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07-15-2010, 06:58 PM
I realize that race is a very scary issue for white people to openly and honestly discuss.

I also realize everyone believes that I'm a racist who hates people because of the color of their skin.

If you have no doubts that you are right and I am wrong, you should have no fear of participating in this poll and discussion.

Here's how I see it and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong:

An acquaintance is a person you occassionally or even regularly associate with, who you like and enjoy their company, such as a coworker, fellow student or neighbor.

A friend is someone you have connected with in a special way, who you trust and feel totally at ease with and have no problem confiding in or sharing your dreams and secrets with.

07-15-2010, 07:06 PM
Does it count if I'm banging a black chic?

07-15-2010, 07:13 PM
Does it count if I'm banging a black chic?If she is also your friend, she may be included in the poll.

A piece of ass and acquaintances are excluded...See OP.

Besides, I don't think I've ever met a young black female conservative.

07-15-2010, 08:08 PM
One's the most right-wing guy I know. (More than me, if that's possible.) He ran for Congress and came real close.

I'm going hiking with another one next weekend. He's conservative but has to vote Democrat.

In fact all the ones that I know well enough are conservative, but like most people aren't as educated as they need to be in politics. As such, they believe the shit they have been told about "if Republican, then racist" so they vote Democrat.

07-15-2010, 08:08 PM
I have several Black friends who are Conservative. It was very exciting for the older ones to see a Black guy seriously (Not like Jackson or Sharpton) run for P.O.T.U.S., something they never in their lifetimes thought they would see. However, they said they could never, ever vote for him because of his policies.

As I think about it, all my friends are Conservative or on their way to being Conservative. I don't have the time or patience for Liberals, they're just entirely too stupid for me to be around. The one exception is a cousin who I am hoping to get reacquainted with.

07-15-2010, 10:05 PM
One's the most right-wing guy I know. (More than me, if that's possible.) He ran for Congress and came real close.

I'm going hiking with another one next weekend. He's conservative but has to vote Democrat.

In fact all the ones that I know well enough are conservative, but like most people aren't as educated as they need to be in politics. As such, they believe the shit they have been told about "if Republican, then racist" so they vote Democrat.Hey Glock, none of this makes any sense whatsoever to me?!

So they tell you they share your political views, but vote for an ideology that directly contradicts those beliefs?

I have a couple more questions if you don't mind.

As far as racism goes, do they believe you are the exception to the rule?

And do any of your white friends have these conflicting voting dilemmas?

07-15-2010, 10:44 PM
I don't have any black friends. Not because I'm not partial to black people, but mostly because where I lived there were zero blacks. Literally, I lived in a very redneck, rural part of Pennsylvania. 99% white.

07-15-2010, 11:10 PM
no, all my friends are gay and Jewish.....

07-15-2010, 11:13 PM
I don't have any black friends. Not because I'm not partial to black people, but mostly because where I lived there were zero blacks. Literally, I lived in a very redneck, rural part of Pennsylvania. 99% white.Busing hasn't reached Pennsylvania yet? :blsmile:

07-15-2010, 11:44 PM
Busing hasn't reached Pennsylvania yet? :blsmile:


We have 3 fucking red lights in our entire county.

If everyone in my county bought a ticket to go see the Pirates, we'd fill the stadium up only half way.

07-16-2010, 12:30 AM
I have a number of friends who are black, some that I grew up with, others that I met in Navy, and some who've trickled into the group over the years. We frequently get into debates on a wide array of subjects.

Actually, they're all in unison on one subject: they are all SO pissed at Obama. The way it was explained to me is that because Obama has so fucked his run into the ground, it's actually going to make it more difficult for another black man to try and run for office.

Overall, yeah, black people, republicans and dems alike vote for Obama because they wanted to believe this was another Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, or Malcolm X who was going to stand up a lead. They got none of the character traits associated with those leaders, and now, they are snapping out of it, and are understably pissed off at the whole run.

07-16-2010, 12:42 AM
I have only two friends, one of whom I married. Neither are black, one is half Mexican. I know people of all colors and nationalities, most of them I like. I do not care about their politics or their religion.

07-16-2010, 05:32 AM
There's a very small group of people I consider real friends of that group 2 are black one is republican one is democrat. But neither rabidly so.
1 is a pastor's wife and I know she voted for Bush twice. They moved before the Obama vote but I do recall in a phone conversation her being outraged at his abortion position. I can't honestly say how she voted. I suspect she was torn but probably voted republican or didn't vote. The democrat pretty much goes with the general tide of the left but after pointing out several problems to him he's generally extremely disappointed in Obama. But he would never have voted for McCain. ( but neither could I).

Spreading further out to acquaintances and co-workers, most are democrat. One rabidly so. The others I've talked to are disappointed in Obama as well for various reasons. I know a local pastor of a large congregation here Supports and has invited Republican candidates to his Church, to gracious but mixed reactions. He generally does not invite the democrats. I visited when the republican gubernatorial candidate made a appearance there. I get the impression he walks a fine line with some of the folks on political issues.

my Mothers a democrat, my father was a Businessman, real estate, and didn't really go in for a lot of politics.
politics and religion isn't a wall to friendship to me either.

07-16-2010, 06:17 AM
Despite the intent here you've got me kind of thinking.
Warmly. I grew up in a mixed race area too HT. One neighborhood was nearly all white then became 3/4 black in a little over a 6 years. My middle school to college years. I consider about 6 people real friends, people I trust and really know. half are white and half are black. I've known 1 white and 3 blacks since high school. And 2 whites from my 1st job. All over 25 years now. Up and down, sometimes closer than others, thank God for um all. I'll take a good friend anyway I can getum. they are rare.

07-16-2010, 08:43 AM
Hey Glock, none of this makes any sense whatsoever to me?!

So they tell you they share your political views, but vote for an ideology that directly contradicts those beliefs?

I have a couple more questions if you don't mind.

As far as racism goes, do they believe you are the exception to the rule?

And do any of your white friends have these conflicting voting dilemmas?

Most blacks are socially conservative. Just look at the gay marriage issue in California- voted down by a large majority of blacks.

I've known blacks and whites- none of whom I consider friends- who wouldn't vote Republican because 'they never gave me anything'.

The blacks that I consider friends who vote Democrat do it out of ignorance of the racism issue as well as peer pressure. The Democrat Party through the teacher's union and liberal professors re-writing history have convinced millions of folks- black and white- that after the 1964 Civil Rights Act the two parties "switched" positions: Southern Democrats all became Republicans and Northern Republicans all became Democrats. This flies in the face of logic, common sense, the reality of regional politics, and human nature with respect to family history but nevertheless many, many folks believe this.

07-16-2010, 02:55 PM
I have several Black friends who are Conservative. It was very exciting for the older ones to see a Black guy seriously (Not like Jackson or Sharpton) run for P.O.T.U.S., something they never in their lifetimes thought they would see. However, they said they could never, ever vote for him because of his policies.

As I think about it, all my friends are Conservative or on their way to being Conservative. I don't have the time or patience for Liberals, they're just entirely too stupid for me to be around. The one exception is a cousin who I am hoping to get reacquainted with.I feel the same as you about liberals...A real friendship is all but impossible to develope with them.

They are filled with too much hate and ignorance to tolerate for more than a short period of time.

I have a number of friends who are black, some that I grew up with, others that I met in Navy, and some who've trickled into the group over the years. We frequently get into debates on a wide array of subjects.

Actually, they're all in unison on one subject: they are all SO pissed at Obama. The way it was explained to me is that because Obama has so fucked his run into the ground, it's actually going to make it more difficult for another black man to try and run for office.

Overall, yeah, black people, republicans and dems alike vote for Obama because they wanted to believe this was another Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, or Malcolm X who was going to stand up a lead. They got none of the character traits associated with those leaders, and now, they are snapping out of it, and are understably pissed off at the whole run.So what you are basicly saying is, regardless of the political beliefs of the black community, they all believe race is the #1 determining factor when choosing the most qualified candidate?

As far as black voters truely being "SO pissed at Obama", this can easily be varified come Novemember 2012...Actually, November 2010 will probably tell.

Democrats and independents elected Obama, not republicans...Just like the rest of the Obama Fan Club, the few republicans who voted for him where the victims of a propaganda campaign and biased news reporting by the main stream media.

I have only two friends, one of whom I married. Neither are black, one is half Mexican. I know people of all colors and nationalities, most of them I like. I do not care about their politics or their religion.One of the points I am trying to make is that most people will know almost everything about someone they consider to be a real friend, which is not the case with our acquaintances.

True friends often tell each other the most intimate secrets of their lives...Many will even confide in a friend before they will a close family member, including their husband or wife.

I have had conversations about all most every subject, including politics, with every friend I have and pretty much know exactly how they feel about most every issue and political candidate.

Friendships are developed over long periods of time, as we grow to trust someone enough to open up our hearts and minds, untill we know them well enough to call them "friend", and allow them to enter the most inner circle of our lives.

If you have "friends" who you don't know what their views on religion or politics are, maybe you should re-evaluate what the true meaning of "friendship" really is?

There's a very small group of people I consider real friends of that group 2 are black one is republican one is democrat. But neither rabidly so.
1 is a pastor's wife and I know she voted for Bush twice. They moved before the Obama vote but I do recall in a phone conversation her being outraged at his abortion position. I can't honestly say how she voted. I suspect she was torn but probably voted republican or didn't vote. The democrat pretty much goes with the general tide of the left but after pointing out several problems to him he's generally extremely disappointed in Obama. But he would never have voted for McCain. ( but neither could I).

Spreading further out to acquaintances and co-workers, most are democrat. One rabidly so. The others I've talked to are disappointed in Obama as well for various reasons. I know a local pastor of a large congregation here Supports and has invited Republican candidates to his Church, to gracious but mixed reactions. He generally does not invite the democrats. I visited when the republican gubernatorial candidate made a appearance there. I get the impression he walks a fine line with some of the folks on political issues.

my Mothers a democrat, my father was a Businessman, real estate, and didn't really go in for a lot of politics.
politics and religion isn't a wall to friendship to me either.I haven't voted for a Democrat or Republican presidential candidate for over 20 years.

I vowed to never fear vote again, but to vote for what I expected in a candidate instead of the lessor of 2 evils.

But I broke that vow and voted for McCain because I saw what Obama was all about and it scared the hell out of me.

I am angry at the fools who elected this progressive/marxist to the highest office in the land and want to rid our nation of them.

Despite the intent here you've got me kind of thinking.
Warmly. I grew up in a mixed race area too HT. One neighborhood was nearly all white then became 3/4 black in a little over a 6 years. My middle school to college years. I consider about 6 people real friends, people I trust and really know. half are white and half are black. I've known 1 white and 3 blacks since high school. And 2 whites from my 1st job. All over 25 years now. Up and down, sometimes closer than others, thank God for um all. I'll take a good friend anyway I can getum. they are rare.I can only imagine what you believe my "intent here" is. :dev:

I did not grow up in your warm and fuzzy "mixed race area".

It was a ghetto slum where everyday was a struggle for survival.

To survive, the honkies had to be smart, tuff and loyal to their kind.

I drive through there occassionally...It is now an even worse shit-hole.

Except for the white crack whores, it's now all black and dirtier than ever.

Most blacks are socially conservative. Just look at the gay marriage issue in California- voted down by a large majority of blacks.

I've known blacks and whites- none of whom I consider friends- who wouldn't vote Republican because 'they never gave me anything'.

The blacks that I consider friends who vote Democrat do it out of ignorance of the racism issue as well as peer pressure. The Democrat Party through the teacher's union and liberal professors re-writing history have convinced millions of folks- black and white- that after the 1964 Civil Rights Act the two parties "switched" positions: Southern Democrats all became Republicans and Northern Republicans all became Democrats. This flies in the face of logic, common sense, the reality of regional politics, and human nature with respect to family history but nevertheless many, many folks believe this.Blacks became democrats because that was the party that began creating the government programs that promised them something for nothing, regardless of the Democrat Party's racist history.

All the Republicans promised them was a fair and level playing field that would provide an equal opportunity to participate in the American Dream...Apparently, that wasn't enough.

There seems to be some posters here who have confused a friend with an acquaintance...The fact is, even though you report them to be a "friend", you are fully aware that you don't feel quite as comfortable with them as your true white friends.

For the most part, it's a touchy-feel good thing to say "I have black friends", but in reality there's always just a hint of discomfort in having to be cautious about saying the wrong thing, unlike your other friends.

For those of you who report that your black friends have told you they are republicans, I would like to remind you that only a mere 4% of blacks break rank from the 96% that are loyal democrat voters.

And many of that 4% will vote for the candidates that the American Socialist and Communist Parties run every in every election, indicating that not even all of that 4% is republicans.

In other words, black republicans are scattered far with few in between...They're as rare as rain in the desert...Most people will go their entire life and never meet one.

Yet, some of you people have somehow managed to find that illusive four leaf clover and the needle in a haystack, without even searching?

Have you considered the likelyhood that they just might possible be telling you what they think you want to hear?..This is a trait I have noticed in many blacks.

07-16-2010, 03:07 PM
So what you are basicly saying is, regardless of the political beliefs of the black community, they all believe race is the #1 determining factor when choosing the most qualified candidate?

As far as black voters truely being "SO pissed at Obama", this can easily be varified come Novemember 2012...Actually, November 2010 will probably tell.

Democrats and independents elected Obama, not republicans...Just like the rest of the Obama Fan Club, the few republicans who voted for him where the victims of a propaganda campaign and biased news reporting by the main stream media.

Actually, yes, some black folks that were republicans did still vote for Obama. Like I said, they saw a hope in him that wasn't there, just as we had high hopes for Bush when he got elected. Same thing happened, both men fucked their presidency into the ground. Race wasn't why they were ineffective, but having their heads up their ass was.

You can't have it both ways. Either their was unfair media bias that led people to vote for him, or they were voting with a clear head and reasonable degree of facts. To quote Terry Goodkind's book, The Wizard's First Rule: "People are stupid. They will believe whatever they think is true, or are afraid might be true." Now, from my end, I definitely saw the bias, but McCain was absolutely no help at all, as he apparently got a spine-ectomy the second the campaign was under way.

Yup, they've already decided they'd "take Mickey Mouse at this point over him, cause at least the Mouse gets shit done".

Now, either republicans did or did not vote for Obama, and you claimed both in the same sentence, Hog.

07-16-2010, 03:21 PM
Actually, yes, some black folks that were republicans did still vote for Obama. Like I said, they saw a hope in him that wasn't there, just as we had high hopes for Bush when he got elected. Same thing happened, both men fucked their presidency into the ground. Race wasn't why they were ineffective, but having their heads up their ass was.

