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09-10-2010, 11:01 AM
I believe our president is morally bankrupt. Such vicious, bald face lies.

09-10-2010, 11:20 AM
I believe our president is morally bankrupt. Such vicious, bald face lies.

Show me a politician that doesn't tell bald faced lies and I'll show you an unelectable politician.
Anyways, what specificly did he say in the conference?

09-10-2010, 11:40 AM
He didn't say anything, really, except to lie about what 'caused the recession'...and what he is doing to 'fix' it. He blamestormed.

09-10-2010, 02:05 PM
I believe our president is morally bankrupt. Such vicious, bald face lies.

The Feigned Outrage of the Right Wing


Show me a politician that doesn't tell bald faced lies and I'll show you an unelectable politician.
Anyways, what specificly did he say in the conference?

Your acceptance and agreement of the premise that politicians as a whole tell "bald faced lies" is a symptom of just how pervading the pernicious propaganda of populism and progressivism has penetrated and permeated the body politic.

It is bald faced lies about politics and politicians that permeate the public debate feed the cynicism and apathy that extremists on all sides use to poison the atmosphere.

note: What does it matter who vote for? They are all the same? Everyone is dishonest and a liar.

I think if you rethought things in an open and reasonable manner you would find most politicians do not engage in bald faced lies.


09-10-2010, 03:12 PM
The Feigned Outrage of the Right Wing


Your acceptance and agreement of the premise that politicians as a whole tell "bald faced lies" is a symptom of just how pervading the pernicious propaganda of populism and progressivism has penetrated and permeated the body politic.

It is bald faced lies about politics and politicians that permeate the public debate feed the cynicism and apathy that extremists on all sides use to poison the atmosphere.

note: What does it matter who vote for? They are all the same? Everyone is dishonest and a liar.

I think if you rethought things in an open and reasonable manner you would find most politicians do not engage in bald faced lies.


Naw, most do, it's no fault of their own really, there arms are more or less broken the executive. Party lines are horrid things (though it has to be said America is better than most in this respect, given there is a reasonably clear line between the executive and legislature, and as elections are held every other year keeps the politicians cleaner than many)

09-10-2010, 03:16 PM
its been years obama, when are you gonna accept responsibility that your nearly trillion dollar bailout did NOT work, i.e. create jobs.

guess anyone who points this out is a partisan hack, cant be that it just failed right? :thumb:

09-11-2010, 01:08 AM
The Feigned Outrage of the Right Wing


Your acceptance and agreement of the premise that politicians as a whole tell "bald faced lies" is a symptom of just how pervading the pernicious propaganda of populism and progressivism has penetrated and permeated the body politic.

It is bald faced lies about politics and politicians that permeate the public debate feed the cynicism and apathy that extremists on all sides use to poison the atmosphere.

note: What does it matter who vote for? They are all the same? Everyone is dishonest and a liar.

I think if you rethought things in an open and reasonable manner you would find most politicians do not engage in bald faced lies.


You must be a politician.