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View Full Version : Lesbian cadet quits West Point, cites 'don't ask'

08-12-2010, 04:13 PM
sucks, hope dadt dies soon.


WEST POINT, N.Y. – A lesbian cadet asked Monday to resign from the U.S. Military Academy because she can no longer lie about her sexuality and was troubled by the anti-gay attitudes of some around her.

Katherine Miller of Findlay, Ohio, also said she wants to fight for repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" law, a subject she was studying and writing about as a sociology major at West Point.

"I intend for my resignation to offer a concrete example of the consequences of a failed law and social policy," she wrote in her resignation letter, referring to the law against gays serving openly in the military.

Miller wrote proudly of her accomplishments as a student, athlete and soldier and said that she had not been pressured by anyone to resign. But she wrote of being "coerced into ignoring derogatory comments towards homosexuals for fear of being alienated for my viewpoint" and that she "endured sexual harassment for fear of being accused as a lesbian."

Miller said by e-maiI that she wasn't immediately available to speak with The Associated Press on Thursday, but confirmed the resignation letter.

In the letter, she said she fabricated a heterosexual dating history to share with any fellow cadets who asked.

"In short, I have lied to my classmates and compromised my integrity and identity by adhering to existing military policy," she said.

Ranked ninth in the class of more than 1,100 cadets about to start their third year, Miller's resignation letter was dated a week before she would be required to sign a commitment to finish her final two years and serve five years in the military.

Jim Fox, a West Point spokesman, said Miller will remain at the academy while her request is reviewed. That takes about a week, he said.

Miller "is in good standing and has done very well academically, militarily and physically while at the academy," Fox said Thursday. Cadets may withdraw at any point in their first two years without owing the government service or compensation for the education and benefits they've received.

Miller has been admitted to Yale University, starting in September.

She said she will work through her studies and political activism to win repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" law and would apply to return to West Point in the 2011-2012 academic year if that happens soon enough.

08-12-2010, 04:35 PM
sucks, hope dadt dies soon.


WEST POINT, N.Y. – A lesbian cadet asked Monday to resign from the U.S. Military Academy because she can no longer lie about her sexuality and was troubled by the anti-gay attitudes of some around her.

Katherine Miller of Findlay, Ohio, also said she wants to fight for repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" law, a subject she was studying and writing about as a sociology major at West Point.

"I intend for my resignation to offer a concrete example of the consequences of a failed law and social policy," she wrote in her resignation letter, referring to the law against gays serving openly in the military.

Miller wrote proudly of her accomplishments as a student, athlete and soldier and said that she had not been pressured by anyone to resign. But she wrote of being "coerced into ignoring derogatory comments towards homosexuals for fear of being alienated for my viewpoint" and that she "endured sexual harassment for fear of being accused as a lesbian."

Miller said by e-maiI that she wasn't immediately available to speak with The Associated Press on Thursday, but confirmed the resignation letter.

In the letter, she said she fabricated a heterosexual dating history to share with any fellow cadets who asked.

"In short, I have lied to my classmates and compromised my integrity and identity by adhering to existing military policy," she said.

Ranked ninth in the class of more than 1,100 cadets about to start their third year, Miller's resignation letter was dated a week before she would be required to sign a commitment to finish her final two years and serve five years in the military.

Jim Fox, a West Point spokesman, said Miller will remain at the academy while her request is reviewed. That takes about a week, he said.

Miller "is in good standing and has done very well academically, militarily and physically while at the academy," Fox said Thursday. Cadets may withdraw at any point in their first two years without owing the government service or compensation for the education and benefits they've received.

Miller has been admitted to Yale University, starting in September.

She said she will work through her studies and political activism to win repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" law and would apply to return to West Point in the 2011-2012 academic year if that happens soon enough.

From the article it sounds like she successfully completed her plan. 2 years on Uncle Sam's dime, then off to Ivy with no penalty.

08-12-2010, 05:16 PM
Damn, no pics.

I love seeing pics of real life lezbos. They never look like the lezbos on Howard Stern. More like Pete Rose and John Candy.

08-12-2010, 05:23 PM
From the article it sounds like she successfully completed her plan. 2 years on Uncle Sam's dime, then off to Ivy with no penalty.

good on her. She also spent two years putting up with homophobic assholes.

08-12-2010, 05:30 PM
good on her. She also spent two years putting up with homophobic assholes.

Really? Sounds like she was lying about her life and then judging. But wtf, what's the dif right? Furthering the cause...

08-12-2010, 05:33 PM
The government asked her to lie when they put dadt in place.......

Personally wouldn't give up a commission and guaranteed job for the cause but good on her for doing it.