You can't have it both ways. Either their was unfair media bias that led people to vote for him, or they were voting with a clear head and reasonable degree of facts. To quote Terry Goodkind's book, The Wizard's First Rule: "People are stupid. They will believe whatever they think is true, or are afraid might be true." Now, from my end, I definitely saw the bias, but McCain was absolutely no help at all, as he apparently got a spine-ectomy the second the campaign was under way.

Yup, they've already decided they'd "take Mickey Mouse at this point over him, cause at least the Mouse gets shit done".

Now, either republicans did or did not vote for Obama, and you claimed both in the same sentence, Hog.You cannot be that dyslexic.

Of course there were republicans who voted for Obama.

But not enough to be responsible for his winning the election.

It's a well known fact that independents put Obama over the top.

07-16-2010, 03:23 PM
One of the points I am trying to make is that most people will know almost everything about someone they consider to be a real friend, which is not the case with our acquaintances.

True friends often tell each other the most intimate secrets of their lives...Many will even confide in a friend before they will a close family member, including their husband or wife.

I have had conversations about all most every subject, including politics, with every friend I have and pretty much know exactly how they feel about most every issue and political candidate.

Friendships are developed over long periods of time, as we grow to trust someone enough to open up our hearts and minds, untill we know them well enough to call them "friend", and allow them to enter the most inner circle of our lives.

If you have "friends" who you don't know what their views on religion or politics are, maybe you should re-evaluate what the true meaning of "friendship" really is?

Perhaps I was not clear... I have two friends. I know everything I need to know about them. Religion, politics, ethics, morals, everything. Everyone else are merely people I know or choose not to know. Either way, their politics, religion, etc. mean nothing to me.

07-16-2010, 03:31 PM
You cannot be that dyslexic.

Of course there were republicans who voted for Obama.

But not enough to be responsible for his winning the election.

It's a well known fact that independents put Obama over the top.

And the independents were Repubs dissatisfied with the choice they were given of a guy with one foot in the grave and a dumb fucking broad.

07-16-2010, 08:53 PM
my late grand dad taught me about blacks when i was teen. he supported blacks. this was back in the 60's when that was unpoplar. and he took his share of heat.
ive never had any racial issues with them. I played, served and worked them all these years. currently i have a black family living next door. they did not vote for Osama. they don't have a PC so i let em use mine when ever they want.

07-16-2010, 09:02 PM
I have friends of all races. But I don't tend to look at them in terms of race. They just are who they are. And so am I

07-16-2010, 10:02 PM
I did not grow up in your warm and fuzzy "mixed race area".

It was a ghetto slum where everyday was a struggle for survival.

To survive, the honkies had to be smart, tuff and loyal to their kind.

I drive through there occassionally...It is now an even worse shit-hole.

Except for the white crack whores, it's now all black and dirtier than ever.

You've mention this before. Sounds like it was pretty hellish growning up there. Take this for what it's worth. For some reason it's popped into mind.
Your an adult now and you don't have to view the world from the ghetto if you don't want to. The worlds not all warm and fuzzy to be sure, but it's not all a ghetto either.

For those of you who report that your black friends have told you they are republicans, I would like to remind you that only a mere 4% of blacks break rank from the 96% that are loyal democrat voters.

And many of that 4% will vote for the candidates that the American Socialist and Communist Parties run every in every election, indicating that not even all of that 4% is republicans.

In other words, black republicans are scattered far with few in between...They're as rare as rain in the desert...Most people will go their entire life and never meet one.

Yet, some of you people have somehow managed to find that illusive four leaf clover and the needle in a haystack, without even searching?

Have you considered the likelyhood that they just might possible be telling you what they think you want to hear?..This is a trait I have noticed in many blacks.

Have you considered the possibility that there may be more than you think? And more ever year.

No they are not lying. As far as those democrat I know that are disappointed with Obama. No they will probably vote for him in 2012. just like you voted for McCain out of fear, they will vote for Obama out of fear (real and imagined) of some worse republican.

but here's a couple of special cases to mull over.
I work with 2 life long republicans. One a roman Catholic that worked for Nancy Reagan on projects when she was in the White house. She's my link, my less than 7 levels of separation to several well known republicans. But she voted for Obama because she believed, from her sources that McCain was a crack pot, couldn't be trusted with the Job and would be even worse for the country than Obama. Her husband couldn't do it. But she's a very pragmatic person and tends to like the status quo, and suspected that there would be very little "change". She signed up as a democrat and voted in the primary for Obama against Hillary because she hates the Clintons. She's a mid-western born white. I told her that I couldn't vote for either . but she did'nt want to not vote or "waste"her vote which is what she thought I did by voting Baldwin.

The other Guy in an office down the hall , White , a professional smoosher , city gov't public relation man, he's worked in one or 2 state Republican campaigns in the south. He's generally conservative but he's more of a Bill Buckly republican than a social conservative. He says he voted for Obama. his reasons are more opaque to me than the woman's but frankly he's not a very principled person IMO. He'd vote for Stalin, or Musolini if he thought it was good for the economy.

07-17-2010, 12:20 AM
I think Relevarts makes very good points. HT has it in his head that because his experiences were what they were, no one else has valid experiences. That's not the case.

When HT says that 'we don't know what he does or has', he doesn't have our experiences either. I didn't grow up in a ghetto, so no, I didn't have experiences with poor blacks. Then again, I didn't have experiences with poor whites either.

Not too surprisingly I finished university as did most of the kids I hung around with, regardless of race. Yeah, there were only two black kids in my jr. high of 600 and my high school of 4k. They both went to university too, one to Stanford. Again, no surprise considering all four of the parents-both the black kids folks were married-we're professionals. One a professor, one a doctor, two lawyers. So HT, should I extrapolate from that situation and say that IS what black people are like? How about it's a whole lot easier to succeed on the backs of successful parents?

Seriously, with each of your posts you are not 'waking us up,' rather I find myself pitying you and those whose paths you cross. I believe in your heart you are a good person, you are trying to 'help' what you see as a problem. I wish that you had had a better opportunity growing up, I'm certain some of your 'enemies' from those times wish the same for themselves.

07-18-2010, 11:04 PM
Black chicks, educated or not, are constantly aware and on guard against the idiots that call themselves enlightened. I love them.



07-19-2010, 05:02 PM
Black chicks, educated or not, are constantly aware and on guard against the idiots that call themselves enlightened. I love them.



Your daddy the dragon is rolling in his grave right now.

07-19-2010, 07:03 PM
I don't have any black friends. Not because I'm not partial to black people, but mostly because where I lived there were zero blacks. Literally, I lived in a very redneck, rural part of Pennsylvania. 99% white.

That's my case where I'm at. I'm in upper mid Michigan. Not saying there aren't any here only that I have none as friends.

07-19-2010, 08:00 PM
I think Relevarts makes very good points. HT has it in his head that because his experiences were what they were, no one else has valid experiences. That's not the case.

When HT says that 'we don't know what he does or has', he doesn't have our experiences either. I didn't grow up in a ghetto, so no, I didn't have experiences with poor blacks. Then again, I didn't have experiences with poor whites either.

Not too surprisingly I finished university as did most of the kids I hung around with, regardless of race. Yeah, there were only two black kids in my jr. high of 600 and my high school of 4k. They both went to university too, one to Stanford. Again, no surprise considering all four of the parents-both the black kids folks were married-we're professionals. One a professor, one a doctor, two lawyers. So HT, should I extrapolate from that situation and say that IS what black people are like? How about it's a whole lot easier to succeed on the backs of successful parents?

Seriously, with each of your posts you are not 'waking us up,' rather I find myself pitying you and those whose paths you cross. I believe in your heart you are a good person, you are trying to 'help' what you see as a problem. I wish that you had had a better opportunity growing up, I'm certain some of your 'enemies' from those times wish the same for themselves.Have you ever considered that my experiences may not only consist of the ones you have never known, but most of those you have?...The best and worst of both worlds?

I got out of the ghetto at the age of 13 and lived in safety, relatively free of racial diversity untill I joined the Marine Corp at 19, where I was once again exposed to the hate and savagery of black America.

Most the blacks I encountered after the Marines were better educated and more successful than those in the ghetto/military, but I saw the same hate disguised behind their smiles and lies and new found vocabulary.

In time I became aware of the power the Democrat Party promised this ever growing and loyal voting block, and the true nature of it's politics and it scared me much worse than the savages in the ghetto.

The black and hispanic people have been promised the nanny government their races seems to prefer all over the world and above all else, revenge against their most hated enemy, The White Race.

Most white folks see what they want to see and what they have been programmed to see, but a person whose life depends on it will learn to be a very good judge of character, while others succumb to the lie.

America's enemy is the progressive controlled Democrat Party...It is a threat for three reasons...1 It has a powerful allie in the media, 2 an ever increasing minority voting block, 3 a declining white population in opposition.

This is not about 'racism', it's about 'survival'...Something most Americans have become lazy and complacent about.

07-19-2010, 10:03 PM
"Survival" isn't on the intellectual hierarchy of needs in this country, common sense and rationality is.

With those two in place, you don't need to worry about survival.

07-20-2010, 03:00 AM
Have you ever considered that my experiences may not only consist of the ones you have never known, but most of those you have?...The best and worst of both worlds? Considered, but with what you write below, dismissed.

I got out of the ghetto at the age of 13 and lived in safety, relatively free of racial diversity untill I joined the Marine Corp at 19, where I was once again exposed to the hate and savagery of black America. "hate and savagery of black America" sorry, but that is unarguably prejudice.

Most the blacks I encountered after the Marines were better educated and more successful than those in the ghetto/military, but I saw the same hate disguised behind their smiles and lies and new found vocabulary."Most of the blacks..." makes false that 'black America' is one by definition. Then there is the whole problem that you were exercising mind reading it seems. Ignoring smiles and words, you KNEW what was 'really there.'

In time I became aware of the power the Democrat Party promised this ever growing and loyal voting block, and the true nature of it's politics and it scared me much worse than the savages in the ghetto. So as you matured in your outlook, you took the Democratic Party as the protector of the 'savages'.

The black and hispanic people have been promised the nanny government their races seems to prefer all over the world and above all else, revenge against their most hated enemy, The White Race.Further maturity allowed you to add Hispanics to the Party of the 'mud people.' Hmm, something I've heard before.

Most white folks see what they want to see and what they have been programmed to see, but a person whose life depends on it will learn to be a very good judge of character, while others succumb to the lie.Well if 'White people' are so superior, how is it that the 'mud people' have a majority party doing their bidding and most 'Whites' don't seem to think their lives are in danger? You are trying to conflate political ideas and race wars, most encountering a person such as yourself may actually be so disgusted that anyone you advocate voting for would be dismissed out of hand.

America's enemy is the progressive controlled Democrat Party...It is a threat for three reasons...1 It has a powerful allie in the media, 2 an ever increasing minority voting block, 3 a declining white population in opposition.

This is not about 'racism', it's about 'survival'...Something most Americans have become lazy and complacent about.

the last two paragraphs of yours are worthy of my last response above. Whatever your excuses, you are just a hateful man, that is using race to what you somehow see as a political point of action. You have much more in common with today's administration use of racism than you do with most 'conservatives' I know.

07-20-2010, 05:40 AM
Have you ever considered that my experiences may not only consist of the ones you have never known, but most of those you have?...The best and worst of both worlds?

I got out of the ghetto at the age of 13 and lived in safety, relatively free of racial diversity untill I joined the Marine Corp at 19, where I was once again exposed to the hate and savagery of black America.

Most the blacks I encountered after the Marines were better educated and more successful than those in the ghetto/military, but I saw the same hate disguised behind their smiles and lies and new found vocabulary.

In time I became aware of the power the Democrat Party promised this ever growing and loyal voting block, and the true nature of it's politics and it scared me much worse than the savages in the ghetto.

The black and hispanic people have been promised the nanny government their races seems to prefer all over the world and above all else, revenge against their most hated enemy, The White Race.

Most white folks see what they want to see and what they have been programmed to see, but a person whose life depends on it will learn to be a very good judge of character, while others succumb to the lie.

America's enemy is the progressive controlled Democrat Party...It is a threat for three reasons...1 It has a powerful allie in the media, 2 an ever increasing minority voting block, 3 a declining white population in opposition.

This is not about 'racism', it's about 'survival'...Something most Americans have become lazy and complacent about.

Although I agree with your conclusion I don't agree with how you got there.

My experience with black Americans and illegal Mexicans is somewhat different.

Again, I think blacks tend to be socially conservative, and they vote Democrat because of ignorance of history along with peer pressure. Yeah there are liberal blacks and they vote Democrat for the same reason white liberals do (because they hate America).

I don't use the term "Hispanics" because its meaningless. I have a 100% pure Spanish man as a client, immigrated 30 years ago, married a local gal and is a very successful doctor. My son has a friend who is from Argentina, parents immigrated here, and was valedictorian of his high school class. They are all very conservative and rock-solid Republican. None of these people have anything in common with the Mexicans that I have known.

Illegal Mexicans I have known have no desire to learn our language or assimilate into our culture. I believe that they have a desire to take over this country by using the weakness of politicians, mainly Democrat but Republicans as well, who are unwilling to call the situation what it is: an invasion.

More importantly though to me its not about race but culture. I believe that you can take a black or Mexican of a young age, immerse him in American conservative culture, and he'll grow up to be a great American just like a white kid with the same experience.

07-20-2010, 10:09 AM
Although I agree with your conclusion I don't agree with how you got there.If we agree, it shouldn't matter how we got there?

My experience with black Americans and illegal Mexicans is somewhat different.

Again, I think blacks tend to be socially conservative, and they vote Democrat because of ignorance of history along with peer pressure. Yeah there are liberal blacks and they vote Democrat for the same reason white liberals do (because they hate America).

I'm not in the least bit concerned about the "socially conservative" policies of blacks, and neither are they.

This is obvious by their 96% loyal voting record for the Democrat Party, who has zero social conservative policies.

I don't use the term "Hispanics" because its meaningless. I have a 100% pure Spanish man as a client, immigrated 30 years ago, married a local gal and is a very successful doctor. My son has a friend who is from Argentina, parents immigrated here, and was valedictorian of his high school class. They are all very conservative and rock-solid Republican. None of these people have anything in common with the Mexicans that I have known.

Illegal Mexicans I have known have no desire to learn our language or assimilate into our culture. I believe that they have a desire to take over this country by using the weakness of politicians, mainly Democrat but Republicans as well, who are unwilling to call the situation what it is: an invasion.

More importantly though to me its not about race but culture. I believe that you can take a black or Mexican of a young age, immerse him in American conservative culture, and he'll grow up to be a great American just like a white kid with the same experience.But even though they're voting statistics is somewhat better than the blacks, it is still unacceptable at 75%.

And should the illegals be franchised by way of amnesty, I suspect their voting stats will be comparable to the blacks.

I admire many of the qualities of latin Americans, but I'm not going to allow it to overide my survival instincts or duty to my family and nation.

