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04-30-2007, 07:22 PM
Does anyone else ever find themselves thinking like they were 13 again and wonder where all the time went? Seems just like yesterday that I was full of anxiety wondering what I would make of my life, now here I am 25 years later, still with the anxiety, and wishing I didn't know!

I sometimes still feel like a kid wondering what I want to do when I grow up. Hell, I still watch sports and think I can be out there, but deep inside I know these guys would kill me. That's another thing, these great athletes are mostly kids! Just watched the NFL draft, 21-22 year olds that are already millionaires to play a game I would give my left arm to play.

38 years old and still confused like a teenager. I've done good, I know that, but I still see myself as a failure as I know I could have done so much better. So many things happened, so many changes, so many people...

What is the key to happiness? Is it riches? Being famous or successful? Just being who you are? Unfortunately, I'm my worst critic of all, and I just don't see anything worthy of raving about.

BTW - the mood is probably because I'm sitting here listening to music from growing up, all ballads. Also quit my meds 4-5 days now and that might play tricks with what little brains I have left! :laugh2:

Seriously though, I still feel like a teenager, I just know it's not the case and I'm probably not far at all from that specially designed box!

04-30-2007, 07:28 PM
Does anyone else ever find themselves thinking like they were 13 again and wonder where all the time went? Seems just like yesterday that I was full of anxiety wondering what I would make of my life, now here I am 25 years later, still with the anxiety, and wishing I didn't know!

I sometimes still feel like a kid wondering what I want to do when I grow up. Hell, I still watch sports and think I can be out there, but deep inside I know these guys would kill me. That's another thing, these great athletes are mostly kids! Just watched the NFL draft, 21-22 year olds that are already millionaires to play a game I would give my left arm to play.

38 years old and still confused like a teenager. I've done good, I know that, but I still see myself as a failure as I know I could have done so much better. So many things happened, so many changes, so many people...

What is the key to happiness? Is it riches? Being famous or successful? Just being who you are? Unfortunately, I'm my worst critic of all, and I just don't see anything worthy of raving about.

BTW - the mood is probably because I'm sitting here listening to music from growing up, all ballads. Also quit my meds 4-5 days now and that might play tricks with what little brains I have left! :laugh2:

Seriously though, I still feel like a teenager, I just know it's not the case and I'm probably not far at all from that specially designed box!

Actually I do understand. I remember being afraid of moving on past high school, even earlier, being afraid of high school, when in jr. high. Might be why I'm an awesome middle school teacher? :laugh2: I relate.

I remember conversations with my best friend, saying 'life is stupid now", meaning planning the wedding; first child; second child; first in ps; second in ps; third child; third in ps; third getting booted from ps; kindergarten for first; second in kindergarten; school questioning if second in k should be in gifted or bd; moving kids to private; finding 2nd ADHD with IQ of +160; nuff said.

Life is stupid and doesn't get less stupid.

04-30-2007, 07:33 PM
Everybody could have done better, don't beat yourself up on that.

The pathetic thing is that as we have less time left to live the passing of time seems to speed up. Besides that we get encrusted with "adult" things like having to pay taxes, credit cards, bills blah blah blah. I remember when I was in my twenties I didn't even have a credit card! Now I waste hours every week paying those bills online and that's the time SAVING method.

OK too philosophical now. Let's get back to reality like "all gays are Satans" and 'Bush is a retard."

04-30-2007, 07:34 PM
Life is stupid and doesn't get less stupid.

I hear that!

Problem is, I watch others and think they have it better. Maybe I should stop watching others and worry about myself. I also give way too much weight to what others think about me, and really take it to heart. I have a tendency to be extremely sarcastic and angry at times, but it's usually a way of lashing out at the unknown, for lack of a better way to handle things.

Chuck aka "Jackass" on this board is my idol. He's no millionaire, doesn't work for Microsoft, doesn't have a mansion... yet he's always appeared to be the happiest person in the world. I've always been jealous of that.

04-30-2007, 07:35 PM
Everybody could have done better, don't beat yourself up on that.

