zero fucking help from BO and the regime, but they did it as BO CONTINUED to throw obstacles in their way - like the red tape when skimmers were offered from other countries and purposely stonewalling the states when they tried their own cleanup plans.

The way this mess was handled by BO and Co. was a total fucking joke. Complete fucking joke, they did nothing but hinder cleanup and plugging efforts and point the finger at BP.

Total fucking joke.

I guess then everyone should remember this fiasco and all that was not done to aid in stopping it, when it's time to vote for president again. That is, unless the meathead we have in office now gets such low numbers in popularity that he is advised not to run again. This has been a shameful mess and ordeal and NEVER should have gotten so out of control.....For a government that prides itself on being so damn smart it sure hasn't acted all too intelligent during this oil mess.... And we won't even go into why this administration follows in the footsteps of the last one and won't do a single thing about our borders....

Altogether now and lets' scream..... :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

07-15-2010, 09:19 PM
This sounds like a plan to me:thumb: Hopefully they will watch the day the letter "r" is sponsoring the show
Well, if the show is sponsored by the letter "D", then they can learn some nice words like.....

DOWNGRADED (as in bond rating)
DOUBTFUL (as in recovery)
DELUSIONAL (as in Obama supporters)
DEPRESSION (both psychological and economic)
DICTATORSHIP (as in this Adminstration)

Oh there are so many words that start with the letter "D" boys and girls!!!!!

and a lot more bad names that end in them! Like the names of several hundred dumb f**k Democrat Congressman and Senators for instance

07-15-2010, 09:50 PM
To the members of the administration of Barak O-F***ing Retard

The next time there is a financial crisis, just remember to do the following:

Pretend it's an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and do the same thing...


That's right. Just go on a golf vacation, throw a party at the White House and invite some of those decrepit rock stars from the 1960s over to make some statements about the effectiveness of the current president.... anything

just don't pass another stimulus, don't try to fix healthcare, stimulate the economy by building another 1000 skateboard parks or what ever the hell it was that you did... because you caused a lot more damage than George W. Bush and Katrina ever thought of doing.

You see, you guys, haven't a clue as to what you're doing .....

that about sums it up... you're a bunch of dimwitted morons...

pathologically stupid is more like it.

So, just take the rest of the time you have left to do something that millions of your fellow Americans are doing right now

update your resume and start looking for another job....

07-22-2010, 03:04 PM
To the members of the administration of Barak O-F***ing Retard

The next time there is a financial crisis, just remember to do the following:

Pretend it's an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and do the same thing...


That's right. Just go on a golf vacation, throw a party at the White House and invite some of those decrepit rock stars from the 1960s over to make some statements about the effectiveness of the current president.... anything

just don't pass another stimulus, don't try to fix healthcare, stimulate the economy by building another 1000 skateboard parks or what ever the hell it was that you did... because you caused a lot more damage than George W. Bush and Katrina ever thought of doing.

You see, you guys, haven't a clue as to what you're doing .....

that about sums it up... you're a bunch of dimwitted morons...

pathologically stupid is more like it.

So, just take the rest of the time you have left to do something that millions of your fellow Americans are doing right now

update your resume and start looking for another job....If we submitted this to the New York Times, what are the chances they would print it on the Op-Ed page? :popcorn:

07-22-2010, 08:36 PM
If we submitted this to the New York Times, what are the chances they would print it on the Op-Ed page? :popcorn:
Frankly, if I posted what I really felt, I'd probably be arrested for making threats against an elected official...

I can't count the times, I've written several paragraphs of what I really want to say and erased it....

I don't feel that voting these bums out is enough... I want to see some of them in prison doing hard time, cleaning toilets and busting rocks because that is where they belong.

I've noticed something during my life, if I feel a certain way about something, it's most likely what millions of other people are feeling... and if that's true, I'd hate to be Barak O-dumb-a right now

07-23-2010, 07:26 AM
Frankly, if I posted what I really felt, I'd probably be arrested for making threats against an elected official...

I can't count the times, I've written several paragraphs of what I really want to say and erased it....

I don't feel that voting these bums out is enough... I want to see some of them in prison doing hard time, cleaning toilets and busting rocks because that is where they belong.

I've noticed something during my life, if I feel a certain way about something, it's most likely what millions of other people are feeling... and if that's true, I'd hate to be Barak O-dumb-a right now

I'm one of those millions Karl. :salute:

07-23-2010, 07:51 AM
I don't give BP any credit, their own enginneers told them that what they were doing was going blow up and they didn't listen. When it did blow they didn't have a plan to fix it. Obama and the feds made it worse but they didn't cause it. THAT goes to BP 100%. BP execs are no good guys here. They are on the hook for something they can never really repay or fully correct. Obama and crew are either keystone cops or complicit accomplices maybe a bit of both. The hole thing is just terrible.

07-23-2010, 10:27 AM
Well for all the idiots involved in that mess here's what I think :finger3:

They all deserve to be tossed in the clink for causing such a mess. Too many egos thinking they were all that. Apparently they weren't as smart as they thought they were considering the time span involved in closing that valve..... Unfortunately, this seems to be the caliber of the people are in our gov't and/or running huge corporations. They are of the belief that they know best and won't accept help from those that actually do.....

It's no wonder America is in the mess it's in today........:eek:

07-23-2010, 10:32 AM
just like deathcare they're not quailfied doctors. nor are they qualified for the oil business. does it hurt to ask pro's??? yes. ego's come first. if all else fails ask for help. last