07-20-2010, 12:03 PM
the last two paragraphs of yours are worthy of my last response above. Whatever your excuses, you are just a hateful man, that is using race to what you somehow see as a political point of action. You have much more in common with today's administration use of racism than you do with most 'conservatives' I know.Instead of picking your rebuttal apart, I will attempt to dispell your racial fantasy with one single piece of evidence that reveals the deeply ingrained mainstream hatred for the white race that blacks openly display when discussing a racial issue in what they consider to be a supporting atmosphere of like-minded people who accept their racism as common place, as demonstrated by the lack of shock and disgust that one would expect when confronted with blatant racism as are the members at this NAACP dinner who openly laughed instead.

Video Shows USDA Official Saying She Didn't Give 'Full Force' of Help to White Farmer

Published July 20, 2010
| FoxNews.com

Shown here is USDA Georgia official Shirley Sherrod. (YouTube)

Days after the NAACP clashed with Tea Party members over allegations of racism, a video has surfaced showing an Agriculture Department official regaling an NAACP audience with a story about how she withheld help to a white farmer facing bankruptcy -- video that now has forced the official to resign.

Shirley Sherrod, the department's Georgia director of Rural Development, is shown in the clip describing "the first time I was faced with having to help a white farmer save his farm." Sherrod, who is black, claimed the farmer took a long time trying to show he was "superior" to her. The audience laughed as she described how she determined his fate.

"He had to come to me for help. What he didn't know while he was taking all that time trying to show me he was superior to me was I was trying to decide just how much help I was going to give him," she said. "I was struggling with the fact that so many black people have lost their farmland and here I was faced with having to help a white person save their land -- so I didn't give him the full force of what I could do. I did enough."

The Agriculture Department announced Monday, shortly after FoxNews.com published its initial report on the video, that Sherrod had resigned.

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/07/19/clip-shows-usda-official-admitting-withheld-help-white-farmer/This occured March 27 at an NAACP Freedom Fund banquet but was ignored by all parties involved until Fox forced their hand by making it public.

It is very obvious that Shirley Sherrod feels very comfortable with her racism and openly displaying it among her people is common practice.

You intentionally blind yourself to the fact that these are suppose to be educated people and prominent main stream black organizations.

I'm sure that like myself you have seen many examples of this, but unlike me you excuse it as isolated incidents by a few black racists.

These are the same people who tell you a completely different story over a cup of coffee.

They have a much different opinion of you when they are in their own element, Kathianne.

You should refrain from making judgements of the heart on matters of survival.

The prisons are filled with the disproportionate examples of reasons to do so.

07-20-2010, 12:10 PM
Have you ever considered that my experiences may not only consist of the ones you have never known, but most of those you have?...The best and worst of both worlds?

I got out of the ghetto at the age of 13 and lived in safety, relatively free of racial diversity untill I joined the Marine Corp at 19, where I was once again exposed to the hate and savagery of black America.

Most the blacks I encountered after the Marines were better educated and more successful than those in the ghetto/military, but I saw the same hate disguised behind their smiles and lies and new found vocabulary.

In time I became aware of the power the Democrat Party promised this ever growing and loyal voting block, and the true nature of it's politics and it scared me much worse than the savages in the ghetto.

The black and hispanic people have been promised the nanny government their races seems to prefer all over the world and above all else, revenge against their most hated enemy, The White Race.

Most white folks see what they want to see and what they have been programmed to see, but a person whose life depends on it will learn to be a very good judge of character, while others succumb to the lie.

America's enemy is the progressive controlled Democrat Party...It is a threat for three reasons...1 It has a powerful allie in the media, 2 an ever increasing minority voting block, 3 a declining white population in opposition.

This is not about 'racism', it's about 'survival'...Something most Americans have become lazy and complacent about.

LOL! Your logical fallacies know no bounds. I don't think there are any folks standing up for what it appears she said. I KNOW there are none standing up for the audience reaction.

I also know that she was addressing an incident of 24 years ago, not something that happened last March. She's resigned, thanks to the NAACP's actions on that tea party resolution last week. See, elections do have repercussions and not just the ones WE don't like.

The ghetto you were raised in is not the US. Not every white boy or black boy from that ghetto at the time you were raised is like you. For good or bad.

YOU are not the all wise one, indeed you are a practitioner of Alinsky rules yourself, used as an organizer for racist nonsense.

07-20-2010, 12:27 PM
"Survival" isn't on the intellectual hierarchy of needs in this country, common sense and rationality is.

With those two in place, you don't need to worry about survival.Seeing how you believe "common sense and rationality" are an "intellectual hierarchy of needs in this country",

we might find it necessary to resort to techniques of "survival" in a nation of people lacking these two qualities?

07-20-2010, 01:31 PM
LOL! Your logical fallacies know no bounds. I don't think there are any folks standing up for what it appears she said. I KNOW there are none standing up for the audience reaction.Of course not...They only "stand up" when they feel it is safe to do so.

I also know that she was addressing an incident of 24 years ago, not something that happened last March. She's resigned, thanks to the NAACP's actions on that tea party resolution last week. See, elections do have repercussions and not just the ones WE don't like.She appeared to be very proud of how she treated the white man and seemed to believe her audiance would approve.

The ghetto you were raised in is not the US. Not every white boy or black boy from that ghetto at the time you were raised is like you. For good or bad.You seem convinced that this is where my experiences ended and my motivations began.

I suppose you believe this strengthens your opinions and gives credence to your beliefs.

YOU are not the all wise one, indeed you are a practitioner of Alinsky rules yourself, used as an organizer for racist nonsense.I am wise beyond my 59 years, simply because I am the brick that fell from the wall.

I am free of the box and can see the world for what it is, instead of how I am told to see it.

I do not desire the safety of the flock, but the wide open spaces of the wolves on the perimeter.

Sheep are only safe in the protection of their conformity untill the shepard has need of meat for his table.

If your children survive being America's future white minority, it will be because they abandoned your teachings.

07-20-2010, 01:43 PM
Of course not...They only "stand up" when they feel it is safe to do so.

She appeared to be very proud of how she treated the white man and seemed to believe her audiance would approve.

You seem convinced that this is where my experiences ended and my motivations began.

I suppose you believe this strengthens your opinions and gives credence to your beliefs.

I am wise beyond my 59 years, simply because I am the brick that fell from the wall.

I am free of the box and can see the world for what it is, instead of how I am told to see it.

I do not desire the safety of the flock, but the wide open spaces of the wolves on the perimeter.

Sheep are only safe in the protection of their conformity untill the shepard has need of meat for his table.

If your children survive being America's future white minority, it will be because they abandoned your teachings.

Once again, YOU are not wise beyond your years or for any years. You reject the principles our country was based upon and are trying to set up your vision of a fascist state. Would there be slavery for all those you don't see as 'chosen?' Unclear, but not to be unexpected.

07-20-2010, 03:18 PM
Once again, YOU are not wise beyond your years or for any years. You reject the principles our country was based upon and are trying to set up your vision of a fascist state.Quite the opposite...I support the principles our country was based upon and detest any system that contradicts or threatens them.

At 96% Democrat Party support, it is your black friends who hate American principles and promote the progressive facism they hope to replace it with.

Would there be slavery for all those you don't see as 'chosen?' Unclear, but not to be unexpected.I am a freedom loving American and do not condone the enslavement of any human being regardless of race, religion or nationality.

And considering that the modern day slave trade is only practiced in nonwhite nations is an indication that the white race is in agreement with me on this.

Slavery is now only practiced on the African continent and few other black nations like the Dominican Republic and Haiti, but of course we never hear too much about this.

Only white America is condemned for the slavery it rejected 150 years ago...You need to figure out who your friends are by some means other than political correctness, kathianne.

07-20-2010, 06:19 PM
Twisting will not save you HT. Major fail, son.

07-20-2010, 08:18 PM
Twisting will not save you HT. Major fail, son.No honest intelligent person would agree with you on this.

Your only hope is to appeal to the lowly liberals for support.

07-21-2010, 01:00 PM
Does it count if I'm banging a black chic?

Let me know when you're done with her :))

"once you go black, you never go back"

07-21-2010, 01:08 PM
I realize that race is a very scary issue for white people to openly and honestly discuss.

I also realize everyone believes that I'm a racist who hates people because of the color of their skin.

If you have no doubts that you are right and I am wrong, you should have no fear of participating in this poll and discussion.

Here's how I see it and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong:

An acquaintance is a person you occassionally or even regularly associate with, who you like and enjoy their company, such as a coworker, fellow student or neighbor.

A friend is someone you have connected with in a special way, who you trust and feel totally at ease with and have no problem confiding in or sharing your dreams and secrets with.

Personally I have lots of friends on my block. Some are dems, some repubs

I disagree considerably on ;your definition of friend

07-21-2010, 01:10 PM
no, all my friends are gay and Jewish.....

ALL of your Jewish friends are gay??

07-21-2010, 01:15 PM
Despite the intent here you've got me kind of thinking.
Warmly. I grew up in a mixed race area too HT. One neighborhood was nearly all white then became 3/4 black in a little over a 6 years. My middle school to college years. I consider about 6 people real friends, people I trust and really know. half are white and half are black. I've known 1 white and 3 blacks since high school. And 2 whites from my 1st job. All over 25 years now. Up and down, sometimes closer than others, thank God for um all. I'll take a good friend anyway I can getum. they are rare.

I can count all my friends on one hand, and Im a double amputee, I type with a stick in my mouth.

07-21-2010, 01:37 PM
Personally I have lots of friends on my block. Some are dems, some repubs

I disagree considerably on ;your definition of friendWhat you believe a true friend is will become much clearer as you grow older and more experienced.

Make a note of this and put it in a 20 year time capsule.....In 2030 you'll say "damn, Hog was right".


07-21-2010, 02:32 PM
Sorry about the length of this, but I HAD to respond

:beer:[/QUOTE]WOW, I am always amazed that people can still think like you do

I feel the same as you about liberals...A real friendship is all but impossible to develope with them..

not true at all. I have some friends who are mixed and matched on their views, and I find alot of conservatives to be boring and cold,
and some liberals are not PASSIONATE about politics and we just leave it alone and have fun

They are filled with too much hate and ignorance to tolerate for more than a short period of time..

some are filled with only ignorance, and I dont mind helping educate them

So what you are basicly saying is, regardless of the political beliefs of the black community, they all believe race is the #1 determining factor when choosing the most qualified candidate?.

NO, he didnt say that.

As far as black voters truely being "SO pissed at Obama", this can easily be varified come Novemember 2012...Actually, November 2010 will probably tell..
That is not necessarily true either

Democrats and independents elected Obama, not republicans...Just like the rest of the Obama Fan Club, the few republicans who voted for him where the victims of a propaganda campaign and biased news reporting by the main stream media..

Alot of repubs voted for Obama cuz it made them feel they are not closed minded or racist, or they were entirely pissed at the spending of the repubs

One of the points I am trying to make is that most people will know almost everything about someone they consider to be a real friend, which is not the case with our acquaintances..
Now its REAL friend?? The ONLY point you can possibly make is you are a racist, and thats what all your opinions start and end with. It discolors everything that comes and goes from you, therefore EVERYTHING coming from you is distorted by an evil, delusional lying concept.

True friends often tell each other the most intimate secrets of their lives...Many will even confide in a friend before they will a close family member, including their husband or wife..
Now its TRUE friend, there is a difference you know. Friendshiips do come in varying degrees. I have friends who have never been in a situation where their "true" or "real" friendship has been tested, but that doesnt disqualify them of being a friend at this point in time

I have had conversations about all most every subject, including politics, with every friend I have and pretty much know exactly how they feel about most every issue and political candidate..
Or they are telling you what they think you want to hear, ohhh, didnt I hear that somewhere else before?? Those things go both ways, you are not exempt.

Friendships are developed over long periods of time, as we grow to trust someone enough to open up our hearts and minds, untill we know them well enough to call them "friend", and allow them to enter the most inner circle of our lives..
You certainly are black and white, I have had occasional times when I met someone and practically instantly we formed a bond.

If you have "friends" who you don't know what their views on religion or politics are, maybe you should re-evaluate what the true meaning of "friendship" really is?.
ahhhhhhhhhhhh SHIT,,,,,,,,,,,,I AGREE #%$#@%^*(*&^%$$$

I haven't voted for a Democrat or Republican presidential candidate for over 20 years.

I vowed to never fear vote again, but to vote for what I expected in a candidate instead of the lessor of 2 evils.

But I broke that vow and voted for McCain because I saw what Obama was all about and it scared the hell out of me..

I am angry at the fools who elected this progressive/marxist to the highest office in the land and want to rid our nation of them. ..[/QUOTE]

C'MON, be HONEST, you saw that he was BLACK, and you truly dont know where your anger comes from, the truth will set you free, but you are a prisoner in your own mind

I can only imagine what you believe my "intent here" is. :dev:.

I dont think anyone here can NOT KNOW what your intent is here.

I did not grow up in your warm and fuzzy "mixed race area"...

Yet you stated that the "whites" in your neighborhood had to pull together to survive.

It was a ghetto slum where everyday was a struggle for survival..
SURVIVAL?? C'mon, get real. Survival for kids in countries who literally starve to death, or are killed by suicide bombers, but that isnt in America, Im assuming you grew up American.

To survive, the honkies had to be smart, tuff and loyal to their k, ind..
BULLSHIT, that was merely your perception

I drive through there occassionally...It is now an even worse shit-hole.

Except for the white crack whores, it's now all black and dirtier than ever.

Blacks became democrats because that was the party that began creating the government programs that promised them something for nothing, regardless of the Democrat Party's racist history..

A large number of people who are actually half, or mostly or almost completely conservative in their views vote Democrat simply because they are misinformed. They actually THINK they are liberals.
I had a guy rent a room from me. It was very interesting. He also helped me build the house. My 22 year old son, also lived with me.
Over the period of about a year, we discussed politics daily, and we listened to talk radio. Slowly but surely he began to realize he actually is a conservative, and at one point he finally said that I changed him and for the first time he is voting for a Republican.
I told him, no, I didnt change you, I simply informed you of what the Republicand and Democrats really stand for.
Dennis Prager has on his web site a test for liberals to see if they really are liberal or not, reason being alot of libs are actually conservatives.

All the Republicans promised them was a fair and level playing field that would provide an equal opportunity to participate in the American Dream...Apparently, that wasn't enough..

That is NOT whatr the MSM has told them. The MSM paints conservatives as evil, racist, sexist, anti worker, pro big corp, for child slavery, etc THAT IS A FACT.-------------------------------------------------------------

There seems to be some posters here who have confused a friend with an acquaintance...The fact is, even though you report them to be a "friend", you are fully aware that you don't feel quite as comfortable with them as your true white friends..
WOW, Im really shaking my head. Have you considered some here might be black? Who the hell are you to impose upon us, black or white, that we dont feel quite as comfortable with our black friends as we do with our white friends.
You are no different than that black guy intimidating voters in penn. and called for "killing crackers", or even Hitler for that matter. I would never be your friend. NEVER. YOU DISGUST ME, I FEEL PITY FOR YOU

For the most part, it's a touchy-feel good thing to say "I have black friends", but in reality there's always just a hint of discomfort in having to be cautious about saying the wrong thing, unlike your other friends..

