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View Full Version : $1 Million Contract Put out on Sheriff Joe Arpaio

red states rule
08-03-2010, 03:39 AM
If you ever needed another reason to seal our boarder, here it is. If Obama does nothing (as he has done) and Sheriff Arpaio is murdered - is Obama guilty of a crime?

The so called “America’s toughest sheriff” has never been secretive about the many death threats he continuously receives. He also has said that is not afraid. It just comes with the territory -we might think, but now he may be forced to take some extra precautions as a supposed Mexican drug cartel –the Juarez cartel- has offered to pay $1 million to whoever does the favor.

It's offering a million dollars for Sheriff Joe Arpaio's head and offering a [ten] thousand dollars for anyone who wants to join the Mexican cartel," said a young man who chose to remain anonymous.

The frightened male said his wife received the offer in a text and a voice message -both in Spanish, Tuesday evening, which also included an international phone number and instructions to be forwarded.
She showed it to me...I was kind of disgusted...I reported it to the Sheriff's department yesterday...they said they were going to direct the threat squad on it."

The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office believes the message originated in Mexico and said investigators are trying to trace exactly where the text message came from. What really concerns investigators is how quickly the message may have been spread as the monetary incentive is a factor to take this threat a little bit more seriously. The FBI is already involved in the investigation.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio has been surrounded by controversy related to accusations of abusing power, his defying attitude toward the federal government and his tactics to handle the fight against illegal immigration, which ultimately, could be the reason for cartels to put a price on his head.


08-03-2010, 07:54 AM
You mean there weren't prices on his head before this?

wait till the mortar rounds begin falling and the sniper fire starts if you think things are bad now.

red states rule
08-04-2010, 05:02 AM
You mean there weren't prices on his head before this?

wait till the mortar rounds begin falling and the sniper fire starts if you think things are bad now.

I wonder how many liberals are praising the drug lords for doing this?

08-04-2010, 07:12 AM
maybe the sherrif can run for president of what's left of the USA in 10 years? :)

08-04-2010, 09:47 AM
How infuriating is this?! Now this man and his family have to live in fear. If the threat did indeed originate in Mexico,can our law enforcement do anyting about it if they figure out who it is?

Mr. P
08-04-2010, 12:43 PM
I heard the Sheriff said, "1 million? the economy must be bad done there, last yr it was 5 million".

I like this guy!

08-04-2010, 08:26 PM
Why wouldn't drug lords be bold?

We can't even convince this administration to protect our border even though a majority of voters want protection.

These guys are safer on our side of the border than our own citizens.

08-04-2010, 08:52 PM
What should Obama (or anyone) do to prevent drug lords from putting a price on anyone's head? They pretty much do whatever they want. I am sure Arpaio is not the only person out there with a price on his head.

red states rule
08-05-2010, 04:09 AM
What should Obama (or anyone) do to prevent drug lords from putting a price on anyone's head? They pretty much do whatever they want. I am sure Arpaio is not the only person out there with a price on his head.

Given the fact Obama and the Dems are doing NOTHING to secure the border Gabby, the drug lords are finding it easier for their people to get into the country to carry out the contract

Of course you see first hand what illegals are doing to your state of CA - or do ignore what they are doing and continue to live in your Liberalland bubble

red states rule
08-05-2010, 04:10 AM
I heard the Sheriff said, "1 million? the economy must be bad done there, last yr it was 5 million".

I like this guy!

He should be in charge of Homeland Security

08-05-2010, 09:35 AM

all ya need is one

08-05-2010, 01:14 PM

all ya need is one

For real!!! Do we have planes patrolling the border? I always wondered that. If we don't,why the heck not?!!! Who's going to climb that fence if they see something that frightening ovrhead?

08-05-2010, 01:21 PM
For real!!! Do we have planes patrolling the border? I always wondered that. If we don't,why the heck not?!!! Who's going to climb that fence if they see something that frightening ovrhead?

no i don't think so. but it would have a watch dog effect on illegals. just the sight of one should set them on the run. will he fire or not????

08-05-2010, 01:32 PM
no i don't think so. but it would have a watch dog effect on illegals. just the sight of one should set them on the run. will he fire or not????

Seems so simple,doesn't it? Makes me thin the gov wants illegals here for sure

08-05-2010, 03:04 PM
Seems so simple,doesn't it? Makes me thin the gov wants illegals here for sure

oh for sure. Osama want's his illegal democrats :laugh2:

08-05-2010, 03:23 PM
Illegals means voters. That's not speculation that's a fact. There' is no reason whatsoever not to close the border and keep them all out except they are wanted here by a certain group of individuals. They are desperately needed in order for the libs to stay in power. Corporations want them for cheap labor.

red states rule
08-05-2010, 06:18 PM
no i don't think so. but it would have a watch dog effect on illegals. just the sight of one should set them on the run. will he fire or not????

They are no no longer considered illegal immigrants - they are undocumented Democrats