The pathetic thing is that as we have less time left to live the passing of time seems to speed up. Besides that we get encrusted with "adult" things like having to pay taxes, credit cards, bills blah blah blah. I remember when I was in my twenties I didn't even have a credit card! Now I waste hours every week paying those bills online and that's the time SAVING method.

OK too philosophical now. Let's get back to reality like "all gays are Satans" and 'Bush is a retard."

I remember wanting a credit card so badly, then wanted a higher limit, then wanted the bills to disappear, then my credit was shot, now I want a credit card again! LOL What a vicious cycle

04-30-2007, 07:45 PM
I hear that!

Problem is, I watch others and think they have it better. Maybe I should stop watching others and worry about myself. I also give way too much weight to what others think about me, and really take it to heart. I have a tendency to be extremely sarcastic and angry at times, but it's usually a way of lashing out at the unknown, for lack of a better way to handle things.

Chuck aka "Jackass" on this board is my idol. He's no millionaire, doesn't work for Microsoft, doesn't have a mansion... yet he's always appeared to be the happiest person in the world. I've always been jealous of that.

Maybe you need a change of scenery. Happiness is not easy to manufacture. My wife is always happy no matter what's going on. It freaks me out.

04-30-2007, 07:48 PM
I hear that!

Problem is, I watch others and think they have it better. Maybe I should stop watching others and worry about myself. I also give way too much weight to what others think about me, and really take it to heart. I have a tendency to be extremely sarcastic and angry at times, but it's usually a way of lashing out at the unknown, for lack of a better way to handle things.

Chuck aka "Jackass" on this board is my idol. He's no millionaire, doesn't work for Microsoft, doesn't have a mansion... yet he's always appeared to be the happiest person in the world. I've always been jealous of that.

I've learned some things are out of our control. Like our kids and spouse. Our credit rating is ours, be careful sharing. With that said, life is still stupid. :laugh2:

04-30-2007, 10:26 PM
Jimmy -

Having a great job is nice, but not all there is in life! You are a son most mothers' would love to have. You have more heart and caring in your left thumb than the others have in their entire bodies!!

04-30-2007, 11:04 PM
Does anyone else ever find themselves thinking like they were 13 again and wonder where all the time went? Seems just like yesterday that I was full of anxiety wondering what I would make of my life, now here I am 25 years later, still with the anxiety, and wishing I didn't know!

I sometimes still feel like a kid wondering what I want to do when I grow up. Hell, I still watch sports and think I can be out there, but deep inside I know these guys would kill me. That's another thing, these great athletes are mostly kids! Just watched the NFL draft, 21-22 year olds that are already millionaires to play a game I would give my left arm to play.

38 years old and still confused like a teenager. I've done good, I know that, but I still see myself as a failure as I know I could have done so much better. So many things happened, so many changes, so many people...

What is the key to happiness? Is it riches? Being famous or successful? Just being who you are? Unfortunately, I'm my worst critic of all, and I just don't see anything worthy of raving about.

BTW - the mood is probably because I'm sitting here listening to music from growing up, all ballads. Also quit my meds 4-5 days now and that might play tricks with what little brains I have left! :laugh2:

Seriously though, I still feel like a teenager, I just know it's not the case and I'm probably not far at all from that specially designed box!

I feel like im 13 every time i see a beautiful woman. thats half the problem with my dating life. i get around a beautiful woman and i completely feel like an idiot again

04-30-2007, 11:05 PM
Jimmy -

Having a great job is nice, but not all there is in life! You are a son most mothers' would love to have. You have more heart and caring in your left thumb than the others have in their entire bodies!!


see above....that is the meaning of life.....and happiness.....take a good look at your son....

Abbey Marie
04-30-2007, 11:22 PM
In my experience, the happiest people in the world are the ones who just go with the flow and do not overthink things. Sometimes I wish I was one of them. But I believe Socrate's quote, "The unexamined life is not worth living".
So we must just keep on truckin, Jim.

