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View Full Version : Should Breitbart apologize to Sherrod?

07-22-2010, 11:35 AM
I have mixed feelings about this. I think Sherrod was an unintended victim of Breitbarts' video, although at first she took the brunt of the criticism. Breitbart has said on Hannity that the NAACP was the reason he released the tape because of their accusations of racism by the tea party.
Now it seems Sherrod stands to get a better job, an apology from the president and possibly a law suit.
So should Breitbart apologize to her? If so, should Fox and other news media apologize too? After all, she is going to be coming out of this smelling like a rose.

07-22-2010, 11:37 AM
Yes...he should.

07-22-2010, 11:43 AM
Yes...Right after Mrs Sherrod apologizes to America for voting for Barack Obama.

Mr. P
07-22-2010, 11:44 AM
No he shouldn't. It will be rejected..I heard her say that she wants to "get" him (Breitbart), eluding to a law suit.

07-22-2010, 11:51 AM
Not a big deal anyway, who gives a shit, America is spiraling the toilet.

07-22-2010, 12:00 PM
No he shouldn't. It will be rejected..I heard her say that she wants to "get" him (Breitbart), eluding to a law suit.Excellent point; in fact it changed my mind. But Breitbart needs to avoid this shit in the future if he wants to gain legitimacy, otherwise he'll go down as a political gamer; a hack.

Maybe he should issue a public apology of the Democrat persuasion, as 'I'm sorry that you were offended'.

07-22-2010, 12:09 PM
uh - for her saying she "USED TO BE A RACIST?" she told that story because she was pandering to her audience...and got caught.

She's worthless.

07-22-2010, 12:47 PM
I have mixed feelings about this. I think Sherrod was an unintended victim of Breitbarts' video, although at first she took the brunt of the criticism. Breitbart has said on Hannity that the NAACP was the reason he released the tape because of their accusations of racism by the tea party.
Now it seems Sherrod stands to get a better job, an apology from the president and possibly a law suit.
So should Breitbart apologize to her? If so, should Fox and other news media apologize too? After all, she is going to be coming out of this smelling like a rose.

If he cut and pasted in order to make her look bad, than he is in the wrong.

As for the media, white house and her bosses. They should have looked into it, watch the ENTIRE tape and made an INFORMED decision. Sadly, for everyone, the media doesn't care about the truth anymore, and instead spread half truths and have knee jerk reactions to these types of things.

07-22-2010, 06:13 PM
This is the best part of karma - it's a fucking bitch and those who live by the sword often wind up falling on that sword.

Here's what I'm babbling about - and Hog Trash might appreciate it. BO and all his twat stain, PC, liberal buddies fell into their own trap and they're in major damage control mode.

They can't fire Sherrod - she's the trifecta of the protected classes. Minority, over 40 and a woman.

The Whitehouse just realized that AFTER they shitcanned her for basically no reason - they were leaving themselves for a slam-dunk wrongful termination lawsuit that would have been the embarrassment of the decade.

Think about it. Sherrod might get a fucking cabinet position when all's said and done.

07-22-2010, 06:19 PM
This is the best part of karma - it's a fucking bitch and those who live by the sword often wind up falling on that sword.

Here's what I'm babbling about - and Hog Trash might appreciate it. BO and all his twat stain, PC, liberal buddies fell into their own trap and they're in major damage control mode.

They can't fire Sherrod - she's the trifecta of the protected classes. Minority, over 40 and a woman.

The Whitehouse just realized that AFTER they shitcanned her for basically no reason - they were leaving themselves for a slam-dunk wrongful termination lawsuit that would have been the embarrassment of the decade.

Think about it. Sherrod might get a fucking cabinet position when all's said and done.

Oh I think there is a conspiracy here, just think you failed to nail it here. Stems from the resolution of NAACP coming on heels of DOJ New Black Panther's brouhaha. Any hint of racism that could be put out that was black against white, target. The very fact that the video was edited should have been a red flag.

07-22-2010, 06:21 PM
Oh I think there is a conspiracy here, just think you failed to nail it here. Stems from the resolution of NAACP coming on heels of DOJ New Black Panther's brouhaha. Any hint of racism that could be put out that was black against white, target. The very fact that the video was edited should have been a red flag.

Can you elaborate a bit, I missed something in there.

07-22-2010, 06:26 PM
Can you elaborate a bit, I missed something in there.

I don't like the race baiting going on from the left and reaction of the right.

My point was that the NAACP's resolution and the reaction to that regarding the tea party was not pretty.

