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View Full Version : Unemployed Protest For MORE Jobless Benefits

red states rule
08-14-2010, 10:26 AM
The entitlement mentality has reached a point where now people hit the streets for more handouts

Now the unemployed DEMAND more unemployment checks and not jobs

The failure of the Obama administration to create more jobs, although he will say otherwise, has enraged many Americans across our nation. The unemployment rate is at 9.5%, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

Some people are desperate and scared, and some simply don't want to work or are too prideful to work a job they are "overqualified" for. These are difficult times which will require sacrifice and sacrifice builds character.

The 99ers, the group of people who have exhausted their 99 weeks of unemployment benefits, gathered today on Wall Street to protest their lack of jobless benefits. They want yet another extension of their unemployment checks. A complaint from one woman was that she had to move in with family and get her food from a food bank. What happened to being thankful that family could take her in and thanking God she lives in a community that has a food bank? Another complaint was that the jobs available were fit for high school students. Again, there are jobs available; people simply have too much pride to take them.

Nowhere are we promised an easy life and for many, right now, we are facing many challenges, but where did this entitlement attitude come from? Where do these people propose the government gets the money they feel that they are entitled to have? "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" - (Karl Marx), I suppose.

The government is being misused and those that govern are allowing such abuses. Taking care of those in need should fall on "we the people", not the government. So, that being said, the fact that a woman has to get her food from a food bank and live with family should be a good thing because some community out there is doing its job and people are taking care of each other without government mandate.

Rather than protest for more unemployment benefits, these people should be protesting in Washington for the jobs that were promised during Barack Obama's campaign. Small businesses are scared because they don't know their future in terms of new taxes or health care benefit requirements; therefore, they are not hiring or expanding business at this time. Washington is on a reckless spending spree, passing bills they haven't even read (most recently the 23 billion dollar education jobs bill) and it doesn't look like they intend to stop until our country is completely destroyed. This method may create some short term stimulus jobs, but as for any long term benefits, there are none, and our country's deficit just keeps on growing.


08-14-2010, 02:17 PM
Unemployment benefits play an important role in the reduction of underemployment. By providing means for more extensive job search, appropriate skills set matches with employers are made.

red states rule
08-14-2010, 02:31 PM
Unemployment benefits play an important role in the reduction of underemployment. By providing means for more extensive job search, appropriate skills set matches with employers are made.

Well after 99 weeks if these people can't find a job - they are not looking hard enough

08-14-2010, 05:00 PM
Unemployment benefits play an important role in the reduction of underemployment. By providing means for more extensive job search, appropriate skills set matches with employers are made.

Normally I would agree with you, but we are talking about 99 weeks here.

2 years that is enough time for a person to go back to school and get an associates degree or finish up a bachelors. It is also more than enough time to either relocate or find a position to support themselves in their area..

red states rule
08-14-2010, 05:02 PM
Normally I would agree with you, but we are talking about 99 weeks here.

2 years that is enough time for a person to go back to school and get an associates degree or finish up a bachelors. It is also more than enough time to either relocate or find a position to support themselves in their area..

By paying people NOT to work guess what you get?

People who get used to getting paid NOT to work

Dems are once again getting as many as people as possible hooked on a governemnt check

08-15-2010, 01:15 PM
Unemployment benefits play an important role in the reduction of underemployment. By providing means for more extensive job search, appropriate skills set matches with employers are made.

Let's hear a story about Bob, Jim and their Uncle Sam. Jim works hard, get's money, and lives a normal life.
Bob is a low down loser who spends his money faster then he makes it.
Uncle Sam decides that he feels sorry for Bob. So to make up for his total lack of money, he get's some money from his hard working nephew, Jim.
After getting this money, what do you think Bob will do? of course, since he doesn't know how to keep track of his money, and HE didn't work for it, Bob goes and blows it all.
Uncle Sam decides that, maybe, just maybe, Bob was having a ruff time. He borrows MORE money from Jim.
By this point, Jim is absolutally pissed. all of HIS HARD WORK, is going to his no good cousin.

(you'd think Uncle Sam would've caught on by now)

Now let's see what happens when Uncle Sam decides to try a diffrent tactic.