TOTAL BULLSHIT. When i have met black people, i immediately talk about the white elephant in the room. I bring up the term nigger, and am not afraid to use it when appropriate. Many blacks and whites have replied that "niggers" come in all colors. And I also happen to believe OJ was NOT PROVEN GUILTY, but thats a whole thread, errr, web site, of its own.

For those of you who report that your black friends have told you they are republicans, I would like to remind you that only a mere 4% of blacks break rank from the 96% that are loyal democrat voters..

And its impossible that we associate with those 4% ????

And many of that 4% will vote for the candidates that the American Socialist and Communist Parties run every in every election, indicating that not even all of that 4% is republicans..

Me thinks you are on crackl In other words you are saying, regardless of what they say, or is reported, that virtually (look up the definition of that word before responding to it) 100% of blacks vote Dem.

In other words, black republicans are scattered far with few in between...They're as rare as rain in the desert...Most people will go their entire life and never meet one..

In your own mind. And that is a dangerous place to be. You oughta see the movie "American History X" its one of the few films I actually gained social knowledge of our society from.[/QUOTE]

Yet, some of you people have somehow managed to find that illusive four leaf clover and the needle in a haystack, without even searching?.

Who says we didnt search, or at least some of us. In AA meetings, and at church, I go out of my way to introduce myself to new people who are black.

Have you considered the likelyhood that they just might possible be telling you what they think you want to hear?..This is a trait I have noticed in many blacks.

That trait crosses color lines, and also racists. There is alot more racism in this country than most people realize, I discovered that when I dated a black girl, and she pointed it out, and I EXPERIENCED IT, FIRST HAND. Many people didnt like us being a mixed couple.


I feel sick to my stomach, i think I need to go barf

Thats all Im gonna say, I decided to keep this toned down instead of being my usual passionate self about exposing lies and shedding light on real TRUTH, I actually have to laugh at your ignorance

07-21-2010, 02:57 PM
Quite the opposite...I support the principles our country was based upon and detest any system that contradicts or threatens them.

At 96% Democrat Party support, it is your black friends who hate American principles and promote the progressive facism they hope to replace it with.

I am a freedom loving American and do not condone the enslavement of any human being regardless of race, religion or nationality.

And considering that the modern day slave trade is only practiced in nonwhite nations is an indication that the white race is in agreement with me on this.

Slavery is now only practiced on the African continent and few other black nations like the Dominican Republic and Haiti, but of course we never hear too much about this.

Only white America is condemned for the slavery it rejected 150 years ago...You need to figure out who your friends are by some means other than political correctness, kathianne.

Unless it is 100%, your statement is wrong. It is LIBERALS not blacks who hate American principles.
I can understand why a black conservative would have voted for Obama, it was simply a milestone, it will open doors for blacks previously closed, whether they are conservative or liberal

MORE white people voted for Obama than black people.

07-21-2010, 03:01 PM
No honest intelligent person would agree with you on this.

Your only hope is to appeal to the lowly liberals for support.

So you are saying Im not intellilgent or honest, that Im a lowly liberal???



07-21-2010, 03:05 PM
What you believe a true friend is will become much clearer as you grow older and more experienced.

Make a note of this and put it in a 20 year time capsule.....In 2030 you'll say "damn, Hog was right".


Your assumptions as well as your "facts" are wrong.

I truly know that my life experiences tranverse areas you have never been. I have had a number of people tell me I should write an auto biography

My "belief" of a true friend is not tainted by anger, as yours is.

07-21-2010, 03:38 PM

I feel sick to my stomach, i think I need to go barf

Thats all Im gonna say, I decided to keep this toned down instead of being my usual passionate self about exposing lies and shedding light on real TRUTH, I actually have to laugh at your ignorance
OUT----RONI am very happy that you are not a liberal, despite the fact that you appear to be a very emotional person.

It was not my intention to upset you...I am merely stating my opinions based on facts, statistics and my life experiences.

I am very honest and never practice political correctness which admittedly can make my opinions somewhat offensive by PC standards.

This is not about hate, it's about survival...All I want is for my future generations to inherit the same American Dream that was passed down to me.

07-21-2010, 08:10 PM
Unless it is 100%, your statement is wrong. It is LIBERALS not blacks who hate American principles.Why would you condemn the white liberals and excuse the blacks?...This is starting to sound like a PC thing?

Blacks are just as guilty as anyone else who regularly supports the progressive controlled Democrat Party.

It is a fact that 95% of black voters regularly vote for Democrat candidates, including Barack Obama.

The Democrat Party affectionately refers to Black America as it's "most loyal voting block".

I can understand why a black conservative would have voted for Obama, it was simply a milestone, it will open doors for blacks previously closed, whether they are conservative or liberalSo you are basicly saying that you have no problem with people who vote for a candidate based solely on the color of their skin.

Would you be OK with white folks who practiced this voting technique? :laugh2:

MORE white people voted for Obama than black people.Only because of the white majority status and their political diversity.

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this LuvRPgrl, but I don't believe you are all that "on the ball" if you know what I mean.

Your responses resonate of someone born post 1980 and like all the liberals and many women, you are ruled by your emotions instead of your head.

07-21-2010, 08:17 PM
Of course people vote based on skin color and crotch mechanics.

Why do you think McCain chose Palin for his running mate? For her brains?

07-21-2010, 08:24 PM
So you are saying Im not intellilgent or honest, that Im a lowly liberal???



Your assumptions as well as your "facts" are wrong.

I truly know that my life experiences tranverse areas you have never been. I have had a number of people tell me I should write an auto biography

My "belief" of a true friend is not tainted by anger, as yours is.Where did you get the notion that I was angry?...It's an emotion I rarely experience.

And if I was, I would never make a decision or form an opinion based on that anger.

07-22-2010, 07:10 AM
Where did you get the notion that I was angry?...It's an emotion I rarely experience.

And if I was, I would never make a decision or form an opinion based on that anger.

Oh sir, you seethe. All of your energy is used towards gathering 'facts', (which aren't), spreading those facts, using those facts in attempts to cajole others to follow you down your angry path.

There is nothing you wouldn't do to make your 'vision' of a 'safe America' come true. You would take children away from PC parents, teach hate in schools, have any alternatives shut down, and on and on. In other words, you are a fascist, but haven't the power. That some on the left are just the inside out of you, doesn't excuse your behavior.

07-22-2010, 09:23 AM
Of course people vote based on skin color and crotch mechanics.

Why do you think McCain chose Palin for his running mate? For her brains?

There is more to a candidate than brains. People can have a piece of paper saying they have brains. Even from an Ivy League graduate school. Doesn't mean jack. Actions show otherwise.

I think there were a number of reasons McCain picked Palin. I don't think he would have done as well as he did if he hadn't.

BTW i love the screen name.

07-22-2010, 11:50 AM
Why would you condemn the white liberals and excuse the blacks?...This is starting to sound like a PC thing?.

Your logic is consistently flawed. You like to pull out the PC card even though it rarely applies to most in here, and you are extremely defensive about white people getting the shaft.

Blacks are just as guilty as anyone else who regularly supports the progressive controlled Democrat Party.

It is a fact that [B]95% of black voters regularly vote for Democrat candidates, including Barack Obama..

The Democrat Party affectionately refers to Black America as it's "most loyal voting block"..

So you are basicly saying that you have no problem with people who vote for a candidate based solely on the color of their skin..
AGAIN, I DIDNT SAY THAT, some yes, some no. Unlike you, I think the matter through.

Would you be OK with white folks who practiced this voting technique? :laugh2:.

Only because of the white majority status and their political diversity.

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this LuvRPgrl, but I don't believe you are all that "on the ball" if you know what I mean..

Your responses resonate of someone born post 1980 and like all the liberals and many women, you are ruled by your emotions instead of your head.
HAHAHHAH, AND liberals accuse me of being a "ditto head" yet I dont listen to Rush ever, and I was born in the fifties, I am not a woman and I am not ruled by my emotions, YOU ARE.

YOU havent backed up your claims with logic and facts, your assertations are either outright erroneous, or have no supporting information or facts.
RACISM, purely and simply is always born of emotions and ignorance

07-22-2010, 11:53 AM
If we agree, it shouldn't matter how we got there?

I'm not in the least bit concerned about the "socially conservative" policies of blacks, and neither are they.

This is obvious by their 96% loyal voting record for the Democrat Party, who has zero social conservative policies.

You should be concerned with how I got there, since the logic is sound and contains the solution necessary to solve the problem of how to convince blacks to stop voting for the Party that is running them deeper and deeper into the gutter.

07-22-2010, 01:11 PM
Oh sir, you seethe. All of your energy is used towards gathering 'facts', (which aren't), spreading those facts, using those facts in attempts to cajole others to follow you down your angry path.

There is nothing you wouldn't do to make your 'vision' of a 'safe America' come true. You would take children away from PC parents, teach hate in schools, have any alternatives shut down, and on and on. In other words, you are a fascist, but haven't the power. That some on the left are just the inside out of you, doesn't excuse your behavior.I don't believe children should be taught lies that endanger themselves, others or America.

Like all practitioners of political correctness, you are programmed to believe the truth is hate.

I am not the enemy Kathianne...Your growing hatred for me will only serve to block out the truth.

There is nothing you wouldn't do to make your 'vision' of a 'safe America' come true. You would take children away from PC parents,Oh please, Kathianne...Do you realize you're beginning to sound a whole lot like Gabby?

I would render political correctness obsolete by forbidding it's manifesto of lies to be taught in public schools or used in government institutions to make policies.

There would be no more taxpayer resources wasted on ineffective solutions that are the result of intentionally misdiagnosing problems to avoid hurting someones feelings.

All problems would be approached honestly by examining the facts and using common sense to formulate a rational workable solution...The priority would be taxpayers, not feelings.

07-22-2010, 01:15 PM
I don't believe children should be taught lies that endanger themselves, others or America.

Like all practitioners of political correctness, you are programmed to believe the truth is hate.

I am not the enemy Kathianne...Your growing hatred for me will only serve to block out the truth.

Oh please, Kathianne...Do you realize you're beginning to sound a whole lot like Gabby?

I would render political correctness obsolete by forbidding it's manifesto of lies to be taught in public schools or used in government institutions to make policies.

There would be no more taxpayer resources wasted on ineffective solutions that are the result of intentionally misdiagnosing problems to avoid hurting someones feelings.

All problems would be approached honestly by examining the facts and using common sense to formulate a rational workable solution...The priority would be taxpayers, not feelings.

I don't hate you, I hate the hate you spew. If you wish others to consider what you are trying to get across, labeling all you disagree with PC is not the way to do so. You don't converse, you preach hate.

07-22-2010, 02:22 PM
This is what I posted...Please read it again carefully.
I don't believe children should be taught lies that endanger themselves, others or America.

Like all practitioners of political correctness, you are programmed to believe the truth is hate.

I am not the enemy Kathianne...Your growing hatred for me will only serve to block out the truth.

Oh please, Kathianne...Do you realize you're beginning to sound a whole lot like Gabby?

I would render political correctness obsolete by forbidding it's manifesto of lies to be taught in public schools or used in government institutions to make policies.

There would be no more taxpayer resources wasted on ineffective solutions that are the result of intentionally misdiagnosing problems to avoid hurting someones feelings.

All problems would be approached honestly by examining the facts and using common sense to formulate a rational workable solution...The priority would be taxpayers, not feelings.

This is what you respond with...Read it again carefully, also.
I don't hate you, I hate the hate you spew. If you wish others to consider what you are trying to get across, labeling all you disagree with PC is not the way to do so. You don't converse, you preach hate.

I responded to you with opinions and solutions related to the subject matter while you only responded to the subject of hate with accusations of hate and other times with fascism and racism.

Accusations of hate, fascism and racism is a smoke & mirror tactic of the PC liberals who have no sensible rebuttal to an adversaries position or rational defense for their own.

I am sure you have dealt with enough liberals to know that this is true, the reason being, they have nothing else to fall back on and they hate to admit they're wrong.

I never label someone as PC simply because they disagree with me, only when they resort to standard PC attacks and accusations for lack of justification for their position.

07-22-2010, 05:10 PM
This is what I posted...Please read it again carefully.

This is what you respond with...Read it again carefully, also.

I responded to you with opinions and solutions related to the subject matter while you only responded to the subject of hate with accusations of hate and other times with fascism and racism.

Accusations of hate, fascism and racism is a smoke & mirror tactic of the PC liberals who have no sensible rebuttal to an adversaries position or rational defense for their own.

I am sure you have dealt with enough liberals to know that this is true, the reason being, they have nothing else to fall back on and they hate to admit they're wrong.

I never label someone as PC simply because they disagree with me, only when they resort to standard PC attacks and accusations for lack of justification for their position.

The solutions you propose are as I and others now are labeling them.

07-22-2010, 06:13 PM
I've been doing this for awhile and can back up every fact I claim with solid evidence.

Originally Posted by HogTrash
Blacks are just as guilty as anyone else who regularly supports the progressive controlled Democrat Party.

It is a fact that 95% of black voters regularly vote for Democrat candidates, including Barack Obama..

The Democrat Party has captured an average of 94.25% of the black vote in the last 12 presidential elections since Lyndon Johnson ran on the Democrat ticket in 1964 and began buying black votes with taxpayer money.


Originally Posted by HogTrash
The Democrat Party affectionately refers to Black America as it's "most loyal voting block"..

How could anybody not know this?

Exactly where have you been for the last 50 years?

The black Senator’s popularity will help Democrats cling to their most loyal voting bloc,

Black voters have been overwhelmingly Democrats since civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr.
Senate and House seats, state legislatures and beyond — the Democratic Party's most loyal voting bloc could determine the outcome. Assuming that early trends hold, a Democratic wave bigger than the one that swept Congress out of Republican hands in 2006 could be coming, and if it does, it will probably be powered by African-American voters.

If you require more PROOF than this, go get it yourself...It is plentiful and easy to find.

But I don't really expect to hear from you again on these issues.

07-22-2010, 06:16 PM
I've been doing this for awhile and can back up every fact I claim with solid evidence.The Democrat Party has captured an average of 94.25% of the black vote in the last 12 presidential elections since Lyndon Johnson ran on the Democrat ticket in 1964 and began buying black votes with taxpayer money.

http://www.electionstudies.org/nesguide/2ndtable/t9a_1_1.htm100% black in '64? That made me check out source. Well low and behold, the same folks that made the chart.

How could anybody not know this?

Exactly where have you been for the last 50 years?Dealing with reality. You? Oh yea, wasting away in hateville. Not even fun.