That this edited video fell into the lap of Breitbart and the timing, well...That the administration reacted so fast and resignation came before airing? Then the news cycle and the dancing on the right and gnashing on the left. Then the whole video. Then the apologies and on and on.

Nothing to see, just the friggin righties being racists...

Truth is, NAACP had lots of time to consider their resolution. In spite of the fact that tea party has been quick to condemn racists, the resolution of racist label went through.

Something is up and if fair minded people wish to hide their heads in clouds or sand?

07-22-2010, 06:41 PM
I don't like the race baiting going on from the left and reaction of the right.

My point was that the NAACP's resolution and the reaction to that regarding the tea party was not pretty.

That this edited video fell into the lap of Breitbart and the timing, well...That the administration reacted so fast and resignation came before airing? Then the news cycle and the dancing on the right and gnashing on the left. Then the whole video. Then the apologies and on and on.

Nothing to see, just the friggin righties being racists...

Truth is, NAACP had lots of time to consider their resolution. In spite of the fact that tea party has been quick to condemn racists, the resolution of racist label went through.

Something is up and if fair minded people wish to hide their heads in clouds or sand?

Ok, I follow you but I'm just not sure it's that complicated.

You still make a good point though.

07-22-2010, 07:04 PM
Excellent point; in fact it changed my mind. But Breitbart needs to avoid this shit in the future if he wants to gain legitimacy, otherwise he'll go down as a political gamer; a hack.

Maybe he should issue a public apology of the Democrat persuasion, as 'I'm sorry that you were offended'.

Actually, she's entitled to be pissed off at him and sue him for her lost wages. Had he not aired that video, she would not have been fired, and he knew what he was doing. The speech was half an hour long, and he picks exactly seven seconds to use as proof of racism, that's just not random. He knew what he was doing, and knew that she would at the very least get in trouble.

Yes, I understand there is a right to free speech, but the right to speak freely does not translate to being right in all you say. Every time you open your mouth, you are responsible for the words that come out, and interestingly, a sincere apology for wrongdoing has been proven to head off 90% of law suits. The problem is that many people refuse to apologize because they believe it means admitting fault, and that admitting such would open them up to law suit.

07-22-2010, 10:47 PM
I think he should tell us who his source was so we can determine who did start this. If it was him, he should apologize.

07-23-2010, 10:04 AM
I think he should tell us who his source was so we can determine who did start this. If it was him, he should apologize.

Whether he was personally behind the camera or not, it is up to him to make certain of the accuracy of it before throwing it up on the net for all to see. He's taking credit, he takes the consequences along with them

07-23-2010, 10:08 AM
Whether he was personally behind the camera or not, it is up to him to make certain of the accuracy of it before throwing it up on the net for all to see. He's taking credit, he takes the consequences along with them

No, I don't think he should apologize, he did nothing personally to her. He was not Dan Rather, supposedly giving unbiased news. He should apologize for shoddy work, after all he gave the left plenty of room to bash.

So what he really did do was smear NAACP without ironclad proof. Well now, the NAACP can see how the tea party folks feel, hit by all types of media, supposedly 'unbiased media.'

07-25-2010, 03:19 PM
Actually, she's entitled to be pissed off at him and sue him for her lost wages. Had he not aired that video, she would not have been fired, and he knew what he was doing. The speech was half an hour long, and he picks exactly seven seconds to use as proof of racism, that's just not random. He knew what he was doing, and knew that she would at the very least get in trouble.

Had her bosses, the White House or the MSM bothered to watch the entire video before condemning her. SHE WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN FIRED.

He edited the tape, very wrong. Airing the video did not get her fired, knee jerk reactions are what got her fired.

07-25-2010, 05:31 PM
Had her bosses, the White House or the MSM bothered to watch the entire video before condemning her. SHE WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN FIRED.

He edited the tape, very wrong. Airing the video did not get her fired, knee jerk reactions are what got her fired.

Knee jerk reaction to the video he posted for the express purpose of proving her to be a racist, which he pulled off. Yes, they feds also owe her an apology, but Breitbart still bear responsibility for the part he played in it.

07-26-2010, 05:45 AM

07-26-2010, 06:21 AM
Knee jerk reaction to the video he posted for the express purpose of proving her to be a racist, which he pulled off. Yes, they feds also owe her an apology, but Breitbart still bear responsibility for the part he played in it.