Uncle Sam is starting to realize that Bob doesn't care for the money that he didn't earn. So He decides to stop giving him cash.
Not long after, Bob realizes that he's got no money. He's gonna lose his house. He doesn't have money for food. He's starting to get desperate, and asking his uncle for money, just to be told "no, if your not going to use it for what you need, there's no point in giving you any.
Bob get's a job, this job is hard, he starts to respect the money that he's getting. rather then spending all his money at restouraunts, and alcohole, he spends it on food, and bills.
Jim starts to like Uncle sam again, and Bob is a better person.

the moral of the story, "Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he'll eat for life."

08-15-2010, 06:20 PM
Considering the unemployment rate is somewhere between 10 and 15%, can you blame them?

08-15-2010, 07:02 PM
People who aren't working don't want to work. Jobs are ALWAYS available to those with the proper motivation.

08-15-2010, 07:19 PM
Actually, unemployment is a necessary facet of the capitalist economy. In the absence of sufficient carrots (since the extraction of surplus value robs labor of their due), sticks need to be used, and a sufficiently high rate of equilibrium unemployment is needed to deter on-the-job shirking. The irony, as I've pointed out, is that external inefficiency is a necessary condition of internal efficiency.

08-15-2010, 07:42 PM
People who aren't working don't want to work. Jobs are ALWAYS available to those with the proper motivation.

I'll be happy to debunk your theory.

Why did we have under 5% unemployment a couple years ago then?

Like taking candy from a baby.

08-15-2010, 08:07 PM
I'll be happy to debunk your theory.

Why did we have under 5% unemployment a couple years ago then?

Like taking candy from a baby.

Statistical unemployment measurements do not incorporate forms of hidden unemployment such as underemployment and the discouraged and persistently jobless workforce. Marx's concept of the reserve army of labor has been validated by mainstream empirical assessment, most significantly Shapiro and Stiglitz's Equilibrium Unemployment As A Worker Discipline Device (http://www.jstor.org/stable/1804018).

08-15-2010, 11:44 PM
Are you going to post some rambling bullshit that nobody gives a fuck about every time someone replies to something?

Here - how about "when the unemployment rate was down to 5% (or 10%) from 10% (or 15%) whichever way you want to look at it".

I sure hope you're not one of those lifeless forum leeches who hang around 24/7 posting obsessive shit continuously.

Go get laid for Christ's sake.

08-16-2010, 02:13 AM
Are you going to post some rambling bullshit that nobody gives a fuck about every time someone replies to something?

Here - how about "when the unemployment rate was down to 5% (or 10%) from 10% (or 15%) whichever way you want to look at it".

I sure hope you're not one of those lifeless forum leeches who hang around 24/7 posting obsessive shit continuously.

Go get laid for Christ's sake.

Damn, no need to get your panties in a knot, son. Put down the PCP and take it easy. :slap:

red states rule
08-16-2010, 03:43 AM
Considering the unemployment rate is somewhere between 10 and 15%, can you blame them?

I blame them for demanding more unemployment benefits and not holding the current administration responsible for adding to the unemployment problem with thier current policies

The time they spent demanding a handout could have been used to find work

08-16-2010, 06:13 PM
I blame them for demanding more unemployment benefits and not holding the current administration responsible for adding to the unemployment problem with thier current policies

The time they spent demanding a handout could have been used to find work

Who says they're not holding BO responsible?

You're painting a very broad brush here.

Tell me - before we continue this discussion further, what experience do you have working with the chronically unemployed? Do you have any stats or substantiation to back up your comments?

How do you know that these people have given up on looking for jobs and now work 8 hours a day to get their benefits extended?

It's pretty clear that you don't know any of this shit, you're just being a good bucket carrier for the (as Agna calls them) "rightists" by throwing the unemployed under the bus by labeling them as freeloaders.

08-17-2010, 10:13 AM
I'll be happy to debunk your theory.

Why did we have under 5% unemployment a couple years ago then?

Like taking candy from a baby.

Silly of you to try and debunk my fact with something unrelated. (shrug).

What 5% unemployment means is 5% of available workforce doesn't have the motivation to take a job "below them"...

08-17-2010, 10:09 PM
Actually, unemployment is a necessary facet of the capitalist economy. In the absence of sufficient carrots (since the extraction of surplus value robs labor of their due), sticks need to be used, and a sufficiently high rate of equilibrium unemployment is needed to deter on-the-job shirking. The irony, as I've pointed out, is that external inefficiency is a necessary condition of internal efficiency.