08-12-2010, 05:35 PM
The government asked her to lie when they put dadt in place.......

Personally wouldn't give up a commission and guaranteed job for the cause but good on her for doing it.

She chose to lie. She was smart enough to get into West Point or Yale from HS, she chose West Point for 2 years, to make her point. She lied to do so.

08-12-2010, 05:37 PM
She only lied because they made her and now she gets to make a point with it. Again, good on her. If they had never made her lie, she never woulda had to.

08-12-2010, 05:53 PM
She only lied because they made her and now she gets to make a point with it. Again, good on her. If they had never made her lie, she never woulda had to.

LOL! They 'made her lie.' She didn't know the rules? Lie. She did, she lied. For her own purpose.

Now if she'd gone to Yale, worked on her sociology thesis on why the policy is wrong, should be changed, etc., whether on scholarship or on her own dime, not a thing wrong with that.

But she chose to lie. She's no heroine, just a liar.

08-12-2010, 05:55 PM
Lying ain't lying when they tell you to do it. The government opened themselves up for this with their stupid policy.

08-12-2010, 06:15 PM
Lying ain't lying when they tell you to do it. The government opened themselves up for this with their stupid policy.

Now you are lying. I'll assume you figure you are in good company of liars.

08-12-2010, 07:07 PM
dadt demands you put the whole honesty thing aside to abide by policy and so many do. The government mandates you do so.

08-12-2010, 07:25 PM
good on her. She also spent two years putting up with homophobic assholes.

Excuse me? SHE was the only one there who lacked integrity. She's a lying manipulative greedy bitch. Gawd you are such a whiner. Honestly I hope the military breaks you hard...maybe if you rebuild yourself you won't be such a putz.

08-12-2010, 07:32 PM
lol somehow I doubt that.......

08-12-2010, 09:48 PM
If I can just ask, having skimmed through the thread, how/why did she have to lie? Surly the point of DADT is that you don't ask therefore she would not have to respond with a lie.

I still think it's a stupid policy but she would only have to lie if the rules were first broken by someone else,

08-12-2010, 10:34 PM
Damn, no pics.

I love seeing pics of real life lezbos. They never look like the lezbos on Howard Stern. More like Pete Rose and John Candy.


08-13-2010, 01:32 PM
Ranked ninth in the class of more than 1,100 cadets about to start their third year, Miller's resignation letter was dated a week before she would be required to sign a commitment to finish her final two years and serve five years in the military.

Jim Fox, a West Point spokesman, said Miller will remain at the academy while her request is reviewed. That takes about a week, he said.

Miller "is in good standing and has done very well academically, militarily and physically while at the academy," Fox said Thursday. Cadets may withdraw at any point in their first two years without owing the government service or compensation for the education and benefits they've received.

Seems to me like she scamed the gov. in order to get a very good education without having to pay a penny.

She knew going in about dadt. She endured the "hardship" for two years. No one made her lie about anything. She chose to make up relationships when she could have simply told people to mind their own business.

08-13-2010, 02:39 PM
Ohh she wasn't sick of the "homophobic attitude" it is just that she was going to have to "TAKE HER OATH" at the start of her Junior year. Than she would be FINANCIALLY responsible for paying the government back, either in monetary funds or actual military work.

She could have dropped for ANY reason up until the point she takes her oath...

SHE knew exactly what she was doing.......!!!!!!!!!!!

Your not ranked 9th in your class at West Point and be stupid... She had this planned from day one to get this "free" education. She scammed the US taxpayer out of about $170,000 dollars for those 2 years... (average cost per cadet at a military school is $340,000.00 for the 4 years)

Yaa LN great role model!!!!!!!! Next time pick a dyke with some integrety...... Instead of this manipulative, lying, cheating, piece of shit.....

08-13-2010, 03:44 PM
if she got hers because of the governments stupid policy good for her. Don't blame her at all.

08-13-2010, 04:06 PM
if she got hers because of the governments stupid policy good for her. Don't blame her at all.

Not surprised that you agree that it's a take what you can world, lie like a rug.

You and she are both liars and proud of it.

Should we extrapolate that all lesbians are liars? Or only those that accept scholarship to West Point?

08-13-2010, 04:11 PM
Do what it takes to get yours.

and I ain't lying about nothin......

08-13-2010, 04:14 PM
Do what it takes to get yours.

and I ain't lying about nothin......

She lied, from day one. You agree, nay applaud. Reap what you sow.

08-13-2010, 04:30 PM
she was honest and got kicked out for it.......

08-13-2010, 04:43 PM
she was honest and got kicked out for it.......

Now you are just lying to yourself. Not a good place to be at your age. If she'd been honest, she would have stayed silent after enrolling at West Point. If she wanted to be honest regarding her sexuality, she never would have accepted the placement at West Point.