05-01-2007, 12:57 AM
I feel like im 13 every time i see a beautiful woman. thats half the problem with my dating life. i get around a beautiful woman and i completely feel like an idiot again

Maybe you are an idiot!:poke: :cheers2: :dance: :salute:

05-01-2007, 12:39 PM

Life is a series of lessons. Nothing more. The lessons never end, and you never stop learning them.

If you fail to learn a lesson the first time, it's nothing to blame yourself for. You will simply be presented with that lesson again, as many times as it takes for you to learn it. Then you'll move on to the next lesson. Nobody else is keeping score, so why should you?

Also, "there" is not any better than "here." When you achieve what it takes to get you "there," you will simply find another "there" that will look better than where you've got to.

05-01-2007, 01:27 PM
I feel like im 13 every time i see a beautiful woman. thats half the problem with my dating life. i get around a beautiful woman and i completely feel like an idiot again

that's cuz they don't understand you like I do... :D

05-01-2007, 01:57 PM
that's cuz they don't understand you like I do... :D

oh really?

Hagbard Celine
05-01-2007, 02:04 PM
I'm doing awesome so far and I'm only 23 Suckaz!

05-01-2007, 02:13 PM
I'm doing awesome so far and I'm only 23 Suckaz!Watch out for that karma, man! :eek:

05-01-2007, 02:38 PM
Does anyone else ever find themselves thinking like they were 13 again and wonder where all the time went?

I do everyday! I think about how old I am getting and how old the kids are already, makes me really sad sometimes.

38 years old and still confused like a teenager. I've done good, I know that, but I still see myself as a failure as I know I could have done so much better. So many things happened, so many changes, so many people...

Aahhh..but isnt that what life is about? I will tell my kids life is all about the stories you have. Some will be good, others will be bad. Hopefully they will learn from them. I mean think about it...how many things have you and I dont that we might want to take back? Probably alot. I wouldnt want to though because those are memories I still cherish to this day.

What is the key to happiness? Is it riches? Being famous or successful? Just being who you are? Unfortunately, I'm my worst critic of all, and I just don't see anything worthy of raving about.

For me..its all of those things. I am no Tom Cruise...but I dont think of myself as Chunk from the Goonies either. I am confident (somewhat) in who I am. I strive to better my life, but am not consumed by it. I try to make my family first, before work and my own pleasure. I dont see anything raving about myself either, but I know I could have done MUCH worse with my life..and I am still trying.

Seriously though, I still feel like a teenager, I just know it's not the case and I'm probably not far at all from that specially designed box
Me too! Ask my wife...I tell her all the time I dont feel as old as I am. I feel as though I just graduated HS a few years ago, although I knwo its been MANY years. I look at people who are my age and think that they are older than I am.

Problem is, I watch others and think they have it better. .
I do the same thing. Everytime I see a guy in his Jeep parking his boat next to his motorcycle I want to run him over in my POS Honda! Hahaha

I also give way too much weight to what others think about me, and really take it to heart.
This you do. From almost the day I met you I told you to forget what other people think of you. I try to have the mindset..I am who I am...if you dont like me...FU...YOUR loss!

Chuck aka "Jackass" on this board is my idol. He's no millionaire, doesn't work for Microsoft, doesn't have a mansion... yet he's always appeared to be the happiest person in the world. I've always been jealous of that.Really? I never knew this! Let me tell you I am not!! Haha. I have my moods and doubts about myself just like you do. I just usually forget about it after awhile and try to enjoy whatever I am doing.

I remember wanting a credit card so badly, then wanted a higher limit, then wanted the bills to disappear, then my credit was shot, now I want a credit card again! LOL What a vicious cycle

Same here...you know that already!

You are a son most mothers' would love to have. You have more heart and caring in your left thumb than the others have in their entire bodies!!
And most people would kill to have a true "friend" like you in their lives. Most people have no idea what it is like to know that they truly have someone in their life who would do just about anything for them I am lucky enough to be one of the few. We definately had our moments in the past...but I never considered you anything less than one of the most giving, generous people I have ever met in my life. You can be a royal pain in the ass at times...but that is part of your charm. :laugh2: Hell if it wasnt for you...I wouldnt be be able the argue HALF as well as I can now.

