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07-28-2010, 09:14 AM

JULY 28, 2010
Our Divisive President
Barack Obama promised a new era of post-partisanship. In office, he's played racial politics and further split the country along class and party lines.

During the election campaign, Barack Obama sought to appeal to the best instincts of the electorate, to a post-partisan sentiment that he said would reinvigorate our democracy. He ran on a platform of reconciliation—of getting beyond "old labels" of right and left, red and blue states, and forging compromises based on shared values.

President Obama's Inaugural was a hopeful day, with an estimated 1.8 million people on the National Mall celebrating the election of America's first African-American president. The level of enthusiasm, the anticipation and the promise of something better could not have been more palpable.

And yet, it has not been realized. Not at all.

Rather than being a unifier, Mr. Obama has divided America on the basis of race, class and partisanship. Moreover, his cynical approach to governance has encouraged his allies to pursue a similar strategy of racially divisive politics on his behalf...

I think even those of us who didn't buy his agenda, thought there was something to the 'first black president.' I guess there is, more racism.

07-28-2010, 10:19 AM
I couldn't agree more with this. I feel he (him and his croonies) are attempting to create such a devisive country to cause a "disaster/emergency" of public discontent in order to seize power

I know, I know I jsut put on my tinfoil hat. We have heard all this before about Bush and company but this guy really has me nervous. More so than ANY other leader we have had in the past.

I hope we can recover after this mess of a president gets through with us..........

07-28-2010, 10:40 AM
if I could ask the President one question it'd be "Did the guy who fired that racist chick act as, more, or less 'stupidly' as the cop who rightfully arrested the black man?"

07-28-2010, 10:44 AM

I think even those of us who didn't buy his agenda, thought there was something to the 'first black president.' I guess there is, more racism.

Like you, I didn't buy into his agenda. Since he first came into the political scene in Illinois I have been suspicious of him. I have [rightly or wrongly] always judged people by my first impression of them. Rarely have I been proven wrong. In obamas' case, I could not understand how he fooled so many people. Even people who really wanted change had to see what he was about, yet they voted for him over Hillary and then over McCain. Even more curious, good democrats [and there are many] jumped on his band wagon

Even more curious, most journalists [those elite, smarter than thou] did everything in their power to elect him.

Makes me wonder if it IS about race.

07-28-2010, 10:58 AM
Like you, I didn't buy into his agenda. Since he first came into the political scene in Illinois I have been suspicious of him. I have [rightly or wrongly] always judged people by my first impression of them. Rarely have I been proven wrong. In obamas' case, I could not understand how he fooled so many people. Even people who really wanted change had to see what he was about, yet they voted for him over Hillary and then over McCain. Even more curious, good democrats [and there are many] jumped on his band wagon

Even more curious, most journalists [those elite, smarter than thou] did everything in their power to elect him.

Makes me wonder if it IS about race.

Why were you surprised that Democrats voted for him over McCain? When was the last time the elite journalists pushed for a non-Democrat?

07-28-2010, 01:09 PM
Why were you surprised that Democrats voted for him over McCain? When was the last time the elite journalists pushed for a non-Democrat?

Read again. I didn't specify democrats voted for obama over McCain. That was no surprise. What I said was people voted for obama over hillary and McCain.

07-28-2010, 05:47 PM
I've been saying this for a long time now, even before the rushbots started jumping onto the rhetoric wagon here, BO is the great divider. We haven't seen this level of racial intolerance on both sides of the aisle for decades.