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View Full Version : Honor Killings

08-06-2010, 03:09 PM
On New Year’s Day 2008, two Texas teenagers Amina and Sarah Said were shot dead, their bloodied bodies left in a taxi cab. The alleged shooter: their father Yaser Said.

In fact, Sarah appears to identify her Dad as the murderer in a 9-11 call – her dying words.

For more than two years the Fox News Reporting team has been following this story and the search for Yaser Said, who vanished the night of the murders.

source (http://liveshots.blogs.foxnews.com/2010/08/06/honor-killing-dad-secretly-taped-girls/)

the FBI removed the term "honor killing" because it was offensive. of course honor killings are wide spread amoung so called peaceful muzzies. in addition to other atrocities.
