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View Full Version : Human Rights Audit - Proves our President is a piece of....work?

08-26-2010, 01:50 PM
That he's support this tripe?


Honestly - it and He makes me sick to my stomach.

08-26-2010, 02:06 PM


Move over Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Syria. The State Department has made it official: The United States violates human rights. In an unprecedented move, the Obama administration submitted a report to the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights detailing the progress and problems in dealing with human rights issues in this country. The document is a strange combination of left-wing history and White House talking points.

It describes how the United States discriminates against the disabled, homosexuals, women, Native Americans, blacks, Hispanics and those who don't speak English. There is the expected pandering to Muslims, noting that the government is committed to "challenge misperceptions and discriminatory stereotypes, to prevent acts of vandalism and to combat hate crimes," offenses that the American people evidently keep committing. And the current economic woes are blamed on the housing crisis, which itself was the result of "discriminatory lending practices." The implication is that if Americans had only been less racist, they would be enjoying prosperity today.

The report notes that until recently, the U.S. engaged in torture, unlawfully detained terrorist suspects and illegally spied on Americans communicating with terrorists - but the report assures readers that Mr. Obama has been putting a stop to all that.

The main impact of the document will be to confirm critiques of the United States as a haven for hatred and rights abuses. It turns the Obama administration's domestic political agenda into an international scorecard by which other countries can judge American "progress." And it makes it that much more difficult for those abroad who have held up the United States as a model for the kind of liberal, capitalistic democracy they would like to see in their own countries.

more at link

08-26-2010, 02:22 PM
we still spy on, track, read emails, listen to phone conversations, sneak and peek, gag, imprison and shot/bomb citizens without trail BUT

..."Protecting our national interests may involve new arrangements to confronting threats like terrorism," the report said. "But these structures and practices must always be in line with our Constitution and preserve the rights and freedoms of our people."...

USA, Examples to world, and sad to say, we are still among the freest people in the world. so far.

08-26-2010, 03:55 PM
Obama is a socialist racist and typical of 95% of black America.

They are the most prominent minority race of America/capitalist haters.

The legal and illegal hispanic immigrants are running a close second.

Hatred for whitey is being bred domesticly and imported legally and illegally.

This could be one bloody mess when the meat hits the cleaver.

Prospicient is the word of the day my friends...Prepare your children well.