If you require more PROOF than this, go get it yourself...It is plentiful and easy to find.

But I don't really expect to hear from you again on these issues.

Dream on.

07-22-2010, 06:19 PM
So did anyone wind up having any black friends?


07-22-2010, 06:28 PM
So did anyone wind up having any black friends?


Well I thought so, they thought so. But according to the Great Oz, we're mistaken. NOT.

07-22-2010, 06:38 PM
Dream on.If you will notice, all of the numbers have been rounded off to the nearest whole, so 100% does not mean 100%.

And if you know anything about the 1964 presidential election, you would not be surprised by this unusual statistic.

This statistic has consistantly been in the mid 90% range, so if you dispute it please show me what it really is.

07-22-2010, 06:40 PM
Well I thought so, they thought so. But according to the Great Oz, we're mistaken. NOT.How wrong you are...I'm quite sure you're convinced they're your friends.

07-22-2010, 07:40 PM
Dream on.

http://www.electionstudies.org/nesgu...le/t9a_1_1.htm100% black in '64? That made me check out source. Well low and behold, the same folks that made the chart.
Kathianne!...I know you're still here...Why have you disputed my link and dissappeared.

You're playing like a liberal...What is wrong with the source I posted?

Most people accept The American National Election Studies as a reputable and reliable source.


The American National Election Studies (ANES) produces high quality data on voting, public opinion, and political participation to serve the research needs of social scientists, teachers, students, policy makers and journalists who want to better understand the theoretical and empirical foundations of national election outcomes. Central to this mission is the active involvement of the ANES research community in all phases of the project.

NSF awards $10 million for American National Election Studies
The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded $10 million to fund the American National Election Studies to study voter participation and decision-making in the 2012 U.S. presidential election, and in the mid-term elections of 2010.

07-22-2010, 07:48 PM
Kathianne!...I know you're still here...Why have you disputed my link and dissappeared.

You're playing like a liberal...What is wrong with the source I posted?

Most people accept The American National Election Studies as a reputable and reliable source.

100% of anything is a joke. Sorry HT, that is impossible. Seriously, don't quit your day job.

07-22-2010, 08:11 PM
100% of anything is a joke. Sorry HT, that is impossible. Seriously, don't quit your day job.Check your history books...1964 was a record-breaking landmark presidential election year for black America and the Democrat Party.


This was also based on the estimate that the Black vote turned at a rate of 95 percent of those registered and 60 percent of those eligible. Nevertheless, we are not able to claim, as before, that the Black vote was the decisive difference in the election, because the increase in voting was elevated by all groups.

When one looks back in this history of the Black turnout, the highest level was in 1964, at 58.6 percent, a year before the Voting Rights Act was passed.

This was because of the tremendous enthusiasm toward Lyndon Johnson who had provided the leadership to pass the 1964 Civil Rights Act. So, a turnout of 60 percent of all eligible voters would be historic.I suppose I should get use to taking your word and accepting your opinion on blind faith. :laugh2:

07-22-2010, 08:29 PM
Check your history books...1964 was a record-breaking landmark presidential election year for black America and the Democrat Party.

I suppose I should get use to taking your word and accepting your opinion on blind faith. :laugh2:

Check your statistic possibilities and get back to me. Not possible in any reliable study.

07-22-2010, 08:47 PM
Check your statistic possibilities and get back to me. Not possible in any reliable study.It most certainly is, and here is why.

[1] The numbers are rounded off to the nearest whole. {which indicates it is not actually 100%}

[2] All satatistics allow for a 3 to 5% error. {which could and most likely does drop it to 95 to 97%}

[3] Mid to upper 90% would not be at all unusual, considering the voting habits of black voters.

I rest my case. [I shoulda been a lawyer]

07-23-2010, 09:18 AM
It most certainly is, and here is why.

[1] The numbers are rounded off to the nearest whole. {which indicates it is not actually 100%}

[2] All satatistics allow for a 3 to 5% error. {which could and most likely does drop it to 95 to 97%} This was a count, not responses.

[3] Mid to upper 90% would not be at all unusual, considering the voting habits of black voters.

I rest my case. [I shoulda been a lawyer]

You are using fuzzy stuff. Ever hear of, 'garbage in, garbage out?'

07-23-2010, 10:22 AM
You are using fuzzy stuff. Ever hear of, 'garbage in, garbage out?'I was rock solid and crystal clear.

You just don't like to admit you are wrong.

It's a female thing. :laugh2:

07-23-2010, 10:29 AM
I was rock solid and crystal clear.

You just don't like to admit you are wrong.

It's a female thing. :laugh2:

Statistical error is part of analysis, not raw data.

07-23-2010, 10:33 AM
Statistical error is part of analysis, not raw data......:p

07-28-2010, 03:18 AM
I've been doing this for awhile and can back up every fact I claim with solid evidence.The Democrat Party has captured an average of 94.25% of the black vote in the last 12 presidential elections since Lyndon Johnson ran on the Democrat ticket in 1964 and began buying black votes with taxpayer money.


How could anybody not know this?

Exactly where have you been for the last 50 years?

If you require more PROOF than this, go get it yourself...It is plentiful and easy to find.

But I don't really expect to hear from you again on these issues.hahah, you dont expect to hear from me on this again?


You claim you have facts to support it, yet on three issues your quoted from my post,

ONE: you have a link to some information which Im not familiar with, and I will look into some more, but considering it claims that one year a full 100% of blacks supported the Democrats means that there is simply something seriously flawed, as you can NEVER< NEVER< NEVER< get 100% of any group that numbers in the millions to agree ON ANYTHING 100%

TWO:, the second one your proof is "doesnt everyone know this?"

THREEP:, the third one you ;say something like, "its not even worth my time to respond to this"


Your "PROOF" includes asking where I have been for the past 50 years, then you RUN LIKE A FUCKING PUSSY saying I need to go find the proof myself beyond what you have already provided (which is virtually NOTHING SO FAR) and then claim you dont expect to hear from me on this subject again.

WELL, Im here, responding, and will respond more, but apparently your claim you will provide FACTS is just a bunch of bullshit, so all you have done is angerly rant and rave a bunch of racist idiocy and claim you can support your claims with facts, and then turn and run without supplying any. You are just again, like all other cowardly little racists, proving that everything racists claim is just a bunch of crap


07-28-2010, 03:27 AM
100% of anything is a joke. Sorry HT, that is impossible. Seriously, don't quit your day job.

THats funny, because without even having read your responses since he posted that link, I HAD THE EXACT SAME RESPONSE TO THE 100% FIGURE. ITS ABSURD ON ITS FACE.


08-04-2010, 07:51 PM
Check your statistic possibilities and get back to me. Not possible in any reliable study.You check the statistics and dispute mine with something other than your opinion.

You are entitled to an opinion, as long as you justify it with evidence.

You are afraid to seek the truth because you fear what you might find.


08-05-2010, 06:41 AM
You check the statistics and dispute mine with something other than your opinion.

You are entitled to an opinion, as long as you justify it with evidence.

You are afraid to seek the truth because you fear what you might find.


Standard deviation:


Raw Data:


BTW, I did not need to give the definitions, I have expertise on interpreting data via a sociology degree. I know the definitions and how to use them.

08-05-2010, 12:22 PM
Standard deviation:


Raw Data:


BTW, I did not need to give the definitions, I have expertise on interpreting data via a sociology degree. I know the definitions and how to use them.I do not dispute Bell Curve science, and in fact believe that Robert Niles article verifies my claim much more than yours.

I have a simple solution...I will not ask you to provide what you believe are the true statistics for black voters in the POTUS elections from 1964 to 2008, as I did.

I will only ask that you provide the black voter statistic from the 1964 presidential election...It should be less than a 5 minute search on the internet...Link please.

You have the opportunity to prove me wrong with one simple statistic...If you fail to provide this statistic, I will consider it an admission that you are wrong.

08-05-2010, 05:09 PM
I do not dispute Bell Curve science, and in fact believe that Robert Niles article verifies my claim much more than yours.

I have a simple solution...I will not ask you to provide what you believe are the true statistics for black voters in the POTUS elections from 1964 to 2008, as I did.

I will only ask that you provide the black voter statistic from the 1964 presidential election...It should be less than a 5 minute search on the internet...Link please.

You have the opportunity to prove me wrong with one simple statistic...If you fail to provide this statistic, I will consider it an admission that you are wrong.

LOL! We or any 'links' we provide for actual numbers are a joke. Why? Oh simple, when did you or anyone have to put down their race on voter registration, much less when voting? All those numbers are made up. Thus, raw data numbers, such as presented in your 'link' are a farce.

BTW, I do not need to jump through your hoops, nor do any other members. You may post as you wish and you will get the responses based upon them by the members and their pov.

08-05-2010, 07:30 PM
Oscar had a hunk of apple.

08-05-2010, 08:56 PM
LOL! We or any 'links' we provide for actual numbers are a joke. Why? Oh simple, when did you or anyone have to put down their race on voter registration, much less when voting? All those numbers are made up. Thus, raw data numbers, such as presented in your 'link' are a farce.Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury - I rest my case. :clap:

BTW, I do not need to jump through your hoops, nor do any other members. You may post as you wish and you will get the responses based upon them by the members and their pov.Standard procedure at most debate forums requires you to post a link that disproves the evidence presented by another poster that you have disputed.

A personal opinion is not an acceptable rebutal to a reputable link, but it is perfectly fine to express your opinion when disputing someone elses.

I had a moderator on another forum claim that Fox News Channel was not a reputable news source because of outright lying in their reporting.

This moderator was a stickler for enforcing the rule of posting links to claims and I angered him by demanding that he post examples of Fox being caught in a lie while reporting a news story.

Needless to say, he could not fulfill my request to abide by the rules of the board and post a link to his claim, which earned me his hatred right up to the day he permanently banned me.

Liberals are notorious for adjusting the rules as they play the game...They're convinced everyone is as stupid as they are and won't notice.

You are notorious for skipping over the parts of a post you can't dispute and don't want to deal with...You simply ignore them, hoping no one will notice.

You think alot like a liberal and even resort to their strategies whenever you're promoting their politicly correct arguments...Of course, you deny the PC.

But then, so do the liberals. :laugh2:

08-06-2010, 04:15 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury - I rest my case. :clap: You may play the OCA type of chest thumper, it won't make you anymore correct.

Standard procedure at most debate forums requires you to post a link that disproves the evidence presented by another poster that you have disputed.

A personal opinion is not an acceptable rebutal to a reputable link, but it is perfectly fine to express your opinion when disputing someone elses.

I had a moderator on another forum claim that Fox News Channel was not a reputable news source because of outright lying in their reporting.

This moderator was a stickler for enforcing the rule of posting links to claims and I angered him by demanding that he post examples of Fox being caught in a lie while reporting a news story.

Needless to say, he could not fulfill my request to abide by the rules of the board and post a link to his claim, which earned me his hatred right up to the day he permanently banned me.

Liberals are notorious for adjusting the rules as they play the game...They're convinced everyone is as stupid as they are and won't notice.

You are notorious for skipping over the parts of a post you can't dispute and don't want to deal with...You simply ignore them, hoping no one will notice.

You think alot like a liberal and even resort to their strategies whenever you're promoting their politicly correct arguments...Of course, you deny the PC.

But then, so do the liberals. :laugh2:

Whew boy! All you do is post your personal opinion. You may base your opinion on the opinions of others, but that is the best that you get. Claiming 100% of blacks voted a certain way, 'give or take' more or less than 100%, based upon a number that doesn't, couldn't exist, is dishonest. It would be funny, if not so sad.

08-06-2010, 12:42 PM
Whew boy! All you do is post your personal opinion. You may base your opinion on the opinions of others, but that is the best that you get.An opinion based on a reliable source has a little more clout than simply "the opinions of others", don't ya think, Kathianne?

My voter statistics source is The American National Election Studies

Please feel free to check them out; http://www.electionstudies.org/

(ANES) produces high quality data on voting, public opinion, and political participation to serve the research needs of social scientists, teachers, students, policy makers and journalists who want to better understand the theoretical and empirical foundations of national election outcomes. Central to this mission is the active involvement of the ANES research community in all phases of the project.Among the several sources for which I base my genetic opinions, is The Bell Curve.

Please feel free to check this out also; http://www.indiana.edu/~intell/bellcurve.shtml

The Bell Curve, published in 1994, was written by Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray as a work designed to explain, using empirical statistical analysis, the variations in intelligence in American Society, raise some warnings regarding the consequences of this intelligence gap, and propose national social policy with the goal of mitigating the worst of the consequences attributed to this intelligence gap. Many of the assertions put forth and conclusions reached by the authors are very controversial, ranging from the relationships between low measured intelligence and anti-social behavior, to the observed relationship between low African-American test scores (compared to whites and Asians) and genetic factors in intelligence abilities. The book was released and received with a large public response. In the first several months of its release, 400,000 copies of the book were sold around the world. Several thousand reviews and commentaries have been written in the short time since the book's publication.

Claiming 100% of blacks voted a certain way, 'give or take' more or less than 100%, based upon a number that doesn't, couldn't exist, is dishonest. It would be funny, if not so sad.Apparently it is not as "funny" or "sad" as you claim since you cannot find a 1964 black voter statistic to disprove it.

If it makes you feel better, I believe a more accurate number might be closer to the Obama election of 95%.

Just like the liberals, you are frightened, angered and disturbed by any information which is contrary to your PC beliefs, for which you are unable to refute.

Nothing would make you happier than to prove me wrong, instead all you have is the same tired old PC strategy of name-calling, character assassination and accusations of hate.

Just like political correctness, your arguments have no factual basis...If they did you would proudly shove it down my throat to destroy my credibility and messege for which you hate so badly.

08-06-2010, 01:19 PM
An opinion based on a reliable source has a little more clout than simply "the opinions of others", don't ya think, Kathianne?

My voter statistics source is The American National Election Studies

Please feel free to check them out; http://www.electionstudies.org/
Among the several sources for which I base my genetic opinions, is The Bell Curve.

Please feel free to check this out also; http://www.indiana.edu/~intell/bellcurve.shtml

Apparently it is not as "funny" or "sad" as you claim since you cannot find a 1964 black voter statistic to disprove it.

If it makes you feel better, I believe a more accurate number might be closer to the Obama election of 95%.

Just like the liberals, you are frightened, angered and disturbed by any information which is contrary to your PC beliefs, for which you are unable to refute.

Nothing would make you happier than to prove me wrong, instead all you have is the same tired old PC strategy of name-calling, character assassination and accusations of hate.

Just like political correctness, your arguments have no factual basis...If they did you would proudly shove it down my throat to destroy my credibility and messege for which you hate so badly.

Your repeating the sources does not change their expertise or validity of raw data.