He should give it, as soon as NYTimes, CBS, NBC, etc., apologize to the Tea Party for running false accusations by Congressmen claiming to be called names and spat upon by Tea Party folk during Health Care Weekend. As soon as the apologies come for covering the smears by NAACP, while not covering the Tea Party discussions, just smearing.

Breitbart doesn't pretend to be unbiased, that's more honesty than most are used to seeing.

07-26-2010, 06:55 AM
Knee jerk reaction to the video he posted for the express purpose of proving her to be a racist, which he pulled off. Yes, they feds also owe her an apology, but Breitbart still bear responsibility for the part he played in it.

I'm not so sure. I saw Breitbart in an interview. He explained that the video wasn't so much about what Sherrod was saying, it was the reaction of the NAACP audience to what she was saying. There wasn't any condemnation coming from them as she recounted her "sticking it to whitey" story, in fact you can hear approval and joy.

07-26-2010, 08:30 AM
He does have some responsibility, He didn't fire her but similar to someone yelling fire in a theater, he may not have trampled the lady but he started the stampede. So an apology would be a appropriate and gracious gesture.
I'd be nice if people who accused all tea party members of being racist would apologize from time to time too but I don't know of anyone whose loss there jobs over being tea party members. But it still would be a gracious gesture.

This whole situation is interesting in a lot of ways it doesn't quite fit any molds.

But If this was a white guy and the farmer was black and the speech had been made at tea party meeting. a few people on this board would have dug up the whole speech and pointed out the change of heart and ACTIONS etc in the guy and how he did his job and etc etc.. Cried foul in the loudest terms. which is exactly right. And Obama would have been roasted as PC and Racist for not taking into account the whole speech and HT might have used used it as an example of the loooming negro threat.
But Obama's people fired her out of hand before a real investigating, even while black, what's the motivation here, some inverse PC. Seems they where trying to maintain an air of fairness in a wrong headed, knee jerk way. (combined with the fear of gov't/political bad publicity) They didn't want a racist black working at the USDA. I say ,air of fairness, because we all know there are racist blacks and whites allowed to run free sprinkled throughout the gov't without harassment. But the Appearance of the law must be maintained, especially when it's being broken.

there's been a suggestion that it was a left wing plant to make the right look bad. that's not completely out of the question (as long as you allow for the right doing similar dirty tricks) but without any proof it's just wishful thinking.

I think it's a good lesson for all of us. Watching or reading a clip or 2 , about anyone doesn't give you the whole story about their feeling on race or how it applies to their politics or job or relationships. the left has smeared the tea party and most republicans as racist. But are ready to see the nuance and change of heart and ACTION in this lady. I'd like to hope they'd take to time to see the same on the right ( I won't hold my breath). but at the same the right likes to find a clip or quote and smear the minorities with the label a of racist many times a the slightest bare but emotive mention of anything negative about whites.
the i look at it it seems racism in America is a nuanced and complex creature.
We've come a looooong way in this country in general transforming it from the huge monster it used to be. It seems we should wrestle with it a little more dexterity or sense now a days.

07-26-2010, 11:08 AM
the last paragragh was suppose to say..
"the MORE i look at it, it seems racism in America is a nuanced and complex creature. We've come a looooong way in this country in general, transforming RACISM from the huge monster it used to be. It seems we should wrestle with it with a little more dexterity or sense, now a days."

writing is hard in the morning , and it's always morning somewhere.

07-29-2010, 07:47 AM
Actually, she's entitled to be pissed off at him and sue him for her lost wages. Had he not aired that video, she would not have been fired, and he knew what he was doing. The speech was half an hour long, and he picks exactly seven seconds to use as proof of racism, that's just not random. He knew what he was doing, and knew that she would at the very least get in trouble....Not true. The MSM may have picked 7 seconds from Breitbart's video, but Breitbart's showed her redemption.

07-29-2010, 09:03 AM
This is the best part of karma - it's a fucking bitch and those who live by the sword often wind up falling on that sword.

Here's what I'm babbling about - and Hog Trash might appreciate it. BO and all his twat stain, PC, liberal buddies fell into their own trap and they're in major damage control mode.

They can't fire Sherrod - she's the trifecta of the protected classes. Minority, over 40 and a woman.

The Whitehouse just realized that AFTER they shitcanned her for basically no reason - they were leaving themselves for a slam-dunk wrongful termination lawsuit that would have been the embarrassment of the decade.

Spot on.

Think about it. Sherrod might get a fucking cabinet position when all's said and done.

Only if she had a history of evading her tax responsibilities.