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red states rule
08-02-2010, 05:43 AM
It did not take long for the liberal media to play the race card to defend the Dems facing ethics issues

If Rangel and Walters do not walk - it is due to racism

The politically charged decisions by veteran Democratic Reps. Charles Rangel of New York and Maxine Waters of California to force public trials by the House ethics committee are raising questions about race and whether black lawmakers face more scrutiny over allegations of ethical or criminal wrongdoing than their white colleagues.

The controversy over the cases and the prospect of the first simultaneous ethics trials for multiple members in more than 30 years mark the biggest challenge for the ethics committee’s and the House’s ability to police its own members since the mid-1990s, when then-Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and other leaders from both parties found themselves hauled before the secretive panel.

The question of whether black lawmakers are now being singled out for scrutiny has been simmering throughout the 111th Congress, with the Office of Congressional Ethics a focal point of the concerns. At one point earlier this year, all eight lawmakers under formal investigation by the House ethics committee, including Rangel and Waters, were black Democrats. All those investigations originated with the OCE, which can make recommendations — but take no final actions — on such cases.

There’s a “dual standard, one for most members and one for African-Americans,” said one member of the Congressional Black Caucus, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The member said it’s too easy for an outside group to damage someone’s reputation by filing a claim with OCE.

“This is stacked against you once an accusation is made,” the lawmaker added. “You’re guilty until proven otherwise.”


08-02-2010, 06:29 AM
He's as crooked as they come and always has been. Everybody knows it and have always been afraid to act because of racism. There's a double standard all right, it's for blacks in congress to be immune from any scrutiny or prosecution.

08-02-2010, 09:08 AM
lets not forget maxine waters, she got caught too.

08-02-2010, 10:02 AM
Democrats who are liars and thieves, HMMMM whoda thunk it!

I don't care what color their skin is they should be prosecuted just for being Democrats and voting to destroy America.

08-02-2010, 03:37 PM
Guilty of "Corrupt while Black", eh?

Liberals would notice that.

08-02-2010, 03:43 PM
I think there is a point here, one should not be surprised that Democrats are prejudiced, it's been shown over and over again. Sexual harassment? Teddy Kennedy and Chris Dodd (http://www.capveterans.com/jack_cunningham/id8.html) all over it (http://www.riehlworldview.com/carnivorous_conservative/2010/07/corruption-watch-first-dodd-now-his-wife.html), not to mention how many others?

Obama, DOJ, Congress let Rangel and Waters think they were home free, until after all those programs they wanted passed, passed. Now? Under the bus.

Where's the inquiries into Dodd? Retiring with all his corruption booty?

red states rule
08-02-2010, 06:58 PM
It is fun watching Democrats accuse Democrats of being racist

Like clockwork, MSNBC is now playing the race card

During her 1PM ET hour show on Monday, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell promoted allegations from the Congressional Black Caucus that ethics investigations into Democrats Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters are racially motivated: "Are black lawmakers being singled out by the ethics watchdogs on Capitol Hill? New charges of racial bias."

After detailing the accusations against California Congresswoman Waters, Mitchell noted the formal ethics charges filed against New York Congressman Rangel and touted his defense: "...he, we now know, tried to point out that Mitch McConnell and others allegedly did the same thing, trying to raise money for a center named after them. He's claiming that this is a matter of bias."

Mitchell's guest, Politico editor-in-chief John Harris, continued to make the case: "...that there is a clear double standard and they're asking why is it that the new congressional ethics procedures seem to be the result of that, seem to be a number of African-Americans that are getting put under a tough ethical microscope....They say that there seems to be a pattern that reflects, they're alleging, a racial bias."


red states rule
08-02-2010, 06:58 PM
I think there is a point here, one should not be surprised that Democrats are prejudiced, it's been shown over and over again. Sexual harassment? Teddy Kennedy and Chris Dodd (http://www.capveterans.com/jack_cunningham/id8.html) all over it (http://www.riehlworldview.com/carnivorous_conservative/2010/07/corruption-watch-first-dodd-now-his-wife.html), not to mention how many others?