08-07-2010, 07:49 AM
Wasn't Martin Luther King Jr a Republican? I don't think it has anything to do with skin color, but maybe more to do with the neighborhood your in, I bet alot of the population in extreme poverty striken neighborhoods do not vote and don't register to a political party. I don't know any black people but I know plenty of white liberals.

08-07-2010, 01:40 PM
Wasn't Martin Luther King Jr a Republican? I don't think it has anything to do with skin color, but maybe more to do with the neighborhood your in, I bet alot of the population in extreme poverty striken neighborhoods do not vote and don't register to a political party. I don't know any black people but I know plenty of white liberals.

I believe he was and there's some justification in the belief:


In actuality prior to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, most Blacks that voted, voted the Party of Lincoln. While the Act would not have passed if not for the Republicans, the political dynamics of the '64 convention with Goldwater, John Birch, etc., swung the Black bloc to the Democrats. Politics were turned on its head, the blacks went with the Democrats, the South with the Republicans.

As we all know, it would still be years before Black voters in the South could be assured of their rights, including the right to vote.

I believe that we are in another era of not so much 'bloc swings' but a rise of the individual, regardless of skin color and party affiliations of the past. People in this country are going to demand delineation between their own wishes and the government's. I saw something yesterday about the US being in a pre-revolutionary mood.

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/GIG7awT4c3E&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/GIG7awT4c3E&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

08-09-2010, 09:48 AM
Pat Caddell promoted Obama/Edwards in '08 and proclaimed he would leave America if Hillary Clinton was elected.

08-09-2010, 09:53 AM
Pat Caddell promoted Obama/Edwards in '08 and proclaimed he would leave America if Hillary Clinton was elected.

Ok, be that as it may be, you disagree with his take that the American people are disgusted with what our government is doing?

08-09-2010, 06:00 PM
Ok, be that as it may be, you disagree with his take that the American people are disgusted with what our government is doing?To be perfectly honest Kathianne, I'm not sure.

I know that many are, I just pray it's enough to make a difference come November 2010 and 2012 and in time to save us.

I think Obama's number one goal is amnesty for 20 million illegal immigrant voters rather than getting re-elected.

This will ensure the long awaited Marxist America dream and his political sacrifice will be greatly rewarded for taking one for the team.

They will build statues of Obama and children will sing his praise as the hero who destroyed capitalism and brought about the perfect Marxist Utopia.

In a hundred years the world will be a large round version of North Korea...All that is now required is enough minority voters to destroy capitalism in the U.S.

Without amnesty, the marxist hopefuls will be forced to wait for minorities to become the majority by the slower means of procreation and legal immigration.

Either way will work, but they prefer the expedient method.....After all, they've already waited sooooo long.

08-09-2010, 07:26 PM
To be perfectly honest Kathianne, I'm not sure.

I know that many are, I just pray it's enough to make a difference come November 2010 and 2012 and in time to save us.

I think Obama's number one goal is amnesty for 20 million illegal immigrant voters rather than getting re-elected.

This will ensure the long awaited Marxist America dream and his political sacrifice will be greatly rewarded for taking one for the team.

They will build statues of Obama and children will sing his praise as the hero who destroyed capitalism and brought about the perfect Marxist Utopia.

In a hundred years the world will be a large round version of North Korea...All that is now required is enough minority voters to destroy capitalism in the U.S.

Without amnesty, the marxist hopefuls will be forced to wait for minorities to become the majority by the slower means of procreation and legal immigration.

Either way will work, but they prefer the expedient method.....After all, they've already waited sooooo long.

i seem to recall...they same thing said about reagan and bush II.....didn't happen....

08-10-2010, 02:52 AM
You check the statistics and dispute mine with something other than your opinion.

You are entitled to an opinion, as long as you justify it with evidence.

You are afraid to seek the truth because you fear what you might find.


Why do you keep projecting psycho analysis on your opponents? Its silly and stupid, you should just stop it, it makes you look stupid.

08-10-2010, 02:56 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury - I rest my case. :clap:

Standard procedure at most debate forums requires you to post a link that disproves the evidence presented by another poster that you have disputed.

A personal opinion is not an acceptable rebutal to a reputable link, but it is perfectly fine to express your opinion when disputing someone elses.

I had a moderator on another forum claim that Fox News Channel was not a reputable news source because of outright lying in their reporting.

This moderator was a stickler for enforcing the rule of posting links to claims and I angered him by demanding that he post examples of Fox being caught in a lie while reporting a news story.

Needless to say, he could not fulfill my request to abide by the rules of the board and post a link to his claim, which earned me his hatred right up to the day he permanently banned me.

Liberals are notorious for adjusting the rules as they play the game...They're convinced everyone is as stupid as they are and won't notice.

You are notorious for skipping over the parts of a post you can't dispute and don't want to deal with...You simply ignore them, hoping no one will notice.

You think alot like a liberal and even resort to their strategies whenever you're promoting their politicly correct arguments...Of course, you deny the PC.

But then, so do the liberals. :laugh2:

Oddly enough, most posters here are conservatives, but if we arent a far right wing radical like you, you accuse us of being liberal and PC.

You didnt answer Kathiane's statement about how its impossible to have statistics on how black voters voted since it is not asked what color skin you have when voting.

08-10-2010, 03:25 AM
OK, flat out, your statistical table is wrong.

Your chart shows,

Those who voted Democrat by gender:

Males 65%
Females 69%

Now please tell me how you can add 69 and 65% and come up with a total of 61%

Also, union and non union households: 83 and 62%

age brackets: 70, 70, 69, 66 and 56%

south and non south: 65 and 68%

65% of whites voted dem, so if the dem only got 61%, then non whites totalled must have been well under 61%

income levelsL 74, 71, 74, 60 and 51%

all the other categories follow suit, that chart is simply wrong, messed up, in error, SO MUCH FOR YOUR FACT
Not to mention, it was only the southern states that Goldwater won, the states which have the highest black populace, so dont blame the blacks for voting in Johnson, it was your white stronghold demographics that voted him in.

08-10-2010, 01:24 PM
In the post above, I forgot to mention to those who dont know, Johnson, the Dems got 61% of the popular vote,

so, if all the votes tallied in one of their "groups" are all higher than 61%, which virtually ALL of them are, then the stats they are reporting are too high, period,end of issue.

I guess hog trash doesnt really check out his sources, if he sees something that supports what he wants to believe in (based on his fears) he automatically accepts it, then claims he has facts to back him, and if you differ in opinion, you are immediately labeled a PC liberal

08-10-2010, 06:28 PM
In the post above, I forgot to mention to those who dont know, Johnson, the Dems got 61% of the popular vote,

so, if all the votes tallied in one of their "groups" are all higher than 61%, which virtually ALL of them are, then the stats they are reporting are too high, period,end of issue.

I guess hog trash doesnt really check out his sources, if he sees something that supports what he wants to believe in (based on his fears) he automatically accepts it, then claims he has facts to back him, and if you differ in opinion, you are immediately labeled a PC liberalThe indicators of "Political Correctness" are as obvious as having a big red 'PC' tattooed on the forehead.

As I have said before, if political correctness was practiced only by people who admit it, there would be no PC.

I'm an intelligent man whose been around for a long time and I've been paying very close attention, LuvRPgrl.

And my view from outside the box is much better than that of the programmed masses huddled inside the box.

08-11-2010, 04:00 AM
The indicators of "Political Correctness" are as obvious as having a big red 'PC' tattooed on the forehead.

As I have said before, if political correctness was practiced only by people who admit it, there would be no PC.

I'm an intelligent man whose been around for a long time and I've been paying very close attention, LuvRPgrl.

And my view from outside the box is much better than that of the programmed masses huddled inside the box.

:lol: Yeah, who wants to address the points of your 'facts' and 'experts.' :rolleyes:

08-11-2010, 11:11 AM
:lol: Yeah, who wants to address the points of your 'facts' and 'experts.' :rolleyes:How do you explain the lack of technological advancement in any field by the african sub-saharan negroid race while the european caucasoid and asian mongoloid races were progressing in leaps and bounds?

08-11-2010, 12:32 PM
How do you explain the lack of technological advancement in any field by the african sub-saharan negroid race while the european caucasoid and asian mongoloid races were progressing in leaps and bounds?

There could be a ton of factors involved.
Pacific Islanders, who are not negroid, didnt advance either.

Native American Indians didnt advance either.

For mongoloids and caucasoids, it could have been a compulsive nuerotic need to be better than someone else

But regardless, if someone isnt as smart as another, does that make them any less of a human being?

I know many people who arent all that smart, but are of high character, and lots of smart people who are total evil scum

My youngest daughter (my avatar) is probably the least smartest of my 7, yet I have repeatedly told everyone that of the 7 she is the most likely to suceed, as she has a bull dog, I will get what I want attitude, whereas my 3 year old who has already taught herself how to play vid games on the pc, is easily distracted.

Mr. P
08-11-2010, 01:59 PM
Why does it matter what ethnisity my friends are?

08-11-2010, 02:13 PM
Why does it matter what ethnisity my friends are?

Oh! Let me, let me. See blacks are genetically inferior. To think otherwise is PC. Because they are inferior, they vote 125% for Democrats. Well that's because they cheat and are inferior. Since that is the case, it's just wrong to be friends with such. You are PC if you do!

Those are facts, prove they're not! Bet you think the world is flat too!

08-11-2010, 02:32 PM
Oh! Let me, let me. See blacks are genetically inferior. To think otherwise is PC. Because they are inferior, they vote 125% for Democrats. Well that's because they cheat and are inferior. Since that is the case, it's just wrong to be friends with such. You are PC if you do!

Those are facts, prove they're not! Bet you think the world is flat too!

Not to mention most serial killers are black

AND all the World Wars have been started by black African countries

08-12-2010, 05:50 AM
There could be a ton of factors involved.
Pacific Islanders, who are not negroid, didnt advance either.

Native American Indians didnt advance either.As you said; "There could be a ton of factors involved"?...This is especially true in these cases you have mentioned.

I have the answers if you're interested, but I don't want to waste my time if your mind is set in concrete and closed to non-PC rational explanations.

For mongoloids and caucasoids, it could have been a compulsive nuerotic need to be better than someone elseHmmm?...The PC Theory of "the evil arrogant white supremacist"?...Now that's unique.

But regardless, if someone isnt as smart as another, does that make them any less of a human being?Of course not, but that's not the point...We're not talking about the slow individuals, who exist in every race and culture.

We were discussing an entire race that is less intelligent than the others based on genetics.

I know many people who arent all that smart, but are of high character, and lots of smart people who are total evil scumI don't imagine anyone would dispute this...An evil genius can do much more damage than an evil idiot.

My youngest daughter (my avatar) is probably the least smartest of my 7, yet I have repeatedly told everyone that of the 7 she is the most likely to suceed, as she has a bull dog, I will get what I want attitude, whereas my 3 year old who has already taught herself how to play vid games on the pc, is easily distracted.It's kind of early to be making these assumptions, don't you think?

I have heard that as a child, Albert Einstein was suspected of being mentally retarded because he never spoke his first word untill he was 3 years old.

08-12-2010, 02:21 PM
As you said; "There could be a ton of factors involved"?...This is especially true in these cases you have mentioned.

I have the answers if you're interested, but I don't want to waste my time if your mind is set in concrete and closed to non-PC rational explanations..
You seem to be the one who insists if we dont agree with you, that automatically labels us PC, talk about closed minded.
Like your little poll with 100% of blacks voting for....
I tore that apart, ;so, I am not going to blindly accept info you provide

I have very, very few sources that i consider so reliable that i dont check out the info they present

Hmmm?...The PC Theory of "the evil arrogant white supremacist"?...Now that's unique..[/QUOTE]
Typical of inept debaters, I said a nerotic need to get ahead, and you turn that into evil arrogant supremacist

Of course not, but that's not the point...We're not talking about the slow individuals, who exist in every race and culture.

We were discussing an entire race that is less intelligent than the others based on genetics..[/QUOTE]
again, an individual, or a group or entire race, so what.

I don't imagine anyone would dispute this...An evil genius can do much more damage than an evil idiot..[/QUOTE]
I disagree. My life experience has shown me that less intelligent people often accomplish much more than intelligent people, whether its evil or not.
My suspcion is that you dont have much legitimate life experience, because its been distorted by looking through racist lens
Hence, what you have experienced, much of it isnt based in full reality

It's kind of early to be making these assumptions, don't you think?.[/QUOTE]
Nope, not at all. After watching her for some months, and I started saying my opinion, mom, uncles and aunts all started agreeing with me.
We call her the bulldog, she is determined, hard to distract. I have never, (and I have 7 kids) seen a baby at her age forced to take her mind off of something (like we took her to the park) and then upon return, as soon as she could, she went right after what we had denied her hours earlier.

I have heard that as a child, Albert Einstein was suspected of being mentally retarded because he never spoke his first word untill he was 3 years old.[/QUOTE]

Another fallacy which leads to errors in conclusions and why you would lose in a formal debate

Just because some idiot made a bad diagnosis on little Albert, doesnt mean everyone is inept at it.
In fact, I have been very accurate in predicting things about my kids, including things that the doctors flat out told me I was wrong, but in time, they were proven wrong.

08-12-2010, 03:17 PM
You seem to be the one who insists if we dont agree with you, that automatically labels us PC, talk about closed minded.
Like your little poll with 100% of blacks voting for....
I tore that apart, ;so, I am not going to blindly accept info you provide

I have very, very few sources that i consider so reliable that i dont check out the info they present

[QUOTE]Hmmm?...The PC Theory of "the evil arrogant white supremacist"?...Now that's unique..
Typical of inept debaters, I said a nerotic need to get ahead, and you turn that into evil arrogant supremacist

Of course not, but that's not the point...We're not talking about the slow individuals, who exist in every race and culture.

We were discussing an entire race that is less intelligent than the others based on genetics..
again, an individual, or a group or entire race, so what.

I don't imagine anyone would dispute this...An evil genius can do much more damage than an evil idiot..
I disagree. My life experience has shown me that less intelligent people often accomplish much more than intelligent people, whether its evil or not.
My suspcion is that you dont have much legitimate life experience, because its been distorted by looking through racist lens
Hence, what you have experienced, much of it isnt based in full reality

It's kind of early to be making these assumptions, don't you think?.
Nope, not at all. After watching her for some months, and I started saying my opinion, mom, uncles and aunts all started agreeing with me.
We call her the bulldog, she is determined, hard to distract. I have never, (and I have 7 kids) seen a baby at her age forced to take her mind off of something (like we took her to the park) and then upon return, as soon as she could, she went right after what we had denied her hours earlier.

I have heard that as a child, Albert Einstein was suspected of being mentally retarded because he never spoke his first word untill he was 3 years old.

Another fallacy which leads to errors in conclusions and why you would lose in a formal debate

Just because some idiot made a bad diagnosis on little Albert, doesnt mean everyone is inept at it.
In fact, I have been very accurate in predicting things about my kids, including things that the doctors flat out told me I was wrong, but in time, they were proven wrong.

