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09-09-2010, 12:07 AM
This little girl's voice gives me chlls every time I hear her.

Miss Jackie Evancho - from the online contestants...her video had over 3,000,000 hits the next day.


09-09-2010, 12:30 PM
I saw a few videos of her a couple weeks back. Awesome! She's got quite a future ahead of her!

Mr. P
09-09-2010, 12:47 PM
One thing I've noticed about these child prodigies is you never hear much more about em as adults. Could the reason be puberty and a voice change or have I just missed them as adults?

09-09-2010, 01:12 PM
One thing I've noticed about these child prodigies is you never hear much more about em as adults. Could the reason be puberty and a voice change or have I just missed them as adults?

Or they start so early that they get burn out! My stepson was scouted for baseball pitcher while he was still in highschool, got offers from several colleges and during his 3rd year at college, playing baseball was no longer fun for him. He put away his glove and we ended up sponsoring his college education .... he's a trauma nurse now....all 6'8" of him.

He was good at what he did (was also quarterback for his highschool team) because he just loved playing sports. But his college coach rode him and the team so hard that he said it just wasn't worth it.

He got so burnt out that he won't even play recreational ball.

So, just from listening to Jackie and her brother's comments it sounds like she is singing, practicing, 24/7. Hopefully, she'll not get burnt out because her voice is phenomenal.