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07-28-2010, 11:15 PM
Our DOJ at work:


July 28, 2010

EXCLUSIVE: DOJ Accused of Stalling on MOVE Act for Voters in Military

The Department of Justice is ignoring a new law aimed at protecting the right of American soldiers to vote, according to two former DOJ attorneys who say states are being encouraged to use waivers to bypass the new federal Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act.

The Department of Justice is ignoring a new law aimed at protecting the right of American soldiers to vote, according to two former DOJ attorneys who say states are being encouraged to use waivers to bypass the new federal Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act...

“Everybody in Washington knows it doesn’t matter how good the law is; it comes down to who’s enforcing it,” said Adams. “This stuff should be transparent and online for the citizens of these states to comment on, the fact that it's being done behind closed doors tells you everything you need to know about how it will affect the voters.”

Adams and Eversole separately pointed out that the DOJ’s website lacks any mention of the MOVE Act. In fact, the section on military voting includes the outdated and nonbinding 30-day recommendation for sending out ballots. There is no mention of the the current 45-day mandate.

But the DOJ's online voting section includes a detailed section devoted to helping felons learn how get their voting rights back...

07-28-2010, 11:16 PM
Liberalism in all it's glory.

07-28-2010, 11:23 PM
Liberalism in all it's glory.

They have given up all pretext of appearing even handed. Something must give.

07-28-2010, 11:28 PM
They have given up all pretext of appearing even handed. Something must give.

I agree with you, and I've been hinting at that in other posts and I hope that I'm not coming off like a radical nutcase.

The BO administration has clearly divided this country on so many levels. I was frustrated with GW's policies during his second term, and we didn't learn our lesson by keeping checks and balances in place and the pendulum has swung far to the left.

People are frustrated, angry. Racial intolerance is increasingly rampant.

When the feds sue states for enacting what they constitutionally have rights to do, it's a clear sign of chaos.

I'm disappointed in the tea party at this juncture, they are very silent and now is the time to be active.

07-28-2010, 11:32 PM
I agree with you, and I've been hinting at that in other posts and I hope that I'm not coming off like a radical nutcase.

The BO administration has clearly divided this country on so many levels. I was frustrated with GW's policies during his second term, and we didn't learn our lesson by keeping checks and balances in place and the pendulum has swung far to the left.

People are frustrated, angry. Racial intolerance is increasingly rampant.

When the feds sue states for enacting what they constitutionally have rights to do, it's a clear sign of chaos.

I'm disappointed in the tea party at this juncture, they are very silent and now is the time to be active.

I don't think 'racial intolerance' has increased, though I fear it may in the race charged political climate we are now occupying. Truth is, I think most people of all hues would rather live in peace. I believe that is why so many are bemoaning what is going on with Obama and the cop/professor, his DOJ, NAACP resolution, false allegations against tea parties, and on and on and on.

07-28-2010, 11:40 PM
I don't think 'racial intolerance' has increased, though I fear it may in the race charged political climate we are now occupying. Truth is, I think most people of all hues would rather live in peace. I believe that is why so many are bemoaning what is going on with Obama and the cop/professor, his DOJ, NAACP resolution, false allegations against tea parties, and on and on and on.

I don't agree, racial intolerance has increased. I see it in the news, on the streets, everywhere.

This was supposed to be the post-racial presidency. Racial issues were a thing of the past, but we see the term 'racist' being used everywhere.

When this happens, people start to gravitate to one side or the other where they may have at one point been centrist, that is the increase in intolerance that I'm suggesting. BO's divisionist policies are polarizing people on racial, political and social levels.

07-28-2010, 11:49 PM
I don't agree, racial intolerance has increased. I see it in the news, on the streets, everywhere.

This was supposed to be the post-racial presidency. Racial issues were a thing of the past, but we see the term 'racist' being used everywhere.

When this happens, people start to gravitate to one side or the other where they may have at one point been centrist, that is the increase in intolerance that I'm suggesting. BO's divisionist policies are polarizing people on racial, political and social levels.

I agree that it's political, I just don't see people being more racist, though accused of being. Let me ask you, I'm presuming you are White? Do you feel differently about Blacks, Asians, etc., because of some hurling around that conservatives are racist?

I find what the NAACP did basically race baiting, but unlike some, I don't buy into that most Blacks feel that way.

There are racists in all groups of people. That doesn't mean that all groups of people are racists. The brouhaha caused by the false stories on tea party during health care weekend, followed by NAACP resolution, then the Ag lady story started by Breitbart/NAACP/Dept. of Ag. These are all political and coming for the most part by politicians, MSM, and special interest groups. It's not your avg person of any of these groups.

07-29-2010, 12:04 AM
I don't agree, racial intolerance has increased. I see it in the news, on the streets, everywhere.

This was supposed to be the post-racial presidency. Racial issues were a thing of the past, but we see the term 'racist' being used everywhere.

When this happens, people start to gravitate to one side or the other where they may have at one point been centrist, that is the increase in intolerance that I'm suggesting. BO's divisionist policies are polarizing people on racial, political and social levels.

Not often that I quote the same post, but just reading some tonight and came across this. Hanson says it better than I did:


...The Obama administration’s race absorption apparently has a shelf life of about three years. Consider the list: Reverend Wright, “typical white person,” the Pennsylvania clingers, Michelle’s campaign editorializing about the U.S., “cowards,” the Professor Gates mess, “wise Latina,” the president’s race-based DNC video, the suing of Arizona, the comments made before the law was read, the sudden characterization of al-Qaeda as racist, the disturbing stories coming out of the Justice Department that some decisions are now race-based — and on and on. Each outburst in isolation is a sort of Macaca moment, a brief news item; in their totality, they have now more or less cemented in the minds of most Americans that Obama and his appointees see race as a sort of wedge issue by which to further an agenda.

But it is no longer 1965, and we no longer have a white/black binary and a recent legacy of Jim Crow. What we have instead is a multiracial populace in which millions are intermarried, and in which millions of Asians, Hispanics, Punjabis, and Arabs of diverse class and ethnic allegiances don’t quite fit the “people of color” vs. white paradigm of oppression, victimization, and compensation....

07-29-2010, 07:46 AM
interesting parallel....in Arizona the DOJ sues the state for taking action contrary to federal purpose.....meanwhile, they encourage states to take action contrary to federal purpose with respect to military voting......

07-29-2010, 11:14 AM
Don't you just love these liberals? Its no wonder they would rather be called "progressives".

07-29-2010, 08:10 PM
Don't you just love these liberals? Its no wonder they would rather be called "progressives".

Actually they are regressives. That would be the correct name for them.