Get it? She had 2 different choices, she chose a 3rd, lying.

08-13-2010, 04:49 PM
If she wanted to be honest regarding her sexuality, she never would have accepted the placement at West Point.
Why not, she was willing to follow optional policy till the harrassment got to be too much then was honest with herself and command to end it.

08-13-2010, 05:12 PM
Why not, she was willing to follow optional policy till the harrassment got to be too much then was honest with herself and command to end it.

More lying on both your parts. She stayed until the last possible moment. Perhaps she knew that WP was superior to Yale? Something you'll never know. In any case, she ripped off tax payers and is a jerk.

08-13-2010, 06:27 PM
Why not, she was willing to follow optional policy till the harrassment got to be too much then was honest with herself and command to end it.

what a load of shit.

It didn't get to be to much for her she simply didn't want to sign a commitment to serve for five years. She used the gov. and then got out using her sexuality as an excuse.

08-13-2010, 06:30 PM
She used the gov. and then got out using her sexuality as an excuse.
and if the gov didn't have the policy it wouldn't have been used in such a manner, so get rid of dadt and things like this wouldn't happen.

08-13-2010, 06:38 PM
and if the gov didn't have the policy it wouldn't have been used in such a manner, so get rid of dadt and things like this wouldn't happen.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a proponent of dadt. Anyone can tell if a person is a homosexual or not (most of the time) it's pretty obvious.

However, I'm not willing to give this person a pass. I doubt very seriously if she was "persecuted" for her choice. She used her sexuality as an excuse to get out of her commitment. She didn't want to serve, and so she made up the harassment. She never had to lie.

Open your eyes for once.

She decided to make a statement. That is all this is about.

08-13-2010, 06:54 PM
you don't know she made up the harrassment.


1 in 5 Female Cadets At Military Academy Says She Has Been Sexually Assaulted

CHARLESTON, S.C. — Almost 20 percent of the female cadets at The Citadel last spring reported they had been sexually assaulted since enrolling at the military college, according to results of a survey released by the school Wednesday.

08-13-2010, 07:19 PM
you don't know she made up the harassment.


1 in 5 Female Cadets At Military Academy Says She Has Been Sexually Assaulted

CHARLESTON, S.C. — Almost 20 percent of the female cadets at The Citadel last spring reported they had been sexually assaulted since enrolling at the military college, according to results of a survey released by the school Wednesday.

The report you cited didn't say who allegedly assaulted the female/male cadets.

I'm sure you're trying to imply that heterosexual cadets did the assaulting, but it's just as possible that the homosexuals were harrassing the heterosexual cadets.

08-13-2010, 07:20 PM
They are living there full time, other cadets.

08-14-2010, 12:49 AM
From the article it sounds like she successfully completed her plan. 2 years on Uncle Sam's dime, then off to Ivy with no penalty.

Wow, that easy to dismiss is it? There are easier ways to get into ivy league schools that don't require military or constant lying, and according to her own instructors, she wasn't just skating, she was ninth out of 1,100 students. If you're gonna accuse her of being a leech, at least look at article where it says she wasn't one. If you can get into West Point, and more pointedly, do well enough to be in the single digit ranking of the class, yeah, it's likely you were serious.

The policy stupid, but more than that, it ensure that an entire segment of our military has to repeatedly break the core values just to have the ability to fight and die for our country. How can that possibly be a good thing?

08-14-2010, 12:59 AM
Now you are just lying to yourself. Not a good place to be at your age. If she'd been honest, she would have stayed silent after enrolling at West Point. If she wanted to be honest regarding her sexuality, she never would have accepted the placement at West Point.

Get it? She had 2 different choices, she chose a 3rd, lying.

She had another, to try and live with it, which is actually what she took. But speaking as someone who has taken that oath, and remembers when the taking of that oath became real for me (certainly not when I first said I'd do it, but a few weeks before go time? Oh yeah, it hit hard). You don't just end up in West Point, you sculpt your entire run in high school for it, just like if she wanted to go to harvard, yale, or any other ivy league school.

The problem is, there is only so long that you can hide from yourself, and taking an oath of Honor, Courage, and Commitment sort of puts those priorities into order. It likely wasn't flip, it was a decision reached over time. She could have easily finished out with high marks across the board, never paid a dime to anyone, and gotten officer pay for 20+ years. She chose to get out, to give that up because she could not live a lie. You act like her lying about for her whole career would have been honorable, but it isn't. Lying is never honorable, and thus, beneath a soldier, and most definitely an officer, to do.