You folks vehemently defend your position with never a shred of evidence to back it up.

Your only argument is that anyone who disagrees with the standard belief system is a racist.

And amazingly not a single one of you can see the connection of these things to political correctness.

08-12-2010, 03:44 PM
and we come full circle. If 'we' don't accept Hog's facts, no matter that they aren't or his experts, even though they haven't the expertise in the field, we are too PC to 'get it.'

One thing you've got right HT, we'll never buy what you are selling, not with your set of facts.

08-12-2010, 07:50 PM
and we come full circle. If 'we' don't accept Hog's facts, no matter that they aren't or his experts, even though they haven't the expertise in the field, we are too PC to 'get it.'

One thing you've got right HT, we'll never buy what you are selling, not with your set of facts.If the glass slipper fits, Cinderella... :bye1:

08-12-2010, 08:27 PM
If the glass slipper fits, Cinderella... :bye1:

It doesn't, because you aren't Prince Charming with reputable facts. Get over it.

08-12-2010, 09:23 PM

You folks vehemently defend your position with never a shred of evidence to back it up.

Your only argument is that anyone who disagrees with the standard belief system is a racist.

And amazingly not a single one of you can see the connection of these things to political correctness.

YOU are the one making claims, burden of proof is on you

And you really need to get some history on some of us before you accuse us of being PC. that is the LAST THING anyone who knows me, would accuse me of

08-12-2010, 09:24 PM
If the glass slipper fits, Cinderella... :bye1:

You still havent explained why the numbers on your chart dont add up

08-13-2010, 09:24 AM
YOU are the one making claims, burden of proof is on youWhich I do, but it does no good if the proof falls on the deaf ears of a closed mind...The #1 threat to Political Correctness is an open mind being exposed to the truth.

Regardless, don't you think your position would be better served if you disputed my proof with something a little more solid than accusations of racism?

Surely you must base your opinions and beliefs on something more substantial than just PC?

And you really need to get some history on some of us before you accuse us of being PC. that is the LAST THING anyone who knows me, would accuse me ofThe only "history" source that I have access to is the words that you post here on this forum.

I am well aware of the programmed beliefs and opinions of political correctness and the standard PC tactics used to defend them.

If your posts mirrors these beliefs, opinions and tactics, I can only conclude that you have been PC indoctrinated and programmed.

We have been bombarded by Political Correctness indoctrination and programming in every aspect of our lives since 1970 and are all affected to some degree.

Think about it?...If PC was only practiced by those who admit to it, it wouldn't exist because everybody denies it and they actually believe it.

It is said that the greatest trick Satan ever played on humankind was convincing them that he doesn't exist.

You still havent explained why the numbers on your chart dont add upOf course I have, you just didn't see it...You are programmed to avoid the truth and seek only confirmation of what you have been told to believe.

These posts of mine were in response to Kathianne's skeptisism.

Check your history books...1964 was a record-breaking landmark presidential election year for black America and the Democrat Party.

I suppose I should get use to taking your word and accepting your opinion on blind faith. :laugh2:

It most certainly is[possible], and here is why.

[1] The numbers are rounded off to the nearest whole. {which indicates it is not actually 100%}

[2] All satatistics allow for a 3 to 5% error. {which could and most likely does drop it to 95 to 97%}

[3] Mid to upper 90% would not be at all unusual, considering the voting habits of black voters.

I rest my case.

If you will notice, all of the numbers have been rounded off to the nearest whole, so 100% does not mean 100%.

And if you know anything about the 1964 presidential election, you would not be surprised by this unusual statistic.

This statistic has consistantly been in the [I]mid 90% range, so if you dispute it please show me what it really is.

An opinion based on a reliable source has a little more clout than simply "the opinions of others", don't ya think, Kathianne?

My voter statistics source is The American National Election Studies

Please feel free to check them out; http://www.electionstudies.org/

You blindly accept political correctness and ignore anything that contradicts it and if by chance you are exposed to the truth, you are programmed to attack with accusations of "racism" and "hate".

I have sources for everything I post...The problem is, if it is considered politicaly incorrect, it is automaticly discredited as being "racist" with absolutely no evidence other than PC standards.

Would you like to know who the architects of Political Correctness were and how it was introduced into American society?

This 10 minute read will explain everything, but your PC programming will be screaming in your head to 'CLICK OFF':


08-13-2010, 09:50 AM
It doesn't, because you aren't Prince Charming with reputable facts. Get over it.Exactly what about me is not charming? :mm:

08-13-2010, 12:50 PM
Exactly what about me is not charming? :mm:

If not being charming was only practiced by those who admit it, it wouldnt exist cuz nobody wants to admit they arent charming

08-13-2010, 01:25 PM
If your posts mirrors these beliefs, opinions and tactics, I can only conclude that you have been PC indoctrinated and programmed.

That is a classic example of a closed mind

The fact that occasionally I agree with the PC crowd only serves to prove I have an open mind
since I disagree with them well over 90% of the time

You have only provided one "supposed" fact, thats all, ONE in this entire thread

and the stats on that study still dont add up

Superiority can be measured in many ways.
Intelligence is not the way to measure it, many intelligent people are failures and losers

If in fact the minorities manage to wrangle almost all the power from whites, then it only serves to prove that they are superior to whites, after all, they will have "won"

08-13-2010, 03:14 PM
If your posts mirrors these beliefs, opinions and tactics, I can only conclude that you have been PC indoctrinated and programmed.

That is a classic example of a closed mind

The fact that occasionally I agree with the PC crowd only serves to prove I have an open mind
since I disagree with them well over 90% of the time

You have only provided one "supposed" fact, thats all, ONE in this entire thread

and the stats on that study still dont add up

Superiority can be measured in many ways.
Intelligence is not the way to measure it, many intelligent people are failures and losers

If in fact the minorities manage to wrangle almost all the power from whites, then it only serves to prove that they are superior to whites, after all, they will have "won"

You and me both. No doubt that most posters here know me and my views quite well.

08-13-2010, 05:30 PM
You and me both. No doubt that most posters here know me and my views quite well.

Absllutely no DOUBT

08-13-2010, 05:56 PM
Of course I have black friends, Hoggy. After all, you're my friend, and I'm sure that there's some plantation owner-scullery maid mix in your bloodline. :thumb:

08-16-2010, 02:23 PM
If your posts mirrors these beliefs, opinions and tactics, I can only conclude that you have been PC indoctrinated and programmed.

That is a classic example of a closed mindA "classic example of a closed mind" is found in those who blindly follow the crowd, all the while claiming their way of thinking is somehow unique.

You and most others fall in line with many of the standard beliefs layed down by the strict views and tabboos of political correctness.

While I question those PC views and violate it's tabboos by examining the opinions, science and evidence of people the same PC tells us to hate and avoid.

Would you dare to read The Bell Curve or view a video by David Duke?...Of course not, do you know why?

Your opinion of good and evil has been predetermined for you, while effectively convincing you it is the result of your own conclusions.

You stand in judgement of people, books and science you have never personally examined, or at the most have only been subjected to edited soundbites.

I do not fear or avoid Information which has been deemed invalid, dishonest or offensive by the standards of PC...I am capable of my own evaluations.

I have read the writings of David Duke as well as those of Karl Marx and Mao Tse Tung...I found Duke to be intelligent and insightful while Marx and Mao were disturbing.

I search for the truth, while the PC controlled masses seek only confirmation of what they have been programmed to believe.

The fact that occasionally I agree with the PC crowd only serves to prove I have an open mind
since I disagree with them well over 90% of the timePolitical Correctness is the promotion of a lie in an effort to obliterate a fact for political reasons.

Could you please tell me what the 10% of PC is that you agree with?

You have only provided one "supposed" fact, thats all, ONE in this entire thread

and the stats on that study still dont add upI have provided stats for everything I have posted, somewhere in this forum.

If I discuss the same issue again in another thread, many times I do not bother to repost the stat.

Is there anything in particular that I have posted that you would like to see a varifiable statistic or fact, in reference to?

Be forewarned!!!...If it is anything that is contrary to political correctness, the stat or fact will have been classified as "racist".

Superiority can be measured in many ways.
Intelligence is not the way to measure it, many intelligent people are failures and losersHere you have posted evidence of PC's strong influence on you...The "Superiority" word is a dead giveaway.

You are programmed to consider any fact or scientific study relating to racial genetic differences as being motivated by superiority, hate and racism.

The validity of a fact should not be based on it's popularity and especially not on PC.....The truth is the truth and is non-negotiable.

If in fact the minorities manage to wrangle almost all the power from whites, then it only serves to prove that they are superior to whites, after all, they will have "won"Oh please LuvRPgrl, don't be so naive...It's obvious you didn't read the article I posted the link to in a previous post?...The one about who invented PC? http://frankfurtschool.us/history.htm

The Marxist who hide behind names like liberals and progressives are pulling the strings, and use the minorities as a tool to destroy their white capitalist adversaries and promote their socialist ideology.

Of course I have black friends, Hoggy. After all, you're my friend, and I'm sure that there's some plantation owner-scullery maid mix in your bloodline. :thumb:Hey, it's my cute little marxist mexican muchacho...Where have you been off to Aggy?

Have you been rallying your little injun and mexican buddies for your La Raza Revolution?

I'm not real happy with Obama's America...You think maybe if I tan-up a little bit, I could join up with you guys?


Oh yea...and Chairman Mao. :thumb:

08-16-2010, 05:07 PM
I've only one black friend, but she has no interest in politics, I just get a message around ellection time asking who she should vote for lol.

08-16-2010, 08:53 PM
I've only one black friend, but she has no interest in politics, I just get a message around ellection time asking who she should vote for lol.If you told her to vote for a conservative, do you think she would take your advice?

08-16-2010, 09:02 PM
If you told her to vote for a conservative, do you think she would take your advice?

I'm quite sure if i'd suggested any of the 5 main parties (Labour, Liberal, Conservitive, UKIP, Green) with solid reasons she would have little reason to doubt my suggestion.

08-16-2010, 11:58 PM
You look like shit, Noir...Clean yourself up and get a damn haircut.

08-17-2010, 12:09 AM
You look like shit, Noir...Clean yourself up and get a damn haircut.

I have, that's an old pic (much more recent one if it so interests you - http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j176/jonathan-mcc/56ab995c.jpg )
Though I have to be blunt with you hoggy, you're not really my type.

08-17-2010, 12:45 PM
You look like shit, Noir...Clean yourself up and get a damn haircut.

You make a lot of incorrect assumptions.

Once again you revert to name calling if someone doesnt agree with you, you act more PC than anyone in here


i said:The fact that occasionally I agree with the PC crowd only serves to prove I have an open mind
since I disagree with them well over 90% of the time

Political Correctness is the promotion of a lie in an effort to obliterate a fact for political reasons.

Could you please tell me what the 10% of PC is that you agree with?




08-17-2010, 12:54 PM

Would this duke you speak of be David Duke?

08-17-2010, 06:49 PM
LASTLY, YOU ALWAYS ASSUME THAT THOSE WHO DISAGREE WITH YOU HAVE NEVER HEARD DUKE SPEAK. I HAVE, HE IS A DISPICABLE SUB HUMAN. i WOULD SHIT ON HIS FACE IF GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY, AND IF LEFT IN A ROOM ALONE WITH HIM, I GUARANTEE HE WOULDNT BE ABLE TO WALK OUT ON HIS OWNI used Duke merely as an example but I still don't believe you have actually heard him speak...From the hate that has been directed at him, I too once assumed that he must be the epitome of evil.

The first time I saw him was on Phil Donahue years ago but he was never permitted to present his views because of regular interruptions and accusations from every corner of the studio including the host.

I saw him a couple times over the years after that but was still never able to hear his side of the story...I became aware that I was being told to hate this man and ignore his messege, solely on the word of others.

I was also becoming aware of how political correctness is used for character assassination to silence opposing views, which sparked my curiosity as to why David Duke and others were so feared and hated.

I decided to hear the mans story in a way that he could not be shouted down and interrupted...I read one of his books and a couple articles and have watched a few of his videos and discovered why PC fears him.

He did get involved with the KKK, but we all make some poor judgement calls and mistakes when we are young but regardless, he is not the monster he has been portrayed to be...He's intelligent, articulate and a man of peace.

He harbors no hatred for non-white people and has no desire to harm or oppress them...His only goal is to end the discrimination and racism that has been directed at the white race over the last 40 years, much the same as MLK did for black America.

10 minutes of uninterrupted David Duke, if you can ignore your PC tabboos for that long?

08-17-2010, 11:39 PM
You look like shit, Noir...Clean yourself up and get a damn haircut.

Noir could say the same thing about you,,, except for the haircut part.


08-18-2010, 07:08 AM
Noir could say the same thing about you,,, except for the haircut part.

:laugh::laugh::laugh:Yea, but I have an excuse...I'm big, mean, old and ugly.

08-18-2010, 03:56 PM
I used Duke merely as an example but I still don't believe you have actually heard him speak...From the hate that has been directed at him, I too once assumed that he must be the epitome of evil.

The first time I saw him was on Phil Donahue years ago but he was never permitted to present his views because of regular interruptions and accusations from every corner of the studio including the host.

I saw him a couple times over the years after that but was still never able to hear his side of the story...I became aware that I was being told to hate this man and ignore his messege, solely on the word of others.

I was also becoming aware of how political correctness is used for character assassination to silence opposing views, which sparked my curiosity as to why David Duke and others were so feared and hated.

I decided to hear the mans story in a way that he could not be shouted down and interrupted...I read one of his books and a couple articles and have watched a few of his videos and discovered why PC fears him.

He did get involved with the KKK, but we all make some poor judgement calls and mistakes when we are young but regardless, he is not the monster he has been portrayed to be...He's intelligent, articulate and a man of peace.

He harbors no hatred for non-white people and has no desire to harm or oppress them...His only goal is to end the discrimination and racism that has been directed at the white race over the last 40 years, much the same as MLK did for black America.

10 minutes of uninterrupted David Duke, if you can ignore your PC tabboos for that long?

why do you assume I havent heard him speak when I just told you I have.

I may not have heard everything he has to say, but often one doesnt.

Take for example, as soon as I found out that the leader is Islam, their great prophet, consumated a marriage with a 9 year old girl, his being a pedophile immediately discredited anything coming out of his mouth as being "from God"

As soon as I learned the Mormons entire so called addition to the Bible came from ONE MAN, I knew everything else in it was not from God, because God doesnt ever work with one man for any large amount of his theology given to us.

As soon as a person tells me they judge a person based on ANYTHING other than his "character" and his "character" alone, then I know anything else he spews is not worthy listening to.

And your continuing insistence that I have PC taboos tells me you dont hear a fucking word I say, so why should I give the time to listen to anything you suggest.

