View Full Version : why close a thread in the steel cage??

07-20-2010, 09:24 AM
Why close a thread in the steel cage... Isn't that what this is designed for??? to flame and get shit off your chest???

If you dont like someone or something DON'T come this area.

I don't like 80% of what OCA says but come on lets be for real it was in the STEEL CAGE!!!!!!!!!

Get a thicker skin or stay away!!!!!!!!

07-20-2010, 09:34 AM
even threads in the cage aren't going to be venues for people bitching about having earlier-been moderated. OCA got his hand slapped with a very very light ruler. He then posted in the cage in an effort to bitch about it; vs. just taking it like a man. Lots of back-story going on, bro.

07-20-2010, 10:05 AM
even threads in the cage aren't going to be venues for people bitching about having earlier-been moderated. OCA got his hand slapped with a very very light ruler. He then posted in the cage in an effort to bitch about it; vs. just taking it like a man. Lots of back-story going on, bro.

I am sure!!! I have seen some of his behavior and I will say he generaly DOESN'T take it like a man... I was just surprised with closing the threads in here.

If all he is doing is bring pm stuff out on the board than by all means do what you have to!!!!!!!!!!!!!:beer:

07-20-2010, 04:14 PM
It appears that OCA got a 24hr ban for what he did through a PM by questioning/condemning staff. He knows VERY well by now that if he has an issue with a decision he should come to me, but he chose to go to a mod who he was angry with.

As for the cage and threads getting locked...

I will take blame for the confusion. My original intent for this area was to be a place to move threads that got way off topic and/or turned into flame wars. BUT, if you read the rules here - http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?t=3487

... It does allow for a "no holds barred" atmosphere and has it's own set of rules. If staff doesn't read this, I will ask them to follow our written rules to a T. But it was my bad decisions and lack of attention that has lead to confusion on what is and not allowed in this section.

07-20-2010, 07:47 PM
I'd like to go on record to respectfully state that, IMHO locking threads should be a last-ditch effort to divert a rare, ugly dialogue from continuing.

Just my .02

Yinz guys do a nice job running the forum also, and I do mean that. I wouldn't spend time here if you didn't.

07-21-2010, 06:14 AM
on the other hand, can you ever really go wrong locking a thread OCA posts in?....

07-21-2010, 04:33 PM
on the other hand, can you ever really go wrong locking a thread OCA posts in?....

So you are for censorship? How very Republican of you.

07-21-2010, 04:38 PM
It appears that OCA got a 24hr ban for what he did through a PM by questioning/condemning staff. He knows VERY well by now that if he has an issue with a decision he should come to me, but he chose to go to a mod who he was angry with.

As for the cage and threads getting locked...

I will take blame for the confusion. My original intent for this area was to be a place to move threads that got way off topic and/or turned into flame wars. BUT, if you read the rules here - http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?t=3487

... It does allow for a "no holds barred" atmosphere and has it's own set of rules. If staff doesn't read this, I will ask them to follow our written rules to a T. But it was my bad decisions and lack of attention that has lead to confusion on what is and not allowed in this section.

You know what he did was wrong Jimmy, when I was on staff and did that it was deemed wrong, not sure why the double standard but I do have my suspicions which i'm willing to bet on.

BTW I did come to you, well after the banning which I thought that even Red, with his rice paper thin skin, would never do(cuz there was zero cause), but I got zero response.

Maybe a litmus test should be in place........................ahh lets talk about Barney Frank errr Red in pm.

07-21-2010, 04:57 PM
You know what he did was wrong Jimmy, when I was on staff and did that it was deemed wrong, not sure why the double standard but I do have my suspicions which i'm willing to bet on.

BTW I did come to you, well after the banning which I thought that even Red, with his rice paper thin skin, would never do(cuz there was zero cause), but I got zero response.

Maybe a litmus test should be in place........................ahh lets talk about Barney Frank errr Red in pm.

Your attacking him via PM due to a board decision was inappropriate and the 24hr ban warranted. The rest you can take up via PM if you wish.