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View Full Version : Rangel charged w/ ethics violations

07-22-2010, 04:12 PM
Within 72hrs the race card will be played.


07-22-2010, 04:20 PM
48 max.

07-22-2010, 05:16 PM
You guys may well be right, but so far the only pro-elite ass covering by AP regards how this will play into the fall, hurting the Democrats. They go onto list the areas under investigation:


...The investigation of Rangel has focused on:
_His use of official stationery to raise money for the Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Service at City College of New York.

_Whether he had the Ways and Means Committee consider legislation that would benefit donors to the Rangel Center at the same time the congressman solicited donations or pledges.

_Preservation of a tax shelter for an oil drilling company, Nabors Industries, which has a chief executive who donated money to the center while Rangel's committee considered the loophole legislation.

_Use of four rent-controlled apartment units in New York City, when the city's rent stabilization program is supposed to apply to one's primary residence. This raises the question of how all the units could be primary residences. One was a campaign office, raising a separate question of whether the rent break was an improper gift.

_Whether Rangel, as required, publicly reported information on the financing and rental of his ownership interest in a unit within the Punta Cana Yacht Club in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. Rangel also had to pay back taxes on the rental income.

_Whether he intentionally failed to report — when required — hundreds of thousands of dollars or more in assets. The amended disclosure reports added a credit union IRA, mutual fund accounts and stock...

Now how about Chris Dodd?

07-22-2010, 05:20 PM
You guys may well be right, but so far the only pro-elite ass covering by AP regards how this will play into the fall, hurting the Democrats. They go onto list the areas under investigation:


Now how about Chris Dodd?

Can we get two for the price of one?

07-22-2010, 06:55 PM
Rangel's probably fucked, and rightfully so I guess, but I always had a small amount of respect for the guy when he made a stand some years back. Remember when Hugo Chavez was trying to bribe NY citizens with free gas or some shit like that, all the while trashing GW? Rangel stood up and basically said, "I may have issues with GW but he's still MY president and I stand behind him and against the likes of Chavez".

His other issues aside, we need more unity like this not only in our Congress but also with their constituents.

07-22-2010, 07:09 PM
Rangel's probably fucked, and rightfully so I guess, but I always had a small amount of respect for the guy when he made a stand some years back. Remember when Hugo Chavez was trying to bribe NY citizens with free gas or some shit like that, all the while trashing GW? Rangel stood up and basically said, "I may have issues with GW but he's still MY president and I stand behind him and against the likes of Chavez".

His other issues aside, we need more unity like this not only in our Congress but also with their constituents.

You're right about that, that was a good moment for Charlie.

07-22-2010, 07:41 PM
yet another reason for term limits

07-22-2010, 08:25 PM
People like Charlie Rangel and Barney Frank are two good arguments that the system is broken beyond all reasonable hope of repair.

Voting these people out will not fix the problem because there are more Democrat swine to replace them.

What we need is a long hard think as to how to seriously make government spending accountable.

First thing to do is arrest these sons of bitches, shut them up in a prison and throw away the key. Frankly, I don't care if they become victims of gang violence because, in my opinion, that would be too good for them (that includes the Ape In Chief, too... )

Voting them out won't give me any satisfaction.. I want to see these sons of bitches put in jail

07-22-2010, 08:33 PM
People like Charlie Rangel and Barney Frank are two good arguments that the system is broken beyond all reasonable hope of repair.

Voting these people out will not fix the problem because there are more Democrat swine to replace them.

What we need is a long hard think as to how to seriously make government spending accountable.

First thing to do is arrest these sons of bitches, shut them up in a prison and throw away the key. Frankly, I don't care if they become victims of gang violence because, in my opinion, that would be too good for them (that includes the Ape In Chief, too... )

Voting them out won't give me any satisfaction.. I want to see these sons of bitches put in jail

That would be an answer if they were an anomaly for the norm of either major party, they are not. Certainly they deserve trial and conviction, but the real problems are systemic.

07-22-2010, 08:48 PM
That would be an answer if they were an anomaly for the norm of either major party, they are not. Certainly they deserve trial and conviction, but the real problems are systemic.

Systemic as in "we have to take the culture back" and undo the damage that a century of Progressivism has done to us. Voting is not enough.. the problem is not just political, it is social

07-22-2010, 08:56 PM
if you believe in term limits, as i do, go here:

simple instructions for delivery. for me this has always been an issue. and Rangel re enforces my beliefs these old bastards HAVE GOT TO GO !!!!

if you think they should stay ignore it. im sending it in to ALL my elected elected SOB's and ive already fwd on to all i know. most of em can't even read anymore and they're making important decisions that have put us into a depression.
its not the only way just one.

07-22-2010, 10:49 PM
As long as it means he is far far far away from my tax money, I'm good. Do with him as you wish. (Within the law of course)

07-23-2010, 05:20 AM
Systemic as in "we have to take the culture back" and undo the damage that a century of Progressivism has done to us. Voting is not enough.. the problem is not just political, it is social

Too true. The hurdles in place to turn this country from the dependency on big government seem almost insurmountable. I suppose the there were those who thought the American Revolution was a lost cause as well yet the people perservered.

07-23-2010, 07:09 AM
I'm with Karl, these people need to be in prison. And the ones that help them and hinder the investigations need to join them. Doesn't leave a lot. Most of the judges, most of congress and senate and the entire administration would be locked up.

07-23-2010, 09:35 AM
You guys may well be right, but so far the only pro-elite ass covering by AP regards how this will play into the fall, hurting the Democrats. They go onto list the areas under investigation:


Now how about Chris Dodd?

Being a career congressman can be quite lucrative. Time for term limits.enforced by voters.

07-23-2010, 09:39 AM
Being a career congressman can be quite lucrative. Time for term limits.enforced by voters.

It would take more than term limits.

07-23-2010, 10:05 AM
It would take more than term limits.

we could have tied Reid to a wheelchair and set his ass ablaze !!! same with Murtha, Kennedy and all the other dottering old fools

07-23-2010, 10:09 AM
we could have tied Reid to a wheelchair and set his ass ablaze !!! same with Murtha, Kennedy and all the other dottering old fools

and Obama served in the Senate for days. Same with Scott Brown. Term limits is not the answer, though probably wouldn't hurt.