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07-23-2010, 08:40 AM
I was already familiar with and impressed by Sarah Palin's accomplishments in Alaska, months before McCain picked her. I had been reading articles about her in my doctors office. She was and remains to be one of the greatest threats to Dim-o-crats out there.

Media Bias: Ever wonder why 2008 VP candidate Sarah Palin was so ridiculed before much was known about her? Turns out liberal journalists engaged in a coordinated smear campaign to aid the Democratic ticket.

When we talked with Alaska's then-governor in the summer of 2008 about plans to develop her state's energy resources, she came across like most other Alaskans we've met — frank, down-to-earth, colloquial, but more than technocratically knowledgeable about the energy field.

The issue then for Gov. Palin was how to balance the development of Alaska's bountiful resources with its near-pristine environment. She also wrestled with how to create a healthy business climate in a state with a history of political corruption involving oil companies.

We detected a sense of duty as Palin spoke of bringing natural gas to the Lower 48, and we were impressed with the way she spoke authoritatively about Alaska's polar bear population and compassionately about the well-being of native Alaskans. We also interviewed longtime nonpolitical Alaskan bureaucrats who raved about working with the governor and praised her executive ability.

Sound like the Sarah Palin you read about when she was chosen as John McCain's running mate that fall? Hardly.

Suddenly Palin became a backwoods Christian fundamentalist hillbilly with five kids who couldn't possibly be who she said she was. Her intelligence was attacked, her accomplishments belittled, her verbal slips ridiculed, her family's privacy invaded and her clean record smeared with accusations of corruption, all of which proved false.

Now it's clear what was really going on. On Thursday, the Daily Caller published exchanges from a private forum called JournoList that showed how 400 top mainstream reporters and their activist buddies conspired in an attack against Palin the minute she entered the presidential race.


07-23-2010, 09:29 AM
If you want to get an idea of the lefts vitriol against Palin, visit the Huff Post or Daily Kos and read some of the comments posted there. Its evident just by reading the postings that the left are just following marching orders. They know nothing about her achievements. They just regurgitate what the MSM says and then add their own vile comments about her and even her family. They don't know her, she has no power over them, and has done nothing to them, yet they hate her. I believe they also fear her.

07-23-2010, 09:54 AM
If you want to get an idea of the lefts vitriol against Palin, visit the Huff Post or Daily Kos and read some of the comments posted there. Its evident just by reading the postings that the left are just following marching orders. They know nothing about her achievements. They just regurgitate what the MSM says and then add their own vile comments about her and even her family. They don't know her, she has no power over them, and has done nothing to them, yet they hate her. I believe they also fear her.

She is the epitome of everything they hate and fear. That alone would've been enough for me to give her a 2nd glance.

Didn't she have something like a 1000% batting average during the last election cycle a couple months ago? If I remember correctly, every candidate she personally backed, won.

07-23-2010, 10:05 AM
Now direct tie to White House and journolistas. Links at site:


Friday, July 23, 2010
Obama Journolist Operative Invited Other Journolistas to White House
On February 18, 2010, I wrote a post titled Progressive Bloggers In The Wizard of Oz, about a trip by several "progressive" bloggers to meet at The White House with Jared Bernstein, Chief Economist to Vice President Joe Biden.

The post carried a photo of serious-looking faces reflecting what I believed -- tongue in cheek -- was "the moment they realized that they were not going to get to meet with the 'chief economist to President Barack Obama.'"

Boy, was I wrong. It was more like a reunion. Of Journolistas.

The "Chief Economist to Vice President Joe Biden" was none other than Journalista Jared Bernstein, who -- thanks to a post at Volokh Conspiracy (via Instapundit)-- I just learned was an adviser to the Obama campaign in 2008 when he was active on the Journolist:

One question that has arisen in the last week is how closely JournoList members, not only discussed how to shape the news to advance the fortunes of Barack Obama, but coordinated with the Obama campaign. Jared Bernstein’s position as an unpaid adviser and surrogate shows that there was at least one direct link between JournoList and the Obama campaign.

In attendance for the meeting at the White House were fellow Journolistas Matthew Yglesias (Think Progress), Tim Fernholz (American Prospect) and Chris Hayes (The Nation). One of the other bloggers in attendance was Oliver Willis, whose name has not surfaced on the Journolist, but who works for Media Matters, so he is practically an Honorary Journolista.

So... An Obama campaign operative interacted on the Journolist with sympathetic media types in the run-up to the election, and then rewarded favored Journolistas with a visit to the White House.

Nothing to see here, move along.

07-23-2010, 10:16 AM
Most of us political junkies have long been aware of the bias concerning modern journalism and now it appears main stream America is noticing.

These journalist were indoctrinated by the radical marxist machine that dominates American universties and their young rebellious minds responded.

They are not driven by greed but they are definately rewarded by advancement in their news organizations and even by being hired in the first place.

People like John Stossel made it because he basicly embraced and praised the libertarian philosophy while equally and honestly critisizing both major parties.

Not being considered a threat to the progressive movement he was allowed to stay and his popularity did boost their networks ratings which resulted in a profit.

Lou Dobbs, who claimed 'Independent' status, had some of the highest ratings on CNN, but reporting unpopular facts about the left's 'sacred cows' sealed his doom.

The fact that these news organization's ratings and sales are suffering tells me that they consider promoting their political ideology to be more important than profit.

07-23-2010, 10:17 AM
Thanks Crin and Kath. I was reading about this list two days ago but couldn't find any more on it at the time. This just puts the icing on the cake. These people are full blow propagandists. They selected mccain to run for the republicans and selected the dark lord for the socialists. If you want any real truth you have to go to the bloggers. We not only need to clean out those in washington, but we need to clean out the media. Some serious cleaning needs to be done there.

07-23-2010, 10:19 AM
Thanks Crin and Kath. I was reading about this list two days ago but couldn't find any more on it at the time. This just puts the icing on the cake. These people are full blow propagandists. They selected mccain to run for the republicans and selected the dark lord for the socialists. If you want any real truth you have to go to the bloggers. We not only need to clean out those in washington, but we need to clean out the media. Some serious cleaning needs to be done there.

Yes, that is what really excited me originally about the Tea Party, I fear GOP co-opting though, which seems to be happening where the tea parties are big. It's also what I liked about that 'best article' I put in political section last weekend, good reading.

07-23-2010, 10:24 AM
Yes, that is what really excited me originally about the Tea Party, I fear GOP co-opting though, which seems to be happening where the tea parties are big. It's also what I liked about that 'best article' I put in political section last weekend, good reading.

Yeah the big worry now is the co-opting of the tea party by the GOP. And that was a great article you found.

It bothers me that the media, instead of being the watch dog over the politicians, has now become the guard dog.

07-23-2010, 11:28 AM
Yeah the big worry now is the co-opting of the tea party by the GOP. And that was a great article you found.

It bothers me that the media, instead of being the watch dog over the politicians, has now become the guard dog.

In fairness, the media has always played to politics, the problem in modern era was supposedly the news sections were unbiased. Well that's no longer the case. Most of the journolistas were reporters, not editorial writers and that is a problem.

The only newspaper that comes close to real news reporting is WSJ. Their editorials though are conservative. Everyone knows that.