It occurs to me I never see you post anything in simple english. It's always these sweeping overtones like this, and I think I know the reason: you can't support your stances with simple terms. Put what you just said into plain simple terms, cause you really just sound full of shit.

If we wanted the textbook definitions, there're libraries and wiki.

08-17-2010, 11:17 PM
Silly of you to try and debunk my fact with something unrelated. (shrug).

What 5% unemployment means is 5% of available workforce doesn't have the motivation to take a job "below them"...

So 5-10% of the workforce suddenly got lazy the last couple years.


Think about your statements for a minute. Take the R-chip out first.

08-17-2010, 11:52 PM
Normally I would agree with you, but we are talking about 99 weeks here.

2 years that is enough time for a person to go back to school and get an associates degree or finish up a bachelors. It is also more than enough time to either relocate or find a position to support themselves in their area..

Actually, unemployment is a necessary facet of the capitalist economy. In the absence of sufficient carrots (since the extraction of surplus value robs labor of their due), sticks need to be used, and a sufficiently high rate of equilibrium unemployment is needed to deter on-the-job shirking. The irony, as I've pointed out, is that external inefficiency is a necessary condition of internal efficiency.

Yes, unemployment is a facet of the capitalist society, but usually that rate is around 5% in which under the capitalist society is considered full employment.

However, the current rate is twice that. This is caused by uncertain economic situation, unfair taxes, and of course unnecessary government interference.

Capitalism is not the perfect system, but it is sure in the hell better than the alternatives, i.e SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM!!!!


08-18-2010, 06:26 AM
So 5-10% of the workforce suddenly got lazy the last couple years.


Think about your statements for a minute. Take the R-chip out first.

Are you smoking pot while you post?

If people aren't working, they aren't trying hard enough. Simple as that.

08-19-2010, 10:37 PM
Are you smoking pot while you post?

If people aren't working, they aren't trying hard enough. Simple as that.

Man, I hate dumbing shit down for people. It's tiresome.

Someone in a skilled or semi-skilled position earning, say $30 an hour with benefits isn't going to take a job at McDonalds earning $8 and no benefits. They'll starve.

The issue is jobs with livable wages. Yes you can get a job at Wal Mart, but you can't support a family and a mortgage with it.

Problem is, bucket carrying idiots like you who are glued to everything conservative talk radio says have zero grasp of reality. I'd ask you to think about it, but clearly you're incapable of thought. You morons bash BO for the inflating unemployment rate and then you turn around and bash the unemployed for wanting relief from unemployment.

It's idiots like you that give the rest of us conservatives a bad name because you can't think or rationalize. You spew out shit you hear on the radio because you get off on it and this is one of my biggest issues with our society. Winning a debate becomes more important than progress. Voting against an opposing candidate becomes more important than voting the right candidate in.

We are our own worst enemy and the stupidity of the fat, lazy, ignorant sheep is the sole reason why we are in such a divided, unproductive state that we are in.

It's the reason BO got elected, it's the reason that his predecessor, likely equally incompetent will be elected.

Common sense is widely vacant and we lack the ability to rationalize as a society.

08-23-2010, 02:43 PM
It occurs to me I never see you post anything in simple english. It's always these sweeping overtones like this, and I think I know the reason: you can't support your stances with simple terms. Put what you just said into plain simple terms, cause you really just sound full of shit.

If we wanted the textbook definitions, there're libraries and wiki.

It's not really my fault that you're stupid and ignorant, but I'll try to spoon-feed you some applesauce if you're going to cry. Bosses want people to work hard. People work harder if they're scared of being fired and out of work. People need to be out of work (reserve army of labor) to scare people that are working into not slacking. :slap:

Yes, unemployment is a facet of the capitalist society, but usually that rate is around 5% in which under the capitalist society is considered full employment.

However, the current rate is twice that. This is caused by uncertain economic situation, unfair taxes, and of course unnecessary government interference.

Capitalism is not the perfect system, but it is sure in the hell better than the alternatives, i.e SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM!!!!


The opportunity cost of the perpetuation of capitalism is the economic vibrancy that would be brought about by workers' ownership and management.