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View Full Version : Biden: Failed stimulus all GOP’s fault

red states rule
07-19-2010, 05:23 AM
You it was coming. Republicans are to blame for the failed "stimulus" plan. It is desperation time for the administration

“There’s a lot of people at the time argued it was too small,” he said. “A lot of people in our administration…even some Republican economists and some Nobel laureates like Paul Krugman, who continues to argue it was too small.”
“But, you know,” Biden told Tapper, “there was a reality. In order to get what we got passed, we had to find Republican votes. And we found three. And we finally got it passed,” Biden said.
But if it wasn’t for the legislative reality, Biden explained, “I think it would have been bigger. I think it would have been bigger. In fact, what we offered was slightly bigger than that. But the truth of the matter is that the recovery package, everybody’s talking about it [like] it’s over. The truth is now, we’re spending more now this summer than we — I’m calling this…the summer of recovery,” the Vice President said.


07-19-2010, 05:30 AM
Biden is the GOP's secret weapon.

red states rule
07-19-2010, 05:31 AM
Biden is the GOP's secret weapon.

as well as Obama flipping off the voters by ramming his crap thru that a majority opposes

07-19-2010, 05:33 AM
I'll bet the Dems are wishing they'd both keep their mouth shut....unfortunately, it seems like a lot of people actually believe the BS they are putting out there.

red states rule
07-19-2010, 05:36 AM
I'll bet the Dems are wishing they'd both keep their mouth shut....unfortunately, it seems like a lot of people actually believe the BS they are putting out there.

Of course, Jake tapper did not mention how Obama and Biden have been running around telling us how the "stimulus" WORKED and saved the nation from going into a depression

07-19-2010, 06:37 PM
Just when I was ready to give Joe Bite-me a little credit for stating that the teabaggers aren't racist he goes and fucks it up.

07-19-2010, 06:51 PM
Just when I was ready to give Joe Bite-me a little credit for stating that the teabaggers aren't racist he goes and fucks it up.

It's what he does best.

07-20-2010, 12:41 AM
When has borrowing and spending money we don't have ever made our economy stronger in the long term?

red states rule
07-20-2010, 03:24 AM
When has borrowing and spending money we don't have ever made our economy stronger in the long term?

But Obama said the stimulus was fine

Indiana, Feb 9 (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Monday that the economic stimulus bill being considered by Congress is the right size and scope and warned that the country's troubles will worsen if it is not passed promptly.

"It is the right size, it is the right scope. Broadly speaking it has the right priorities to create jobs that will jump-start our economy and transform it for the 21st century," Obama said of the more than $800 billion bill at a rally in Elkhart, Indiana.