08-18-2010, 07:55 PM
why do you assume I havent heard him speak when I just told you I have.

I may not have heard everything he has to say, but often one doesnt.If you have heard Duke speak, then please share with us what he said to earn your contempt and discredit his word?

Take for example, as soon as I found out that the leader is Islam, their great prophet, consumated a marriage with a 9 year old girl, his being a pedophile immediately discredited anything coming out of his mouth as being "from God"Mohammed was a man of another time and place who was worshipped as a god on earth by his devout followers.

He was considered to be above the judgement of mortal man, so raping a 9 year old child was probably the least of his atrocities.

As soon as I learned the Mormons entire so called addition to the Bible came from ONE MAN, I knew everything else in it was not from God, because God doesnt ever work with one man for any large amount of his theology given to us.A thousand men can spread a lie as well as one...The truth is not determined by the number of purveyors.

As soon as a person tells me they judge a person based on ANYTHING other than his "character" and his "character" alone, then I know anything else he spews is not worthy listening to.I agree, we can only judge the "character" of a person by the characteristics they display...No one is better aware of this than a con-artist.

For this reason humans are born with unique survival instinct qualities including common sense, experience transfer and the good ole reliable gut feeling.

This is why we don't walk down dark streets in crime infested ghettos at 4 in the morning, regardless of those who tell us not to prejudge the people who live there.

And your continuing insistence that I have PC taboos tells me you dont hear a fucking word I say, so why should I give the time to listen to anything you suggest.Political Correctness is never obvious to the person who is practicing it, but very obvious to those observing it.

The reason for your opinion of David Duke is evidence of the strong influence that political correctness has on you.

Think about it?...If political correctness was only practiced by those who admit it, there would be no political correctness.

You can either read this or remain in the safety of your ignorance.

The architects of Political Correctness and it's purpose: http://frankfurtschool.us/history.htm

08-18-2010, 08:21 PM
Didn't GW come out and tell conservatives to NOT vote for Duke?

08-18-2010, 09:12 PM
Didn't GW come out and tell conservatives to NOT vote for Duke?I don't know but I wouldn't be a bit surprised.

To support him would obviously be political suicide.

The media has done a major hatchet job on Duke for 40 years.

His is the most severe case of character assassination I've ever seen.

Political Correctness has absolute ZERO tolerance for the truth.

Especially to the extent that David Duke was dishing it out.

08-18-2010, 11:45 PM
If you have heard Duke speak, then please share with us what he said to earn your contempt and discredit his word?]A friend of mine has a bona fide PHD in anthropology and did his thesis based on genetics and culture, he point blank discussed with me Dukes supposed "proofs" that our physical differences are genetic, but the basic problem with Dukes research is that it deals with issues that take thousands of years to change and we are only dealing with several hundred years or so to see that change.
IF something needs thousands of years to occur, and one shows a period of hundreds of years in which it hasnt occured, that isnt proof that the change wont occur.

Mohammed was a man of another time and place who was worshipped as a god on earth by his devout followers.

He was considered to be above the judgement of mortal man, so raping a 9 year old child was probably the least of his atrocities. ]

Now you are showing your Ignorance of Islam

A thousand men can spread a lie as well as one...The truth is not determined by the number of purveyors.

I agree, we can only judge the "character" of a person by the characteristics they display...No one is better aware of this than a con-artist.

For this reason humans are born with unique survival instinct qualities including common sense, experience transfer and the good ole reliable gut feeling.

This is why we don't walk down dark streets in crime infested ghettos at 4 in the morning, regardless of those who tell us not to prejudge the people who live there.

Political Correctness is never obvious to the person who is practicing it, but very obvious to those observing it.]
SO if I deny being PC, that proves Im PC, yet if I admit it, then that also proves it, so,,,,I guess I must be PC no matter what.,.,,,

The reason for your opinion of David Duke is evidence of the strong influence that political correctness has on you.]

Nope, its based on my survival instincts as you pointed out that we have.
The "NEW" and improved Duke is a bunch of bullshit, he is the same ol guy, he just is smart enough to guise his racism in a more acceptable package, actually, he appears to be the victim of being PC, OUCH !!

Think about it?...If political correctness was only practiced by those who admit it, there would be no political correctness.

You can either read this or remain in the safety of your ignorance.]
You have brought nothing new to the table, nor has Duke, I ve heard all of those outdated, stale and inept arguements. Not only are you a racist, and a control freak coward, but you arent even all that smart.

The architects of Political Correctness and it's purpose: http://frankfurtschool.us/history.htm
All you have managed to do is make me even more certain that my opinion and interpetation of the facts has been and is accurate.

08-18-2010, 11:46 PM
I don't know but I wouldn't be a bit surprised.

To support him would obviously be political suicide.

The media has done a major hatchet job on Duke for 40 years.

His is the most severe case of character assassination I've ever seen.

Political Correctness has absolute ZERO tolerance for the truth.

Especially to the extent that David Duke was dishing it out.

Every time I hear the shit that spews out of his mouth, it reminds me of Hitler....

08-19-2010, 12:03 PM
A friend of mine has a bona fide PHD in anthropology and did his thesis based on genetics and culture, he point blank discussed with me Dukes supposed "proofs" that our physical differences are genetic, but the basic problem with Dukes research is that it deals with issues that take thousands of years to change and we are only dealing with several hundred years or so to see that change.
IF something needs thousands of years to occur, and one shows a period of hundreds of years in which it hasnt occured, that isnt proof that the change wont occur.

Now you are showing your Ignorance of Islam

SO if I deny being PC, that proves Im PC, yet if I admit it, then that also proves it, so,,,,I guess I must be PC no matter what.,.,,,

Nope, its based on my survival instincts as you pointed out that we have.
The "NEW" and improved Duke is a bunch of bullshit, he is the same ol guy, he just is smart enough to guise his racism in a more acceptable package, actually, he appears to be the victim of being PC, OUCH !!

You have brought nothing new to the table, nor has Duke, I ve heard all of those outdated, stale and inept arguements. Not only are you a racist, and a control freak coward, but you arent even all that smart.

All you have managed to do is make me even more certain that my opinion and interpetation of the facts has been and is accurate.Wow!...How could I possibly ever hope to dispute such amazing logic and rock solid evidence?

Every time I hear the shit that spews out of his mouth, it reminds me of Hitler....Ooops!...There you go again...You spew PC like a digital recorder playback...Verbatim. :thumb:

08-19-2010, 08:54 PM
Wow!...How could I possibly ever hope to dispute such amazing logic and rock solid evidence?

Ooops!...There you go again...You spew PC like a digital recorder playback...Verbatim. :thumb:

Oh, Im opposed to legal abortion, I mean, its legalized murder.

Opppps, is that PC or do I come to that conclusion on my own thinking the issue through to a logical conclusion.

Problem is, you dont know, you cant know with your limited information, so for you to try to answer that is just guesswork at best on your part.



But bottom line is, being automatically anti PC is just as bad as being automatically PC,


08-19-2010, 09:07 PM

Was using Caplocks & bold text needlessly a tactic you were formally educated in?

08-21-2010, 11:29 PM
Was using Caplocks & bold text needlessly a tactic you were formally educated in?

Well YOU CERTAINLY TOOK THAT OUT OF CONTEXTas it was only a small part of an entire paragraph

and the main part i wanted to highlight was the part about "tactics", if you bother to waste ten minutes of your life listening to dukes video, what he is basically saying is that black people have it in their genetics to be criminals and they are inferior, but he is dressing it up and making it appear intelligent, nice and flowery

08-22-2010, 06:42 AM
Well YOU CERTAINLY TOOK THAT OUT OF CONTEXTas it was only a small part of an entire paragraph

and the main part i wanted to highlight was the part about "tactics", if you bother to waste ten minutes of your life listening to dukes video, what he is basically saying is that black people have it in their genetics to be criminals and they are inferior, but he is dressing it up and making it appear intelligent, nice and flowery

Out of context? 3/4s of your post is in cap locks and most of that is in bold, was just sayin'

And I do believe I have listened to (David?) Duke speak, as he is linked with Nick Griffen, leader of the British National Party.

08-23-2010, 02:23 PM
Hey, it's my cute little marxist mexican muchacho...

Anarchist American Apache, actually, but whatever you say.

Where have you been off to Aggy?

Working hard, becoming a poolee in your beloved branch, of course.

Have you been rallying your little injun and mexican buddies for your La Raza Revolution?

What is "La Raza"?

I'm not real happy with Obama's America...You think maybe if I tan-up a little bit, I could join up with you guys?

No. Go back to wherever in Europe it is that your illegal squatting family came from.



Grammatically incorrect. So unfortunate, considering that spic is a white language too.




White man of Spanish Galician descent.


Indian/black/white mestizo/zambo/mulatto. At least you got one right.


White man of Irish and Basque descent. And misspelled name.

Learn how to work, son.

08-23-2010, 10:26 PM
Anarchist American Apache, actually, but whatever you say.

Working hard, becoming a poolee in your beloved branch, of course.

What is "La Raza"?

No. Go back to wherever in Europe it is that your illegal squatting family came from.


Grammatically incorrect. So unfortunate, considering that spic is a white

language too.


White man of Spanish Galician descent.

Indian/black/white mestizo/zambo/mulatto. At least you got one right.

White man of Irish and Basque descent. And misspelled name.

Learn how to work, son.You should be respectful and thankful for our mercy.

Your lands are the spoils that were claimed by the victors.

You are a conquered people and alive only by our good grace.

The threat we face is much greater than any you could ever pose.

Your only true enemy is the protagonist who gave you this false hope.

08-24-2010, 11:41 AM
You should be respectful and thankful for our mercy.

Your lands are the spoils that were claimed by the victors.

You are a conquered people and alive only by our good grace.

The threat we face is much greater than any you could ever pose.

Your only true enemy is the protagonist who gave you this false hope.

"Our" mercy and good grace? The use of the possessive pronoun is inaccurate, HogWash, because your utter nonexistence would not have an iota of relevance to the nature of Amerindian-European relations.

The Mesoamerican and Andean cultural regions have remained demographically unconquered, and their inhabitants have always outnumbered interlopers. It is my hope that you be deported to a rural village of Guatemala or Peru to espouse your anti-native sentiments and see what happens.

08-24-2010, 07:17 PM
"Our" mercy and good grace? The use of the possessive pronoun is inaccurate, HogWash, because your utter nonexistence would not have an iota of relevance to the nature of Amerindian-European relations.

The Mesoamerican and Andean cultural regions have remained demographically unconquered, and their inhabitants have always outnumbered interlopers. It is my hope that you be deported to a rural village of Guatemala or Peru to espouse your anti-native sentiments and see what happens.LOL!...I would probably fare better than you would at a gathering of some of my associates. :laugh:

08-25-2010, 06:56 AM
I realize that race is a very scary issue for white people to openly and honestly discuss.

I also realize everyone believes that I'm a racist who hates people because of the color of their skin.

If you have no doubts that you are right and I am wrong, you should have no fear of participating in this poll and discussion.

Here's how I see it and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong:

An acquaintance is a person you occassionally or even regularly associate with, who you like and enjoy their company, such as a coworker, fellow student or neighbor.

A friend is someone you have connected with in a special way, who you trust and feel totally at ease with and have no problem confiding in or sharing your dreams and secrets with.

More race-baiting Hawg? Your agenda is painfully clear. Keep this shit on Stormfront's website, where it, and you, belong.

08-25-2010, 07:23 AM
LOL!...I would probably fare better than you would at a gathering of some of my associates. :laugh:

How's that? It's simply a matter of popping the tires of your trailer for your little get-together to end.

08-25-2010, 06:44 PM
How's that? It's simply a matter of popping the tires of your trailer for your little get-together to end.As a matter of fact, I do own a trailer...A 30k toyhauler/camper that I use to haul a 21k motorcycle to bike rallies around the country.

Believe me when I say that your image of me as some poverty stricken hick is nothing more than wishful thinking....I've done quite well.

Considering that you wish to replace the capitalist system with communism makes me think that you're the one who hasn't been very successful?

The weaker less intelligent people who can't make it on their own are normally the ones who desire a nanny government to provide for them.

Hmmm?...Maybe it is you who lives in a trailer park?...Not that there's anything wrong with that. :dunno:

08-26-2010, 01:13 AM
As a matter of fact, I do own a trailer...A 30k toyhauler/camper that I use to haul a 21k motorcycle to bike rallies around the country.

Believe me when I say that your image of me as some poverty stricken hick is nothing more than wishful thinking....I've done quite well.

Considering that you wish to replace the capitalist system with communism makes me think that you're the one who hasn't been very successful?

The weaker less intelligent people who can't make it on their own are normally the ones who desire a nanny government to provide for them.

Hmmm?...Maybe it is you who lives in a trailer park?...Not that there's anything wrong with that. :dunno:

And my advocacy of "no government" is so in line with "nanny government" to your feeble mind. Pointing out that you look like an older, fatter, Hulk Hogan wannabe who just dashed out of the outhouse isn't a disparagement or denigration; it's an accurate reflection of reality.

08-26-2010, 07:44 AM
And my advocacy of "no government" is so in line with "nanny government" to your feeble mind."No government" communism???...I would love to know how that would work...Seriously.

You should start a thread explaining how people will be convinced to voluntarily hand over the fruits of their labor to those who did not earn it?

Capitalist call that charity while communism demands it...Common sense tells me that anything demanded must be enforced.

Exactly how do you propose redistribution of wealth be enforced without a centralized system of enforcement?...Vigilantism?...Mob rule?

No one is more anti-government than me, but even I realize that some form of limited government is necessary to prevent civilization from ripping itself apart.

Limited government was the original intent of the founding fathers, as is evident by the Constitution they drafted, but we have failed to follow it's guidelines and are now paying the price.

Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom...We failed...If we are unwilling or unable to undo the damages, we are doomed...Our children are doomed...The hopes and dreams of all mankind is doomed.

Pointing out that you look like an older, fatter, Hulk Hogan wannabe who just dashed out of the outhouse isn't a disparagement or denigration; it's an accurate reflection of reality.Old? I suppose so...Hey, wait a minute, are you critisizing 'old'?...I thought injuns revered the elderly for their wisdom?...Apparently age discrimination transcends ethnicity?

Fat? a bit of a potbelly, but not fat...Goes with 'old' I suppose...With age comes wisdom along with a few pounds...I was brickhouse back in the day though.

Hulk Hogan? I've never been a fan of the man or his field of entertainment, but I wish him well and continued success...He seems like a nice enough fella.

Dashed out of the outhouse?...Hmmm?...I think people would more likely be dashing in than dashing out....LOL!...Get it?

I'm really sorry I'm not up to your personal standards of appearance and dress code...I had no idea you were such a little fashion bug.

Personal attacks on appearance by inept ineffective debaters who can't hold their own, is most likely the reason many members don't post their pictures.

Thankfully, I'm not the overly-sensitive type.