Obama, DOJ, Congress let Rangel and Waters think they were home free, until after all those programs they wanted passed, passed. Now? Under the bus.

Where's the inquiries into Dodd? Retiring with all his corruption booty?

Dodd probably cut a deal. He will not seek ree;ection and his gets a pass from the Dem leaders

red states rule
08-02-2010, 07:09 PM
CNN brought Rev Al to play the race card on behalf of Rangel and Walters

Looks like the defense lawyers in the liberal media are pleading their case

On Sunday's Newsroom, CNN's Don Lemon conducted a softball interview of the Rev. Al Sharpton and helped him forward the theory that the congressional ethics investigations into Representatives Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters are being conducted because they are black. Lemon also didn't go into much detail as to what the charges against the two were and what were the circumstances of their cases.

The anchor interviewed the liberal minister 12 minutes into the 6 pm Eastern hour. Before introducing Sharpton, Lemon did mention that Congressman Rangel was "accused of violating 13 House Rules" and that the "accusations range from financial wrongdoing to damaging the credibility of Congress," but never mentioned during the segment that the charges mainly involve rental properties the New York representatives owns in his district and in the Dominican Republic. He also noted that Rep. Waters "has chosen to face a House ethics trial related to claims involving federal aid to a bank with ties to both Waters and her husband" but didn't give additional details about that case.

Lemon then set up his topic of discussion with the reverend: "Now, the investigation of such powerful people, like Rangel and Maxine Waters, have a lot of people talking. The reaction in Washington seems to be centered on whether the two House members are guilty or not, but back home, in their respective districts, some of their constituents aren't so sure justice is being done, and some are openly questioning why two high profile African-American House members are coming under such tough scrutiny." He then asked Sharpton, "Do you think that black members are being targeted unfairly by the Ethics Committee?"


08-02-2010, 07:40 PM
When I first saw the ethics charges against Rangel I had a fleeting thought that there would be tales of racism spun by those who cannot defend the actions of their candidates about evil white men in dark smoke filled rooms deciding the fate of the less fortunate in high places.

The liberal ethos would have none of the possibility that Rangel and Waters might have done wrong, surely not, they MUST be the unwitting victims of RAAAACCCCIIIIISSSSSMMMM!

08-02-2010, 08:07 PM
Maxine Waters is the one who said that all whites and Latinos look alike to her.

I heard some of the remarks that Maxine Waters made to the National Urban League the other day....

Maxine Waters is simply an obnoxius ignoramus, a pompous blowhard and a racist.

And she got lots of applause.

That's because a lot of these black organizations are fronts for white hatred. They aren't about racial unity at all.

I, for one, will be glad to see Maxine Waters and Charlie Rangel out of Congress....

red states rule
08-05-2010, 04:16 AM
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs092.snc4/35941_1603238880302_1216014188_31733670_2399974_n. jpg

08-05-2010, 07:01 PM
Maxine Waters is the one who said that all whites and Latinos look alike to her.

I heard some of the remarks that Maxine Waters made to the National Urban League the other day....

Maxine Waters is simply an obnoxius ignoramus, a pompous blowhard and a racist.

And she got lots of applause.

That's because a lot of these black organizations are fronts for white hatred. They aren't about racial unity at all.

I, for one, will be glad to see Maxine Waters and Charlie Rangel out of Congress....We have been taught to accept the government sanctioned, institutional racism that runs much deeper than Waters and Rangel, who are simply the tip of the iceberg.

They are only 2 black corrupt racist career politicians...What is truely scarey is the mentality of hate and racism of the black voters who knowingly re-elect them, term after term.

Also consider the mentality of White Americans who spout the standard PC indoctrinated rhetoric about how 'black racism is inconsequential and only practiced by a small segment of black America'? [Kathianne comes to mind]

We are programmed to go into attack mode at the mere mention of David Duke, while most white Americans would never even consider criticizing these black racist politicians or the black voters who keep them in power...We obediently maintain our silence.

Sadly, way too many White American Males born after 1970 are weaklings and cowards...Is it any wonder the white women are abandoning their race in droves and white children now emulate and glorify the black race and it's culture instead of the wondrous accomplishments of their own?