The government forced her into the position of lying with the dadt, but would condemn her for telling the truth, and taking a moral stand. Do you not see the dishonor in that?

08-14-2010, 01:01 AM
The report you cited didn't say who allegedly assaulted the female/male cadets.

I'm sure you're trying to imply that heterosexual cadets did the assaulting, but it's just as possible that the homosexuals were harrassing the heterosexual cadets.

no it isn't. It's not nearly as likely, because for one, they already have to keep a low-profile, and purposely antagonizing the student body sexually is an extraordinarily bad way to go about that, isn't it?

Outraged Citizen
08-18-2010, 02:10 PM
I think any of you who HAVEN'T served misconstrue dadt. DADT does not support sexual discrimination through words. In fact, one of the first things you learn in any Military Leadership Course (ALS, NCOA, SNCOA) is that discrimination is outright illegal. First, someone may be taking advantage of the DADT policy, as is their right. OR, some of us have homosexual family members, and are extremely offended when you mock our family's choices. THE IG TAKES THUS KIND OF DISCRIMINATION VERY SERIOUSLY!!! You can anonymously request an IG investigate such things, and no one will know.

So whay didn't this cadet take advantage of the IG? Because this was the selfish, underhanded plan of someone who wanted to get a grade A education (which explains why she worked her butt off to be ranked 9th...credits transfer, you know?) and who wanted to plan a hit against. DADT. She had no integrity or honor. I don't care if you're homosexual, I don't agree with DADT, and I don't agree with this girl.

08-19-2010, 03:51 AM
I think any of you who HAVEN'T served misconstrue dadt. DADT does not support sexual discrimination through words. In fact, one of the first things you learn in any Military Leadership Course (ALS, NCOA, SNCOA) is that discrimination is outright illegal. First, someone may be taking advantage of the DADT policy, as is their right. OR, some of us have homosexual family members, and are extremely offended when you mock our family's choices. THE IG TAKES THUS KIND OF DISCRIMINATION VERY SERIOUSLY!!! You can anonymously request an IG investigate such things, and no one will know.

So whay didn't this cadet take advantage of the IG? Because this was the selfish, underhanded plan of someone who wanted to get a grade A education (which explains why she worked her butt off to be ranked 9th...credits transfer, you know?) and who wanted to plan a hit against. DADT. She had no integrity or honor. I don't care if you're homosexual, I don't agree with DADT, and I don't agree with this girl.

Right, and like anyone in the military knows, there are assholes everywhere, even in commands, and it's near impossible to prove they did anything. Even if she proved her point, it could have made it worse, not better, like I've seen it happen on some of my commands.

The Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy directly asks for a lie, while still preaching about Honor. The two are mutually exclusive.

Like I said before, there are easier ways to get a grade A education, especially if you work your butt off to be in the top of the class, than to go to West Point. Here's a thought: Academic scholarships to anywhere in the entirety of the USA aside from West Point. Financial Aid is not that hard to come by people, and if she was the kind of student excelling at West Point of all places, there's no reason she couldn't have gone to an ivy league college elsewhere, and done just as impressively, if not more so. So where was the gain? What, to do a bunch of work that won't matter, cause she doesn't even have her Associate's from West Point yet? Oh right, yeah, she'll only have the degree from the school she earns the degree from.

Outraged Citizen
08-19-2010, 09:56 PM
Are you intentionally being obtuse? Because tha's the only excuse for such an argument. Let's review facts
1. She knew, going into this school, that it was a military institution, and knew everything that that entailed. NO HOMOSEXUAL CONDUCT

2. She only got offended to the point of leaving the school 2 weeks before she would have to serve a full term in the military

3. She never reported anything to anyone. She could have easily said something anonymously to the IG, and maybe had a chance to salvage a career/education.

But she didn't want to. She wanted "West Point" on her college transcripts without actually serving her country. DADT never asked her to lie, simply to avoid discussion or commision of homosexual acts. And believe it or not, people have been courts-martialled for making homosexual jokes.

This selfish person (I avoid the term I really want to use) wasted taxpayer money not only to get an education, but mostly so she could get her time in the limelight as a champion of gay and lesbian rights. I personnally support repeal of the DADT, and wil let my opinion be knownto anyone who asks.

And this argument about assholes and not reporting because it might cause her more trouble? Crap. I guess in your logic, when you get mugged and your wallet/purse gets stolen, you'll never report it. I mean, they'll probably never find the guy, and if they do, there'll probably be no evidence.

With the way this girl went about voicing her beliefs, she better get used to being harrassed. Because guess what? No matter what college she goes to, what job she gets, or what city she lives in, there will be ignorant assholes everywhere, and guess what she'll have to do? The same thing everyone else who actually serves their country does. Shut up and color.