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08-29-2010, 09:51 PM
And not only that, our Ally Pakistan knows and works with many of the Taliban leadership and could point them out to us any time, if they wanted to.
And the Taliban and Alquida really don't get along would have gotten rid of them or turned them over to us if we would have made a deal with them ...in 2000 and after?

from a 20 minute interview with

Independent journalist Anand Gopal discusses the Taliban’s lucrative protection racket on U.S. supply convoys, Pakistan’s refusal to allow a bilateral peace deal between Hamid Karzai and the Taliban, Colin Powell’s disinterest in regime change in Afghanistan (in September 2001), the Afghan army’s inability to secure the country or fight the Taliban, how the Marjah screw-up has made the military cautious on the Kandahar offensive and why Gen. Petraeus’s “success” in Iraq was easy: allow majority (Shia) to rule and bribe minority (Sunni) to stop fighting – while in Afghanistan the opposite is proposed.

Anand Gopal has reported in Afghanistan for the Christian Science Monitor and the Wall Street Journal. His dispatches can be read at AnandGopal.com. He is currently working on a book about the Afghan war.

MP3 here. (19:30)

09-08-2010, 03:44 PM
How are we winning if we are paying our enemy protection money to get supplies in?

How are we making sure Afghanistan is not a safe haven for terrorist if we are paying our enemies?

How are we wiping all of the evil Muslim terrorist and terrorist supporters off the map if we are paying them?

We are not in control of that country we are not winning by any stretch and just like the Russians we should leave. Well, Maybe not like the Russians. for the pride of those who are not grown up enough to admit that some times you try a thing and you fail. So we should say "We have VICTORY a strong democratic afghan Gov't in place Women are treated well and there are no Taliban left in the country." then leave.

how bout it?

09-08-2010, 04:39 PM

I would of thought it was pretty well known, exactly the same happened in Iraq.

09-09-2010, 06:03 AM
Nior some news doesn't get spread around quite as loudly in the U.S. as some news in Europe. I'd never heard of the regular payola to the the Taliban. I knew of the drugs, Gov't corruption, Taliban control of most of the country and several other negative indicators but not that.

But maybe that's where some of the missing money in the Pentagon went.. to payoff our "enemies"

09-09-2010, 06:30 AM
Nior some news doesn't get spread around quite as loudly in the U.S. as some news in Europe. I'd never heard of the regular payola to the the Taliban. I knew of the drugs, Gov't corruption, Taliban control of most of the country and several other negative indicators but not that.

But maybe that's where some of the missing money in the Pentagon went.. to payoff our "enemies"

Mkay, I remember watching some Newsnight programs about paying off certain Taliban warlords (and ofcourse as soon as we pay them off they are no longer Taliban, but 'allies in the region') I'll try and dig it up, though it was like 2 years ago.