In my experience, the happiest people in the world are the ones who just go with the flow and do not overthink things. Sometimes I wish I was one of them. But I believe Socrate's quote, "The unexamined life is not worth living".
So we must just keep on truckin, Jim.

Well see...this i disagree with. I think this is what lets me be so...in DOS's words...so even keeled. I do examine my life...but I dont overthink it. Why? Life is too short to worry. I try to live as much as possible. If I do something that was a mistake or that I regret...hopefully next time I learned that lesson.

Jim..stop thinking so much and learn just to enjoy yourself. It really makes a world of difference!!

05-01-2007, 02:38 PM
oh really?

you know it, babe!

Abbey Marie
05-01-2007, 02:48 PM
Well see...this i disagree with. I think this is what lets me be so...in DOS's words...so even keeled. I do examine my life...but I dont overthink it. Why? Life is too short to worry. I try to live as much as possible. If I do something that was a mistake or that I regret...hopefully next time I learned that lesson.

Jim..stop thinking so much and learn just to enjoy yourself. It really makes a world of difference!!

Didn't I say "don't overthink things" if you want to be happy? Hurrah!

05-01-2007, 03:13 PM
Didn't I say "don't overthink things" if you want to be happy? Hurrah!

I meant the life never examined part... :o

05-01-2007, 03:16 PM
you know it, babe!

If i know it why is this the first im learning about it? im so confused... not that thats new when it comes to women lol

05-01-2007, 03:28 PM
If i know it why is this the first im learning about it? im so confused... not that thats new when it comes to women lol

Women are so easy man. Just relax around them. Be yourself...and most important...be confident.

Hagbard Celine
05-01-2007, 03:33 PM
Women are so easy man. Just relax around them. Be yourself...and most important...be confident.

No way man. You gotta put on your Satyr horns, drink wine profusely, belch a lot and call lots of attention your erections. That's how I landed my babe. It'll work for you too. Also, grunting like an elk in rut works too.

05-01-2007, 03:41 PM
No way man. You gotta put on your Satyr horns, drink wine profusely, belch a lot and call lots of attention your erections. That's how I landed my babe. It'll work for you too. Also, grunting like an elk in rut works too.

That was qiute possibly the funniest thing I have read on here!! If I could rep you again I would!

Avatar...how old are you??

05-01-2007, 03:45 PM
So where can I get me a pair of Satyr horns?

05-01-2007, 03:47 PM
That was qiute possibly the funniest thing I have read on here!! If I could rep you again I would!

Avatar...how old are you??

26 and i am pretty confident. doesnt make women any easier to understand.:)

05-01-2007, 03:49 PM
If i know it why is this the first im learning about it? im so confused... not that thats new when it comes to women lol

Oh, I see how you are...

05-01-2007, 03:50 PM
26 and i am pretty confident. doesnt make women any easier to understand.:)

OOOOhhhh...well you are trying the impossible!!! NEVER try to understand them!!!

Hagbard Celine
05-01-2007, 03:51 PM
Watch out for that karma, man! :eek:

I let people in front of me all the time in traffic. And do they wave at me? Never. I try to keep my karma up all the time by doing little things. I like to spray chi around the office like a tiger sprays his territory. Spray chi. Family motto.

05-01-2007, 04:09 PM
Oh, I see how you are...

Do you? Then enlighten me...

05-01-2007, 04:09 PM
OOOOhhhh...well you are trying the impossible!!! NEVER try to understand them!!!

Then whats the point?

Pale Rider
05-01-2007, 04:16 PM
Life.... happiness.... if any one person had the magic formula for how to make it all work, they'd be rich and happy, and everyone else would be the same.

Personally, I like what Leonardo DiCaprio said in Tittanic, "live for the moment."

05-01-2007, 04:18 PM
The time hasn't gone very far when you are 23. But I get your point.

05-01-2007, 04:22 PM
Just try to get along with them!!